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Warning About Hualumphong Toilet


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Elephant doses:

a) African elephants: 0.003 mg/kg etorphine; antagonize with 3 mg diprenorphine per mg etorphine given; Asian elephants: 0.003 mg/kg; supplement with 2 mg etorphine as needed to maintain immobilization; antagonize with 0.012 mg/kg diprenorphine (Kreeger, 2002).

As you can see a particularly powerful compound. Assuming humans are as sensitive as elephants 0.03mg would be enough to knock out a 100kg man - this is a very small amount and it would not be difficult to deliver this via a transdermal mechanism, however how quickly that would occur through DMSO or another carrier I could not say.

It appears that Etorphine is able to fully dissolve into DMSO as well which would then carry it through the skin.

"In DMSO (dimethyl suphoxide), solutions up to 10 mg/mL may be made."


That's good enough for me, I now believe this is possible although very dangerous.

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Elephant doses:

a) African elephants: 0.003 mg/kg etorphine; antagonize with 3 mg diprenorphine per mg etorphine given; Asian elephants: 0.003 mg/kg; supplement with 2 mg etorphine as needed to maintain immobilization; antagonize with 0.012 mg/kg diprenorphine (Kreeger, 2002).

As you can see a particularly powerful compound. Assuming humans are as sensitive as elephants 0.03mg would be enough to knock out a 100kg man - this is a very small amount and it would not be difficult to deliver this via a transdermal mechanism, however how quickly that would occur through DMSO or another carrier I could not say.

It appears that Etorphine is able to fully dissolve into DMSO as well which would then carry it through the skin.

"In DMSO (dimethyl suphoxide), solutions up to 10 mg/mL may be made."


That's good enough for me, I now believe this is possible although very dangerous.

Many things can be absorbed through the skin and DMSO allows MANY things that cannot to be able to ... but this doesn't mean it is going to be absorbed through the skin, into the blood and brain almost immediately. My guess is it would take 30-minutes or more. Even a intramuscular injection of a sedative or pain killer takes longer to work than the time one would spend in a public toilet.

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Maybe I am too skeptical but it amazes me people don't question at all what they are told that are clearly RUMORS and hearsay.

I too am very skeptical about most things (especially anything young kids tell me) and, as I mentioned in the post, I found it very strange and therefore asked one of the parents involved who confirmed that the incident did happen. The parent has a PHD from a top US University and runs several large businesses. I have known them for a few years and I didn't see any reason why they would lie. To me that is a reliable source and the only reason I posted it. If I had heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend I wouldn't have posted anything because it sounds so crazy. Now, what actually happened to the kids is still not clear and not explained. Parents were simply glad they were ok and only lost phones and a bit of money.

Anyway, this topic is proving quite entertaining and educational.

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Lots of people forgetting that some culture are built around many lies.You cannot know the reason and many times there is none reason why these people tell such stories.Maybe some kids get into some sort of trouble and make up this fantastic story to cover over the real thing.This is done on purpoise to set everyone looking in the other way.It is a magician trick even the kiddies will use and funny to the adults on this site dont even know it going on and looking for silly ways it can come true.

Why to do it...Maybe they are in some trouble and give away the valuables to get out of trouble.Maybe drugs, blackmail, gambling debts,friends or family in trouble and need money to get them out of some situation.even they might have bribe a police officer to make some problem that they are caught goes away.who knows

this is a culutral thing and always happening many times in these small villages. The adults know what lies come yet they ignore and pretend it never happens.This set up the idea to do over and over.The most crazy they make the story the easier to shut it down quick and hide what they want

Even in this thread many pages of silly and ridiculous spy story scenario to explain how a thai woman who pawn her own jewellry :rolleyes:

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Do you have a link to any news accounts of this? I couldn't find anything online and would imagine this kind of James Bond robbery would make global news.

This also sounds implaudible for a number of reason starting with the thieves likely having to lug around a large tank of some kind of gas and then find a way to fill the house from the outside when there was likely no central air system. I also have to assume a VERY nice house (multi story) to go through this kind of trouble and how the gas was distributed evenly through all rooms and floors of the house. Then these folks prowling around in the middle of the night with at least one large gas tank being wheeled around houses to find ways to pump in gas would have to put on their gas masks and enter the house in a neighborhood where everyone was already on a alert because 30 dogs had just been killed in the preceding days.

