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Brother Of Lopburi Bhum Jai Thai Party Candidate Gunned Down In Bangkok

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I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

The real trouble will start after the elections (again)

Right on!!!!

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I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

Except Chuan Leek Pai, No rally campaign in Lampang, he visited the local markets, spoke to everyone, listened to everyone (PTP voters included), No visible security protection. My wife told me that a Thaksin addicted family before will vote for Chuan Leek Pai.

Gee I didn't he was running anymore? What party is he with? I thought his puppy dog was running. HMMMMMMMMM oh well.


"The gunman was ............. wearing a blue shirt"

Obviously in disguise!:ph34r::ph34r:

Why do you say that? You think he was a Yellow Shirt?



they just need to find anyone who just returned to Nakhon Sri Tammarat today. I'll bet 10 000baht that the shooter was from there. They always are.

Wow! May be you know who he is, too?


Classic "Thai-style" politics is making a comeback now that the country enjoys "Thai-style" democracy and unelected Prime Ministers.... The days of "Jao Paw (เจ้าพ่อ)" (Godfathers) are back in fashion. jap.gif


Fantastic isn't it. It's not enough for these clowns to ruin this country and treat it's citizens like idiots, but now they have to become a physical threat to the safety of foreign tourists in Khao San Road.

Just when you think you knew of every way they could cock things up, they surprise you and come up with a new one.

I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.


PM Orders Speedy Probe into Murder of Lopburi Admin Chief

The acting PM has ordered a speedy probe into murder of the Lopburi Administration Organization chief yesterday. The premier has also instructed related agencies to prevent more violence prior to the poll.

Acting Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who is also the Democrat Party leader, commented on the murder of Lopburi Provincial Administration Organization Chairman Suban Jirapanvanich.

Suban, who was also a canvasser of the Bhum Jai Thai Party, was killed yesterday in a small lane behind the Government Lottery Office in Bangkok.

Abhisit said the police are speeding up their investigation into Suban's murder. He stated that the police has not ruled out other motives aside from politics.

The acting PM admitted that the political competition in Lopburi Province is fierce.

Asked whether the incident would worsen the atmosphere leading up to the poll, Abhisit said the authorities will have to prevent a repeat of the crime and keep violence from spreading further.

He urged MP candidates and vote canvassers to contact the police should they face security threats.

Meanwhile, interim Deputy PM in charge of national security Suthep Thaugsuban, who is also the Demcorat Party secretary general, said he was informed by the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau immediately after the shooting. Suthep said he has ordered the National Police Office to keep a close watch on the case as the incident took place in the heart of Bangkok.

He personally assumed that politics was the cause of the killing.

Suthep pointed out that he does not want to interfere with the police's investigation or set a deadline for the case to be solved. However, he ensured that the police will be able to identify the gunman as there were a lot eye witnesses and evidence at the crime scene.

Suthep also urged those who believe that they are in peril to request police escorts.

In the meantime, Pheu Thai's number one party-list MP candidate Yingluck Shinawatra said after yesterday's murder that she will continue campaigning as usual and there is no need to request additional police escorts.

Yingluck insisted that she wants to see politics played by the rules and be free from violence.


-- Tan Network 2011-06-17



Makes you realise how much of a "lucrative" business getting into political positions in Thailand is...if they are so willing to kill to do it.

Not only here, but everywhere in the world, there needs to be a new system of incentive for politicians to actually do the job of making good decisions for the people and the for the future, rather than just lining their own pockets.

Monetary incentive has only continued to foster self interest and breed corruption here, and of course in our western countries we have been quite adept at building a legalised version of corruption to enable the rich and powerful to keep riding on the backs of the hungry poor.

I dont want to sound like one of the tin hat wearers, but the greed we are feeding in the human race will eventually eat up society from the middle and probably destroy the earth and everything in it


what else can you say but ...Oi Somchai, oaw eeek nueng kuat bia leo :burp:

"..................to enable the rich and powerful to keep riding on the backs of the hungry poor." The best way that I can comment on this is from my post on farm policies.


The Democrats are offering a rice subsidy of around THB3,000/tonne, or "............ Bt40 billion to Bt50 billion each crop season to subsidise the rice price."

PTP are offering a subsidy of THB7,000/tonne (THB15,0000 minus the benchmark price of THB8,000) which equates to around THB115 billion per season, BUT " Farmers are expected to receive only 40 per cent of the money spent on this programme. The remaining 60 per cent is likely to go to rice millers." Rice millers, the starving poor of Isaan who can hardly afford fuel for their Mercedes.

It should be remembered Yingluk actually agreed to THB20,000/tonne at one rally, but it was only a campaign promise.

"...........the fundamental issues for Thai farmers are the lack of access to opportunity, education and financial services."

The fundamental issue is that if you keep propping up an unviable industry, there is no taxation revenue left for govt services. The fundamental problem is that ".....the sector employs 14.69 million people from a total 38.97 million workforce in Thailand." and almost every one of them will vote for the party that promises them the biggest handout, with no recognition that they sending their country down the toilet."

