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Where Can I Get Ketone Test Strips?


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Anyone know where I can buy ketone test strips?

Those are the test strips that you pee on, and they tell you if have ketones present in your urine (i.e., you're in ketosis). These are sold for people with diabetes, and low-carb diets such as the Atikins diet. I had my brother send me a bunch from the U.S., but have now run out. I have checked so many pharmacies, but nobody seems to have any idea what I'm asking for.

Incidentally, are there any other low-carb or no-carb folks out there in BKK?

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Last year, I spent 3 days looking for ketone test strips, in the drug stores and pharmacies in most of the major shopping malls, and every other pharmacy

I could find, and no-one knew what I was talking about (a lot of places tried to sell me diabetic sugar testing strips or pregnancy test strips)

If you're successful with your search,please,please let me know where they are being sold.


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These are much less commonly used nowadays since diabetics now go by blood sugar not urine.

About 10 years ago I was able to find some urine test strips at the pharmacy on Rajawithi Road near Victory monument opposite Rajawithi hospital. I don't recall if the strips tested for ketones or not as I was looking for albumin, but I recall they were multi test strips so might have included ketone.

If that doesn't pan out, it shouldn't be hard to buy online. Goggle "Multistix", "Ketostix", "Labstix" etc.

Lots of people on TV interested in/following low carb diets, do a search in the "I'm too fat" sub-forum

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Monitoring yourself to see if your actually in ketosis isn't really going to tell you that much. The actual level of Ketones are going to bounce around and its not necessary to be in a higher range.

I would consider downloading or reading the book "Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald.

There are definitely ways to make ketosis more pleasant by considering the PH buffering effects of dietary fine tuning. Running the body on Ketones (water soluble lipids) is great for fat burning and lessening the load on the pancreatic hormones but it creates a acidifying PH environment. If the overall diet is not alkalizing then the experience gets unpleasant and less productive.

Pretty technical book but really explains what's going on under the hood.

Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald

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Monitoring yourself to see if your actually in ketosis isn't really going to tell you that much. The actual level of Ketones are going to bounce around and its not necessary to be in a higher range.

I would consider downloading or reading the book "Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald.

Thanks, Cobra. I'm actually on the CKD. I think the ketosis diets are good and an interesting challenge. I mostly know when I'm in ketosis or not, but I believe some foods with hidden carbs are knocking me out, and I really want to check that. Specifically had problems with kimchi and eating too many peanuts. I also wonder if come cottage cheese I bought had some sugar in it. People sure love to sneak sugar into things around here... makes it taste great, but it's upsetting when you're trying to avoid carbs.

I have been thinking about trying out Lyle's diet as well... I will take a break from the CKD on my next carb-up, then start up again in a month or so. Might give Lyle's book a try, though I'm not anxious to spend the money on it (CKD, TKD, and other carb-cycling diets are all posted for free on the net with lots of advice).

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Monitoring yourself to see if your actually in ketosis isn't really going to tell you that much. The actual level of Ketones are going to bounce around and its not necessary to be in a higher range.

I would consider downloading or reading the book "Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald.

Thanks, Cobra. I'm actually on the CKD. I think the ketosis diets are good and an interesting challenge. I mostly know when I'm in ketosis or not, but I believe some foods with hidden carbs are knocking me out, and I really want to check that. Specifically had problems with kimchi and eating too many peanuts. I also wonder if come cottage cheese I bought had some sugar in it. People sure love to sneak sugar into things around here... makes it taste great, but it's upsetting when you're trying to avoid carbs.

I have been thinking about trying out Lyle's diet as well... I will take a break from the CKD on my next carb-up, then start up again in a month or so. Might give Lyle's book a try, though I'm not anxious to spend the money on it (CKD, TKD, and other carb-cycling diets are all posted for free on the net with lots of advice).

Ahh . That's a good point about testing specific foods.

I would definitely ditch the dairy products for a time. The lactose will spike insulin. Peanuts high omega 6 and irritating lectin content will bother the liver also... If the liver gets busy then it harder for it to convert and produce ketones.

I would not be too concerned about the Kimchi as the fermentation process should be limiting the fast carb content....

Too much protein can also be anti ketogenic as gluconeogenesis can convert amino acids into glucose.

If you PM me I might be able to scare up a digital copy of the McDonald Book. Well not sure if I have it all but I know I have the diet instructions.

The Robb Wolf (Paleo Solutions) and Chris Kessler (Healthy Skeptic) paleo templates are pretty good. Basically go grain free, legume free and Dairy free to heal up the digestive system and over time slowly introduce more problematic foods like fermented dairy, nightshades, nuts etc and test for adverse reactions.

It's a good protocol and can really help people control and reverse metabolic derangement issues.

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