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^^^ that meter is indicating 3831.7 kWh.

It's so easy to refute that claim if you want to, as was mentioned several times before.

1. Look at the revs/kWh on your currently installed meter

2. Make sure something heavy is running (airconditioner)

3. Note the last digit

4. Count revs/10 revolutions (above meter would be 20 revs)

5. Note last digit again.

Did it go up by a full number? It's 0.1 kWh

Did it go up by a very small bit? It's 1 kWh.

Please let us know the result of this exercise. Also don't forget step 6.

6. Switch off the heavy stuff you don't need after measuring.

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^^^ that meter is indicating 3831.7 kWh.

The OP has already made it clear he believes this meter is indicating 383.2 kWh.This is the whole basis of his claim - that he is being overcharged by a factor of 10.

This meter was installed on December 20, so 383.2 kWh supposedly represents his entire power consumption from December 20 until May 24.

Edited by tropo
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Believe and science don't really mix. A small experiment will either prove or disprove my (and his) statements. Good thing, science :)

Just take the effort, please and report back, we can't do that from here.

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Believe and science don't really mix. A small experiment will either prove or disprove my (and his) statements. Good thing, science :)

Just take the effort, please and report back, we can't do that from here.

Cant do it from here too. Was denied to check my meter. Now i need permission from my owner to do it.

I wonder, if i so wrong, why to change meter 2 times in 6 month? Even if i ll make this test, it will prove nothing for electric company, since it is the meter of the Park Lane. Not the goverment.

As u can see on my friend meter - there is no way to missread it - still they can read it whatever they like.

I made request to Mitsubushi about my latest meter. I also asked to sent me Thai specification. I have a feeling that its not my last meter for this month.

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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OK. Found smth.

My friend(and all others people here) meter is MF-63E


Here is technical specification for MF-33E. All main options r the same:


Was trying to download Thai specification - denied. Some kind of mistake ( Well, hope support will help me.

Cant find my latest meter there. Waiting reply from support...

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Ok. I just called to Mitsubishi and was confirmed that MF-63E meter is 9999.9 kWh ( 5 digits with one decimal)

My new meter FA-3 is very old. Manager(great English) asked me to send him a photo, so he can help me. He, also, promised me to send all Thai documentation for those meters.

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I have to vote this the top thread of the year.

Amazing how much time people have on their hands.

Fascinating reading :unsure:

I am interested as i own a Condo in Park Lane .If it makes other people check their meter and charges its a good thing .

I am amazed though that no technical person has come on who is able to confirm or deny the OPs claim .

Not Tropo though as he is not paying attention and many of his facts are wrong .

Edited by Thaifan2
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I have to vote this the top thread of the year.

Amazing how much time people have on their hands.

Fascinating reading :unsure:

I am interested as i own a Condo in Park Lane .If it makes other people check their meter and charges its a good thing .

I am amazed though that no technical person has come on who is able to confirm or deny the OPs claim .

Not Tropo though as he is not paying attention and many of his facts are wrong .

Yes, me too. This was the first thing why i was creating this thread.

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OK. Found smth.

My friend(and all others people here) meter is MF-63E


Here is technical specification for MF-33E. All main options r the same:


Was trying to download Thai specification - denied. Some kind of mistake ( Well, hope support will help me.

Cant find my latest meter there. Waiting reply from support...

This is not your model, but you claim it is the model all your neighbors are using. The point really is whether the meters you are using have decimal points or not, but let's forget that for a minute and explore this model.

You've shown specifications for the wrong model. Your photo above is of model MF-63E whereas your specifications are for model MF-33E.

MF-33E is this model:


MF-63E is this model (the model you included in your post):


You'll notice that the kWh marking is above the end digit in MF-63E whereas the kWh is above the 2nd to end digit on the MF-33E. In each case the kWh marking is above the digit which represents whole kWh's. MF-63E clearly does not have decimals, whereas the MF-33E does.

Mitsubishi Watthour meters don't have designations above the individual digits so they use the position of the kWh marking to designate which digit indicates whole units.

Here you can see 4 different Mitsubishi models.....


... one (bottom left) of which has the kWh mark above the end digit as in your MF-63E model above, the others not. If you are particularly observant you may notice that the bottom right model is also designated as model MF-63E, but it is different from the MF-63E model in your photo above with the kWh also a different position.

Of course these meters we are discussing here are not the meters which have been recently installed in your apartment.

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tropo user_popup.png

This is not your model, but you CLAIM it is the model all your neighbors are using.

How about to read carefully? All i wrote that i found specification with the same option. I wrote that that specification is for MF-33E

THEN(next post,time past etc), i called to Mitsubishi and asked them question about our meter MF-63E and manager gave me voice confirmation that MF-63E have 9999.9 indication.

