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Anti Gay Demagogue Newt Gingrich Running For Us President

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Warning. Newt Gingrich is running for US president. He is an enemy of gay people. He isn't exactly the most likely candidate to be nominated and elected, but it is certainly in the realm of possibility that he can win. Obama may not be as supportive of equal marriage rights as most of us would like, but look what the other party is putting up?

None of this matters much to Gingrich. Had he known the particulars about Crowther, he probably would have proceeded anyway. He deals in boogeymen — menacing abstractions such as “left-wing radicals,” the “secular socialist machine” and “gay and secular fascism,” all of which (or some of which) represent “as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.” The purplish mixing of homosexuality and fascism is both breathtakingly wrong and breathtakingly tasteless. No one was more anti-gay than the Nazis. They killed ’em.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/newt-gingrich-the-pinocchio-candidate/2011/05/16/AF7yFD5G_story.html Edited by Jingthing
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..... Obama may not be as supportive of equal marriage rights as most of us would like .....

Please don't confuse "us" with "you" .


Good point. But then, I for one am in favour of same-sex marriages. I would call it "civil partnership" though, to stay away from all the reilous baggage, but the point is that that the same rights should apply.

Would you be of another opinion, LeCharivari?

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..... Obama may not be as supportive of equal marriage rights as most of us would like .....

Please don't confuse "us" with "you" .


I never would be confused about you, dear.

That made me laugh out loud :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:

Edited by Carib
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..... Obama may not be as supportive of equal marriage rights as most of us would like .....

Please don't confuse "us" with "you" .

Good point. But then, I for one am in favour of same-sex marriages. I would call it "civil partnership" though, to stay away from all the reilous baggage, but the point is that that the same rights should apply.

Would you be of another opinion, LeCharivari?

As one half of a Civil Partnership, no, I'd be in full agreement!

My point wasn't agreement or disagreement with Jingthing (despite his adding me as a "friend", which I most definitely am not) but that his views are representative of Jingthing, nobody else.

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I am very confident (I would bet the house) that the vast majority of American gays, anyway, are in favor of equal marriage civil rights for American gays. It's not a leftist fringe position at all; in fact the majority of ALL Americans are now OK with it. I realize not all. You can't get everyone to even agree to accept free money with no catch; such is diversity. That doesn't mean progress towards full equality short of full marriage civil rights wouldn't be welcome. BTW, the OP topic isn't really about gay marriage anyway, it's about the Newt.

Edited by Jingthing
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..... Obama may not be as supportive of equal marriage rights as most of us would like .....

Please don't confuse "us" with "you" .

Good point. But then, I for one am in favour of same-sex marriages. I would call it "civil partnership" though, to stay away from all the reilous baggage, but the point is that that the same rights should apply.

Would you be of another opinion, LeCharivari?

As one half of a Civil Partnership, no, I'd be in full agreement!

My point wasn't agreement or disagreement with Jingthing (despite his adding me as a "friend", which I most definitely am not) but that his views are representative of Jingthing, nobody else.

Congratulations to your CP status!

And thanks for the clarification.

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Congratulations to your CP status!

And thanks for the clarification.

Most kind!

As the other half of the partnership is Thai it actually has no legal status here, but it does avoid UK Inheritance Tax and guarantee him a quite reasonable index-linked pension from the UK taxpayer on my demise which would otherwise be going to waste.

One of the rather amusing anomalies (at least to me) is that as he is still technically single under Thai law he could get "hitched" to another couple of dozen farangs quite legally if he wanted to!

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Congratulations to your CP status!

And thanks for the clarification.

Most kind!

As the other half of the partnership is Thai it actually has no legal status here, but it does avoid UK Inheritance Tax and guarantee him a quite reasonable index-linked pension from the UK taxpayer on my demise which would otherwise be going to waste.

One of the rather amusing anomalies (at least to me) is that as he is still technically single under Thai law he could get "hitched" to another couple of dozen farangs quite legally if he wanted to!

