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A bird arrived on my balcony terrace a couple of days ago. Doesn't do much except look sleepy, although it does drink and feed on rice and pecks a bit at flowers and bits on the ground. At first I thought it was dying so left it - but it's very much alive. It justs stands around, or hides behind some pots, sometimes on 1 leg, looking a bit dozy. The next thing I suspected was bird flu but it seems healthy enough.

It seems to be used to people although walks away if I approach it. It even flew and stayed on my arm one day, out of the blue. It doesn't fly much although it does go through the motions occasionally.

I think it was probably someone's pet, maybe kept in a cage (hence not a good flier) but has gotten loose or released. It seems to be happy enough, although a bit lonely and maybe mentally retarded. But it seems happy enough to stay with me, which other birds don't do!

It looks like a small pigeon but is almost all blackish with a slight bluish tinge around its neck. It's crap is clear like water with 1 or 2 pieces of green stuff in the middle - a bit bizarre. i sometimes wonder if it is a reincarnation of someone! but then I suppose most birds should be.

Can anyone tell me if it is a pigeon or not and why it acts so strangely. I have attached a pic below:.



Probably someone's pet that got away. Having had pet conures, cockatiels and mynahs going back decades, they can get very disoriented when they get away from their owners and decide to set down upon someone/some place they feel comfortable with.

Enjoy the company; birds can make wonderful pets. Sounds like this one has taking a liking to you.


Yes, it is a pigeon, about 5 weeks old, still even with a bit of yellow down still on it's head. By the sounds of it's droppings, the picture and the way it is behaving it could have canker or possibly coccidiosis also known as going light. It is not flying much as it is young and unwell. By the looks of it, I doubt if it was someones pet, but just a wild pigeon.

If it is canker, there will be a cheesy deposit growing in it's throat. It is quite easy to open it's beak and look down it's throat. Canker can be cured with anti canker drugs which only a good vet would sell. It may not be able to swallow it's food easily and will most likely be underweight with it's keel bone quite obviously pertruding. If you pick it up you will feel it sticking out and it may be very light. If it is coccidiosis it will also be very thin. Possibly a broad spectrum antibiotic may help. Most pigeons have the protozoan that infects the intestines which causes this disease but have built up an immunity. It can be passed on to humans, but normally through breathing in it's dried droppings but highly unlikely given there is only 1 and you are not scraping up tons if dried pigeon poo in a confined space.

The diet it is getting is not what pigeons should eat, but it has little choice unless you can help feed it. If you can get a mixtures of grains, preferably a good pigeon mix but at least some like wheat and or dried peas, would help in it's recovery. Make sure it has clean water always available. Not sure where you are but if you are in Bangkok there are many pigeon fanciers there, so the food and medicine would be available.

If it survives it will stay around forever and can become very tame. Hope this helps.


Yes, it is a pigeon, about 5 weeks old, still even with a bit of yellow down still on it's head. By the sounds of it's droppings, the picture and the way it is behaving it could have canker or possibly coccidiosis also known as going light. It is not flying much as it is young and unwell. By the looks of it, I doubt if it was someones pet, but just a wild pigeon.

If it is canker, there will be a cheesy deposit growing in it's throat. It is quite easy to open it's beak and look down it's throat. Canker can be cured with anti canker drugs which only a good vet would sell. It may not be able to swallow it's food easily and will most likely be underweight with it's keel bone quite obviously pertruding. If you pick it up you will feel it sticking out and it may be very light. If it is coccidiosis it will also be very thin. Possibly a broad spectrum antibiotic may help. Most pigeons have the protozoan that infects the intestines which causes this disease but have built up an immunity. It can be passed on to humans, but normally through breathing in it's dried droppings but highly unlikely given there is only 1 and you are not scraping up tons if dried pigeon poo in a confined space.

The diet it is getting is not what pigeons should eat, but it has little choice unless you can help feed it. If you can get a mixtures of grains, preferably a good pigeon mix but at least some like wheat and or dried peas, would help in it's recovery. Make sure it has clean water always available. Not sure where you are but if you are in Bangkok there are many pigeon fanciers there, so the food and medicine would be available.

If it survives it will stay around forever and can become very tame. Hope this helps.

I love it when TV throws up a bit of genuine expertise


Thanks for all your advice. I think I've sorted this bird.

She comes every day for a feed and watering and a nice relaxing rest near my fish pond - she even stays overnight in a quiet corner. She looks kinda shy and timid through all this. However, I THINK I'VE BEEN CONNED BY THIS THAI BIRD!

This morning whilst swimming in the condo pool I swear I saw her fly down nonchalently to take a swig with a couple of her other Thai birdy mates. I thought "that can't be the same bird - it looks so fit and flighty", so I dismissed it as mere early morning delusion. Then this afternoon I went and bought a load of mixed grain to feed her and, when I returned, I looked around the balcony for her and she was startled and flew off onto a nearby roof where she joined the same two other flighty Thai birds. She's there now crouching nonchalently with her mates - until she's bored and wants another free drink and feed on me!

So I believe this rare black Thai bird has been having me on - she's not lame, or sick, or rejected, she's just a benefit scrounger!

Anyway, I might as well use up this ton of seed I've bought her and then she's out on her own (and she can take her slimy greenish watery crap from all over my balcony with her!


Thanks for all your advice. I think I've sorted this bird.

She comes every day for a feed and watering and a nice relaxing rest near my fish pond - she even stays overnight in a quiet corner. She looks kinda shy and timid through all this. However, I THINK I'VE BEEN CONNED BY THIS THAI BIRD!

This morning whilst swimming in the condo pool I swear I saw her fly down nonchalently to take a swig with a couple of her other Thai birdy mates. I thought "that can't be the same bird - it looks so fit and flighty", so I dismissed it as mere early morning delusion. Then this afternoon I went and bought a load of mixed grain to feed her and, when I returned, I looked around the balcony for her and she was startled and flew off onto a nearby roof where she joined the same two other flighty Thai birds. She's there now crouching nonchalently with her mates - until she's bored and wants another free drink and feed on me!

So I believe this rare black Thai bird has been having me on - she's not lame, or sick, or rejected, she's just a benefit scrounger!

Anyway, I might as well use up this ton of seed I've bought her and then she's out on her own (and she can take her slimy greenish watery crap from all over my balcony with her!

Have had a second look at the photo, and I dont belive it is a pigeon. I think it's a BAROUS DEVIOUS bird there well known in Thailand for conning people especially the farang male. They do sometime make good pet's though. But best left in a cage and fed from a distance as they can bite.

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