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If You Take Money Out Of The Equation

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Answer to the OP's question (in the title) ... "yes"

Me too.

To take money out of the Equation one way or the other doesn't make sense.

If you had more than enough money you could do what you want, if you ain't, then you have to take what you get.

Talking of only my situation, one of my reasons is I would not have had the same quality of life I have here as I would of done in my own country for sure.


I actually would be in a better position financially etc back "home", but I would be bored, endlessly underchallenged, and nowhere near as happy as I am here. Complacency was a big issue for me back home. It isn't an issue at all for me here in Thailand. Back in the states I would work 50+ hours a week ... make more money ... take 3-4 one week vacations a year etc ... Here I work 60+ hours a week and the time flies by because I love what I am doing. I make less but I don't spend all that I make here AND I collect rent from an extra house in the US that I am not having to live in .... Over the years I managed to buy and keep several properties that provide me with enough there that living in Thailand isn't hurting my retirement plan. Life is good.

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If I could take money out of the equation I would live on yacht with a helicopter and flit around the Mediterranean.

However, money is not the reason I am in Thailand.

I've got a friend who is a billionaire, or next thing to it, and he's told me that I have more freedom than he does. I would half believe him because more than a few times he's had to cancel fishing trips with me because some big business deal needs attending to. He's got the big yacht, many expensive autos, and a trophy wife, but I don't envy him. I've got more pretty girl friends than he does and I go anywhere I want. I just don't do it in high style.


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Lets modifiy this question slightly for our more senior citizens...If you take the cheap availble young subservient women out the equation...would you still live in Thailand ?

I think that 99% of elderly men would not be here. Without the availablilty of young women it may be more difficult to find the old women crapping at the end of the drive to colourful.

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I have virtually the same lifestyle as I had living with my wife in the states. My electric bill is the same as in Florida. I bought a house 5 years ago and it was about 30% less than the same house in Florida. I don't eat much Thai food except that which my wife cooks. We ate at a local Thai restaurant in Florida and got spoiled on the quality. Most of the street food is very low quality IMO.

We eat out about the same as in Florida and that cost is half what it is in the states. Cherry's has a wonderful buffet Wed and Sat for 400baht and it is excellent quality. Pattaya has excellent food choices and much less than the US.

All and all I think the cost is the same for me to live here or Florida. I like living here it is far more interesting and not so many fat people as the US.

If your a single guy you better plan to triple your costs if you want to have any fun. The exception of course is Cheap Charlie's who always want something for nothing.

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Costs is one thing, climate is another and as long as I get away from 7 months winter and 5 months green winter then I hold on. But sure climate change and / or continius extreme weather year around would put me of.

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If I could take money out of the equation I would live on yacht with a helicopter and flit around the Mediterranean.

However, money is not the reason I am in Thailand.

I've got a friend who is a billionaire, or next thing to it, and he's told me that I have more freedom than he does. I would half believe him because more than a few times he's had to cancel fishing trips with me because some big business deal needs attending to. He's got the big yacht, many expensive autos, and a trophy wife, but I don't envy him. I've got more pretty girl friends than he does and I go anywhere I want. I just don't do it in high style.


Ian for Buddha's sake I told you to keep it a secret that I've had to downgrade. :D

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Sure it has something to do with money but basically I am in Thailand for sex.

A good truthful answer...well done, but believe you are in the minority as all others say they are in Thailand for the temples and the culture...:whistling:

Truthful indeed. You don't get much of that here

If you could not live very cheaply here (by changing ones lifestyle just a little bit) and if it was not so easy to score with women, I would probobly not have fallen in love with the place many years ago, but it it is and I did. :thumbsup:

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To to OP, I wouldn't pooh-pooh a 10% to 20% discount on the cost of living. Over the long haul that much of an after-tax benefit is huge. Imagine how lucky you would feel if you could reasonably expect earn 10% to 20% after-tax on your investments year after year.

Moving from Manhattan to BKK I estimate our disposable income to increase by up to 25%. The famous baseball manager Branch Rickey used to say that baseball is a game of inches. Retirement is similarly a game of small percentages.

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To to OP, I wouldn't pooh-pooh a 10% to 20% discount on the cost of living. Over the long haul that much of an after-tax benefit is huge. Imagine how lucky you would feel if you could reasonably expect earn 10% to 20% after-tax on your investments year after year.

