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Turning A Cambodia Visa Run Into A Short Break

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For the first time even I find myslef needing to do a visa run to Cambodia in the next week. I've never been to Cambodia and since we are in Pattaya the wife has decided we can drive there, as she wants to do some shopping in the markets at the border. I have suggested we make a short holiday of it since we've not been anywhere since my kids were born over two years ago. I just wonder how viable it will be. Are hotels or guesthouses easy to come by and is there very much to do? Everything is difficult with 2 year old kids but I'm thinking if we have our car and can book straight into a hotel it might be ok. Is there any problem driving my Thai registered car in Cambodia? I think we are going to cross at Jantaburi.

Or will I be better just getting my Visa and coming back?

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I did a there-and-back trip last Sunday, using the Ban Laem crossing in Chanthaburi province - turning eastwards at Pong Nam Ron on highway 317, about 30 minutes to the border. Good sealed road and pleasant rural countryside.

Cannot answer most of your questions, can confirm the road from PNR is very good all the way, the crossing itself was quiet - no queues on a Sunday morning there was only the 5 from my van and 6 from another one - a big difference to crossing at Aranyaprathet/PoiPet where it can be mayhem and touts making a nuisance of themselves.

I was only there briefly - long enough to select a nice bottle of D-F single malt and then back. Re the markets didn't see any sign, maybe up nearer the buildings shown in my pic? My partner asked me to buy her a handbag (fortunately I had no time! a fate worse than death, handbag shopping!)

For big markets you'd need Rong Kluea at Aranyaprathet it's a much bigger crossing point.

I hope someone can answer re taking a vehicle across and accomm as it's something we'd consider in future. Just remember they drive on the other side of the road - we swapped vehicles for a left-hand drive for the short trip to the D-F shop.

Happy travels!

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