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Israel approves new West Bank settler homes, anti-settlement group says


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Israel approves new West Bank settler homes, anti-settlement group says

2011-05-22 22:57:53 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEL AVIV (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved the construction of 294 housing units in the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit, anti-settlement NGO Peace Now said in a statement.

Barak also approved the construction of housing for the elderly and a commercial center in the settlement of Efrat. According to the statement, the construction will start as soon as the local municipality issues the construction permit.

"This construction might create facts on the ground that will make the price of peace much higher for Israel. Only after an agreement that will set final and agreed upon borders, should Israel be allowed to build in the 'Blocs,'" the organization said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected the U.S. call for a two state solution with Palestine based on the 1967 borders. Earlier, U.S. President Barack Obama called for a solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and condemned the Israeli settlement construction in the disputed West bank area.

The Israel-Palestine talks have been stalled since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in occupied Palestinian territory in September 2010.

Israel resumed settlement constructions even though they were labeled as a violation of international law by the international community. In response, President Abbas broke off direct talks as recommended by Hamas.

On May 4, Fatah, Hamas and all other Palestinian factions signed an historic unity deal in Cairo. As a result, the Hamas-led government in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank will be dissolved and replaced by a single cabinet of independent technocrats.

Israel urged the Palestinian Authority to choose either peace with Israel or peace with Hamas as there "is no possibility for peace with both." Hamas said that the unity government will be formed within ten days but so far factions have not agreed on a cabinet and elections were delayed.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-05-22

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