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Red-Shirts Commemorate 13-Month Anniversary Of Rally Crackdown With 'Planking'

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Didnt the Thai mental health department declare that Planking was a mental health problem?

Figures the Reds would employ such a demonstration of their mental state... and Thailand wants to elect these fools into office... dark days ahead if that ever happens.

What Thailand really needs is a credible Socialist party of the people. That certainly is NOT the PTP which is really as we all clearly know run by the right wing highly capitalist Thaksin family and cronies who are hardly socialist. They are all clearly elite manipulative capitalists and proven and convicted crooks as well. Planking certainly fits in with my profile of any socialist based folk who could be so stupid and sheepish enough to be fooled into supporting any party that is idiotic enough to support Thaksin or anybody who has anything to do with him. Keep on planking it fits the PTP supporters mentality it seems.

Such a wasted opportunity to break the ties with the Elitist ruling right wing politics of Thailand as the true people power supporter folk should have last year formed a true credible socialist based party as free of corruption as is possible and as free of Thaksin and his gang as possible too. Yes indeed such planks. Break from Thaksin and his gang of leeching crooks and make the PTP truly an electable party representing real Thai people rather than the rich confidence trickster multi millionaires it currently and stupidly seems to represent under false pretences.

PTP getting elected will be a massive disaster for Thailands future, it just must not happen.


A smart, current, tactical move by PT - 'planking' is the current new 'craze'..... it will generate enough TV media coverage to possibly encourage any young eligible voters -who might not usually be bothered in today's age- to up and vote for PT on the day......by associating PT with being 'fun' , 'trendy' and 'in tune with the times' - attributes more important to the modern day, smartphone wielding, trend orientated 18 year old voter than the usual political messages offered. That's the way it is....


I suppose the forum idiots wanted the reds to stage a 3 month sit in, burn buildings (although I am yet to see proof they did it last time) and wait for the army to turn up and shoot them.

If you want proof, try going to Central World or the Electricy company on Rama 4 road, theres solid proof.

I have a new craze for the Red Shirt group, its called Voteing... theres a frenzy for this new craze every 4 years or so... they should try it!

This new craze is not to be confused with 'Vote Buying' which is seen as a dangerous hobby that can result in death!

Dont think thats going to catch on here, Wonder how much they were paid for planking? :whistling:


Can there be a more stupid, asinine fad as planking?!! Any suggestions on a new fad to create? It has to be as "cool" as planking...that is the only criteria.

Actually, if you read the article, in this case at least, it held great meaning, symbolism and significance for the participants.

But please continue to sound like a cranky old man...

You are right, of course. If they keep repeating over and over "We were innocent protesters gunned down by the evil military!" people might start to believe it. They might even get to believe it themselves.

Note - do not under any circumstances go to the Democrat rally at Ratchaprasong, it will undo all your good work.


-Month Anniversary? ha ha sooo funny

I can see that this group is going to last a long time.

13 month anniversary plus planking = intellectual giants. lol

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic, these people have a vote and it's very possible that Thaksin himself will be running the country in a few months; cleared of all charges and seeking sweet revenge before resuming his CEO style dictatorship. In his recent interview he appeared very passive, talking about how there won't be any retrebution if he gets back. I'd be a worried man if I still lived there!


Christ what a bunch of boring old farts... do you wish for the good old days of dressing like a teddybear ( sorry boy) or where you all mods & rockers 555

As opposed to your scintillating witty post?


Didnt the Thai mental health department declare that Planking was a mental health problem?

Figures the Reds would employ such a demonstration of their mental state... and Thailand wants to elect these fools into office... dark days ahead if that ever happens.

Planking certainly fits in with my profile of any socialist based folk who could be so stupid and sheepish enough to be fooled into supporting any party that is idiotic enough to support Thaksin or anybody who has anything to do with him. Keep on planking it fits the PTP supporters mentality it seems.

Every one has to make a living, and, I would suggest that the "plankers" in charge of PTP and UDD are making a very good living indeed from following the Thaksin plan.


Can there be a more stupid, asinine fad as planking?!! Any suggestions on a new fad to create? It has to be as "cool" as planking...that is the only criteria.

Teapotting, takes on planking as new internet craze

I kid you not !!

I thought you meant teabagging, until I clicked the link...


Ah, teabagging; half the "members" on this forum could help me out with that one; the boys are a bit dry :D



Anti-government "red shirt" protesters play dead to commemorate killed comrades in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011. A group of anti-government activists gathered on Sunday at the same shopping district they occupied during the 2010 unrest




An artist creates a fake wound for an anti-government "red shirt" protester playing dead in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011



If they wanted a more faithful re-creation the fake wound should have been in the back of the head.


That's not planking!! Planking is face down, body straight, arms by the side. They can't even get that right. Or is it the news article/post author has no idea what he's talking about.

This is just re-enacting death - which to me is both stupid and morbid.

BTW: I'm talking about the images posted above with protesters (or whatever) on the ground - Buckhholz


Many Americans say Kent State was a very effective implementation of "Planking." Although it wasn't called "planking" in those days...it was called, 'Civil Disobedience.' It worked.


