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Walen School - Chiangmai


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Hi everyone, we will have a free marketing class at the Walen school in Chiangmai this Friday at 6.30 pm.

All interested in business, marketing and sales are invited to join. I will be happy to share some of my 10 year experience.

Walen School - learn business!

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Busy schedule, was in Pattaya yesterday and now already in Chiangmai. This is exciting what we do. If you come you will learn interesting things.

Anybody interested in attending? If you are drop me a pm if possible.

Walen School - let's talk about money

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Busy schedule, was in Pattaya yesterday and now already in Chiangmai. This is exciting what we do. If you come you will learn interesting things.

Anybody interested in attending? If you are drop me a pm if possible.

Walen School - let's talk about money

I find your last line to not only be interesting, but also potentially misleading. So please, in reference to your last line in the above post, "let's talk about money". You are trying to sign people up to do marketing for you, and you are charging them to do that, correct? If that is correct, what is the fee you are charging for this "partnership program"?

My other question is a legal question. Working (and marketing in Thailand certainly constitutes work) requires a Work Permit. Are you providing WP's to people that pay your fee and sign up?

Edited by jdinasia
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If you are interested please come to the class, if you are not I also understand and respect that.

Marketing is about business and business is about money. I consider myself to be a good business teacher but you can judge for yourself.

This particular class will be about marketing and sales. You are also welcome to ask questions.

It is not just about our school, I can give you practical advice about other businesses too. If someone is not interested in business then learning marketing and sales is not going to be interesting.

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Busy schedule, was in Pattaya yesterday and now already in Chiangmai. This is exciting what we do. If you come you will learn interesting things.

Anybody interested in attending? If you are drop me a pm if possible.

Walen School - let's talk about money

I find your last line to not only be interesting, but also potentially misleading. So please, in reference to your last line in the above post, "let's talk about money". You are trying to sign people up to do marketing for you, and you are charging them to do that, correct? If that is correct, what is the fee you are charging for this "partnership program"?

My other question is a legal question. Working (and marketing in Thailand certainly constitutes work) requires a Work Permit. Are you providing WP's to people that pay your fee and sign up?

Like I said, if you are interested come, you can see me in person and ask all the questions. I would also like to see you, I like to see my students. If you do not think I am capable of teaching you anything about business then don't come. I understand it.

It is a free class, I do not charge for it.

Edited by MacWalen
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If the school is such a succes then why the need to go this direction.Amway,Herbalife,Tupperware and giffarine spring to mind.

Are you talking about multibillion dollar companies? Seems they are doing something right if they turnover billions of dollars each year and give work to tens of thousands of people on farms, factories, offices, etc, aren't they?

Tomorrow's class is not about that though. I am certainly looking for students interested in business. I will see what I can do for them and what questions they will ask.

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If the school is such a succes then why the need to go this direction.Amway,Herbalife,Tupperware and giffarine spring to mind.

Are you talking about multibillion dollar companies? Seems they are doing something right if they turnover billions of dollars each year and give work to tens of thousands of people on farms, factories, offices, etc, aren't they?

They are banned in many country's due to their sales practices,aren't they?

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If the school is such a succes then why the need to go this direction.Amway,Herbalife,Tupperware and giffarine spring to mind.

Are you talking about multibillion dollar companies? Seems they are doing something right if they turnover billions of dollars each year and give work to tens of thousands of people on farms, factories, offices, etc, aren't they?

They are banned in many country's due to their sales practices,aren't they?

They are legal in most. What countries they are banned? Can you give some concrete examples?

But Walen is not MLM, and the class is not about MLM so don't worry.

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Oh dear, it seems like the Doubting Thomas' are out in force :whistling:

I mean, if no one is interested, then why comment negatively in this thread? And for those of you who are 'curious' shall we say, then why not pop along and see what's what as the invitation states?

If someone posted about how they sell the best steaks in town and were offering a free taste for anyone interested, then it would be a bit daft to sit at a computer asking about the hindquarters of the beast, the flavour, the texture and so on, when the only real and unbiased answers you'd get for your questions would be to go on down and try for yourself.

Eeeee, there really is none funnier than (some) folks!


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Busy schedule, was in Pattaya yesterday and now already in Chiangmai. This is exciting what we do. If you come you will learn interesting things.