It seems to me that the "hungry poor" are doing a bloody good job riding on the back of those Thais working in viable productive industries and paying income tax. A choice that is also open to rice farmers.:angry::angry:


Police to release sketch of gunman killing Lop Buri Provincial Administration Organisation head in Bangkok after inspecting surveillance camera records /MCOT


Holy Crap!!!..... I know who it is!

"You looking at me?.. eh eh?..... You looking at me??"

I wonder if he matches anyone on the list of known hitmen? :ph34r:



"....... Yingluck Shinawatra said after yesterday's murder that she will continue campaigning as usual and there is no need to request additional police escorts. "

A suspicious person might wonder if that is because its her team doing the shooting.


This is uncanny. I will have the good fortune of being on biz travel outside of Thailand in the immediate runup to the elections, on election day itself and for a few days after the election. When Swampy was closed, same thing. During the riots in April/May last year, again same thing. Wasn't planned that way, but that's the way it worked out. Best wishes to all of you who will remain in LOS during these turbulent times, keep a low profile and stay safe.

Yes best to keep away from any political meetings or indeed polling stations.Not sure I want my wife to go and vote now. As for Kao San road I expect he tbought it was a safe place to go being that it waz busy and in full view of the BIB! Nowhere is safe...Just best as the OP says keep a low profile maybe in a Farang bar near you...My worries are again what will hapoen after the elections? I'am always the obe that says these problems never affect us but after the grenades thrown in Bangkok before and the Bombs in Chiang Mai Iam not so sure....


Is it really necessary to drag out all the tired, old, cliches and stereotypes about Khao San Road?

Political violence in Thailand would seem to be the topic...

The lottery office is on the next Boulevard not Koh Sarn Rd. unless they've moved it?


Thais seem to be very hot tempered - if they don´t like something then take a gun and move the trigger....They are far away from a smiling nation. Let´s go all to Singapore - the land of peace and justice!


I am happy to report that I will be out of Bangkok and the Kingdom from July 1 for a few weeks.

Good luck to the rest of you.



I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

Except Chuan Leek Pai, No rally campaign in Lampang, he visited the local markets, spoke to everyone, listened to everyone (PTP voters included), No visible security protection. My wife told me that a Thaksin addicted family before will vote for Chuan Leek Pai.

Chaun was the best PM this country has seen in my 24 years here. I may be crazy, but I believe that he is an honest man.....

You just might be crazy i dunnolaugh.gif but you are 100% correct. I was here when he was PM. He was a good PM


I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

Except Chuan Leek Pai, No rally campaign in Lampang, he visited the local markets, spoke to everyone, listened to everyone (PTP voters included), No visible security protection. My wife told me that a Thaksin addicted family before will vote for Chuan Leek Pai.

Chaun was the best PM this country has seen in my 24 years here. I may be crazy, but I believe that he is an honest man.....

You just might be crazy i dunnolaugh.gif but you are 100% correct. I was here when he was PM. He was a good PM

yeah i was too - sadly for him as is often the case in thailand decency and honesty got him nowhere.


I think this thread has my most quoted line in all my time here. :)

"I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks."

Thanks y'all.

"Vote early and often!" in the best Chicago style.


LOCATION:<br /><br />    I went to the scene today and chatted with some vendors.  Their report is that the shooting took place as you step past the Mission Hospital Clinic, down into what might still be called Trok Mayom at that point. (If you walk from Chanongsongkram Police Station on Thanon Chakrapong, past Khaosan Road, the next left is Trok Mayom, which can fit moto-sai, eventually turning left onto Tanao Road toward Wat Bowonniwet, or right toward Thanon Ratchadamnoen and the famous Kok Nua intersection of April, 2010.  Alternatively, one could take a right earlier onto Ratchadamnoen, with no choice of traffic, entering the stream going toward Democracy Monument.  It is possible too that the motosai headed in the direction of Thanon Chanonsongkram and the multiple choices of heading towardd Pinklao, and other directions.)<br /><br />If you walk up Khaosan from Chanongsongkram, the first wide soi you see on your right brings you to Mission Clinic.  I wonder if Khaosan Road itself even heard shots at that point, being some distance from the shooting.  Trok Mayom, like Khaosan, is filled with similar shops.

Perhaps the original news reporter was trying to indicate the location, not of the shooting in particular, but the wider location

of Khaosan road itself, being near the Lottery office.


I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

In an orbit, would be the safest place for 2 months. If you can't beat them kill them, come to think of it did something happen like this a few years ago on a massive scale???:whistling:

Not good, considering that Lop Buri is the biggest military city in Thailand. A lot of these Politicians have high ranking officers whom are relatives in the military there. These guys that killed him and wounded the others would want to hope there are no relations in the military. me thinks the :hit-the-fan:

Me thinks that I very much hope that you are wrong.


There is something universal about politics: 99% of the time, rich people - or a proxy for rich people - are handed a sh**load of money and put on the ballot. Democracy in action: you now have someone to vote for. Now, do any of these people actually represent that interests of the majority of the voters. Probably not. I mean -- really! Look around the world at all the various representative forms of government and how many of the "elected" are millionaires or billionaires? Let me answer that question: "A Whole Lot!!!"

