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What Are You Doing In Thailand ?


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Here are a few,

X-Ray Technician, I take pictures of the unlucky and the stupid.

Astronomer, I misinterpret the universe.

Lifeguard, I ensure that stupid people stay in the gene pool.

Business Intelligence Consultant, I help people lie consistently to their bosses.

IT Director, I repeatedly fix what you repeatedly break.

Assistant Horse Trainer I clean up an animal that makes more money then me in a year.

Edited by RedNIvar
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oh dear...such a charismatic smoothy....so why ARE you here..obviously not for the idle banter which is the usual avenue to better things..why don't you just answer the question and move on..it may even liven up the conversation....any "cut off" style statement you may invent may well label you as a ....name it... could invite that dreaded silence or an offer to play pool or some bar game involving plastic counters or blocks of teak...and will, maybe, send your potential sweetie further along the bar to more receptive individual.....just a thought...lol

....if you're encounter is not in a bar...go find one ..you need the practice!....

.....just kidding mate good luck in your romantic endeavors....

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