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Blind Loyalty Not Policies Seem To Matter For Some Voters; Thai Opinion


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Blind loyalty not policies seem to matter for some voters

By The Nation

Poll shows bias and prejudice are major forces in Thai politics

Sometimes, the best eye-opener is the so-called "blind" polls - the kind of surveys that withhold some crucial information in an attempt to remove possible prejudice. One was conducted recently in the Northeast and showed interesting results concerning the July 3 general election. When asked to pick proposed policies that they prefer, without knowing which parties the policies belong to - the majority of Northeastern voters sampled selected platforms of the Democrat Party.

The Khon Kaen University poll, which surveyed over 1,200 people, showed the Democrat Party's policies on the economy, agriculture, education, transport and communications, and social issues including drug suppression all edged out those of Pheu Thai, the most popular party in the region. One may argue that "trust" is also important in opinion polls, and concealing the names of parties removes that crucial element, which influences decisions. That could be true, but it doesn't make the results of this "blind poll" any less interesting.

At the least, the results go to show how much bias and prejudice have been driving Thai politics. If you love one party, it can never do anything wrong, while the one you hate can never do anything right. Due to northeasterners' relatively little access to media information, blind polls are probably possible in their region only. Bangkok, for example, may not be suitable for such a survey, as a lot of voters are likely to know about which policy belongs to which party without pollsters telling them. However, it doesn't mean blatant prejudice is not prevalent in the city as well.

Faith, undeniably, should be an influential factor in any democracy. Pheu Thai supporters who unknowingly endorse the Democrats' policies in the blind poll can always say that although they like the ruling party's platforms, they don't trust them to keep their promises. Pheu Thai, it can be argued, proved in the past that it kept its key pledges when it came to the poverty-stricken region.

Problem is, years of political turmoil have threatened to totally change healthy political faith into a blind one. This applies to all sides in the prolonged conflict, not just Pheu Thai. Even supporters of the "Vote No" campaign are not immune against the "beloved leader syndrome." The black-and-white mentality has consumed much of the populace and has shown no willingness to let go.

The unhealthy phenomenon also feeds on itself. When policies don't matter, political rivals seek to inflame hatred through distortion and shameless self-promotion. They are doing it because they know that hardcore followers - and there are lots and lots of them thanks to the polarity - will not be swayed by real issues. The Democrats can introduce an outrageous plan, saying the country's defence budget will be increased obscenely, and their supporters still will never shift to Pheu Thai. On the other hand, Pheu Thai can last the entire campaign without revealing its economic policies and still none of its supporters will ever vote for the Democrats. Thanks to strong loyalty of their people, yellow-shirt leaders can set up a party, denounce it and start a "Vote No" campaign instead of promoting its own "good" candidates, all the while escaping scrutiny by loyal followers.

We all know what the problem is. What we don't know is how to solve it. Political divide has not only taken away our nation's precious time, it also has reduced our collective ability to reason, to see things the way they should be seen. There have been talks about "deeply red" or "deeply non-red" constituencies hell-bent on voting "power poles" to Parliament as long they come from the party the voters prefer. Candidates' qualifications do not matter in those areas, neither do party policies.

We can't devalue any election even if it is decided by blind faith. After all, democracy is about convincing the majority that what they vote for matters to them, whether the information fed is true or not. And all political rivals lie more or less anyway, so distortions could even themselves out. It's still scary, though, to know that we can be the blindest when our eyes are open.


-- The Nation 2011-06-20

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This might just be one of the most profound stats to emerge from this election. I support the idea that Peua Thai have done a much better job of securing the trust of the masses who make up this country, and that is part of the democratic process, but for those who are concerned about the future direction, economically, and good governance, will be dismayed to learn this. It seems the majority are setting the direction on blind faith. It also stumps Thaksin's claim that he's the economic guru and the Dems are 'lacklustre'.

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

You don't care that you might have to pay more for everything you do because of inflation? You don't care about unemployment if companies go bust? You don't care about unemployment if foreign investment dries up? You don't care if you have to pay extra "to get things done" because of corruption?

So you don't care about the lives of your wife, family and friends. You just care about yourself.

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

you are wrong

thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

not sure what happened to the 12 million...

however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

this process has continued since

the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

its related more to common sense and national security

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

you are wrong

thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

not sure what happened to the 12 million...

however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

this process has continued since

the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

its related more to common sense and national security

So, Taksin's Government messed up the policy. Is it fair to say that the current Government, basically kept the policy as is and did nothing to change the rules or start moving all the PR applications that have been backlogged since 2006. They have been in office long enough to make this correction, but left it status quo. Basically neither of the front running parties is out there to make our lives easier.

