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Whatlanguage School In Chiang May Can Provide Private 200H Course And Give One Year Ed Visa+ Qestions!

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i looking for a language school in chiang may that can teach me private 200 h or more course,and can provide ed visa,i call the universcity in chiang mai but the only have the group courses!

when it would be posible,then i neeed a teacher that can teach me german thai and not english thai,on google i found one number,of this teacher stay at the unvercity chiang may but no one knowes about them,and also can not tell me about posiblity of give ed visa one year when i not study in the group


2 month ago i try to study already in the aua language center,the charge for 200 h private around 60000 thb,so i need a price over view of all language schools in chiang may,i ask the qestions,during the stay of study is it always nesarsary to visit after 3 month always the same imigtation office,and can go to another place in thailand when i trav selaround to get the stamp not at the place of study,the aua school told me yes i have to stamp always at the place of study and cannot go to another place and traveling around during study,the unvercity cm told me yesterday on the phone,about this question,this is not true,i have to join only 80% of the course,and when i told before,the can fill in the name of any other emigration office that i must go stamp after 3 month,and not must be the place of study,no i dont know what i should belive?

currencly i have non imigrant o running out in okotober,i got the information,if a visa is still valid i have to go to another country to get ed stamp,what whould means to visa runs and the same time?

or will the old one then canceled,after got id stamp,i understand this information at the moment like,when my imigrant o visa is already runing out,i have not to go to other country and new ed visa ,when no other visa exists at this moment in my pasboard,can given in thailand,without leaving the cgountry to get ed one year is this true?


2 more questions,how long some one can make holiday during study within one year?

when i visit under 80% ov the course over one year time period will then the ed visa chanceled imidatly or not?

what happens,when i not get the next 3 month stamt at imigration,for example after 3.5 month,is then also a overstay fees to pay for each ,day,like on any other visa?

thanks for information!

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You cna study anything you like, as long as the course is recognized.

You will get extensions of stay for 90 days per time, if you extend late you will get fined for overstay. They can even make you leave the country and apply for a new visa, but that is unusual for only a few days.

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I think checking in with immigration is more to do with your legal place of residence not necessarily about where you take the course. I maybe wrong about this but one of the moderators should be up soon and give you a definitive answer

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For the Ed-visa you must study on average 4 hours a week. Based on your study, the school will give you papers to confirm you are still studying and immirgation gives you an extension for 90 days. Not studying enough meanes you don't get the paper from the school and have to leave the country.

The extension you get from the immigration office for the area where you live.

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For the Ed-visa you must study on average 4 hours a week. Based on your study, the school will give you papers to confirm you are still studying and immirgation gives you an extension for 90 days. Not studying enough meanes you don't get the paper from the school and have to leave the country.

The extension you get from the immigration office for the area where you live.

for the area where u live??? does that mean if we study in bkk, can we not we leave the city?

Edited by aristo
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