Anybody interested in attending? If you are drop me a pm if possible.

Walen School - let's talk about money

I find your last line to not only be interesting, but also potentially misleading. So please, in reference to your last line in the above post, "let's talk about money". You are trying to sign people up to do marketing for you, and you are charging them to do that, correct? If that is correct, what is the fee you are charging for this "partnership program"?

My other question is a legal question. Working (and marketing in Thailand certainly constitutes work) requires a Work Permit. Are you providing WP's to people that pay your fee and sign up?

Like I said, if you are interested come, you can see me in person and ask all the questions. I would also like to see you, I like to see my students. If you do not think I am capable of teaching you anything about business then don't come. I understand it.

It is a free class, I do not charge for it.

I did not ask about the fee for your "class". I asked 2 very direct questions that deserve (imho) an answer ---

How much is the fee you charge people to join your partnership program?


In light of "marketing" being classified as work in Thailand, do you provide work permits for your "partners"?

I know the OP doesn't WANT to answer those questions publicly, but they are legitimate questions none-the-less.

Drew--- If the OP can't answer 2 basic and legitimate questions and instead evades, it might be best to put the post as a classified where people cannot ask questions that they think warrant an answer. He's not selling steaks, he's looking for investors according to his other threads.

(note I understand that the OP is a sponsor for educational services ie: teaching Thai in Thailand --- I am not commenting on that business at all --- I am asking what I feel are legitimate questions about this marketing program. I think showing up and then reporting back to the members of TVF would be a tish unethical compared to just asking openly.)

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I am interviewing candidates for new Thai teachers at Walen, it nothing short of amazing how many amazing women apply here for a job. Hard to decide which one to hire! Im looking for one and there are at least 4 that are fantastic for this job.

Walen School - amazing teachers

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Guys, I am not an idiot, ok? What I propose is totally legitimate, if you are interested just come. If you are not interested just trying to be smart then Walen is not for you.

There is too much money involved to ruin this business with doing something stupid.

All your questions will be answered if you make the investment of time and come to see me, I also like to see those who are interested.

Walen School - benefit yourself

Edited by MacWalen
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The questions presented to the OP seem reasonable. The OP has indicated how busy his schedule is between schools, interviewing potential teachers, his business (10 Year experience), making a business proposal, etc,

Potential respondents to any of this or other proposals may be as busy or even more so than the OP, thus they ask questions before hand to ensure they are not wasting their time. Personally, I confine my attendance to any group business proposal, to those that offer a free meal/cocktail hour, at a well known venue. That way if the business proposal is not attractive to me, I at least got something for my time. The people selling cook ware at least demonstrate same and feed those in attendance. Competent business people use many approaches to lure customers, investors, employees, etc, normally with a little sweetener to get attendance.

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The questions presented to the OP seem reasonable. The OP has indicated how busy his schedule is between schools, interviewing potential teachers, his business (10 Year experience), making a business proposal, etc,

Potential respondents to any of this or other proposals may be as busy or even more so than the OP, thus they ask questions before hand to ensure they are not wasting their time. Personally, I confine my attendance to any group business proposal, to those that offer a free meal/cocktail hour, at a well known venue. That way if the business proposal is not attractive to me, I at least got something for my time. The people selling cook ware at least demonstrate same and feed those in attendance. Competent business people use many approaches to lure customers, investors, employees, etc, normally with a little sweetener to get attendance.

Thanks, I was beginning to question my own questions ;) ... I won't post my questions again (in this thread or in the future threads that are bound to happen) as the evasiveness has turned me off from any genuine interest I may have had. I absolutely wouldn't involve myself in work in Thailand without a work-permit ever, I love it here and would hate to face the potential consequences.

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Yes, immigration police seem to be quite active recently. All it takes is one disgruntled person who points them in a direction and problems arise. The worst part of this scenario is that some of the relative innocent get caught up in the net.

Many of Thailand's entrepreneurs are seemly following some of the real worlds advertising methods, pyramid schemes,time shares, commissions instead of salary, etc with some success. I have observed that in many cases those on the fine line, economically, may be offering as well as accepting said offers. We all have goals, its just the methods we use to achieve them, that makes life interesting.