I could be very wrong but I am skeptical of this story too without any news source. Again just way to elaborate to rob houses when there are many more profitable places such a gas can be deployed. It would be like a criminal being smart enough to come up with a way to steal from any electronic vending machine (including ATMs) but only being smart enough to steal from candy vending machines.

Nothing in English print. Thai print I have searcehed, however, haven't been able to track it down.

I personally know one of the families robbed. They slept on the second story of the house. Went to bed in the evening, woke up the next morning. Their whole house had been ransacked and they were none the wiser. Slept right though it. Dogs in the yard, (a car repair shop) all dead. Thieves gained access by removing grill that covered windows. Safe in bedroom stolen. Many other electronic items stolen.

Up to you to draw your own conclusions, however, they were adamant they had somehow been gassed.....

It was a gang of thieves that targeted numerous houses in the neighbourhood on one night. My brother in-law's steel shop was also targeted, however, the thieves gave up after they had removed the outer window grill to discover there was an another grill mounted on the inside.


Someone questioned the point of my previous post going OT. It was a rebuttle to another member's post questioning the posibility of using drugs to incapacitate potential robbery victims, and therefor relevent IMO.

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Lots of people forgetting that some culture are built around many lies.You cannot know the reason and many times there is none reason why these people tell such stories.Maybe some kids get into some sort of trouble and make up this fantastic story to cover over the real thing.This is done on purpoise to set everyone looking in the other way.It is a magician trick even the kiddies will use and funny to the adults on this site dont even know it going on and looking for silly ways it can come true.

Why to do it...Maybe they are in some trouble and give away the valuables to get out of trouble.Maybe drugs, blackmail, gambling debts,friends or family in trouble and need money to get them out of some situation.even they might have bribe a police officer to make some problem that they are caught goes away.who knows

this is a culutral thing and always happening many times in these small villages. The adults know what lies come yet they ignore and pretend it never happens.This set up the idea to do over and over.The most crazy they make the story the easier to shut it down quick and hide what they want

Even in this thread many pages of silly and ridiculous spy story scenario to explain how a thai woman who pawn her own jewellry :rolleyes:

ah haaaa

am so very glad that in its finality....

at last someone seems to figure it out....

and assumes that his postulations are entirely not on the null hypotheses.... B)

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Do you have a link to any news accounts of this? I couldn't find anything online and would imagine this kind of James Bond robbery would make global news.

This also sounds implaudible for a number of reason starting with the thieves likely having to lug around a large tank of some kind of gas and then find a way to fill the house from the outside when there was likely no central air system. I also have to assume a VERY nice house (multi story) to go through this kind of trouble and how the gas was distributed evenly through all rooms and floors of the house. Then these folks prowling around in the middle of the night with at least one large gas tank being wheeled around houses to find ways to pump in gas would have to put on their gas masks and enter the house in a neighborhood where everyone was already on a alert because 30 dogs had just been killed in the preceding days.

I could be very wrong but I am skeptical of this story too without any news source. Again just way to elaborate to rob houses when there are many more profitable places such a gas can be deployed. It would be like a criminal being smart enough to come up with a way to steal from any electronic vending machine (including ATMs) but only being smart enough to steal from candy vending machines.

Nothing in English print. Thai print I have searcehed, however, haven't been able to track it down.

I personally know one of the families robbed. They slept on the second story of the house. Went to bed in the evening, woke up the next morning. Their whole house had been ransacked and they were none the wiser. Slept right though it. Dogs in the yard, (a car repair shop) all dead. Thieves gained access by removing grill that covered windows. Safe in bedroom stolen. Many other electronic items stolen.

Up to you to draw your own conclusions, however, they were adamant they had somehow been gassed.....

It was a gang of thieves that targeted numerous houses in the neighbourhood on one night. My brother in-law's steel shop was also targeted, however, the thieves gave up after they had removed the outer window grill to discover there was an another grill mounted on the inside.


Someone questioned the point of my previous post going OT. It was a rebuttle to another member's post questioning the posibility of using drugs to incapacitate potential robbery victims, and therefor relevent IMO.

