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Your Karma Ran Over My Dogma


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Walked out from my favorite breakfast spot this morning to see my bicycle about 50 feet from where i'd left it against the wall of the restaurant. On top of it- literally, as it was wedged under, was a 1 ton pickup truck. It was an awkward moment of 'confrontation' as those scenes invariably are. I was exceptionally calm despite the apparent loss of my cherished bicycle. The driver seemed to be bracing for worse, and meekly apologized. Apparently it had been moved by some truckers who were bringing in some construction materials prior to it being run over, and he says he just didn't see it. Obviously that has to be true. He was an out of town Farang with a Thai partner. Lots of batting of eyes and no one seemed inclined to involve higher authorities. After a few minutes the bike carcass was extricated. I accepted an offer of a ride to a bike shop, where the shop owner pronounced it DOA. The guy gave me his out of town phone number and said he'd give me some dough when i found out what repair/replacement costs were. We shook hands and that was that. Was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how this would have been handled differently. Should I have asked for anything on the spot etc?? Still don't know the mechanics of collecting. Not super worried about the money part but still it'll be several thousand Baht.....

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It might have been a good idea to get a copy of the guy's drivers license (both sides, his address is on the back in Thai) and his passport (if he carrying it or a copy). Oh, a few photos would have been good too, if your phone has that capability. Otherwise, there's not much else you can do now, except to hope he gave you a valid phone number, answers your call and is willing to get the money to you.

If you have a Thai bank account, I think he can arrange to transfer money into your account from any branch of that bank. We pay our out-of-town landlord that way since we both have accounts at different branches of Bangkok Bank.

Also, if you have homeowners insurance or insurance for the contents of your rental abode, that might pay for your bike.

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Sounds like the only thing you can hope for is that the guy is honest and does follow through. For your sake, I hope for the best but in a land where you can change your phone number in the same amount of time as to buy a coke or chips, its hard to believe. The only semi-sure way of collecting would have been to make a signed/sworn statement at the local police station. Would have taken about 15 mins and 10B.

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Will be a good test to see if good old fashioned 'decency' is alive and kicking!?

From what you say the bloke seems ok, took you to the bike shop etc and like you say it wasn't an expensive bike........let us know the outcome.

You could have gone to the police station but was it worth the hassle when it could (and hopefully was) sorted out there and then!

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The only semi-sure way of collecting would have been to make a signed/sworn statement at the local police station. Would have taken about 15 mins and 10B.

That is a big semi.

Best way would to be get cash on the spot. Estimate it and get it. If you get too much, you can send the extra to him, if too little ask for more. The point is that you get a reasonable amount at the time. If the bike was DOA, you should get the price of a replacement. It is easy, get the cash or call the police.

How about getting the make, model and license number of his truck along with the drivers license/passport info? That is fairly standard procedure.

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Best post of the day..! I looked down the list of selected TV stories, and it was the only one that caught my eye. I am optimistic that you will get a positive outcome, if you follow it up. The best thing is no-one was injured, and the bike was not a new hi-$, hi-tech model.

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"I accepted an offer of a ride to a bike shop, where the shop owner pronounced it DOA. The guy gave me his out of town phone number and said he'd give me some dough when i found out what repair/replacement costs were...."

And why did you not there and then have the guy buy the replacement based on the shop owner's advice.

BTW did you not then use your mobile to call his number while he was standing there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Freewheelin' update:

Honorable and equitable!

'They' say that intent is 9/10's of the law. I think that goes to the intent of honor, which I for one value more than money.

Edited by alobar
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Freewheelin' update:

Honorable and equitable!

'They' say that intent is 9/10's of the law. I think that goes to the intent of honor, which I for one value more than money.

So what happened? Did the driver pay for your replacement bicycle?

Incidentally, I love the title of this thread.

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If it was a total right off I'd of asked for the money value to buy a new one , otherwise asked the bike shop for a quote and got that. As polite and nice as people seem, after the event nit's always harder collecting money

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Freewheelin' update:

Honorable and equitable!

'They' say that intent is 9/10's of the law. I think that goes to the intent of honor, which I for one value more than money.

Well said

If he is honarble and follows through a job well done.

If he is less than honorable or just can not afford it you have lost nothing. By taking all the advice given here you would have put your self through a lot of trouble and in all likely hood wound up with nothing any how.

Some things are not worth the hassle of getting them. That presumes you can get them.

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I had a guy crash into the back of my bike, he gave me his phone number. When I called with the price of the damage he said he didn't have any money. That was that!

Now I would insist on some money up front.


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