Interesting. And UK inheritance tax would otherwise apply in the case of your or his demise? - I don't want to intrude, I just want to check whether it would be usefull for my own personal situation too.

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I know all about Newt (or I as like to call him, Salamander) Gingrich.

I guess it was at least 10 years ago, maybe more, that he made some comment that even his party told him he had to apologise for. So he made his public apology to the media.

I happened to have access to the (classified) government report they made about him. They were worried he might be a possible security risk...I won't say any more than that about why. They concluded he probably wasn't, just a rednecked fool (ny description, not theirs) who said stupid things in the wrong places and that might get him into big trouble...and worse, harm the U.S.A. and the national interest.

Anyhow, just after Newt made his apology in front of he media, he got into his limousine, and started a tirade to one of his advisors. He went on about the jews, the (N-Word) and the liberal f-ggots who forced him to make that apology. He cussed them out for a good five minutes. Remember he had just publicly apologised and said how sorry he was, to what he would call the same people.

Unfortuneately Newt didn't know they had his limo bugged...legitimately...on the grounds of possible U.S. National Security problems. The government security group involved appliedfor and recieved a finding that bugging his vehicle was valid in the light of his possible threat toward the U.S. security. It's probably still classified, if it hasn't been destroyed by now. The files are reviewed every few years, and may be downgraded or destroyed depending on the result of that review.

By the way...not that it has any real meaning...but I'm not gay and I don't usually comment on this forum for that reason. But when I saw this topic about Newt...I had to make a comment about him.


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..... And UK inheritance tax would otherwise apply in the case of your or his demise? - I don't want to intrude, I just want to check whether it would be usefull for my own personal situation too.

No intrusion. In the UK any inheritance tax is zero between spouses or civil partners, otherwise its 40% over a certain limit, so yes it can make a very big difference.

I think you mentioned you were in the German Army, so German (?). My brother lives in Germany so I am aware of the inheritance tax laws there (although they don't apply to him as a non-German national) and registering your partner would make hm a Class I beneficiary (7 - 30% after the first 500,000) while if he's not registered he's a Class III (30 - 50% after the first €20,000). BIG difference!

Its a bit off-topic, so PM me about it if you want.

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:rolleyes: By the way...not that it has any real meaning...but I'm not gay and I don't usually comment on this forum for that reason. But when I saw this topic about Newt...I had to make a comment about him.:angry:

No need to be shy - you don't have to be gay to post here!

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..... And UK inheritance tax would otherwise apply in the case of your or his demise? - I don't want to intrude, I just want to check whether it would be usefull for my own personal situation too.

No intrusion. In the UK any inheritance tax is zero between spouses or civil partners, otherwise its 40% over a certain limit, so yes it can make a very big difference.

I think you mentioned you were in the German Army, so German (?). My brother lives in Germany so I am aware of the inheritance tax laws there (although they don't apply to him as a non-German national) and registering your partner would make hm a Class I beneficiary (7 - 30% after the first 500,000) while if he's not registered he's a Class III (30 - 50% after the first €20,000). BIG difference!

Its a bit off-topic, so PM me about it if you want.

Wow - big differerence indeed! Thanks, we'll look into it.

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Newt isn't any more "anti gay" than a great many of political representatives in the US national political parties. The difference is that he is alot more up front about his views than those other people. At least you know where he stands. In his case, I think he is standing in a big pile of rejection after his comments on the Massachusetts health care act and on his comments about the Ryan "plan". Newt is the father of modern incendiary hate rhetoric in US politics and he just was done in by his own big mouth. I wouldn't worry about this nasty pr*ck he's had his time in the sun and now he can go back under a rock for another decade.

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Newtie is also one of the most cynical politicians in Washington. Fortunately, most of his wilder gambles have backfired on him. He has little chance given the skeletons in his closet of getting elected President, but he could push whichever other conservative candidate that DOES get elected (and they're all conservatives these days) further to the right.