This better explains the circumstances and I have no doubt what you are saying is 100% true. However, unless you are not mentioning something, there doesn't appear to be anything AT ALL to lead anyone to believe they were gassed. This type of crime is common and is often refereed to as a cat burglar but they don't use gas. They simply are stealth in their burglary. As we all know it is common in Thai society to not want to lose face and it makes perfect sense that the family would say they were gassed rather than slept through their house being robbed. Not at all saying they are lying ... It is kind of like an old person being stubborn and not wanting to accept they are no longer a good driver or capable of what they used to be. That is my take anyway.

There are also many physical limitation to gassing people on the second floor of a house such as gases being lighter/heavier than air, the need to gas each bedroom, the likely lack of central air system that would have had to been shut down, taken apart and reassembled to not leave proof of the gassing even if one existed .. and lets not forget about how many people died a number of years ago when the Russians tried a knock-out drug during a hostage crises and one would assume they had many experts telling them what dose and drug to use. Simply put the noise and time it would take to gas people in a house on the 2nd floor would put the criminals at more risk than simply trying to be as quick and stealthy as possible in terms of getting in and out.

But the story is very similar to the OP in that you have somebody saying something happened to them involving knock-out drugs to explain a robbery. And it both cases, though for different reasons, the victims stories sound implausible.

My opinion anyway.

Edited by Nisa
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I too am very skeptical about most things (especially anything young kids tell me) and, as I mentioned in the post, I found it very strange and therefore asked one of the parents involved who confirmed that the incident did happen. The parent has a PHD from a top US University and runs several large businesses. I have known them for a few years and I didn't see any reason why they would lie. To me that is a reliable source and the only reason I posted it. If I had heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend I wouldn't have posted anything because it sounds so crazy. Now, what actually happened to the kids is still not clear and not explained. Parents were simply glad they were ok and only lost phones and a bit of money.

Anyway, this topic is proving quite entertaining and educational.

I understand what you are saying but remember that although you didn't hear it from a friend of a friend ... you did hear it from a parent who heard it from their kid who needed to tell their parent why their valuables were missing. If you heard this from a Western parent then it might be assumed the parent really did their homework in checking out the kid's story but remember this is a culture where lies are accepted and confrontations avoided .. even (and sometimes especially) with your kids.

ALL these stories maybe be true but when I am told an unlikely tail that doesn't add up then their at least needs to be some kind of proof offered. In this case and the others their actually not only appears to be no proof but actual motivation why the victims would say they were drugged when logic says they weren't.

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ALL these stories maybe be true but when I am told an unlikely tail that doesn't add up then their at least needs to be some kind of proof offered. In this case and the others their actually not only appears to be no proof but actual motivation why the victims would say they were drugged when logic says they weren't.

Well, I was drugged by another person, in circumstances i would prefer not to get into :lol:, with what i am sure were full intentions of relieving me of money and/or other valuables on my person. Either not enough drug was administered, or I have a constitution like a horse, and the effect was not enough to induce a coma and I managed to make it back to my hotel room, alone despite numerous offers of help from the would be robber.

Is my word proof enough, or would logic dictate that I am just making it up?

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Is my word proof enough,

No, your avatar suffices. :D

Seriously, your event sounds quite different from the OP's Wife's. I guess your date might have dosed you with a Flunitrazepam-like substance, maybe via an adult beverage. Although it is amazing that they can find this stuff, administer the right dosage for a larger foreigner and haven't killed anyone. Maybe a lot of these people are pre-med or go to pharmacy school?

The OP's Wife seems to have been dosed transdermally, was affected in seconds and recovered in minutes, and no one noticed the robbers.

Edited by lomatopo
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ALL these stories maybe be true but when I am told an unlikely tail that doesn't add up then their at least needs to be some kind of proof offered. In this case and the others their actually not only appears to be no proof but actual motivation why the victims would say they were drugged when logic says they weren't.

Well, I was drugged by another person, in circumstances i would prefer not to get into :lol:, with what i am sure were full intentions of relieving me of money and/or other valuables on my person. Either not enough drug was administered, or I have a constitution like a horse, and the effect was not enough to induce a coma and I managed to make it back to my hotel room, alone despite numerous offers of help from the would be robber.

