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Increasing Members Join Thai Nudist Group


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Thailand Naturist Association Bares Itself in a Most Unexpected Place

Bangkok, Thailand, May 13, 2011 --(PR.com)-- A person would think a western concept such as naturism or nudism would not be accepted in Asia, but they would think wrong. People are really basically the same worldwide. Studies find the same percent of the American or European populations that are nudists applies to any other population group in any other culture. There are many people that practice naturism just being nude at home and don’t know the aspects of social nudism. The difference is how the culture they live in is accepting of naturism or nudism thus enabling the people to practice social naturism.

With only a web site and no other marketing efforts the Thailand Naturist Association started in 2007, the beginning looked promising and over the first 2 years it has gradually grew. Once some internet marketing and SEO were put into practice, in addition to naturist member meetings and weekend excursions of members the word spread, and it began increasing very quickly. The number of visits to the Thailand Naturist website has nearly doubled in the last 9 months achieving over 10,000 hits a week by November of 2010 an increase of over 180%. Actual membership shows no sign of slowing down but only ever-increasing, in fact it has increased 330 percent over the last 2 years.



PR.com - May 13, 2011

Edited by Buchholz
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Naturist Association Thailand Co., Ltd.

The Secret

The secret to the pleasure of naturism or nudism is the mindfulness and ultimate body awareness experience which is created by the feeling of the water flowing unhindered against your skin when swimming naked, the complete absorption of the sun on your whole body, the unrestrained caress of your skin by the evening breeze when strolling along the beach in the sunset.


From their FAQ Section of their website:

Am I a Naturist/Nudist?

Do you sleep in the nude? When you wake up do you go about your daily household tasks in the nude? Do wash your dishes or clothes, cook, eat, watch TV or be on the computer nude? If so, you are a naturist/nudist. If you don’t do any of these you should try, and you will get the feeling of what Naturism/nudism is like. If you enjoy or are comfortable living like this, introduce it to your companion. When you think you are ready, join us for a weekend event.


Naturism/Nudism is illegal in Thailand!

Yes, public nudity is illegal in Thailand. We don’t go nude in public. We have private events at resorts that are Naturist Friendly or at remote beach locations.


Edited by Lite Beer
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Naturist Association Thailand Co., Ltd.


The Secret

The secret to the pleasure of naturism or nudism is the mindfulness and ultimate body awareness experience which is created by the feeling of the water flowing unhindered against your skin when swimming naked, the complete absorption of the sun on your whole body, the unrestrained caress of your skin by the evening breeze when strolling along the beach in the sunset.


From their FAQ Section of their website:

Am I a Naturist/Nudist?

Do you sleep in the nude? When you wake up do you go about your daily household tasks in the nude? Do wash your dishes or clothes, cook, eat, watch TV or be on the computer nude? If so, you are a naturist/nudist. If you don’t do any of these you should try, and you will get the feeling of what Naturism/nudism is like. If you enjoy or are comfortable living like this, introduce it to your companion. When you think you are ready, join us for a weekend event.


Naturism/Nudism is illegal in Thailand!

Yes, public nudity is illegal in Thailand. We don’t go nude in public. We have private events at resorts that are Naturist Friendly or at remote beach locations.


Would you do this in a Scandinavian country or Canada ? And what about all the garment manufactors. :rolleyes:

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As one of the result of globalisation and modernization, people are more and more curious and excited about nudist colonises nowadays.

come and join us in sharing the wonderful experience of body beautiful in it`s natural form.

Edited by Lite Beer
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I don't really fancy cooking nude, what if the water boiled over or the chicken wings spat oil at you?? This has happened on my bare feet a few times.... Now i wear my steel toed boots!!!

Edited by Patsycat
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I used to spend a fair bit of time on nudist beaches. There are several in BC, including a big one at the tip of Point Grey in Vancouver. I grew up in that neighbourhood and saw all the changes. Eventually, that beach became more of a gay hangout than a popular nudist beach. I also had a dear, departed aunt who owned a home right beside a nudist beach on Hornby Island. Fishing was good and I spent a lot of time at her beach. After a while nudity becomes ho-hum.

After suffering bad burns to 30% of my body I had to spend 2 months naked, under a tent in a hospital. You lose whatever sense of modesty you might ever have had after that. I can guarantee that the photos that Beetlejuice posted are more the norm than anything titilating. Occasionally, we would see a beauty or a handsome hunk, but not that often.

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I once stumbled upon a nudist beach accidentally on purpose, in Spain.

People who are over 40 should be banned from walking about naked in public. Believe me you really wouldn’t want to see them, unless oogling wrinkly bald grandads and white haired old grannies with breasts hung like potato sacks and bums like hippos turns you on.

That was over 27 years ago and I’m still having the nightmares.

