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30 Bht Hospitals


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Skyped the missus today and was told her neighbour has been diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer, been crook for months but only went to the hospital yesterday.

She told they paid 15,000bht for the examination, although figure this will blow out to 50,000 bht by the time the family falang hears the news, but that's a rant best left for another topic.

I asked why they didn't go and get him checked out earlier under the 30 bht scheme and was told that the 30 bht only covered the doctor's appointment, anything else is extra.

Surely this can't be right.

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She is wrong....she does not have to pay 30 baht now it is totally free...and that is all treatment.

If she goes to a hospital that covers her (where she lives or works) or is referred to a larger government hospital by the local hospital where she is covered.

Note --- not everything is always covered -- but the basics for real medical issues always are. (That means elective surgery and some medication may not be covered -- if a different med can be used instead.)

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An simple MRI ten years ago was close to that amount at Chula; so yes it could well be. But it may also involve using a private facility and thus all payments out of pocket. If you not the OP it says nothing about this fee being from a government hospital under the 30 baht system - just asking if the 30 baht system would cover all fees.

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One of the problems with the "30 baht" card is that you are at the far end of the queue.

Three weeks ago my wife was given a date of Feb 2012 ... next year... for an MRI at Siriraj if she opted for to use that system. If she paid cash up front, she could have it done in August/ September this year at a cost of 10000 baht .

So a phone call to Thonburi Hospital at 1PM last Wednesday and it was done by 4.00 pm that afternoon... cost 11000.

I am well aware that the sheer numbers of people wanting health care and have to use the Govt. Hospitals, create and strain the waiting lists, but when this Nation can let the politicians spend monies so freely ..... submarines?? .....election promises.......and let health slide downhill, one has to go with the flow.

She was wanting the results as she is being treated for brain cancer and to wait till Feb next year is just so unbelievable!!!!! It must be terrible for all those who want/ need quick and proper care and have to rely on the "30 baht " system and be told to wait 6/8 months for an MRI.


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The replies here are pretty much along the lines of what the missus has been telling me.

Pay your 30 bht and get sent home to wait for the call-back or the Grim Reaper, whichever arrives first.

In this case it's too late to do anything for him and he has decided to take his 'paracetamon' and go home to die.

I hope they've stocked up on yaa dong to help him through the ordeal.

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