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Briton Was 'Beaten To Death On Koh Samui - 'He Did Not Drown'


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Are you for real or do you think you are something better or by any chance a racist???

Try not to become romantically involved with Thai women from the underclass's or other such Thais.

If you are to scared to live here why you not just go home??

That s the most hilarious Bullshit I ever read.

And guess what there are loads of Foreign people for example in Bangkok who are involved in the Sex Industry.

But of Course you need muscles and or be well connected.

But certainly you need to have this assets as well in any other Country if you want to get involved in that Industry

Got it???

Good post mate,is he honestly giving advise,because thats some bullshit khun Beetlejuice.U obviously are an expert in this area,i think not.Forgot to say,wash your mouth out racist human

I make no claims to be expert at anything, it`s just common sense and this has nothing to do with racism.

I quoted Thais because we are in Thailand. Or perhaps I should rephrase what I said and just say; underclasses or undesirables, meaning those of the criminal elements.

What people do or become involved with is their business and when they find themselves becoming immersed in situations that they are unable to control and the worst happens, then they have no one else to blame but themselves.

As I said, they get involved at their own risks.

It is easy to live in Thailand and easy to get destroyed here also.

Of course I'm scared, or perhaps extra cautious is the right term, because I am in a foreign country with no statutory rights and vulnerable much more then a Thai citizen, so I try to do things in ways that do not create dangerous situations for me or put me at the mercy of the police or criminal gangs.

Even back in my own country I would do the same.

All I am saying is, just play carefully that's all and I mean that with good intentions and sincerity.

As the wise man says; it`s your funeral, buddy.

Well said. Remember your status and situation and act accordingly.

I've been meaning to say this for a while Mr. Beetlejuice, but your oeuvre keeps getting better and better. There is no paradise for everyone, but I found mine in Thailand. If anyone should think that means "perfect" then they couldn't be more wrong. It's almost imperfect in every way. But if you travel in the right circles there's heart and optimism and even a little bit of courage :shock1: . As the Thais I know say "when the old people die everything will be better". I hope I live to see it.

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From the picture, the guy reminds me of a good friend of mine.

I'm sorry he's dead.

I understand shit happens, just don't blame the Thais for everything that goes wrong.

I don't think people are blaming the Thais for everything, but in this case he clearly did not drown as any pathologist would be able to tell you quite quickly, so the Thai authorities claiming he drowned and calling it suicide rightly deserve to be criticized for either incompetence or for being complicit in a cover up. Or maybe I am wrong, maybe he killed himself elsewhere and then walked to the lake and threw himself in.

If you want to defend people like that then feel free, but don't expect many of us to join you.

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