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Stickmanbangkok Site Has Change In Focus Area?


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The Stickman site has dropped off for sure over the past year or so, I think "Paul" aka stick never quite got over the "stalker" incident and things began to turn bad from there. I have been a reader/contributor there for years and I know of many many guys that have found Paul's site to be informative and comforting at times also, I do not want to touch on any of his personal life but I will say this, when he leaves these shores Thailand will have lost one of it's "nicest" expats...

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Stick got boring everytime he went home and came back carring on about it and slamming Thailand. he would carry on about Thailand being a dead end and that farangs had no future here. I guess he never asked himself what kind of a future a school teadher would have in NZ (not to knock teachers they do good work) if its dead end in Thailand it cannot be any better in NZ. I guess he will go back home now and set the world on fire, he can do a blog about the night life in Auckland.

Any way good luck to him I think he will need it in the real world.

Teacher work in Thailand often not have qualification to teach in home country.

Even I can be English teacher in Thailand, they not bothered.

If there were classes teaching the pigeon version i have no doubting you. :lol:

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Stick got boring everytime he went home and came back carring on about it and slamming Thailand. he would carry on about Thailand being a dead end and that farangs had no future here. I guess he never asked himself what kind of a future a school teadher would have in NZ (not to knock teachers they do good work) if its dead end in Thailand it cannot be any better in NZ. I guess he will go back home now and set the world on fire, he can do a blog about the night life in Auckland.

Any way good luck to him I think he will need it in the real world.

Teacher work in Thailand often not have qualification to teach in home country.

Even I can be English teacher in Thailand, they not bothered.

If there were classes teaching the pigeon version i have no doubting you. :lol:

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. "I have no doubting you." LOL

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I've been reading the site for years and given his background I'm wondering why he is contemplating leaving Thailand. I mean, he speaks Thai fluently, has a good social life and - I guess - earns a reasonable about of money with his site.

My plan is to live in Thailand in the future, but now I am having second thoughts about it....

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I've been reading the site for years and given his background I'm wondering why he is contemplating leaving Thailand. I mean, he speaks Thai fluently, has a good social life and - I guess - earns a reasonable about of money with his site.

My plan is to live in Thailand in the future, but now I am having second thoughts about it....

Nobody knows.

I speak English fluently, had a good social life and earned a reasonable amount of money in the West. I came to Thailand.

Why? I was getting away from a Western woman. I probably paint a bleaker picture of the West than most people who live there. I probably paint a worse picture of the West than reality. I struggled for two years getting over a broken heart. Three weeks in Thailand and I was cured and I have been here ever since.

Why is Stickman leaving Thailand?

Cherchez la femme.

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I cant understand the animosity towards Stickman.

He filled a niche in a developing (internet) market and by all accounts did OK by it.

Sure his opinions have changed. Who's haven't? especially those who have been here a while?

My only gripe is with the "Johnny Come Lately" English Teachers who quote Stickman verbatim as "fact" and fail to understand that his blog is one man's opinion on things.


For the record, he does NOT speak "fluent" Thai. He speaks Thai well but is far from fluent by his own admission.

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If more guys would have read Stick`s site, we wouldn't have that much (entertaining) postings about being scammed/taken to the cleaners/or having paid huge amounts for basically nothing. There is/was a lot to learn from his site. Of course not for some " knowitalls" here...Nuff said.

And it is beyond me why this guy`s private life is dragged in to this arena.

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Jay, the US has made tragic mistakes in the last few decades but the notion that Australians will lead anything into the future save for sheep shearing and binge drinking is hopeless. OZ is raping its landscape selling coal and minerals to the communist Chinese as fast as it can. It's gold interests all over the world are also as quite destructive. Spare us the lecture and go smash some beer cans on your head.

My point precisely. We don't need any country to think they are the "leader", nor do we need any country assuming they are. Australia certainly isn't and never will be. My wish is the average American had better knowledge of the outside world and learnt that no one country rules is more important than any other. The world will be a better place for it.

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We don't need any country to think they are the "leader", nor do we need any country assuming they are. Australia certainly isn't and never will be. My wish is the average American had better knowledge of the outside world and learnt that no one country rules is more important than any other. The world will be a better place for it.