Moving from Manhattan to BKK I estimate our disposable income to increase by up to 25%. The famous baseball manager Branch Rickey used to say that baseball is a game of inches. Retirement is similarly a game of small percentages.

If you are living in Manhattan, I think you are going to find Bangkok a LOT more than 25% cheaper for just about everything.

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Lets modifiy this question slightly for our more senior citizens...If you take the cheap availble young subservient women out the equation...would you still live in Thailand ?

I have heard there are subservient women here but in six years I have never met one. Where do you find them? PS I have lived in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and numerous other places.

Have tried Issan yet...:lol:

I never met a subservient woman either --- actually western words applied to Asia do not always describe things accurately.

With regard to Isaan women, the drama is far too much --- sorry, Isaan women are off my list.

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If I could take money out of the equation I would live on yacht with a helicopter and flit around the Mediterranean.

However, money is not the reason I am in Thailand.

If you lived on a yacht with helicopter you would not need to be in Thailand for the "other" reason either.....:rolleyes:

IF... B)

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the big factor for farang is that they can get a gf in thailand because of the poverty and desperation.

it is certainly a factor, but there are places where people are even poorer and more desperate than in Thailand.

Easy sex with beautiful girls is one thing, but there are so many other aspects of life in Thailand I enjoy:

- friendly people

- available manpower/labor, service

- weather (I like it warm and humid)

- the beaches and the ocean (28°C - ideal for me to bathe)

- the great food

- a feeling of responsibility rather than a feeling of powerlessness back home

- a feeling of freedom

- a feeling that things around me are organized in a way that's logical

...as opposed to Swiss greenies who just remove/close roads to answer traffic problems. Switzerland is also the place where some people put locks on their rubbish bins because they are afraid someone will dump his trash inside. I couldn't go watch Nemo at the movies with my 5 yo son because the required age was 6.

I want to leave all these sillies behind.

What worries me is that all western countries undergo this process of "pussyfication". Nannie state turning us into children...

Back to Thailand:

If sex was the only thing, there would be more people in the Philippines, Brazil, etc.

Thailand just has everything, except easy visa for people under 50 and except land ownership.

Other than that, it's perfect.

And the financial aspects like no taxes and many cheap prices are a bonus.

To the people saying that Thailand is as expensive as their home country, I would like to say:

- your currency has probably lost a lot of value over the last few years (and you aren't Aussie, obviously)

- your own country already offers good value (compare prices in USA with Switzerland, Sweden, ... USA is dirt cheap)

- you don't get out much (how much for a Thai meal in your country?)

- what's the price of a long time with a beautiful girl in your country? (I add this to the list because men are normally interested in sex. if not... well, up to you!)

Edited by manarak
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I took out a beautiful young woman last night and had a wonderful evening for less than I would spend on lunch at most average US restaurants. ...

Yes indeed,

For many, (not all), if you take the above out of the equation, the destination is no longer even a consideration.

It's never been about the food,

It's never been about the weather,

It's never been about Temples.

If it was just about living cheaply, options abound.

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Can't really match "quality of life" here, much with anywhere else!

I don't like "pasta sauce" from the jar or can, no need for any imported stuff really, a well occasional some parmigiano for the pasta, but can do without... I make my own pasta sauce, if I feel for pasta, plenty and cheap incredients around, so is a vast array of imported pasta brands... I just love Kanom Chine (thai type pasta with curry sauce and loads of greens) so "Pad Thai", or Spagetti "Pat kii mau", or Tagliatelle with green Curry...the seafood is unbeatable, tom yum goong, tom yum talay, plah kapong kao nung, pla kapong deang tawd, goong yang, goong chae nam pla, tom chued plamuk ya sai, geang massaman gai, paneng nuea, the lovely fragrant jasmine rice, the gals, the Bib's and tickets... the sun, the skies, the beaches, the climate, low rentals a scooter less then 7 bucks a day (24 hrs.!?) a decent hotel from ~ 40 US$ a custom tailored suit for 80 US$ !?

I'm back in the US right now, and reading your list of food made me wish I was back home! Only 4 days to go...I think my first meal will be plah kapong kao nung from the local vendor near our house. :D

For me, money is definitely one of the top 2 or 3 reasons. I think weather is #1, cost is #2, lifestyle is #3 (I love Thai food, Thai people, Thai lifestyle). I also like the location. Easy to visit a nearby country...as opposed another state back home. :(

If you don't like humidity, then Thailand is definitely not an option. It doesn't bother me that much...just jump in the pool and ring the bell when a beer is needed.

