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Demanding Jobs In The Next 10 Years?

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What are some careers that are in high demand for in the next ten years? (ex: Business manger, IT security, etc.) I want to get my education in the US first, and get a high degree on a certain job area, but I would like to know, what are some of the careers in high demand in Thailand in Central Thailand?


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how long is a piece of string.?....how can you aske a question about what will be in demand in 10 years

Go and do a medical degree and become a doctor/dentist etc always in demand somewhere and I am not sure why you would restrict yourself geographically either....

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I would concentrate in 2 areas.

1. Agriculture, specifically permaculture techniques and organic farming.

2. Renewable energy, particularly in the areas of gasification and biomass.

Although it is truly hard to predict what may be required. You may find that in 10 years the world is embroiled in a global war, and the only thing in demand will be weapons manufacture.

A good background in chemistry with an eye towards biological systems is probably a safe all around play. That would hit all the areas I mentioned above. Agriculture, energy, and biological warfare.

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You're going about it bass-ackwards.

Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to get hands-on experience in a broad range of fields that you think might be interesting, interact with all kinds of different people, in search of a topic/industry/profession that really makes you excited, fills you with inspiration, makes you feel you can really make a difference - so much so that you'd be willing to do it 16 hours a day for room and board only.

When you've found that, then figure out how/where/with whom you can learn how to do that job really well and gain the credentials to allow you to work with the best in that field. Don't worry about money, don't worry about job security - it's not the destination that's important it's the journey - just find the work you love and get stuck into it.

Ten years down the road you'll most likely be doing something completely different anyway, but at least your starting point will be a good one and the trip along the way will be enjoyable.

And you're likely to be good at what you're doing and will probably get rich and have total security (only exists between your ears anyway), but neither of those things will be what drives you to greatness or makes you happy.

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Sorry, I thought you wanted free advice. Serious advice will cost you extra.

I'll give you the advice I gave my son. Before you go to school get a job, any job and demonstrate excellence. You either have what it takes to make things happen or you don't and the only way to learn is by doing. I moved to Florida in the 70's and there were no jobs so I took one at a gas station at the service plaza on the turnpike. Needless to say it didn't pay much, but I loved it. I washed people windshields and checked their oil and tire pressure and looked for safety issues with their cars. I was making 4 times my hourly pay in tips. My coworkers all hated me. Excellence is not a valued characteristic, at least not by your peers, but thats fine with me because it makes them so easy to beat.

Take a 30 day Outward bound class and then a OB leadership class, it will be money well spent. Learn how to wipe your own ass. Steal the key from under your mothers pillow and release the "wild man" (read Iron John by Robert Bly)

Go to college AFTER you have worked for awhile and see what your made of. Then get a liberal arts degree with lots of humanities classes, communication and history. Later in my career when I was hiring people I was forced to hire engineers with excellent grades who were completely useless. Unless you want to work in a cubicle your whole life designing widgets learn about people, how to motivate them, how to sell things/ideas and how to get things done. Learn how to be a LEADER. I wish I had a nickle for every useless, bean counting MBA that I've encountered.

Take risks, nobody ever accomplishes anything without the willingness to take risks. Don't believe that companies are looking for people who "think outside the box" it is a overused cliché and if you do it you will be punished unless you are very clever.

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I would concentrate in 2 areas.

1. Agriculture, specifically permaculture techniques and organic farming.

2. Renewable energy, particularly in the areas of gasification and biomass.

Although it is truly hard to predict what may be required. You may find that in 10 years the world is embroiled in a global war, and the only thing in demand will be weapons manufacture.

A good background in chemistry with an eye towards biological systems is probably a safe all around play. That would hit all the areas I mentioned above. Agriculture, energy, and biological warfare.

I certainly agree with the farming/agriculture. Farming and all things related is going to be the business for the next decade or so.

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I totally agree with Trisailor ......

But based on your question .... i.e. ..... " what are some of the careers in high demand in Thailand in Central Thailand" Here we are looking for good food stall cooks, shelf fillers for Big C, Market Go-betweens, English Teachers, and the hot industry at the moment is Thai massage. If you are looking for an interesting and high paying career you have geographically selected the wrong place.

Here in Thailand it seems the people making the money are owners and political people.

Good luck.

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