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Housing Committee


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Any housing estate development with more than 9 plots must obtain a license from the government and, once the development is completed the developer can either turn it over to the Tessaban for maintenance or to a Housing Estate Committee formed by more than half of the homeowners of the development. This committee would be deemed a juristic legal person once application has been approved by the Land Office. The number of committee members is not determined by Thai law but rather by the homeowners in the application they submit for registration.

The application to the Land Office to declare the Housing Estate Committee as juristic person consists of:

1. the name of the village,

2. objective,

3. office location,

4. number of committee members, term duration, elections, dismissal of the committee, frequency of meetings

5. regulations governing the performance, the accounting and financial issues.

6. regulations governing the rights of the members

7. regulation in regarding to the general meeting.

So, in summary, the bylaws established by a majority of homeowners at the initial registration of the committee as a juristic person would determine the number of committee members.


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