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Hi to all our Customers we just want to let the people who we canot reach by email our new skype address = sausagekingcompany everybody is welcome to add us or just contact on thai visa. have a nice day.Rob/sk


Would you consider taking a call so i can discuss why my sausage have gone limp lately, or is this purely about business?

I am sure that if you really have a problem you will find a phone number to talk about your limp sausage however make sure you have your credit card ready as the charges for such calls are not cheap.


Ha Ha Nice one Harry and well said haaaaaa Rob/sk

Would you consider taking a call so i can discuss why my sausage have gone limp lately, or is this purely about business?

I am sure that if you really have a problem you will find a phone number to talk about your limp sausage however make sure you have your credit card ready as the charges for such calls are not cheap.


Come Direct to us and its will be cheaper than buying in the supermarkets and much more choise Rob/sk

Where's the latest storefront for cheapest goodies??


A couple of times a week I travel to the Rimping Supermarket, near the airport branch to buy some of those meat pies.

I have tried several different brands and thought they were a load of old crap. Must say that Sausage King’s are good and the best of the bunch, I’ve sort of become addicted to them. I am a Sausage King meat pie junkie. They are definitely of the same standard and quality that I used to buy in England and you don’t need a truck load of cash to afford one.

Easy to prepare, just bung it in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes.

The meat content is firm and juicy, but my favourite part of the pie is the pastry. Chunky and crispy even after heating it up in the microwave. Plenty of meat, juicy inside, chunky and firm outside. If only Sausage King could produce a woman with the same qualities, he would be onto a winner.

Anyway, I like em, so if you haven’t experienced Sausage King’s pies, go and try them out for yourselves and don’t forget to leave some for me.


Hi Beetlejuice, We at Sausage King are happy for the positive feed back on Sausage King pies, We take great care to make high quality pies,When i first come Thailand i tried to find a half good pie but its was not to be, I love a good pie so that when you bite into it you got lots of chunks of meat, We deep fill our pies that much its hard to put the tops on our pies. i liked a good pie in my home country and i would travel a long distance for a quality pie,I have to say all sausage king products are made to a very high quality standard and we will keep the quality like this always,Small profit but great products = Happy customers. All our products are hand made.Rob/sk

A couple of times a week I travel to the Rimping Supermarket, near the airport branch to buy some of those meat pies.

I have tried several different brands and thought they were a load of old crap. Must say that Sausage King's are good and the best of the bunch, I've sort of become addicted to them. I am a Sausage King meat pie junkie. They are definitely of the same standard and quality that I used to buy in England and you don't need a truck load of cash to afford one.

Easy to prepare, just bung it in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes.

The meat content is firm and juicy, but my favourite part of the pie is the pastry. Chunky and crispy even after heating it up in the microwave. Plenty of meat, juicy inside, chunky and firm outside. If only Sausage King could produce a woman with the same qualities, he would be onto a winner.

Anyway, I like em, so if you haven't experienced Sausage King's pies, go and try them out for yourselves and don't forget to leave some for me.











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