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PM's Leadership Index On Slight Decline, With Opposition Candidate Climbing:

Lite Beer

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This kind of information is better presented in a table.

Leadership category                        Yingluck Abhisit
emotional control                          16.2     51.5
acceptance within the country and overseas 17.7     47  
display of leadership                      20.4     48.5
political ethics                           16.4     44.3
honesty                                    14.7     42.9
making quick decision in solving problems  21.3     35.8
Average                                    17.8     45

Abhisit still beats Yingluck by far in all categories. The positive spin in the article is in reference to the rate of change of the scores, not the absolute values of the scores.

That certainly shows a different light than the article as it was titled :)

Before last week ... people were still guessing about the PTP candidate .. now they know. Overall they don't seem to approve of Thaksin's "clone" at all.

Considering a) K. Yingluck has only just assumed the role of leader and B) Thai opinion polls are notorious for being weighted in favour of Bangkok and the 'meuang' districts of big towns and cities which tend to support the Democrats, I would think Peua Thai will be well happy with the first few days of the campaign.

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Moral stature also rose from 9.8% to 15.9 %

Shouldn't that be 'moral pygmy'?

What has she done that deserves such derogatory remarks...is it just because she belongs to the Thaksin family....

If you dislike Thaksin go after HIM... :bah:

silly man or woan She is Taksins clone puppet or are you so naive to think she and PTP are not totally completely controlled by Taksin. They even admit it and deluded reds in my village all think they are voting for taksin. Maybe you should tell them they are not voting simply for Taksin or they are going to be very disappointed. The enlightened reds in my village which are 90% or more also say Taksin will be back as PM by December. I tihnk they probably know a bit more about it than you and given their general level of stupidity thats a compliment. Next youll be saying she is her own woman cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I suspect though that the majority of undecided voters who will eventually vote, will vote Dem.

I base this on the hypothesis that undecided voters clearly don't respect the PTP enough to forgive or tolerate those actions of PTP or red shirt leaders/supporters which some posters on this forum have been shoving down our throats on a continual daily basis.

As such, there's about as much chance of them voting PTP as Bucholz, jdinasia or timekeeper et al.

In my opinion.

Assuming those chaps you list have no voting rights in Thailand you must be 100% correct. Congratulations on this perfect score :)

BTW I hope neither your appetite nor your health has suffered ?

If my memory serves me correctly those mentioned may not be eligible to vote but at least one, possibly more have stated that they personally have influenced the Thai people in their "circle of influence" to vote democrat over their previously held beliefs in the Thaksin led/supposedly influenced parties. In this case yes the people mentioned will/can not vote for the PTP but who knows what damage these individuals have done to the PTP cause :whistling: . I suppose we'll find out on Monday. Will they all go back to their day jobs?

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