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Rolltop - Future Laptop


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Rolltop is a portable computer development concept for designer, architect and everyone, who would like to have a gadget, which, from an aesthetic standpoint alone, certainly hits the mark.

By virtue of the OLED-Display technology and a multitouchscreen the utility of a laptop computer with its weight of a mini-notebook and screen size of 13 inch easily transforms into the graphics tablet, which with its 17-inch flat screen can be also used as a primary monitor due to the support attached to the back of the screen.

Rolltop 2.0 is a further development of Rolltop with some visible and mostly invisible improvements (e.g. internal design, placement of certain components etc.)

-- myrolltop.com

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Yes, that's a neat conceptual prototyope, and, yes, the future rushes towards us ever faster from the realm of the Goddess Techne, but: we'd rather have this fellow in Holland come to Thailand, and make one of these for us right now, and we'd even settle for five terabytes, and a reliable four gigahertz:


best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Yesterday I might have been impressed, but today I saw this:

Will we soon be wearing our computers?

That TED example is one of my favorites. All the current laptops, nettops, pc's and now rolltops are a variation on the good old typewriter when it comes to interaction with the machine. In over 50 years nothing has really changed. We are still adapting to the machines we use instead of having machines adapted to us. In the TED example the idea is to have a virtual world with which we interact the same way as we do with real world objects. The guy also attempts to blend both worlds. There is not much solid stuff on the market yet but I think that might change within a decade.

Edited by AgentSmith
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Here is a concept for ya

Instead of silicone chips in computers ... how about silicone chips in boobs

Just wait until Apple read TV and discover the next Ibod invention...

Im a genius and i know it...

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Here is a concept for ya

Instead of silicone chips in computers ... how about silicone chips in boobs

Just wait until Apple read TV and discover the next Ibod invention...

Im a genius and i know it...

They did that in that in the old days and they were called....wait for it.......boob tubes! Budumpbump! (.)(.)

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Is cool.

But moot until the world sorts out Microsoft. That's gonna take awhile.

Or I guess you can enjoy endless silent unattended installations of Active-signed corrupt files deployed smack into your Sixth Sense. Heck, for some people, might still be an upgrade.

I'm no fan of Jobs but at least he can spell (a version of) ethics. No porn? lol Jobs.

It's gonna take awhile before the bleeding edge stuff will ever find their way to a production line; they just won't be feasible until Microsoft are through. And that might not happen; they've have created an outlaw army of a few million or so (formerly unemployed) bandits with Technet. Micosoft are genius - evil, far beyond the capacity of 99.9% of people to even fathom, but geniuses all the same. Good luck world. I'll pass on the brain implants whilst those criminals are running riot.

The roller is intriguing. Seems slightly gimicky though - maybe I'm just not as active as I used to be, but I can't come up with too many spots where I'll be like "glad I brought my roller netbook!"

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Nice concept and looks very easy for a hacker to access too...

How is that?

Back to the rolltop, we don't now anything about the hardware (looking forward to the rollable motherboard) or the software (Mac or Windows, this is the question) yet.

While the design of the case is great (I love it), it does need some computing power, and that will be one of the deciding points whether this design has a future.

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