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Well i read it, what the <deleted> he's on about i don't know, but being 64 maybe my brain cells can't handle this much. I on my 3rd Chang and sitting with my 24 year old lovely girl of 2 years. Who cares???????

An honest reply. Do you also have the beer belly, shaved head and tattoos to go with the Chang and the 24 year old?

Enjoy Hua Hin. :lol:

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The hypocrisy of a great many respondents on this thread undercuts their attempt to use the higher moral ground argument. Yes, the Thaksin government had some egregious displays of exploiting legal loopholes and corruption, but when one looks at a great many foreigners in this country, the only difference at times is in the magnitude of the impropriety. How can the foreign community point an accusatory finger in disgust when that same community exhibits similar behaviours?

I pay taxes to my country of origin, but how many foreigners in Thailand take great pride in their ability to avoid paying taxes whether it is by loopholes or other means? How about the morally bankrupt men that exploit the social assistance programs of their homelands. I just love that bogus argument of "but I paid in and deserve it". Yea, right. Math doesn't seem to be the strong suit for some. They sit in Thailand sucking the blood out of their home countries condemning everyone else. What of those people that have taken jobs in Thailand under false pretense? You know, the teachers that claim qualifications that don't exist. The visa shuffle games where many who don't qualify for a long stay visa play the system? How about the employers that really do take advantage of the workers? You know who they are, because you have eaten in their restaurants, or seen their guesthouses. How about the people that ciircumvent the land ownership laws or that push the scams. You know, the boiler room operations or the real estate touts. How about the foreigners directly implicated in the sex trade, an activity that would see them in jail back in their countries of origin? What of the foreigners that think nothing of dumping toxic wastes or rubbish produced by their companies and then call the Thais irresponsible?

I don't doubt that the majority of foreigners in Thailand are decent responsible, honest people. However, there is a strong segment of the population that are absolute filth. It is an uber concentration that poisons and taints all that comes in contact with it. Aren't the threads of Thai Visa filled with comments that emphasize how some avoid other foreigners? Why is that? Foreigners should clean up their own act before pointing the finger at Thaksin. Let the energy they devote to condemning Thaksin, go to condemning their countrymen that are slime. How many of those that scream of Thaksin have ever called their own governments to report a countryman engaged in illegal behaviour? How many of those wagging the finger live up to the standards that they demand of others? That's why no one takes the foreign community segment that espouses extremist views on Thaksin whether pro or anti, seriously.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

How competent and respectful are you after making a comment like that about the expts??? follow the suggestion and go back to where you came from.

I think the poor boy --'ricardofel' --was trying to negate the statement, 'All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.' It appears 'Chinwa' did not see that.

However, take a look at the Google ads offered on Thaivisa, like the ones at the top of this reply page. Let's see, several icoms appear, they say, 'Bangkok Gilrs, Phuket Girls, Thailand Girls Prices and Girls Pattaya. It would seem the many Thaivisa members who object to being labeled sexpats would demand more ads on Thai food, scuba diving and temples. Hmm, maybe Thaisvisa is a cover for, not sex tourists, but sex residents. Let us have a moment of truth. Perhaps I was just offended by the name ol' Danny boy gave the sexpat--'Bob Sexer' indeed, how about Danny Dunkhole instead?.


I was thinking this thread is going to beat a record for the number of replies. But we are still far from the April fool thread with more than 1,000 replies. Which actually makes the point of the author of this thread, TV members are old disgusting sexpat biggrin.gif.

More seriously, I was wondering if the admins here keep a record of the most successful threads so far ?


I have a hard time being able to understand how western expats can muster such a visceral hatred of Thaksin. I can certainly arrive at that level of passion for politicians in my own country as their actions have direct impacts to my taxes, pension and other things that directly affect my life whether I am there or in Thailand.. Thaksin?....He's was just another rich, corrupt politician like many before and since. Yet, he seems to have been elevated to almost mythical status among some of the farang here.

What was the real trigger? Was it closing the bars early and trying clean up the fleshpots as Khun Dan suggests or something else? There must be a reason why, when a thread with Thaksins name in it posts on TV, there will always be a lot of replies with some seemingly frothing on their keyboard as they work furiously to make their hatred known.

Most of the commentary so far consists of gratuitous insults about the writers journalistic ability or a demonstrated inability to comprehend what he has written.

The writer is making more sense the longer this thread continues.

Actually, as it has been pointed out off line by a friend who is also a frequent reader of this forum, Thaksin bashers, and more generally Thailand bashers, are a very small but very prolific minority. He said around ten, I say no more than 30, but anyway a very little percentage of the users. Very far from the majority of readers as it has been described.

