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in the Telescope thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/383337-telescope/ several people mentioned they were trying to find local (of even online) suppliers of realistic priced microscopes (i.e. school quality as opposed to multi-million-dollar PCB lab quality).

I am one such person. It occurred to me that schools get hold of them here, and there are a fair amount of expat teachers on this forum - would it be possible for a few of you to ask your director (head of science etc) for a heads up on stockists - or even places they may sell out old equpment when renewing (though I guess most schools probably don't do this - use until death ot sell to students being preferable)?


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There is a company not too far from me here in in the Jewelry District of Bangkok that sells Optical equipment. I'll check with them and get some prices to see if they have anything you might be interested in. Even refurbished ones would work for you if the prices are low enough. At least it would be a lead and a possible source.

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Overseas there are very cheap microscopes with a computer camera to plug in to the USB port of a computer. THey are at least as good for school type use as a cheaper professional one. http://www.amazon.com/Link-Digital-Microscope-Camera-Metal/dp/B0010XOR0A will give you an idea of the type I mean. Look at the also bought thes section of the page.

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There are two laboratory supply companies in northern Thailand that I know of, one in Chiang Mai and one in either Lamphun/Lampang. At least one of them sells microscopes. However, off the top of my head I can't remember the names..... If you send me a PM when I'm back at work on Wednesday (to remind me) I'll find out details for you. I'll post up photographs of the relevant pages in the catalogs.

They're not cheap though - I think in the region of 25k Baht, if I remember right.

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To you and to any teachers out there that are interested and need a microscope for teaching.

If you are seriously interested in getting a lab grade microscope for the classroom, I found a source here in Bangkok. Teachers price of 6,500B for a single eye piece, 40X-400X, with adjustable stage, built in light and comes in a sturdy wooden case. Supplier will throw in blank slides, slide covers, and batteries, Will ship as many as you need to your location.

Email me and I'll give you all the contact info. You will then deal directly with him.

I did find jewelry microscopes, the cheapest sell for 15,000B and they will discount to 12,000 for a school. I think these are too high priced for the purpose but they are available. They also are not as easy to operate and would be over-kill for educational use.


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