If you need "Western" food, then life is a bit more difficult...and for sure expensive.

I don't chase women, but do enjoy the views. Many guys are here for that, so I think you need to take that out of the equation also?

The OP has visited our house near Pattaya, and for sure it would be hard for me to get that in Europe or the US for the same price. Less than 1KM to the beach, pretty much full time maid and gardener for less than $300/month. Cheap healthcare (I have none in the US), cheap dining out (Thai food, on the beach)...but EXPENSIVE wine!!!!

We've been dining out here near Vegas quite a bit lately. Hard to get by without spending $40-50 for lunch (Olive Garden, etc). Pan Pan in Pattaya is pretty darn good and quite a bit cheaper for Italian food. Mike's has great Mexican for about what you would pay here in Vegas...and as good or better than many. We just ate at our local hole-in-the wall Mexican restaurant and it was $20 for 2. Wifey had water and I had ice tea. She had 2 fish tacos and I had a combo plate. Not much different than at Mike's. But Mike's has better ambiance.

Imported food is expensive in Thailand for sure. Luckily, most of it I don't need. Cheese, sausages, steaks...all things my heart doc wants me to avoid. I was at the big grocery store here yesterday and they had 1 full isle of nothing but cheese. Unreal.

Is it perfect here? No way. Lots of problems, but most are easy to deal with....other than the crazy traffic. It's been a pleasure to drive here in Vegas. Cars actually stop and let you cross in parking lots! Fantastic.

We don't plan to live in Thailand forever, but for now, it's great...especially compared to the alternatives.

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I started a topic about what I love about Thailand a little over a month ago. It's now up to 5 pages and I'll continue to add to it. It pretty much explains my feelings for a country I now live half my life in. You can't take anything out of an equasion and get a reasonable answer because any choice is part and parcel of everything. Take away any one of many issues and the whole parameter changes. There are certainly countries, and cities within countries that have better than what Thailand has to offer, but when you put it all together in one package it becomes the sum of its parts.

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When people mention the women, if you are willing to spend you can get them anywhere, no matter what your age is or what you look like. So if the women or the guys in Thailand are a reason for you being in Thailand, that is in most cases definitely a matter of price.

I left Thailand awhile back and part of it is was that it wasn't all that much cheaper. In other places I usually stay with friends and people I know. I am able to split the bills and rent or whatever and it comes out to be pretty cheap. In Thailand I was renting my own place and paying for everything by myself. So odd as it may seem I can live in places like Hawaii, LA or even Dublin as cheaply as I can in Thailand.

I do like to live a a western lifestyle though so I know that I can spend much less in Thailand but I just don't want to. If it weren't for Thailand being the regional hub and for it's decent shopping I probably wouldn't spend any time there at all. I can certainly think of many other places I would rather visit if money isn't an issue.

If you are primarily going to Thailand just because of the economic factors, I would say skip it. This will only lead to you being unhappy. This is assuming you are already happy where you are located and just thinking of finances. I moved to Thailand years ago because I thought it would be a cheap and nice place to live and ended up not liking it too much. YMMV

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MA_FARANG, on 2011-06-04 11:23:10, said:

It's all in what your idea of a "decent standard of living" is. If that includes western foods every day, nights out in the bars, etc., then Thailand will be more expensive.

no, it is not more expensive! except if you are a citizen of a country which levies income tax on your worldwide income or a poor citizen of any other country who's income tax is negligible.

if you are financially well off and not forced to pay a shitload of taxes (because you live in Thailand) then all expenses of an extremely comfortable life style are paid for and in many cases even a nice bundle of money is left.

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I wonder why those members who have left Thailand because they did not like it, or were disappointed because it was no cheaper than 'home' or for whatever reason still bother to remain members and post on this forum? Maybe it is because when they did live here Thailand got under their skin. Seems strange they would still bother to keep abreast with Thai events if they did not like it so much.

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When people mention the women, if you are willing to spend you can get them anywhere, no matter what your age is or what you look like.

Not young, slim, sweet, attractive women (in huge quantities).

Most men do not want to have to depend on friends for a place to stay and it is easy to find a cheap, comfortable place to live in Thailand if one is not overly picky. Yes, one can live on the cheap in the West, but not nearly as comfortably.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I wonder why those members who have left Thailand because they did not like it, or were disappointed because it was no cheaper than 'home' or for whatever reason still bother to remain members and post on this forum? Maybe it is because when they did live here Thailand got under their skin. Seems strange they would still bother to keep abreast with Thai events if they did not like it so much.

