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Another Cobra In The House

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Arrived home from Airport Plaza in CNX and saw what l thought was a trapped Gecko by a hinge in our back door. Opened the door to try and release but it did not move as l could on;y see its tail. Went outside to get my trusty shovel and gave it a poke and out pops this 18inch cobra and as soon as it see's me its up with raised hood and trying to strike me. A few swings with the shovel and its deceased exactly the same way as the last one. Forum members are saying that snakes are in decline but the dangerous ones do not appear to be in decline my house/garden. My motto is better to be safe than sorry. Also if you have accident/life insurance as l do does this cover

hospital treatment in the event that you die from a snake bite?. Being a diabetic a snake bite can have serious complications on the recovery aspect

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