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One concept resonates - much of the media in the NE is controlled by the red movement, which feeds propaganda to the populace. With a major election about to take place most of those asked don't know which policies belong to which party. Worse, they are led to leave that recent improvements to their living standards are actually generated by the opposition, a good example being trisailer's family who think that their pension is courtesy of k. Thaksin.

This is the basis of last year's troubles. Thaksin's stooges preached that the election had been stolen, when in fact it was a not unusual democratic process. With an ignorant population being fed disinformation by people they thought they could trust, is there any wonder that the country is deeply divided?

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The comfort or well being of farangs has never been an issue with any Thai government. The Chinese Thais who run all political parties have always seen resident farangs as a ticking bomb, on the whole we are by Thai standards undisciplined, outspoken, educated and monied, hence undesirable. This is why they are taking step to encourage Chinese and Japanese tourists and investor, they feel at ease with these.

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I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

Hope your not from Uk then since Taksin promised he would kick out all UK citizans when he got back in retaliation for not being allowed into UK rolleyes.gif

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

you are wrong

thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

not sure what happened to the 12 million...

however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

this process has continued since

the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

its related more to common sense and national security

So, Taksin's Government messed up the policy. Is it fair to say that the current Government, basically kept the policy as is and did nothing to change the rules or start moving all the PR applications that have been backlogged since 2006. They have been in office long enough to make this correction, but left it status quo. Basically neither of the front running parties is out there to make our lives easier.

Quick Mr. Abhisit, drop everything! There's a couple of thousand Farangs waiting for PR permits, and hardly one of them has a vote! Get your priorities right PM!:violin: :violin:

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Blind Loyalty is what Nation Journalist drive them to make a daily newsletter with news that does not matter. Their loyalty prevents that the hundreds of murders by the real terrorists in the South do not ever appear in the headlines. Only when they cannot avoid it, the news will be placed on pages 48 or so. Blind loyalty means that the Nation will never ever take a stance about the 600 or so political prisoners that Thailand has and blind loyalty make it support people that raped democracy. That loyalty is not really loyalty by the way. It comes from an era in which the wealthy owners of the Nations were investigated for corruption and being unusually wealthy. When such things happen you become unusually loyal to your greed and do you wipe certain parts of your body with the principles from which you claim your newspaper is build on.

Add to the mix a little bit of cynicism that university lecturers in Thailand always show when dealing with the have nots and people who want to change a system and you get precisely the report you want. Just read the report in the economist and everybody knows what I mean. The Democrat PArty boyds educated in Oxford knows what is best. It does not matter. Not politicians know what is best but the people. It is about more than economics, i is about keeping Thailand liveable. So no more Suthep, no more NEwin, no more crooked generals and other people who do not care a bout the freedom of speech and human rights.

Oh by the way. Everywhere on earth people show loyalty when voting. When people switch from candidate every time when a better policy is announced we need 18 military coups in 70 years or so to make sure the ebst policies are implemented.

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I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

Hope your not from Uk then since Taksin promised he would kick out all UK citizans when he got back in retaliation for not being allowed into UK rolleyes.gif

Hi, can you point me to the article or quote for this please.

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Quick Mr. Abhisit, drop everything! There's a couple of thousand Farangs waiting for PR permits, and hardly one of them has a vote! Get your priorities right PM!:violin: :violin:

You made an immediate assumption that I asked for Abhisit to drop everything and look into this issue. I actually made no mention of his name. The group of administrators that were given this portfolio failed to rectify an error that was pointed out to come from the previous administration. This was what they were tasked to do, but left it as it was. Yes, the PM should get his priorities right and measure his direct reports performance to their task. Or do you think that is not his job either. dry.gif

And you're absolutely right, the last thing Thailand needs are foreigners.

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

you are wrong

thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

not sure what happened to the 12 million...

however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

this process has continued since

the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

its related more to common sense and national security

So, Taksin's Government messed up the policy. Is it fair to say that the current Government, basically kept the policy as is and did nothing to change the rules or start moving all the PR applications that have been backlogged since 2006. They have been in office long enough to make this correction, but left it status quo. Basically neither of the front running parties is out there to make our lives easier.