That's not planking!! Planking is face down, body straight, arms by the side. They can't even get that right. Or is it the news article/post author has no idea what he's talking about.

This is just re-enacting death - which to me is both stupid and morbid.

The news article describes it as planking.

I think it would be rather hard though to do what you say in that small aperture.


The event featuring participants posing as the dead is hardly new or unusual. It happens at a great many western demonstrations, It is a particularly popular gesture by social activist groups from the Christian churches, refugee organizations, univeristy campuses and environmental groups. The anti vivisectionists outside my university favoured macabre depictions of bloodied humans whom the theatre students and math club members had made up. It was very effective in generating attention and getting a point across in a non violent manner. (The swim team had contributed some of the models.) It was one of the more memorable protests (after the anti fur nude protest.)


It's all so fun! After they finished planking did they threaten to burn Bangkok to the ground again?

Yes maybe a symbolic burning of Central World again to remember the reasons they demonstrated ?

I can just hear the conversations of the mindless Reds " Uh!!!! Why did we demonstrate ? What are politics ?................................Are I know we got money from Mr T .

If we can get more money from Mr T maybe we can set fire to more buildings "


Can there be a more stupid, asinine fad as planking?!! Any suggestions on a new fad to create? It has to be as "cool" as planking...that is the only criteria.

Actually I just saw the Cirque du Soleil performance "Midnight Sun" where in one of the sets they did something resembling "planking', but taken to a whole new level. Check it out! But that's Cirque du Soleil.



Anti-government "red shirt" protesters play dead to commemorate killed comrades in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011. A group of anti-government activists gathered on Sunday at the same shopping district they occupied during the 2010 unrest




An artist creates a fake wound for an anti-government "red shirt" protester playing dead in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011



Errrrrr. THIS IS NOT PLANKING !!!!!!

When I was a kid it was called cowboys and Indians " Bang I shot you !! Now lay still and look dead "

I know the Reds are trying to cash in on this latest craze But as usual they never get their facts straight !!!blink.gif

All they are doing is the Thais favourite pastime and that is using it as an excuse to sleep ha ha ha



Anti-government "red shirt" protesters play dead to commemorate killed comrades in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011. A group of anti-government activists gathered on Sunday at the same shopping district they occupied during the 2010 unrest




An artist creates a fake wound for an anti-government "red shirt" protester playing dead in their version of "planking" in Bangkok's shopping district June 19, 2011



Nice re-enactment of the crime. Reds are responsible for the fake wounds, showing how they were responsible for most of the real ones.


You have to admit that this planking thing is a heck of a lot better and safer than setting fire to buildings, piles of tires with smoke filling the air, and all the other violence they perpetrated

on everyone across the board. You have to admit that the Thais (and this is not a slurr) do not seem to be the most creative type.


Many Americans say Kent State was a very effective implementation of "Planking." Although it wasn't called "planking" in those days...it was called, 'Civil Disobedience.' It worked.

Ummm...no, that was not "planking". Civil disobedience is something else entirely.

As to how effective it was at Kent State -- well that's arguable. The shootings - which is presumably what you are talking about as there were obviously anti-war demonstrations in hundreds of places over many years and Kent State was notable only for the deaths - took place in 1970. By that time the US had already begun disengaging from Vietnam (3 years before) and the majority of the people were against it.

The protest were against the invasion of Cambodia. In what way were they very effective? And given that the impact came from the actions of the National Guard (and photos thereof) - in either excessive or justifiable use of force against the protesters -- how would you say that the protesters were very effective? Unless you mean they intended for the Natl Guard to overreact and thus further the anti-war cause? (In other words, they deliberately created the circumstances in which people would be and were killed. Which some might argue is what the Reds did...I find that more plausible than the Kent State students doing it.)


We called it murder in those days by trigger happy National Guardsmen.

That makes more sense than calling it "planking". (Though it's perhaps a bit biased and rhetorically loaded).


13-month anniversary? Are we working with the lunar calendar?

they had to make and "adjustment" to do it before the elections


Today's news in brief (TIC)

Following a mass-debate by live video link to red shirt leaders the orders were given to deploy as many plankers onto the the street as possible. This action has come as a complete surprise to the general public and the incumbent government who expected no debating to take place from the PTP leadership.

In an interview with local press, K. Somchai, 34, a participating planker, said "I'm so relieved...... they should have thought of getting us all to plank in public as a way to get things off our chests a long time ago..... it certainly beats last year's craze of hankering, when we all had to hang around for weeks on end. Now, we are free to plank even for just a few minutes at a time as our way of contributing to the movement".

In response, a yellow shirt representative was quoted as saying "these guys need to get a grip. They've all got no balls but expect us to take their planking stunt seriously"

When asked, a democrat representative refused to comment, however we did get a response from BJT representative who predicted that the latest red shirt actions "would only end in a sticky mess".


13-month anniversary? Are we working with the lunar calendar?

they had to make and "adjustment" to do it before the elections

May 19th 2010 ----- June 19th 2011 (They hold the anniversary every month --- but think that the Dems going there will open old wounds!)

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