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Thais Littering On Land And Beach


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you could have left out the neighbours part and just asked:

How would you rate Thai's on land and beach? Tidy or litterbugs?


Not just Thai...this is a global pandemic....crap everywhere. I see foreingers dumping stuff on the beaches and the streets.

If 20 people lived in a large room together and 10 of them dropped crap all over the place the other 10 would put a stop to it.

if 20 people lived in a large room together and 18 of them dropped crap all over the place the room would be a craphole...i.e. Planet Earth.

Blind stupid ignorance does not help the matter. If children see adults dumping stuff out of car windows, leaving plastic bags of half eaten food on beaches, parks etc then it just perpetuates the problem.

I sat and watched dozens of people swimming and floating around on inner tubes the other week on Jomtien beach totally oblivious of the muck they were surrounded by.

If that is all they see on a beach and that is the only beach they ever see - they just think it is the "Norm".

It does not help that rampant poverty drives the poor to trawl through bins in search of food and material for recycling and dropping more of the crap that has been properly disposed of all over the place.

Forget the lie that is Global Warming and lets get our sh*t rowed up in the right place and tidy the "room" up first and then look at the big picture.....

I'll get of my soapbox now and let someone else on it...

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It is filthy and getting worse.

Tourists don't care because they don't live here, and Thais don't care because a dirty beach is just as good as a clean one. Just look at how most of them live around town and all is understood.

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It is filthy and getting worse.

Tourists don't care because they don't live here, and Thais don't care because a dirty beach is just as good as a clean one. Just look at how most of them live around town and all is understood.

It has always surprised me how they just keep littering everywhere. I am coming from a background where littering is not just unlawful but is considered impolite and disrespectful of other people's labor and other people in general. And this bad Thai habit always pissed me off. Several times I even had to reprimand the thai tourists on the beach for throwing their garbage around. They smiled and collected everything in a plastic bag.

But I blame the lack of trash bins in the city streets of Thailand. In Europe you don't have to walk very long until the next trash bin or a garbage container. In Thailand they are pretty much non existant in some place. So people just leave the stuff on the curb.

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Only one word springs to mind: filthy.

Everywhere you go there is discarded rubbish. You just cant avoid it.

But I know why it's like that. I was on a minibus trip the other day. We stopped at a very clean service/restaurant area. In the toilets women were busy spraying bleach around and rinsing everything. Our driver bought himself some sort of cake from a 7/11 store and just dropped the wrapper into an attractive ornamental fountain area outside the shop without a second thought. There was a trashcan about 5 feet away from him.

Walk along Pattaya Beach Rd and examine the detritus all over the floor and the concrete seats: endless bottles, bags, styrofoam containers and half-eaten food. Yet there are loads of large waste bins everywhere. If Pattaya took some of the money it squanders on nonsense and spent it on employing a few dozen people to tidy up the beach the city could even perhaps pretend to be a world-class destination.

Singapore managed to teach (fine) Asians into being tidy: I'm sure that Thailand could do it. All they need is the desire.

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Only one word springs to mind: filthy.

Everywhere you go there is discarded rubbish. You just cant avoid it.

But I know why it's like that. I was on a minibus trip the other day. We stopped at a very clean service/restaurant area. In the toilets women were busy spraying bleach around and rinsing everything. Our driver bought himself some sort of cake from a 7/11 store and just dropped the wrapper into an attractive ornamental fountain area outside the shop without a second thought. There was a trashcan about 5 feet away from him.

Walk along Pattaya Beach Rd and examine the detritus all over the floor and the concrete seats: endless bottles, bags, styrofoam containers and half-eaten food. Yet there are loads of large waste bins everywhere. If Pattaya took some of the money it squanders on nonsense and spent it on employing a few dozen people to tidy up the beach the city could even perhaps pretend to be a world-class destination.

Singapore managed to teach (fine) Asians into being tidy: I'm sure that Thailand could do it. All they need is the desire.

You will see thing changing as soon the Pattaya Police find out how much the Bangkok littering police earns from fining turists.

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Singapore managed to teach (fine) Asians into being tidy: I'm sure that Thailand could do it. All they need is the desire.

You will see thing changing as soon the Pattaya Police find out how much the Bangkok littering police earns from fining turists.


I am hugely in favour of colossal fines for littering (and being noisy for that matter; in fact I would be in favour of prison sentences for both).

But I dont think that tourists are the worst offenders.

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I remember back in my home country their was advertisements on TV and large bill posters in the cities

drumming it to "keep your country tidy and don't litter".

Unless they do something similar nothing will change.

You need to educate the people on this.

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Yes, it could be proven that Thais litter more than people in Western countries. However, let's take the USA for example-- back in the 60's there was a big campaign against littering "Give a Hoot , Don't Pollute". TV ads and schools did campaigns to teach people to not pollute (let's face it, you teach the young and they will convince their parents not to throw trash out the car window).

Next, in Western countries people actually get fined by the police when littering.

Another factor is that in Western countries , there are plenty of garbage bins/ trash cans to throw your unwanted item away. People do not steal them.

As an expat that lives in Pattaya, I find myself walking 10 minutes before finding a trash bin to throw away my trash... But when I look to see what the locals do, they leave it along the curb for the early morning trash people to pick it up. And there is no education done to teach the Thais what to do with their trash. What I find ironic is how in a Buddhist country (that treasures animals and nature) thinks it is ok to throw their trash anywhere.

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There are many bad mouthing our generous hosts above........so best you close it.....not allowed to bad mouth our hosts according to the rules.....rules are made not to be broken.

If you allow this thread to stay open,.....then others will follow.....and thats not rubbish

Edited by Nawtier
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