Any time there is an election Immigration people try to act tougher, not knowing wich side will win, they opt for general; new rules and try and LOOK like they are active and nationalist so they don't get replaced. We are suffering from this at the moment. In august it will all relax again. But not back to pre-Thaksin laisie faire.

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One concept resonates - much of the media in the NE is controlled by the red movement, which feeds propaganda to the populace. With a major election about to take place most of those asked don't know which policies belong to which party. Worse, they are led to leave that recent improvements to their living standards are actually generated by the opposition, a good example being trisailer's family who think that their pension is courtesy of k. Thaksin.

This is the basis of last year's troubles. Thaksin's stooges preached that the election had been stolen, when in fact it was a not unusual democratic process. With an ignorant population being fed disinformation by people they thought they could trust, is there any wonder that the country is deeply divided?

Make that a 'N/NE population kept ignorant through

media control and manipulation by a political machine.'

Is it any wonder the populace makes poor decisions for their future,

when they can't get good information,

and / or those that they are connected to a variety of information sources,

then are considered 'too young' and so aren't listened to properly. I have heard this fact stated many times by both genders in their 20-30s here. If they try to contradict their elders they are shamed out of continuing or just ignored.

Kow Tow blind respect for the old causing problems for the whole society. You aren't a valuable voice till you are too old to travel and get accurate, up to date info on national affairs.

Edited by animatic
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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

I gather you have troubles with your longer time memory?

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This is a great article. Almost everyone that has commented has made really good points. I know I have spew different comments on this forum.

But this morning as I was taking my morning walk after the rain shower I came across some Fungi growing out of Cow dung. I tell you all right now "I love everyone and everything. The sky opened up and the heavens poured down endless showers of love and forgiveness I saw and felt the one-ness of everything and everyone and that their was no separation from the Cosmos's Now I know why this fungi is illegal and a obvious clear and present danger to the Norm here and everywhere.


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One concept resonates - much of the media in the NE is controlled by the red movement, which feeds propaganda to the populace. With a major election about to take place most of those asked don't know which policies belong to which party. Worse, they are led to leave that recent improvements to their living standards are actually generated by the opposition, a good example being trisailer's family who think that their pension is courtesy of k. Thaksin.

This is the basis of last year's troubles. Thaksin's stooges preached that the election had been stolen, when in fact it was a not unusual democratic process. With an ignorant population being fed disinformation by people they thought they could trust, is there any wonder that the country is deeply divided?

Make that a 'N/NE population kept ignorant through

media control and manipulation by a political machine.'

Is it any wonder the populace makes poor decisions for their future,

when they can't get good information,

and / or those that they are connected to a variety of information sources,

then are considered 'too young' and so aren't listened to properly. I have heard this fact stated many times by both genders in their 20-30s here. If they try to contradict their elders they are shamed out of continuing or just ignored.

Kow Tow blind respect for the old causing problems for the whole society. You aren't a valuable voice till you are too old to travel and get accurate, up to date info on national affairs.

I have the advantage of years, so to speak, and do speak my mind re k. Thaksin. It's interesting that my g/f's family get told stuff that they've never heard of. It is possible that they are just being polite to a guest, but I doubt it as we are usually well into the Chang before the subject comes up. They seem genuinely interested in getting an outsider's view, and have expressed awareness that it is much different to what they get locally.

And no, I am not supporting them though I do buy a disproportionate amount of the beer, but probably in ratio to consumption. It is also to be noted that this a male only conversation, and the g/f is embarrassed when called on to assist my Thai. Also, I am not the only anti-Thaksinite present, which makes the whole thing much more interesting.

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This newspaper obviously has a slanted view.

Why don't you look at when the democrats proposed these populist policies? For the election that's when.

How many did the democrats actually enact while in power and they had the chance?

How many of these "proposals" does anyone believe will be actually enacted and implemented?

The biggest "pot of gold" to be mined in Thailand is the corruption which represents 20% of GDP or $116,953 billion US dollars. If the democrats had any leadership skill at all they would be mining it. They are not. This money would buy a lot of education, small business loans and even tablets. Not to mention the economic gain from foreign investment.

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Oh by the way. Everywhere on earth people show loyalty when voting. When people switch from candidate every time when a better policy is announced we need 18 military coups in 70 years or so to make sure the Abhisit (spelling correction) policies are implemented.

Well said. I would add that if the Democrats had any accomplishments they would be shouting their praises from the rooftops instead of trying to match the populist plans of the PTP.