To be honest, the author of this article is not really different from them. Just maybe more funny.


It was a well written article. Most of you couldn't dream about writing anything to that standard.

Choices, choices, choices..... which smiley to use, could be this one :blink: or this one :bah: certainly not this one :jap:

1zgarz5.gif comes to mind, likecrazy.gif, and gives an indication how fast togiggle.gif off the whole thing

Sorry, I forgot: You guys are all queuing up for awards in journalistic excellence.

Now, which smiley to insert here I wonder....?

clap2.gif would work. or rolleyes.gif

Hey, even Walter Cronkite would make a joke from time to time.

Also humor is a necessary release of tensions in pent up situations.


I have a hard time being able to understand how western expats can muster such a visceral hatred of Thaksin. I can certainly arrive at that level of passion for politicians in my own country as their actions have direct impacts to my taxes, pension and other things that directly affect my life whether I am there or in Thailand.. Thaksin?....He's was just another rich, corrupt politician like many before and since. Yet, he seems to have been elevated to almost mythical status among some of the farang here.

What was the real trigger? Was it closing the bars early and trying clean up the fleshpots as Khun Dan suggests or something else? There must be a reason why, when a thread with Thaksins name in it posts on TV, there will always be a lot of replies with some seemingly frothing on their keyboard as they work furiously to make their hatred known.

Most of the commentary so far consists of gratuitous insults about the writers journalistic ability or a demonstrated inability to comprehend what he has written.

The writer is making more sense the longer this thread continues.


OK, how about vindictively making a disaster area even more deadly,

because the area didn't voter for him.

And disaster relief and tools were flat out refused to be delivered,

and were not forth coming until the western press got ahold of the story,

questioned the US Ambassador,and started making Thaksin look bad.

THEN he declared a disaster area and sent pumps and such.

I KNOW Thaksin is vindictive against those who aren't toeing his line.

I doubt his mental stability and sense of justice,

fairplay and kindness has grown with age,


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

Please dont judge all farang by the action of few, i live in pattaya, and live a normal life with my wive, i never go to any bars and never rent a prostitute. Just because you do this please dont assume all farangs are the same ?


I think the trigger was living and working here under his rule and seeing first hand the vision he had for himself. Did you?

He wasn't just another rich, corrupt, politician, like many before and since. That's the thing. He was unique. And he was very dangerous. Why? Well because he mastered the trick of ripping the country off, like no single man has done before, whilst at the same time, remaining popular with a large section of the electorate. Of course i accept that democracy means that popularity trumps all other cards, but the problem was he had so entrenched his position - such as by pushing family and friends to the top of all major positions of power - that true democracy, in which leaders who break the law can be tried and punished, or, heaven forbid, simply questioned, was no longer in existence.

He could have been at the trough for a very long time. Have you seen what happens to 'democracies" where one man or one woman elevates themselves above the entire system? It's not pretty and it's precisely what Thailand was facing. That is why people feel strongly about it.

I have to admit, that the points you make echo my sentiments. His behaviour after the election in 2005, only reinforced how he had started to see himself, and that him and only him knew what was right for Thailand. Thaksin is for democracy, as much as turkeys are for Christmas.

Agreed. There is the rub. Sure he was elected, in the Thai fashion, but the rapaciousness of his time in office was far beyond typical, and he jiggering of the system to prevent his being called to account removed the normal checks and balances democracies thrive under. That is the main reason the '97 constitution was torn up, it couldn't prevent him running amok.


What a moron. I am none of those.

I am competent in my own country. I do not come here for sex other than with my wife. Still not the reason I come here.

I have nothing to fear from Thaksin's reparation of "public order". I do not like him because he incited the people that have the least, to lose more for his personal gain. Everything he does is for his personal gain, that is why he is in the fix he is in.

I do not think he should be forgiven and allowed to return (probably an invalid question) because he broke the laws of the country and should be prosecuted and and serve his sentence(s) as required by law.

Well said. The article is poorly researched and highly biased. Mr. Waites gives NO references to back up his assumptions only his own warped opinions on the recent Thai Visa survey, preferring to interpret the results in which ever way will suit his opinion. Most educated writers no how to create spin based on statistics. My Chemistry Professor many years ago advised us well, "Students I want you to remember this; there are lies, dam_n lies and statistics!"