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As one of the result of globalisation and modernization, people are more and more curious and excited about nudist colonises nowadays.

come and join us in sharing the wonderful experience of body beautiful in it`s natural form.

That's quite disgusting.

...and some wonder why the Western form gets such a consistence bad rap.;)

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  • 1 month later...

I once stumbled upon a nudist beach accidentally on purpose, in Spain.

People who are over 40 should be banned from walking about naked in public. Believe me you really wouldn't want to see them, unless oogling wrinkly bald grandads and white haired old grannies with breasts hung like potato sacks and bums like hippos turns you on.

That was over 27 years ago and I'm still having the nightmares.

I partly agree with you, people, all people should not be allowed to walk around naked in public. There should be beaches set aside for them. There are already resorts that cater just to these people. Now the question is about age. I suppose some striking women with a body of a goddess is OK to walk around nude in public, by what you say. Sorry my friend your mind has been warped by the media and western society, if you think only beautiful people are the only ones of value. Someday you too will be old, wrinkled and gray with sagging bits, so we will just put you away in a closet shall we?


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I don't really fancy cooking nude, what if the water boiled over or the chicken wings spat oil at you?? This has happened on my bare feet a few times.... Now i wear my steel toed boots!!!

An author named Joe Haldeman's secret for cooking bacon was to do it in the nude. He ascertained that cooking it nude made sure you would not cook it too fast as doing that would splatter grease on your bare skin.

I have to admit, I think of this each time I cook bacon. :)

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From their FAQ Section of their website:

Am I a Naturist/Nudist?

Do you sleep in the nude? When you wake up do you go about your daily household tasks in the nude? Do wash your dishes or clothes, cook, eat, watch TV or be on the computer nude? If so, you are a naturist/nudist. If you don’t do any of these you should try, and you will get the feeling of what Naturism/nudism is like. If you enjoy or are comfortable living like this, introduce it to your companion. When you think you are ready, join us for a weekend event.

I thought I was Just HOT and trying to save money and electricity by not turning on the Air Conditioner.

Hot & Sweaty,


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Ok, whatever floats your boat……………..I've no problem with anyone 'swinging' in the breeze it that's there bag man! But IMHO 'nudism is just an excuse for exerbishionisom, (don't think that's spelt right) I personally don't have a problem with going 'buff', but keep it under lock a….Can you not do it where other people don't have to see your saggy old blotchy carcass.

From all the old H&E mags I've seen, these nudie camps sound crap………Everyone plays badminton, beach volleyball eating picnics or standing around, (males in particular) with one leg hosted up on a tractor, with their tackle swinging in the breeze……. In addition to this why is it all the 'growlers' think they are more attractive below the neck line? How the hell does anyone keep that picnic food down……? The world never changes, does it….politicians tell us they do it all for us, nudists tell us it's natural, (sure it WAS,before fire was invented) and boyfriend say they won't cum in your mouth!

Edited by Tonto21
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I once stumbled upon a nudist beach accidentally on purpose, in Spain.

People who are over 40 should be banned from walking about naked in public. Believe me you really wouldn't want to see them, unless oogling wrinkly bald grandads and white haired old grannies with breasts hung like potato sacks and bums like hippos turns you on.

That was over 27 years ago and I'm still having the nightmares.

That is very symptomatic of our society, we can't face aging, old age or death any more. We just hide them as much as we can.

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I once stumbled upon a nudist beach accidentally on purpose, in Spain.

People who are over 40 should be banned from walking about naked in public. Believe me you really wouldn’t want to see them, unless oogling wrinkly bald grandads and white haired old grannies with breasts hung like potato sacks and bums like hippos turns you on.

That was over 27 years ago and I’m still having the nightmares.

I believe there is such a thing as Karma.

Beetlejuice, have you ever been to an advanced stage Alzheimer ward? On days close to the full moon at sundown they take off their clothes and run around doing crazy things. Karma Beetlejuice, you will eventually get there. Good luck.

Maybe there is still time for you. Be a little more tolerant of old folks. If not you can take solace in the fact that you won't remember that I told you, you were going to go there, when you get there.

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Many religions (including Buddhism) state that you should hide your private parts. Aside from that nudism can be relaxing and fun, but like anything else that humans do, the concept can be perverted and people taken advantage of (i.e. unauthorized photography, men who surreptiously whack o-- while staring at women and children etc.)

Somehow I can't see it becoming a permanent fixture in Thai society, but I could be wrong.


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Many religions (including Buddhism) state that you should hide your private parts. Aside from that nudism can be relaxing and fun, but like anything else that humans do, the concept can be perverted and people taken advantage of (i.e. unauthorized photography, men who surreptiously whack o-- while staring at women and children etc.)

Somehow I can't see it becoming a permanent fixture in Thai society, but I could be wrong.


where did you get that information about Buddhism.

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