In most countries leaders get REELECTED on the basis of the accomplishments of their previous administrations. This one has nothing to show for their time in office except conflict.

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Oh by the way. Everywhere on earth people show loyalty when voting. When people switch from candidate every time when a better policy is announced we need 18 military coups in 70 years or so to make sure the Abhisit (spelling correction) policies are implemented.

Well said. I would add that if the Democrats had any accomplishments they would be shouting their praises from the rooftops instead of trying to match the populist plans of the PTP.

In most countries leaders get REELECTED on the basis of the accomplishments of their previous administrations. This one has nothing to show for their time in office except conflict.

Thay are calmly stating what they have accomplished.

While the opposition is shouting :

That's not their policy, it is a fake.

Thaksin invented their policy, and they are only copying the great one.

They are not telling the truth, nothing they say is correct, as we have been telling you for years.

Don't believe a word they say because they have been stealing from your family.

And shouting down the Dems with tactical mobs at Dem rallies.


And they should run constructive campaigns...

You can't campaign as gentlemen here, only devious fakers need apply.

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I really don't care who or which party is in power after the election or what "color" their party is.

Frankly, I think all politicians are self-serving thieves and I don't see any election changing that anytime soon. Please notice I said "all politicians" not "all Thai politicians" in the previous sentence.

But having said that my real question is this:

Why would anyone presume that a "Red" government in Thailand would make it "easier" to get a visa for a foriegner?

Can you explain to me why you have that belief?

Frankly, I can't see the logic there.


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Thay are calmly stating what they have accomplished.

While the opposition is shouting :

That's not their policy, it is a fake.

Thaksin invented their policy, and they are only copying the great one.

They are not telling the truth, nothing they say is correct, as we have been telling you for years.

Don't believe a word they say because they have been stealing from your family.

And shouting down the Dems with tactical mobs at Dem rallies.


And they should run constructive campaigns...

You can't campaign as gentlemen here, only devious fakers need apply.

Why don't you enlighten us. What exactly have the democrats accomplished? What is stealing from Thai families is corruption and the democrats have done nothing towards eliminating the biggest drain on the Thai economy.

While your at it how about sharing with us exactly which countries have gentlemanly, constructive campaigns

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This newspaper obviously has a slanted view.

Why don't you look at when the democrats proposed these populist policies? For the election that's when.

How many did the democrats actually enact while in power and they had the chance?

How many of these "proposals" does anyone believe will be actually enacted and implemented?

The biggest "pot of gold" to be mined in Thailand is the corruption which represents 20% of GDP or 81,957.25€ billion US dollars. If the democrats had any leadership skill at all they would be mining it. They are not. This money would buy a lot of education, small business loans and even tablets. Not to mention the economic gain from foreign investment.

Have ya ever officially check out what Thaskin/family /maids/driver/extended family earned personally from being the Top Dog (No insult intended) ( shrooms talkingbiggrin.gif) (The info is out there somewhere) which is the root of Thaskins mistakes. He brought this on himself. Thaskin had great ideas but when compared to what he actually provided it is shameful at best. I actually liked the guy until I saw in real numbers what the comparisons were for what he provided and what he personally gained financially whilst in power. This whole controversy in reality(biggrin.gif) is not about policies but a common human trait "Greed" Something like Mick says "I can't No do do do Satisfaction. In reflection of his part in the story he should checked his self importance and stepped back for a min. After all everyone seems to be forgetful what dynasty made it possible for the Thai people to even consider having a voice at all in how their lives are shaped.biggrin.gif

Edited by MILT
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But having said that my real question is this:

Why would anyone presume that a "Red" government in Thailand would make it "easier" to get a visa for a foriegner?

Can you explain to me why you have that belief?

Frankly, I can't see the logic there.


The yellows made it harder, they are the enemy.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

(Perfect logic!)

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I do buy a disproportionate amount of the beer, but probably in ratio to consumption. It is also to be noted that this a male only conversation, and the g/f is embarrassed when called on to assist my Thai. Also, I am not the only anti-Thaksinite present, which makes the whole thing much more interesting.

You are either very brave or very foolish to mix alcohol with Thai's and politics.

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Policies of all party's in all countries forgotten after elections.

Empty promises don't matter.

Under Reds, foreigners could get PR, VISA easy

Under Yellows, PR stopped, VISA harder

The Yellows hate foreigners more than the Reds.

I never understand why foreigners love Yellows?

They publicly declare they not trust foreigners.