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I think the market in Chiang Mai and the market in Pattaya is quite different. While what seems morally correct in Pattaya, here in Chiang Mai, people have a different set of values that might make them ask questions about opportunities that might seem somewhat questionable. 10 years of experience in Pattaya is not the same as 10 years experience in Chiang Mai. I think the resistance to the OP is evidence to support the Chiang Mai and Pattaya differences.

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I think the market in Chiang Mai and the market in Pattaya is quite different. While what seems morally correct in Pattaya, here in Chiang Mai, people have a different set of values that might make them ask questions about opportunities that might seem somewhat questionable. 10 years of experience in Pattaya is not the same as 10 years experience in Chiang Mai. I think the resistance to the OP is evidence to support the Chiang Mai and Pattaya differences.

Richard, thanks for joining, I live in Bangkok, mostly. I travel to Pattaya as we have a school there but do not live there.

People are interested in business everywhere so teaching things related to business is always beneficial. When you say 'resistance', a few posts from readers not interested in learning business is not much of a resistance. There were 15 people at a meeting and most likely more in 3 weeks time when I have another class.

The opportunities are not questionable, rather there are people who are skeptical about everything and unless they give me a chance to explain all in detail they will not change their mind as they already decided. There are a few of those around and that is fine with me. They are not interested in something they know little about.

I came to do business in a place where it is difficult to do business but by perseverance and by providing the best service possible we are now doing very well so it can be done. Not as well as in Pattaya but still very well for this city and there is an upward trend. My teachers here are excellent. I see great potential in Chiangmai for the future.

So all those who missed the class this time are invited in 3 weeks time. I will not quit as I do it professionally and I do not have swings of mood so if anybody thinks they can discourage me then they are wasting their time. If we do things together the benefits will be great.

To all those who came, thank you very much for joining our marketing class, hope it was worth your time.

Now time to prepare our class in Bangkok for this coming Monday at 7 pm on the 6th of June.

Walen School - knowledge is power

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There is a "Classified section" where advertisement for services/product can be made on a daily basis. Granted some businesses are paid advertisers on TV and have more leeway than other members, but the specials are normally entered into the advertisement under their banner. Either option seems to work for those who have an interest. I am not questioning TV rules/etc., or the OP, just my opinion on what can be expected from some of the members who have no axe to grind. Some do expect additional information when straight forward questions are presented on TV topics, as well as difference of opinions from various members.

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Slapout, thanks for your participation and feedback, it was a marketing class and everybody was invited. Do you really feel that is so unfair to answer all questions in person? I came all the way to Chiangmai so obviously I am making an effort to reach out to people living here.

When was the last time you saw a post on thaivisa.com offering free marketing classes conducted by an experienced business coach for free? I have never seen one.

Walen School - free your mind

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I do not profess to be an expert, but in my limited experience, I have to say that the refusal to answer very simple questions from what may be interested clients, partners or whatever, seems to go against your self professed expertise.

From a marketing perspective, I feel you are coming across as evasive, patronising, and sending confused messages (a big no no in marketing).

For example, you say u are offering free marketing tips etc. That's great, but earlier in the thread you respond to peoples queries concerning your partnership program. (albeit evasively ). That gives the impression that u are offering marketing advise, or classes, and actually leading people into a potential sales pitch for your partnership program. That sort of tactic many will be aware of as being related to amway hard sell mlm, timeshare sales etc. That is the impression you give to me anyway.

I'm sure your business is great, and completely legitimate for you. But, I have to say, from a marketing perspective, you may need to look at how you are coming across. Answering simple questions put to you from people that may be potential clients/partners, would be a great start.

All with the greatest respect. I just thought I would share the impression I get from your own marketing on the forum.

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I should add, that I am not trying to say anything negative about your business. I've heard great things about Walen schools, and had intended to maybe give a class there a go at some point. Its this other stuff thats confusing that image I have of the Walen business.

Im just frustrated a little with the evasive responses, as I too would be interested in the answers to the simple questions that were posed earlier in the thread. Not because Im trying to be smart, but because I may well be interested. I was unable to attend the meeting before this one about the partnership program, and I was confused about what this meeting was, as you billed it as a marketing class - so I wasn't sure what exactly you were covering? Marketing in general? Or the Partnership Program?

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