Is my word proof enough, or would logic dictate that I am just making it up?

Depends if you are saying it was delivered by a slight brush of some solution applied to your skin, and it knocked you out instantly , or by a hankerchief waved across your face, with the same effect , (which is what strikes the sceptics here, including me as ludicrous), or whether you were (as I mentioned in an earlier post), pissed in some dodgy circumstance and someone put a dose in your drink.

This is not hard to believe, has happened before , and is a scenario well established around the world (eg rohypnol , the date rape drug).

It's the circumstances and delivery method in the OP wife's story that make it so extremely unlikely.

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An interesting development here http://www.thaivisa....howtopic=469629

It appears that two women have been arrested for drugging and robbing people in shopping malls. Most likely completely unrelated to this incident but interesting all the same.

Yes and the story from that news article is even harder to believe than this one. The two that got nabbed in Sirichai were supposed to have drugs that mysteriously encouraged the victims to withdraw money from their ATMs and give to the robbers :o

Fair dinkum, sometimes this country is like being stuck in an episode of the twilight zone :rolleyes:

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An interesting development here http://www.thaivisa....howtopic=469629

It appears that two women have been arrested for drugging and robbing people in shopping malls. Most likely completely unrelated to this incident but interesting all the same.

To be clear ... it DOES NOT say they were robbing people in shopping malls. It said they were arrested in a shopping mall after a victim saw them. As reported ...

The two suspects are accused of
smothering their victims and using a drug
which allowed them to manipulate their victims into taking money from their bank accounts via ATM Machines.

There is supposedly a drug that has been used by criminals (in Columbia I think) that does make victims become easily manipulated. However, I believe they first kidnap the victim and then administer the drug. Not at all similar to what some people have reported in this thread.

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I wonder what happened to the OP. I was hoping he was going to share more details or let us know there were no more to share in order to conclusively put this to bed as rumor and urban legend or if indeed there is "some" new criminal type we should be concerned with.

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Seriously, your event sounds quite different from the OP's Wife's. I guess your date might have dosed you with a Flunitrazepam-like substance, maybe via an adult beverage. Although it is amazing that they can find this stuff, administer the right dosage for a larger foreigner and haven't killed anyone. Maybe a lot of these people are pre-med or go to pharmacy school?

Virtually everyone who claims to have had their drink drugged, after testing, turns out to have been really drunk or had used some other recreational drug. Alcohol is the real drug that you have to watch out for to avoid being preyed on by criminals.

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I wonder what happened to the OP. I was hoping he was going to share more details or let us know there were no more to share in order to conclusively put this to bed as rumor and urban legend or if indeed there is "some" new criminal type we should be concerned with.

Yes, Surprising that he hasnt resurfaced, seeing how animated he was earlier on in the thread.

Maybe he has put some of these opinions to his wife and got to the bottom of a very different story.

and then again maybe such a challenge to the good wifes integrity has helped him to find the bottom story of his condo building in record timing :lol:

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I wonder what happened to the OP. I was hoping he was going to share more details or let us know there were no more to share in order to conclusively put this to bed as rumor and urban legend or if indeed there is "some" new criminal type we should be concerned with.

OP here. I've occasionally checked for new posts, but I'm not interested in replying to people making unwarranted assumptions based only on their personal opinions and biases or even their lack of knowledge ("I've never heard of this before")

The facts are as I stated, and there are no reasons for me to doubt what my wife (and son) said.

Several posts suggested that similiar events have happened, or that such drugs do exist.

Anyone who says this type of drugging is IMPOSSIBLE has a closed mind.

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OP here. I've occasionally checked for new posts, but I'm not interested in replying to people making unwarranted assumptions based only on their personal opinions and biases or even their lack of knowledge ("I've never heard of this before")

The facts are as I stated, and there are no reasons for me to doubt what my wife (and son) said.

Several posts suggested that similiar events have happened, or that such drugs do exist.

Anyone who says this type of drugging is IMPOSSIBLE has a closed mind.

So, what did the police say when your wife filed the report? Did they confirm that this one in a series of similar attacks and robberies?