Mr. Waites suggests to non-users of Thai Visa that most of the posters here are of extremely low morals, uneducated, drunken, prostitute abusing scum. Quote, "A good place to find these shining examples of manhood is the Thai Visa Forum. Many of the people who post on the site seem to dislike almost everything about the country and yet, for some reason, they remain here..." He states a host of other false ideas and makes sweeping statements about most Thai Visa members with no real research.

Of course Mr. Waites knows that he probably won't be taken to court for defamation as he has not specifically slandered any individual but rather has accused you the reader and poster of Thai Visa of being scum. Poor writing Mr. Waites. A better student in Year 10 should be able to spot your bias fairly quickly and question where exactly did you do your research or how did you do it? Maybe can try this on some students and see what their response is; be interesting to see. :o


I think the trigger was living and working here under his rule and seeing first hand the vision he had for himself. Did you?

He wasn't just another rich, corrupt, politician, like many before and since. That's the thing. He was unique. And he was very dangerous. Why? Well because he mastered the trick of ripping the country off, like no single man has done before, whilst at the same time, remaining popular with a large section of the electorate. Of course i accept that democracy means that popularity trumps all other cards, but the problem was he had so entrenched his position - such as by pushing family and friends to the top of all major positions of power - that true democracy, in which leaders who break the law can be tried and punished, or, heaven forbid, simply questioned, was no longer in existence.

He could have been at the trough for a very long time. Have you seen what happens to 'democracies" where one man or one woman elevates themselves above the entire system? It's not pretty and it's precisely what Thailand was facing. That is why people feel strongly about it.

I have to admit, that the points you make echo my sentiments. His behaviour after the election in 2005, only reinforced how he had started to see himself, and that him and only him knew what was right for Thailand. Thaksin is for democracy, as much as turkeys are for Christmas.

Agreed. There is the rub. Sure he was elected, in the Thai fashion, but the rapaciousness of his time in office was far beyond typical, and he jiggering of the system to prevent his being called to account removed the normal checks and balances democracies thrive under. That is the main reason the '97 constitution was torn up, it couldn't prevent him running amok.

The above partly sums up for me why I now detest Thaksin. Now as early on in his role as PM he was good for Thailand. Well put Rixalex.

Ain't nothing to do with the long bow that this Waites person is trying to draw to sexpats as Thaksin callers, but everything to do with having the morals and values and strength of conviction to call out scum like Thaksin.

There are only two choices that Thailand has. One being democracy. The other being the far from desirable status quo where the Army with all their faults at least with loyalty to His Majesty the KIng, Thailand and the thai people, step in when the country is about to be high jacked by dictators and Maoists.

The problem is that Thailand is stuck in a time warp of corruption where democracy sits stalled. Solve the corruption and more importantly the acceptance of it by thai's and perhaps democracy might get a chance to flourish.


I have a hard time being able to understand how western expats can muster such a visceral hatred of Thaksin. I can certainly arrive at that level of passion for politicians in my own country as their actions have direct impacts to my taxes, pension and other things that directly affect my life whether I am there or in Thailand.. Thaksin?....He's was just another rich, corrupt politician like many before and since. Yet, he seems to have been elevated to almost mythical status among some of the farang here.

What was the real trigger? Was it closing the bars early and trying clean up the fleshpots as Khun Dan suggests or something else? There must be a reason why, when a thread with Thaksins name in it posts on TV, there will always be a lot of replies with some seemingly frothing on their keyboard as they work furiously to make their hatred known.

Most of the commentary so far consists of gratuitous insults about the writers journalistic ability or a demonstrated inability to comprehend what he has written.

The writer is making more sense the longer this thread continues.

The real trigger?

His divorce from his wife, without spending a single thought on the children. That is it what the family men here at Thai visa upset the most about Thaksin.

Did you saw a picture of his wife? Not a reason for divorce - the family men community says about it. Evidently not sexpats.


I suspect if Dan Waites is following this thread he must be p*ssing himself laughing by now...

He has acheived, what I suspect he intended to do.....create publlicity for himself/blog/website......and you d*ckheads have enabled him to acheive this...

Would have been better to ignore this thread completely and it would have gone away..

Certain posters are making bigger fools of themselves than on the infamous April 1st April fool thread....:whistling:


Frang do not come to Thailand for SEX. They can have it at home, and for free.


Oh, yeah. For sure. No Farang come to Thailand for sex. I mean to say otherwise would be like suggesting some people go to Las Vegas to gamble. Absurd!

Also this whole "sex industry" thing? Just a myth.


Also this whole "sex industry" thing? Just a myth.

