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New James Bond


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Dr. No

From Russia With Love



You Only Live Twice

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Diamonds Are Forever

Live and Let Die

The Man with the Golden Gun

The Spy Who Loved Me


For Your Eyes Only


A View to a Kill

The Living Daylights

Licence to Kill


Tomorrow Never Dies

The World is Not Enough

Die Another Day

Casino Royale (2006)

"Bond 22" (2008)

Wow 21 Movies I thought it was more than that, Ohhhh I forgot to add Heath Ledger's BROKEBACK BOND to the list :o

Ok OK I'll stop I'll stop. :D

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21st Official Bond movie and then there is Never say Never.

They've started work on Bond 22 already.Due in two years.

The Revamp did the series good! :partytime:

I wonder why Never say Never and also the original Casino Royale are not on the list they are both bond movies, even though the first Casino Royale is a Comedy. :o

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Basically okay, CR (the Sellers/olivier/allen version) wasn't anything to do with the EON production company, headed originally by Flemin and Broccoli and doing "serious" movie versions of the Ian fleming Books.

Never say Never was another studio's remake of Thunderball, and was done tongue in cheeck, also without Eon's backing.

The only official movies are the Eon movies, cos otherwise everybody would jump on the bandwagon and bastardise Bond.

Ian Fleming and Albert broccoli (and Harry saltzman) have since passed away, but the person in charge now is Albert broccoli's daughter, Barbara.

for some great and mostly accurate info I can highly recommend these sites:

(click the links)

James Bond Encyclopedia

edit: to answer your queries, from above link:

"When plans for a James Bond film were scrapped in the late 1950s, a story treatment entitled Thunderball, written by Ian Fleming, Kevin McClory and Jack Whittingham, was adapted as Fleming's ninth Bond novel. Initially the book was only credited to Fleming. McClory filed a lawsuit that would eventually award him the film rights to the title in 1963. Afterwards, he made a deal with EON Productions to produce a film adaptation starring Sean Connery. The deal specifically stated that McClory couldn't produce another adaptation until a set period of time had elapsed, and he did so in 1983 with Never Say Never Again, which featured Sean Connery for a seventh time as 007. Since it was not made by Broccoli's production company, EON Productions, it is therefore not considered a part of the official film series. A second attempt by McClory to remake Thunderball in the 1990s with Sony Pictures was halted by legal action which resulted in the studio abandoning its aspirations for a rival James Bond series. To this day, McClory claims to own the film rights to Thunderball, though MGM and EON assert they have expired. For more in-depth information, see the controversy over Thunderball."


"In 1954, CBS paid Ian Fleming $1,000 USD for the rights to adapt Casino Royale into a one hour television adventure as part of their Climax! series. The episode featured American Barry Nelson in the role of "Jimmy Bond", an agent for the fictional "Combined Intelligence" agency. The rights to Casino Royale were subsequently sold to producer Charles K. Feldman who turned Fleming's first novel into a spoof in 1967 featuring David Niven as Sir James Bond and five other actors (like Peter Sellers) as faked "James Bond"s. The instrumental theme music was a hit for Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. For more information, see the history of Casino Royale."


Official Site of the Bond legend and legacy


EON Production Company History

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There were, if I remember correctly, seventeen Ian Fleming books of the James Bond series but also collections of shorter novella's that have been used as inspiration for some of the movies. There are also a couple of movies not written by him, but heavily vetted and controlled by the production company, who ultimately own the rights anyway, as they are sort of family.

They are, I might add of my own humble opinion (imho), a very dedicated and very purist production company, treating the Bond legacy with a care that many purist yet practical fans do admire.

There have been four other "Bond Authors" with regards to books published and regarding the movies there is a small circle of purile screenwriters who have the ultimate screenwriting responsablility.

That is to say, there may be other writers on the team for a given movie, but it is one or two of this small circle who'll take the movie to the producers, and vice versa, the producers will go this small circle to ask about new ideas, and the writers may do a ot themselves, or hire teams to help them.

There have been many imitation authors, toy manufacturers, computer game manufacturers, but most are immediatly (and again, imho, correctly so) pounced upon and asked to "cease and desist".

It's a bit of an ecxlusive circle, as any auteur would wish. Instinctively I cite George Lucas and Douglas Adams as other examples of purists, GL perhaps the more pragmatic one.