You'll notice that the kWh marking is above the end digit in MF-63E whereas the kWh is above the 2nd to end digit on the MF-33E. In each case the kWh marking is above the digit which represents whole kWh's. MF-63E clearly does not have decimals, whereas the MF-33E does.


WOW. Tnx. So u agree that my first meter was 0219,2? You need to choose smth one.

To everybody:

I just recived advice from my lawer - to stop discribing every my step on the forum now. Tnx everybody for help. Dont worry, i ll inform u all with results.

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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Amazing how much time people have on their hands.


Almost as amazing as the amount of money ignorant people lose every day to scams that anyone with half a brain would spot a mile off.

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So far this thread has run very nicely but now we have accusations, threats and defamation. Regretfully If we are unable to be nice and stay within the rules it will have to be closed.

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I hope the thread stays open ,as i would like to find out the outcome if any for the OP .If it does get closed i would ask the OP to pm me about how he got on .

Lets try to keep it open, if anyone sees anything untoward hit that report button please.

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I hope the thread stays open ,as i would like to find out the outcome if any for the OP .If it does get closed i would ask the OP to pm me about how he got on .

Lets try to keep it open, if anyone sees anything untoward hit that report button please.

I ll update here in couple of days. We needs to collect some proves.

We recieved all advices. So we r working on that case.

Once again - tnx for help

Stay tuned.

P.S. sorry, for my friend. He is too emotional :rolleyes:

Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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Dear : All

Park Lane management office will make appointment to meeting about this situation on Tuesday (May 31, 2011) with Agency of Tenant, Tenant and electrical officer at Park Lane office. After we will inform exactly informations to all people who interesting about this topic.

Best Regards,

Park Lane’s staff

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Being told that permission is needed to view a meter does not sound good. The meter being change 2 times in 6 months after the client asks questions sounds dodgy.


Definitely, it removes the evidence unless the OP can go to the leccy board and get copies of the old bills from them.

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Being told that permission is needed to view a meter does not sound good. The meter being change 2 times in 6 months after the client asks questions sounds dodgy.


Definitely, it removes the evidence unless the OP can go to the leccy board and get copies of the old bills from them.

Maybe they just change to be accommodating because the OP complained about his meter so much?

Maybe they just try and do what they think he wants, not saying it was the correct thing to do but maybe they had true motives?

Sure there is some kind of mix up with this situation. I have no idea who is right and who is wrong but I am sure is due to a mistake or some faulty equipment and is wrong to imply anyone of being 'dodgy' when there are many other reasons these issues could be?

Maybe they cannot show the meter all the time because they are busy. When ever I have been in the Park Lane office they are always busy. Sometime tenants are rude and belligerent with crazy demands like blame them when their cellphone won't work, like they have control over that.

Not saying the OP one of the rude belligerent or crazy ones, just saying some of the people the Park Lane Management have to deal with are.

Personally all my dealing with Park Lane Management they have been VERY honest and helpful.

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Being told that permission is needed to view a meter does not sound good. The meter being change 2 times in 6 months after the client asks questions sounds dodgy.


Definitely, it removes the evidence unless the OP can go to the leccy board and get copies of the old bills from them.

The OP has friends with the same problem ( he mentioned at least 4 others ).Maybe their meters have not been changed .

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Reckon I would move out. A scam like this is not going to make you feel better about where you and your friends live.

I wish i can, but i have rental agreement for a year. (3 more month) I dont wanna lose 2x deposit.

Can anyone confirm that this is not a normal business in Pattaya and its only in Park Lane r charging 10x?

Ad u all pays 500-1000 Bath per month?

My friend forget the deposit they will come up with some excuse to scam that from you, really just get the hell out of there

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>>My friend forget the deposit they will come up with some excuse to scam that from you, really just get the hell out of there <<

His deposit is with the owner of the Condo and not anything to do with Park Lane management .

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This thang made it to page 9.

OP still changing stories and showing photos of meters and bills that do not relate to the specifics of his particular rants (that are supposed to relate to the photos; but, they don't).

Getting hard to keep all these versions woven.

Regardless of your opinion of each version of the OP's story (at least 5 versions presented by the OP already),

One would have to believe that there is even a remote possibility that a electric bill anywhere on this planet could be twelve U.S. dollars per month.

Without even running an air conditioner $12.00 would not be possible.

OP runs his nightly and still claims that his bill at the government rate should be 12 U.S. dollars per month.

I'm still not a lawyer and I still don't play one on T.V. but I closed this case on page 1.

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>>One would have to believe that there is even a remote possibility that a electric bill anywhere on this planet could be twelve U.S. dollars per month.<<

...but also 10 times that or more ( his current bill is B7,400 ) is unbelievable for his small usage and life style .

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