Yes its a myth we all know there is no prostitution in Thailand...it must be true, the politians told us so...:rolleyes:


Frang do not come to Thailand for SEX. They can have it at home, and for free.


Oh, yeah. For sure. No Farang come to Thailand for sex. I mean to say otherwise would be like suggesting some people go to Las Vegas to gamble. Absurd!

Also this whole "sex industry" thing? Just a myth.

I knew it! I really am "Sexy Man"! And they do love me!wub.gif


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

THANK you!


Has it ever occurred to the writer and others who are of the same opinion that perhaps the so called "sexpats" simply have a brain and dislike being taken for fools ?!

All the moronic statements, hypocritical behavior I would imagine might be the reason for the dislikes of the man.

I also find it interesting that the writer chose to criticize the "users" of the service.

Has it not occurred that there people as described because Thailand provides the environment for it?!

Who should be punished and stopped the dealer or the user? Dah! I think the answer is pretty clear!

Who is to blame that many other industries are very restricted and rather limited to locals ?

Who is to blame for the extra efforts made to make foreigner business dealings as difficult as possible ?

Perhaps it's time for Thailand to look at itself and address the issues rather then scapegoat or try to point fingers at users of the product they have created, developed and nurtured .

With Taksin, you know who is pulling the strings. With Nong Abhisit, one can only guess who is pulling his strings. Frankly, that scares me more.


What a moron. I am none of those.

I am competent in my own country. I do not come here for sex other than with my wife. Still not the reason I come here.

I have nothing to fear from Thaksin's reparation of "public order". I do not like him because he incited the people that have the least, to lose more for his personal gain. Everything he does is for his personal gain, that is why he is in the fix he is in.

I do not think he should be forgiven and allowed to return (probably an invalid question) because he broke the laws of the country and should be prosecuted and and serve his sentence(s) as required by law.

Well said. The article is poorly researched and highly biased. Mr. Waites gives NO references to back up his assumptions only his own warped opinions on the recent Thai Visa survey, preferring to interpret the results in which ever way will suit his opinion. Most educated writers no how to create spin based on statistics. My Chemistry Professor many years ago advised us well, "Students I want you to remember this; there are lies, dam_n lies and statistics!"

Mr. Waites suggests to non-users of Thai Visa that most of the posters here are of extremely low morals, uneducated, drunken, prostitute abusing scum. Quote, "A good place to find these shining examples of manhood is the Thai Visa Forum. Many of the people who post on the site seem to dislike almost everything about the country and yet, for some reason, they remain here..." He states a host of other false ideas and makes sweeping statements about most Thai Visa members with no real research.

Of course Mr. Waites knows that he probably won't be taken to court for defamation as he has not specifically slandered any individual but rather has accused you the reader and poster of Thai Visa of being scum. Poor writing Mr. Waites. A better student in Year 10 should be able to spot your bias fairly quickly and question where exactly did you do your research or how did you do it? Maybe can try this on some students and see what their response is; be interesting to see. :o

P.S. Please, don't start sentences with conjunctions and especially paragraphs, it suggests to the reader you don't know what you talking about!

P.S.S Please dont be a douche bag and criticize grammar and English usage as it make you seem like a condescending ass hole. But i digress( oops conjuction)

Although i agree with your writings!

Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson. He is not a Bukowski, nor a Hunter S. Thompson

Loving the irony.


I suspect if Dan Waites is following this thread he must be p*ssing himself laughing by now...

I can see a pattern emerging here. Piss comes out when he laughs. Crap comes out when he writes.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

I agree. I hate others putting labels on me. I am in my sixth year here and the type of people referred to are not the type I associate with.


If I were able to vote here in Thailand I would vote for the "red shirts" but only when they divested themselves of Thaksin.

I believe the "red shirts" have finally worked out that there is a small mumber of people controlling the wealth of Thailand and hence to ensure their continued wealth keep the majority of the people in penury. What they (the "red shrts") don't seem to realise is that despite his jingoistic rhetoric Thaksin is actually one of the small numbers of people controlling Thai wealth so anything he does is only done to his own advantage and not to that of the people.

...Mr. Waites suggests to non-users of Thai Visa that most of the posters here are of extremely low morals, uneducated, drunken, prostitute abusing scum...

Is anybody else given to wondering what disgruntled -- perhaps banned -- ThaiVisa member this Mr. Waites might be?

...I am not a big "taujou"...

What is a "taujou"? I can't find a definition of it on the web.

I guess he means a Thai word for a promiscuous behaviour. And he isn't that big in that, what means that he is not a sexpat but a family man. (like the most members here at Thaivisa)

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