He's the last person who should be campaigning based on protecting family values- a quick google is all that is needed to see that.

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Interestingly the same group that criticizes Gingrich for being unfaithful ardently defends Clinton for his use of the Oval Office to seduce a much younger White House intern.

Gingrich is a genius. He has much to contribute and I hope that he is nominated, if for no other reason, than to see him wax the floor in a debate with the narcissistic socialist that currently holds the office.

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Is there no place on Thaivisa that's safe from parochial American politics?

There certainly are no places that are 'safe' from socialistic rhetoric.

Perhaps you failed to notice that the topic is regarding an American politician running for president, hence the focus on 'American politics'. :blink:

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Interestingly the same group that criticizes Gingrich for being unfaithful ardently defends Clinton for his use of the Oval Office to seduce a much younger White House intern.

Gingrich is a genius. He has much to contribute and I hope that he is nominated, if for no other reason, than to see him wax the floor in a debate with the narcissistic socialist that currently holds the office.

I don't care about his sex life. I do care that he is a BIGOT. Smart, schmart, no more bigot presidents, please!

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Interestingly the same group that criticizes Gingrich for being unfaithful ardently defends Clinton for his use of the Oval Office to seduce a much younger White House intern.

Gingrich is a genius. He has much to contribute and I hope that he is nominated, if for no other reason, than to see him wax the floor in a debate with the narcissistic socialist that currently holds the office.

I don't care about his sex life. I do care that he is a BIGOT. Smart, schmart, no more bigot presidents, please!

Any links to support your contention of bigotry?

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Interestingly the same group that criticizes Gingrich for being unfaithful ardently defends Clinton for his use of the Oval Office to seduce a much younger White House intern.

Gingrich is a genius. He has much to contribute and I hope that he is nominated, if for no other reason, than to see him wax the floor in a debate with the narcissistic socialist that currently holds the office.

I don't care about his sex life. I do care that he is a BIGOT. Smart, schmart, no more bigot presidents, please!

Any links to support your contention of bigotry?

The OP.

Next ...


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Interestingly the same group that criticizes Gingrich for being unfaithful ardently defends Clinton for his use of the Oval Office to seduce a much younger White House intern.

Gingrich is a genius. He has much to contribute and I hope that he is nominated, if for no other reason, than to see him wax the floor in a debate with the narcissistic socialist that currently holds the office.

I don't care about his sex life. I do care that he is a BIGOT. Smart, schmart, no more bigot presidents, please!

Any links to support your contention of bigotry?

The OP.

Next ...

I assume that you are referring to the quote in the Post article "He deals in boogeymen — menacing abstractions such as “left-wing radicals,” the “secular socialist machine” and “gay and secular fascism,” all of which (or some of which) represent “as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.” That was misleading. The accurate quote is "“The secular socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.” http://www.alan.com/2010/05/16/gingrich-the-secular-socialist-machine-as-great-a-threat-to-america-as-nazi-germany/

I agree that socialism is a threat to America. I won't get into the multitude of reasons. The point is that there was no mention of "gay and secular fascism" being a threat. Just misleading rhetoric perpetrated by a left-wing writer.

Edit: I just viewed the video you posted. It's truly unfortunate that a maniacal activist's outbursts often results in the immediate rejection of a valid issue.

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I am not a Newt fan, but I can find no evidence that Newt is a "bigot" despite accusations from some on the left

Many open-minded people do not believe in gay marriage although they usually have no problem with domestic partnerships. Even Barrack Obama is not for gay marriage and he is as liberal as they come.

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I am an Independent and voted for Obama last time, but have learned my lesson.

I am hoping that Chris Christie changes his mind and runs as he is one of the few Republican contenders that I like so far. He does not support gay marriage, but does not seem to be hateful or a religious nut.

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