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Podcasts In Car


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hi there

I have a car radio. I found a marvellous little gadget which plugs in the cigarette lighter. You stick a thumb drive in it and you can play music or podcasts at will. It sends a radio signal to the car radio which is only inches away. Even has a little remote. It's marvellous and the sound quality is fine for me I don't need hifi. To cream the cake it was only a couple of hundred baht!

Here's the rub.

I love to listen to podcasts and so on in the car. Problem is most of my journeys are shortish. So what happens is when I stop the ignition it goes back to the beginning of the podcast. And again. And again. And I rarely or never hear the back half of the podcast.

So what I need is fast forward and back ability.

I'm aware one can get a player fitted to the car which one can plug a thumb drive in. But the screen is going to be a bit pokey and low and possibly ill lit(?). Do these players have remotes?

I have another cunning plan. I have an iPad. Is it possible to somehow hook the iPad to the car speakers?

Any other not-too-expensive ideas?

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Does it restart from the list of all casts or the last cast file played? If it is last file - edit the cast into small units and it will only back up a few minutes. Just label them so they load and play in order. Use a file splitter that will name them in seq.

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You can get a similar device into which you can plug an ipod. Google 'fm modulator.' It's essentially what you have already without the controls (have you tried plugging your ipad into the existing device? What happens?).

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