I care nothing for corrupt or economics or policy

I care who makes it easy for me to live Thailand with wife and family.

you are wrong

thaksin toughened up the visa rules after a wanted terrorist was found to have been skipping in and out over the border on back to back 30 day visas for years and was arrested

this happened two weeks after thaksin declared ''there are no terrorists in Thailand!'

the US paid Thailand $12 million reward for him

not sure what happened to the 12 million...

however after thaksin had lost big face, the entry & visa rules were tightened and computers and links to mainframe were ordered for all checkpoints

this process has continued since

the rules have been tightened to discourage long stayers without correct visas

if you have a Thai wife and Thai family it should be easy for you

theres nothing new here to consider or to get upset about

in my view its not related to red or yellow leanings

its related more to common sense and national security

Agreed the visa rules were tightend under Taksin's incumbency. But your stating 'having a Thai wife and Thai family should be easy for you' erroneous. The farang husband must still 'visa run' every 90 days (stupid in the extreme). OR he's over 50 and able to show he's cashed up enough to procure a TEMPORARY visa of stay for just one more year.

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One concept resonates - much of the media in the NE is controlled by the red movement, which feeds propaganda to the populace. With a major election about to take place most of those asked don't know which policies belong to which party. Worse, they are led to leave that recent improvements to their living standards are actually generated by the opposition, a good example being trisailer's family who think that their pension is courtesy of k. Thaksin.

This is the basis of last year's troubles. Thaksin's stooges preached that the election had been stolen, when in fact it was a not unusual democratic process. With an ignorant population being fed disinformation by people they thought they could trust, is there any wonder that the country is deeply divided?

It's actually pretty common really. Twenty percent of Americans think that Obama is a Muslum thanks to Fox "News." 41% of Americans still believe that Saddam had something to do with 911 in spite of almost daily denials by everyone including Bush. 18% believe the earth is the center of the universe, 80% believe in Aliens and only 40% beleave in evolution. Go figure.

Since when is a coup not a "unusual democratic process" I seemed to have overlooked that provision in the constitution. You do understand that there have been 5 PM's since Thaksin was ousted? Seems the powers that be had to search for just the right one. Unfortunately the right one for the powers that be is not the right one for the people.

I read the Nation newspaper today and I think there is plenty of disinformation on both sides. This is an election after all.

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This newspaper obviously has a slanted view.

Why don't you look at when the democrats proposed these populist policies? For the election that's when.

How many did the democrats actually enact while in power and they had the chance?

How many of these "proposals" does anyone believe will be actually enacted and implemented?

The biggest "pot of gold" to be mined in Thailand is the corruption which represents 20% of GDP or 81,957.25€ billion US dollars. If the democrats had any leadership skill at all they would be mining it. They are not. This money would buy a lot of education, small business loans and even tablets. Not to mention the economic gain from foreign investment.

Have ya ever officially check out what Thaskin/family /maids/driver/extended family earned personally from being the Top Dog (No insult intended) ( shrooms talkingbiggrin.gif) (The info is out there somewhere) which is the root of Thaskins mistakes. He brought this on himself. Thaskin had great ideas but when compared to what he actually provided it is shameful at best. I actually liked the guy until I saw in real numbers what the comparisons were for what he provided and what he personally gained financially whilst in power. This whole controversy in reality(biggrin.gif) is not about policies but a common human trait "Greed" Something like Mick says "I can't No do do do Satisfaction. In reflection of his part in the story he should checked his self importance and stepped back for a min. After all everyone seems to be forgetful what dynasty made it possible for the Thai people to even consider having a voice at all in how their lives are shaped.biggrin.gif

Western values and morals do not carry the same weight here in the East. A leader is judged, not by how much they personally benefited from being in power, but by how much the people and country benefited under him/her. Thaksin may have been corrupt, may have gained financially, but to the best of my knowledge, he wasn't voted out of power. Marcos for many years was very popular until someone more popular (Benigno Aquino) came along and caused the people to revolt. In Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir was commonly known as Mr. 10% but is still regarded by many as the best PM, due to the prosperity he brought to the nation.

In the East, we expect our politicians to be corrupt (speak to any Singaporean and they will also tell you that LKY also gained financially whilst in power). Corruption, bribery etc, is very much an accepted way of life. Given this fact and that nothing can be done about it, the people move on to the next issue, i.e. what's in it for them. That is why I think that PT will be voted back in as the majority of the population feel that they have more to benefit under PT than under the Democrats.

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