No leader? Maybe you should tell China that, because most likely they are next and they will not be listening to the opinions of those that seem completely ignorant of World history. :rolleyes:

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I cant understand the animosity towards Stickman.

He filled a niche in a developing (internet) market and by all accounts did OK by it.

Sure his opinions have changed. Who's haven't? especially those who have been here a while?

My only gripe is with the "Johnny Come Lately" English Teachers who quote Stickman verbatim as "fact" and fail to understand that his blog is one man's opinion on things.


For the record, he does NOT speak "fluent" Thai. He speaks Thai well but is far from fluent by his own admission.

I agree with you 100%

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lol @ all the little school girls/keyboard cowboys in this thread gossiping about someone's allegedly failed marriage. Where is ur evidence? :rolleyes:

If you run a website where a large part of its appeal is a weekly gossip about the bar areas in Thailand I think that makes the author fair game to be gossiped about. If you spy on bar girls for money and report back to others I think this makes one fair game to be spied upon. You know, the golden rule and all, do unto others.

If one waxes poetic about the virtues of Thai non bar girl women it seems only fair to report when your own Thai good girl relationship goes South. Plus don't get your knickers in a twist. Any PR is good PR. I am sure this thread has added thousands of views to Stick's site.

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Notstickmanbangkok.com = pathetic. Why would someone do this?! Even the content is piss weak and poorly written......

However as always the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

What I don't understand is why people seem to hold a grudge against Stick. All the gossip about his private life, who really cares and what business is it of any of us?! All I see is people in glass houses throwing pretty big stones which, Stickman aside, seems to be fairly normal for foreigners in Thailand.....sad.

That said, the above poster is right and sometimes he does step over the line in writing about 'investigations' which opens him up to some flak which I'm sure he is ok with. I hate to imagine some of the mail he gets every week from the haters.....

Edited by gkinbkk
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nice puppy.....I just got one....but yours looks cross eyed.


I photoshop'd the eyes coz the Avatar is so small. He's actually normal. Purebreed Border Collie. What's yours?

Same.......just got her actually, she is 2 months old today.

I shall put a pic up one day.

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^ agree

I'll read Stickman on occasion, it is 'just another blog' among the many thousands/millions available online, not words from the messiah.

As for the other one, not-smb, pathetic is not a strong enough word.

What a waste of time that is. Cannot think of a better example of where someone needs to 'get a life' of their own.

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My opinion: from time to time there are a few half decent well written readers submissions on the site and also get some useful information . However generally Stickman does not write very well . He comes across as ego-centric and someone with poor common sense but to be fair he is no more that a low level school teacher so cannot expect too much.

Edited by Zodiac
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I cant understand the animosity towards Stickman.

I inquired once about running an ad on his site. I would imagine that he makes a few thousand USD per month.

that alone is pretty good fuel for being hated on a place like Thai Visa.

hi stickman

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nice puppy.....I just got one....but yours looks cross eyed.


I photoshop'd the eyes coz the Avatar is so small. He's actually normal. Purebreed Border Collie. What's yours?

Same.......just got her actually, she is 2 months old today.

I shall put a pic up one day.

Do you have a good breeder for these or did you get lucky? Can you let me know the breeder's info if there is one? As good as a golden for families but cuter

Edited by seriouseats
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nice puppy.....I just got one....but yours looks cross eyed.


I photoshop'd the eyes coz the Avatar is so small. He's actually normal. Purebreed Border Collie. What's yours?

Same.......just got her actually, she is 2 months old today.

I shall put a pic up one day.

Do you have a good breeder for these or did you get lucky? Can you let me know the breeder's info if there is one? As good as a golden for families but cuter

This fella has 2 Grand Champions in his linage. He is 4 now. I have not brought in a female as it takes a lot of time to breed properly. I don't know of any good breeders in Asia.

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My opinion: from time to time there are a few half decent well written readers submissions on the site and also get some useful information . However generally Stickman does not write very well . He comes across as ego-centric and someone with poor common sense but to be fair he is no more that a low level school teacher so cannot expect too much.