I think only one or two people have said that your Wife's experience was impossible. I think most of us are hoping to get more information so we can accurately gauge the risk for ourselves, friends and family. But if you are uncomfortable pursuing this matter more fully with your Wife, my sense is that you were not present at Hua Lumphong on the day of the incident, I think we'd all understand.

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I wonder what happened to the OP. I was hoping he was going to share more details or let us know there were no more to share in order to conclusively put this to bed as rumor and urban legend or if indeed there is "some" new criminal type we should be concerned with.

OP here. I've occasionally checked for new posts, but I'm not interested in replying to people making unwarranted assumptions based only on their personal opinions and biases or even their lack of knowledge ("I've never heard of this before")

The facts are as I stated, and there are no reasons for me to doubt what my wife (and son) said.

Several posts suggested that similiar events have happened, or that such drugs do exist.

Anyone who says this type of drugging is IMPOSSIBLE has a closed mind.

How about highly implausible and almost impossible. That is is far more likely that she pawned the stuf then that she was robbed the way she described.

Anyone who says this is less plausible has a closed mind :D

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This is the best thread on TV for ages and a source of great mirth in the hagler household today.

Squeeze de jour said " ahhh farang he ting tong. Lady tell lie, she no good." To which of course I responded that the poor gentleman concerned has full faith and trust in his good lady who no doubt is a fine and upstanding citizen of impeccable morals and to bandy such nonsense about is quite rude and inconsiderate. Squeeze de juer just snorted and then couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes. oh well you just cant make some people see the truth can you.

Some mothers do have em. Thanks for the entertainment.

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I think it is fair for people to doubt this story! I dont disbelieve the OPs story. I'm sure that this kind of substance does exist.

The only thing that makes me query the story is that if this substance does exist. It seems strange that the OPs wife was targeted over a small amount of gold.

Surely as someone else stated it would make more sense to target a more worthwhile person or shop ie gold shop etc. Unless this was their first attempt and the OPs wife was the geunie pig.

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Seriously, your event sounds quite different from the OP's Wife's. I guess your date might have dosed you with a Flunitrazepam-like substance, maybe via an adult beverage. Although it is amazing that they can find this stuff, administer the right dosage for a larger foreigner and haven't killed anyone. Maybe a lot of these people are pre-med or go to pharmacy school?

Virtually everyone who claims to have had their drink drugged, after testing, turns out to have been really drunk or had used some other recreational drug. Alcohol is the real drug that you have to watch out for to avoid being preyed on by criminals.

Right. When I volunteered policed in the UK, the police patrols were each given an instant rape drugs kit because of the media panic stories over Rohypnol.

Not once, not a single time, not ever, was there ever a single detection of any rape drug. ...But all the young ladies had been drinking a rather large amount of alcohol.

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I think it is fair for people to doubt this story! I dont disbelieve the OPs story. I'm sure that this kind of substance does exist.

The only thing that makes me query the story is that if this substance does exist. It seems strange that the OPs wife was targeted over a small amount of gold.

Surely as someone else stated it would make more sense to target a more worthwhile person or shop ie gold shop etc. Unless this was their first attempt and the OPs wife was the geunie pig.

Yes and that the dose was exactly right. Not forget that is hard to do as only a little bit off will mean no effect or a dead person. And that after the ordeal there were absolutely no lasting effects. Sounds like a perfect anesthetic drug, strange that it isn't widely used in hospitals.

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I think it is fair for people to doubt this story! I dont disbelieve the OPs story. I'm sure that this kind of substance does exist.

The only thing that makes me query the story is that if this substance does exist. It seems strange that the OPs wife was targeted over a small amount of gold.

Surely as someone else stated it would make more sense to target a more worthwhile person or shop ie gold shop etc. Unless this was their first attempt and the OPs wife was the geunie pig.

Yes and that the dose was exactly right. Not forget that is hard to do as only a little bit off will mean no effect or a dead person. And that after the ordeal there were absolutely no lasting effects. Sounds like a perfect anesthetic drug, strange that it isn't widely used in hospitals.


Remember Mooner: it's not just a matter of the type of drug existing but a drug that would work like that when administered like that.

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OP here. I've occasionally checked for new posts, but I'm not interested in replying to people making unwarranted assumptions based only on their personal opinions and biases or even their lack of knowledge ("I've never heard of this before")

The facts are as I stated, and there are no reasons for me to doubt what my wife (and son) said.