Now, there isn't one millionaire or billionaire that has anything in common with me or my interests. In fact, my chance of getting within talking distance of one of my representatives is next to zero.

So, they're a little more "Wild West" in Thailand than we have in America (funny how that works - huh). Here, you can actually try to take your opponent out using lethal force. But what makes the game interesting is that two can play that game -- and feuds can run deep from what I've seen here.

So at the end of the day, some dude that probably doesn't give a rip about his voters becomes a victim of political expediency. Maybe he takes a bullet because his opponent doesn't have the same "war chest" of political action contributions and that's the only way his opponents feel they can "level the playing field". :ph34r:

In the end, the average person loses regardless of the outcome of any "vote". We're all just so much cannon fodder. :blink:

But who knows, I may change my mind on this. The world's becoming a very interesting place to live as the politicians, bankers, and corporations rape the "average man and woman" leaving them with next to nothing and attempting to take away the rest and leave their children in debt slavery. And when people have lost everything, they sometimes start to wake up. And if they wake up, they're usually grumpy as hell. And if history repeats itself (and it always does), things are going to get really interesting. Keep an eye on Greece and the Middle East. And actually, Thai politics are looking pretty exciting too. What a grand world we live in. I'm glad I don't have children. B)


Yellow shirts stepping up thier campain?


Three bullets hit Suban, chairman of the Lop Buri Provincial Administrative Organisation, in the head..

Thought there'd be cops everywhere? Pretty strange location with all the backpackers around...............:jap:

Three in the head? That's pretty good shooting. And the wife and assistant took the other two shots. This isn't your average 10,000 baht spray some bullets from the back of a motorcycle scenario. That's pretty professional work.


Police to release sketch of gunman killing Lop Buri Provincial Administration Organisation head in Bangkok after inspecting surveillance camera records /MCOT


A brother of a Bhum Jai Thai Party candidate for Lop Buri was gunned down in a broad day light in Chanasongkram district on Wednesday. Police believed the attack was politically motivated.

Seeking an expert opinion, one reporter contacted the police at the regional headquarters in Surat Thani, who, without bothering to investigate, emphatically concluded that he died by drowning.



CSD joins in manhunt for canvasser's murder

By The Nation


Metropolitan Police and the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) have joined forces to hunt down the gunman who shot dead a canvasser for Bhum Jai Thai on Khao San Road on Thursday afternoon.

Bangkok police chief Pol LtGeneral Jakthip Chaijinda said yesterday that a third person, apart from the gunman and the getaway motorcyclist, might be involved in the assassination of Suban Jiraphanwanich. He added that judging from the wellplanned attack, members of the hit team were possibly career assassins.

Investigators have come up with a sketch of a tall, dark man in his 30s, but said they needed more evidence before they could seek an arrest warrant. Police are expecting eyewitnesses to come forward with more details.

Suban's wife, Oraphin, and their aide Chanutphorn Phothisampharawong are now being provided with police protection. Both women were injured in the five rounds of gunfire and are being treated in hospital.

CSD investigators, who are helping Metropolitan Police as well as the Chana Songkhram police station with the case, are focusing on motives other than politics. CSD officers said Suban was a highly influential man in Lop Buri and ran a number of construction businesses that could have landed him in trouble with rival contractors.

A large number of Lop Buri residents have visited Suban's family to express their condolences, with many of them crying openly for their hero who helped developed several projects. Suban's fans and Bhum Jai Thai supporters packed the Wat Pa Thamma Sophon in Lop Buri where the funeral rites are being held. People are allowed to pay respects to the late politician until Sunday, and his cremation will be announced after the 100day mourning period is completed.

So far, 350 election candidates have asked for police protection, though the number is expected to rise after the latest killing, police spokesman Pol MajGeneral Prawut Thawornsiri said.

Police are also keeping an eye on suspicious activities, such as the purchase or hiring of new vehicles or the acquisition of new handguns among suspected to be part of gunforhire rackets. Police are monitoring the activities of around 5,000 inmates who have recently been released and might get hired to kill in the runup to the July 3 poll.

Events of political violence

May 10 Attempted assassination of Pheu Thai MP Pracha Prasobdee, in Samut Prakan

May 13 Grenade attack on home of Pheu Thai canvasser Somthawil Ruengthong

May 18 Shooting at vehicle of Pheu Thai candidate Phattharawadee Aphidennaphalai, in Samut Prakan

May 22 Killing of Chat Thai Pattana canvasser Wiroj Damsanit, in Angthong

May 26 Shooting at home of Democrat Party canvasser Charoen Jehsaman, in Bangkok

May 28 Shooting at home of Pheu Thai canvasser Phansak Khamkaew, in Lampang

May 29 Killing of Chat Thai Pattana canvasser Nimit Kaewkamphol, in Phichit, with politics ruled out as motive

Jun 9 Shooting at home of Pheu Thai canvasser Saard Dermsomboon, in Chathaburi

Jun 12 Shootings at homes of Bhum Jai Thai canvassers, in Sukhothai

Jun 16 Killing of Bhum Jai Thai canvasser Suban Jiraphanwanich, in Bangkok


-- The Nation 2011-06-18

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