Nasty comments really and in keeping with many of the losers on this site who can't wait to add a negative comment about anyone who actually does something.

I think he will find in a bit difficult in NZ unless he has something good already lined up.

There are not many jobs in NZ and the pay is pretty poor for the jobs that are there.

Spend a bit of time in Auckland this year and found it quite depressing.

On the plus side there are lots of nice young asian birds.

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lol @ all the little school girls/keyboard cowboys in this thread gossiping about someone's allegedly failed marriage. Where is ur evidence? :rolleyes:

If you run a website where a large part of its appeal is a weekly gossip about the bar areas in Thailand I think that makes the author fair game to be gossiped about. If you spy on bar girls for money and report back to others I think this makes one fair game to be spied upon. You know, the golden rule and all, do unto others.

If one waxes poetic about the virtues of Thai non bar girl women it seems only fair to report when your own Thai good girl relationship goes South. Plus don't get your knickers in a twist. Any PR is good PR. I am sure this thread has added thousands of views to Stick's site.

Excellent point kerryk

I don't see any Stick haters here. People are giving him honest feedback that he can do what he wants with. I find his ambivolence about living in Thailand annoying and his views about Thailand based on the bar community unfair and degrading. The sexpat community is a very small part of what Thailand is.

I'm not sure I can characteroize a guy who makes money off creating suffering for other people "nice" If he's so nice what is he doing hanging around bars all the time?

That's part of his ambivalence. He makes a living off the sexpats, but he seems to pretend that he is above it all and can be quite judgmental.

I read his site and there is a lot of useful and interesting stuff there. He has written some great stuff I think.

It is what it is, but I think it could be so much more if he just made a decision to put his heart into it or walk away.

Edited by trisailer
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My opinion: from time to time there are a few half decent well written readers submissions on the site and also get some useful information . However generally Stickman does not write very well . He comes across as ego-centric and someone with poor common sense but to be fair he is no more that a low level school teacher so cannot expect too much.

Nasty comments really and in keeping with many of the losers on this site who can't wait to add a negative comment about anyone who actually does something.

I'd like to cast my vote with the rest of the losers. There are a handful of interesting reads on the Stickman site, but they lie in the shadow of redundant crapola. The concept of reader submissions is a good one, but most of them aren't very good. Stick's weekly column isn't horrid, but it's the same old stuff recycled over and over. And the format of the site IS horrid, unless the intent is to make it as difficult as possible to find the actual content. Scavenger hunt maybe?

Still, he carved out a niche and did something. Wish him luck.

And I love the bar scene. Spend as much time there as possible.

Edited by AndyDufrane
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Didn't he go full circle ??

Like when first here he took part in the bar scene....then he met his good girl wife and denounced the bar scene and belittled everyone that loved it.....now he was back where he began !!

If that is correct.....tad obnoxious

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I find it funny that he belittles the very people who pay his wages in his column by

commenting on overweight ,balding vest wearing falangs.

Stick is a loser himself. He can't afford to even run a car! Don't buy the

bullshit that he hates the police. I know it is because his finances are shaky.

He has more spin than a washing machine!!

He will sell up this year, go back to NZ and realise within 6 months that

he was better off here.

His ex wife got fed up with him being out all the time and strayed.

Stick doesn't have a true friend in the world. Aquantances maybe, but not 1

true friend.

My advice to Stick...........

Get your shit together, stop your moralising on people and accept that you are a 40s

something with fuc_k all to your name and all the time you spent in Thailand was worthless.

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Didn't he go full circle ??

Like when first here he took part in the bar scene....then he met his good girl wife and denounced the bar scene and belittled everyone that loved it.....now he was back where he began !!

If that is correct.....tad obnoxious

That's a fair point.

A fair few people who enjoyed his site at first found it hard to accept his hypocrisy when he distanced himself from the scene and began to take the moral high ground and ridicule those who enjoy the scene.

I do feel he is has added to a lot of the hypocrisy and snobbery in the ex-pat community today as his about face seemed to put a lot of people into denial.

Now its become common to hear someone bleating on about being "the right kind of ex-pat" with his fifth beer in one hand and a bar-girl in the other...

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