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Rollback Of Offer Of Unlimited Use From Ipstar


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It seems that the unlimited usage proclaimed by ipStar, me and others effective 1 October 2005 is on hold, for the time being anyway.


This is the sequence of events:

1) Received a letter dated 5 September 2005, enclosed with our 1-30 Sep 2005 bill, informing us that as of 1 October 2005 our service would remain at the same price, the same speed but, that the service would become an unlimited I/O service. Many qestioned this and subsequently I called their office and their salespeople a total of 5 times to confirm again and again. After having had the letter verified verbally by phone, I notified everyone on the forum through a number of posts.

2) In the meantime I enjoyed Radio Bangkok and numerous other services that I had never used accumulating a toal of 3 GB usage by 11 October 2005. It was also at this time period that I applied for employment with ipStar in that all correspondance to date from them was poor in quality, as far as the English was concerned. This is likely due to those that speak good English usually also being good at other tasks, thus rapidly accelerating up the career ladder and thereby leaving the other, less talented communicators behind.

3) On 3 October we received a letter in Thai only, that effectively stated that starting next month we were to enjoy the new price of only 4,000 Baht per month at the same speed and the same price. Now having lived in LOS I immediately became suspicious and called the company and asked about the limited/unlimited status of my account.

The nice person on the person on the other end stammered, hesitated and winced but, finally relented the fact that due no fault of his or of the company we would have an unlimited account this month only. I thanked him and asked about next month, at which time he stated that the decision as to what service and what options would be available next month had not been made and that I would be notified before that period came into effect. Since the poor man was not repsonsible for the bluner Ilet him off the hook, thanked him and ended the call. Note however that I was holding in my hadn a letter that states that next month I would only pay 4,000 Baht instead of 5,000 and that I could enjoy the same service. Of course there was no mention of the unlimited this time. So are they gauging calls before deceiding or what?

I then called a Mr. Sawat Jaratthong, a knowledgeable person, who has a better than most, English vocubulary and spoke to him about the matter. He basically confirmed what the Customer Service Representative had attempted to divulge to me.

After this I had my wife call and confrim all in another call to the Service Center. During this conversation they basically walked all over my wife practically making her thankful for being allowed to being able to connect to the service. Then I knew I was on the right track. (Actually at this point I thought of the forum's very own retired Airline Captain, that lives down south with his dog,w ash machine and pickup).

Immediately I fired off an email reaffirming my availability to avail myself to a possible position as a Farang Service Representative, that could help them in English, German and Italian and possibly help them in averting more problems through this little mishap.

I also called and left a message for the Director of ipStar, requesting a callback, which may happen since I know his Boss.

Now I wait and continue to rock to Radio Bangkok! It's addictive you know!

I give my word that I will attempt to stay informed and should any part of this situation change, I will notifiy the forum immediately. I think that in light of the fact that they are already advertising unlimited 256/128 for a mere 1,500 Baht per month, something worthwhile may come out of this understanding. Like an unintended price drop!

As for the person repsonsible for this fiasco? Who knows, he may create a vacancy, the very one that I seek. All letter are posted at HERE

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i have called csloxinfo about 5 times now and ji-net about 3... neither of them admitted to having this promotion. ji-net insisted it was bullshit, and dared me to try to get it set up successfully through csloxinfo. i called mr. sawat at csloxinfo finally (recommended by OP in another post), and he said to fax in my application for service and i could get the 1500b/mo. unlimited package now. never heard back from him but another lady from csloxinfo called my boyfriend and told him there is no deal for new customers until december (though supposedly you have to order before end of november). bottom line is, i agree with ji-net that all of this hubbub from csloxinfo about a promotion is bullshit. false advertising.

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