Several posts suggested that similiar events have happened, or that such drugs do exist.

Anyone who says this type of drugging is IMPOSSIBLE has a closed mind.

-- How about people who have legitimate questions and speculate based on logic and available information?

-- The reasons to doubt are the aforementioned legitimate questions, applied logic and available information. And the fact that you are apparently unable to discount or address any of them with any substantive refutation.

-- Several posts on another thread have suggested that events amounting to evidence of reincarnation have happened. In both instances, no posts have done anything more than suggest they have happened (and while neither are impossible, frankly the reincarnation stuff came off as more plausible) -- no one has come even close to coming up with anything remotely resembling evidence nor has anyone been able to effectively rebut the comments by those of us who are skeptical.

-- Don't think anyone did say it was impossible -- certainly some of us who question it, myself included, have not said so.

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I wonder what happened to the OP. I was hoping he was going to share more details or let us know there were no more to share in order to conclusively put this to bed as rumor and urban legend or if indeed there is "some" new criminal type we should be concerned with.

OP here. I've occasionally checked for new posts, but I'm not interested in replying to people making unwarranted assumptions based only on their personal opinions and biases or even their lack of knowledge ("I've never heard of this before")

The facts are as I stated, and there are no reasons for me to doubt what my wife (and son) said.

Several posts suggested that similiar events have happened, or that such drugs do exist.

Anyone who says this type of drugging is IMPOSSIBLE has a closed mind.

No doubt there have been assumptions but surely you must understand since you gave this "warning' with few details of this rather strange and unheard of event. Given the limited info you provided isn't it VASTLY more likely a spouse would lie about money than be mugged let alone be mugged in a bathroom with an attendant present by two people who used what appears to be some futuristic drug to knock her out?

So, if you truly want to warn people and not appear to be unwittingly spreading another urban legend .. please let us know:

What did the police say?

What did the hospital say?

What did the blood test turn up?

Also, you say that there is no reason "for you" to doubt your wife. This I believe and suspect she is very honest with you. BUT even the most honest of couples lie to each other on occasionally especially when it comes to being embarrassed and/or money. Maybe your wife spent, lent or borrowed money somehow and found herself in a jam that she didn't want you to know about. If it is was her jewelery and she did sell it then maybe that is her business and she had a need for the money that she didn't want you to know about.

Think about how convenient her story is in terms of losing her jewelery but no her wallet/purse with all her ID's and hard to replace items. Being knocked out also seems to avoids the notion of going to police since she didn't get a good look at the attackers (but would think you would want to tell the police to spread the word of this new scam) and I am assuming the drug had no last effect what-so-ever because there is no mention of going to the hospital or having a blood test to determine what poison/drug was used on her. Also convenient that she was out with your son and this of course occurred at the one and only place she would not be with him to witness the incident.

Again, if you are concerned with warning people of such a scam then you really need to make this sound more credible (share some more facts). Since you are holding information that is forcing us to speculate about.

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Another thread full of know-it-alls and their Google search engine. :rolleyes:

I believe that even if inconclusive evidence were to be brought forward, all of the nonsensical accusations would keep coming. Why do you instantly go against what the OP says because you have no knowledge of said event? It seems 99% of posters in here are just fuelling their egos some more.

What interested me in this thread is that I opened it and told my girlfriend I was reading about a woman being drugged in a toilet in Bangkok, and my girlfriend knew exactly where I was talking about. She said it's a notoriously dangerous place for muggings. Now, I'm sure some of you will take this to mean my girlfriend knows of some secret Thai-lady scam that women use to cover their real tracks, but she knows of it because it's a notorious place for muggings amongst Thais. Why don't any of you know this? Because believe it or not, most of you probably don't have a clue about a lot of things in Thailand, no matter how much you hang around the bars and here other expat's stories. Limited information is the bane of this forum.

The fact that the OP's young son was with his wife clearly shows this wasn't some scam. Or maybe, because you are a sad bunch of xenophobes, she paid him off and got him to lie to daddy, because isn't that how Thai people work? <_< Some of you need to get out of the bars once in a while and meet some regular folk.

Edited for clarity.

Edited by DavidSL
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