Almost as strange as posters who move from their native countries...come to a 3rd world country for "whatever" reason and b*tch and moan that it not like home....and usually start their post with....In the US or England I/ we...

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When people mention the women, if you are willing to spend you can get them anywhere, no matter what your age is or what you look like.

Not young, slim, sweet, attractive women (in huge quantities).

Most men do not want to have to depend on friends for a place to stay and it is easy to find a cheap, comfortable place to live in Thailand if one is not overly picky. Yes, one can live on the cheap in the West, but not nearly as comfortably.

Not knocking young and attractive women, but an older, more experienced woman from my own culture with my own type of background makes the best companion--in all areas. :)

Not that I am going to ignore the Thai women here as I am surrounded by many more of them than by women from my own culture. They are great in their own right. But if I was back in the US, I would be just as if not more happy socializing with an older and wiser (and I will admit, more skilled?) American demographic.

(Although now that I think of it, my current Thai companion, while much younger than me, is only one year younger than my ex-wife, a red-headed Western woman. Interpret that as you may. :) )

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Wow, I am gone for a day or so, and... 55 replies!! As the OP, I was not ready for this. What is the protocol here? - am I obligated to read all 55 replies!! Including the ones with typos?

I have gone through the first few, and some good comments. I do think it depends on where you are from. If I was from Norway, I would love Thailand to death, no matter the cost (nothing against people from Norway - lovely people). But I kind of like where I live, so I am not looking to escape, just add a bit of spice to my life.

Someone said don't make a decision on a few visits, and I think that is right. Visiting a place and living there are totally different.

Thanks for the replies. I will work my way through the rest and get back to you.


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When people mention the women, if you are willing to spend you can get them anywhere, no matter what your age is or what you look like.

Not young, slim, sweet, attractive women (in huge quantities).

Most men do not want to have to depend on friends for a place to stay and it is easy to find a cheap, comfortable place to live in Thailand if one is not overly picky. Yes, one can live on the cheap in the West, but not nearly as comfortably.

Not knocking young and attractive women, but an older, more experienced woman from my own culture with my own type of background makes the best companion--in all areas. :)

Not that I am going to ignore the Thai women here as I am surrounded by many more of them than by women from my own culture. They are great in their own right. But if I was back in the US, I would be just as if not more happy socializing with an older and wiser (and I will admit, more skilled?) American demographic.

(Although now that I think of it, my current Thai companion, while much younger than me, is only one year younger than my ex-wife, a red-headed Western woman. Interpret that as you may. :) )

Not everyone needs a security blanket of culture and age in a companion.

I have found people who travel at a young age (pre teens) seem to adapt better to other cultures and are not as reliant on national identity or cultural security.

I have two friends one Swiss and the other Australian who were raised in Asian countries from birth. They both speak Thai like a native because they attended primary school in Thailand.

Although they are both definitely Swiss and Australian, looks, language etc etc they have no trouble finding true love and companionship with Asian women of almost any age.

If your nest was a little more varied as a as a child I think this allows the adult to function happily in a more varied adult world.

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What is the protocol here? - am I obligated to read all 55 replies!! Including the ones with typos?

no you don't. but you have an obligation to entertain us further with price comparisons. what about the price of toothpicks in California compared to the toothpicks one buys in Phuket? most interesting are prices of cauliflower in San Diego, potatoes in Sacramento, a BJ in Santa Monica and a ticket for speeding on I15 from Bakersfield to Vegas.

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What is the protocol here? - am I obligated to read all 55 replies!! Including the ones with typos?

no you don't. but you have an obligation to entertain us further with price comparisons. what about the price of toothpicks in California compared to the toothpicks one buys in Phuket? most interesting are prices of cauliflower in San Diego, potatoes in Sacramento, a BJ in Santa Monica and a ticket for speeding on I15 from Bakersfield to Vegas.

:lol::lol: .....Naam.....as you know the colonial cousins are not always good recognising sarcasm...therefore we may be setting outselves up for detailed comparative shopping lists from both California and Phuket being published on TV and analysed in detail....:whistling:

I am really glad that all the important decisions I have made in my life have never been based on the price of spagetti sauce...:rolleyes:

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