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:D:D Should be mentioned that I have met Hush before -an old friend! :o


firefan...did she have those nice shoes on when u met her?? :D i want them :D

ok ok back to Bond :D fine Ill have him too :D

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Okay I've watched it again, but after reading up on it a lot this time.

Any doubters still, that it is any good?

Cos I know got a whole breakdown fo the dude. Career, lovelife, background, everything.

I get a hint of doubting, and I'll spill the beans.

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:D:D Should be mentioned that I have met Hush before -an old friend! :o


firefan...did she have those nice shoes on when u met her?? :D i want them :D

LoL MiG16.. I dont have those shoes not in that color, but in blacK! :D

Anyhow, will off to see the movie again this week...

seen it again, Firefan?

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Read all the Bond books when I was a kid, was a huge fan of Connery's earlier Bond work, my favorite up to this point was On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Goldfinger a close second, but...

Got a new favorite Bond film!

Craig is nothing short of superb in the role and the film is a throwback to the days before "special effects" took the place of a plot, interesting dialogue, and good acting. This one makes the Moore, Brosnan, and Dalton versions look even weaker than before, if that's possible.

Casino Royale will be a hard act for Daniel Craig, or anyone else, to follow.

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He looks like 50y/o and would rather be suitable for a soap opera than a James Bond movie. Having this guy as the new James Bond was a really bad joke, Pierce Brosnan was a million times better, not mentioning Sir Connery, that man is a legend.

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Read all the Bond books when I was a kid, was a huge fan of Connery's earlier Bond work, my favorite up to this point was On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Goldfinger a close second, but...

I also was a big fan of the books as a kid. For that reason my favourite movie has always been From Russia With Love. It seemed more realistic and had few gadgets.

Craig is nothing short of superb in the role and the film is a throwback to the days before "special effects" took the place of a plot, interesting dialogue, and good acting. This one makes the Moore, Brosnan, and Dalton versions look even weaker than before, if that's possible.

I agree. Before the movie I thought Craig didn't have the class to be Bond. He looked like a guy you'd see in a pub in Newcastle. But he turns out to be more like the Bond of the books than anyone including Connery. Bond was a spy. He had to blend in with the crowd, so he didn't look like a rich playboy. As far as I remember, he was very tough and didn't go around making smart-ass comments either. Craig really nailed the character. But the film itself is good. What a great decision to leave out the gadgets and most of the one-liners! What a great decision NOT to have a car chase or ski chase, but an imaginative on-foot chase instead. I liked the girl too - not a bimbo, but one who would have interested Fleming's Bond.

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Pierce Brosnan (most handsome :o ) has TOP 4 grossing James Bond movies with Roger More number 5, will be interesting to see how much Casino Royale makes. Yes I was surprised of Daniel Craigs addition to the Bond series as I don't even remember what he was like in Munich. Seen Casino Royale & I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Miss the gadgets though. Was that a Ford he was driving? OMG You have only got to look back to actors like Charles Bronson to see that looks don't play a huge role in movies.

Charles Bronson

James Bond Facts & Figures

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When he arrives at the hotel he is driving the new Ford Mondeo.

Yay! y'all revived my favorite thread!

Ok, I've been waiting to write this. I've watched it twice now. Better, and better.

So here is

Kayo's James Bond Casino Royale FAQ (and if you didn't like it well FAQ u2 :D )

Disclaimer: These are all my own theories or theories I've derived from conversations with other Bond fans. Feel free to comment upon them.


Ok, Of course he is driving a Bloody ford!

1. He hasn't got his "first" Aston Martin yet.

He wins it in this modern day prequel doesn't he? Hence is born a love for all things Aston.

2. The movie doesn't start with the customary "looking-through-a-gun-barrel-to-see-bond-turn-and-shoot"

Cos he doesn't have "00" yet. He's not a killer, yet.

This gets established in the opening scene, at which point the scene segues beautifully into his "first ever" "looking-through-a-gun-barrel-to-see-bond-turn-and-shoot" which starts the song.

3. The Title Sequence

(a)The Main Song is Crap.

It's not the first time a song has little relevance to the plot of the JBond movie. i think it's the fourth or fifth. Octopussy song was Nobody does it better. This movie's song was You Know My Name.

Hello people?! We are talking about Bond here. you know his name, and there is noone in the movies who does it better. The slighty grungy song is a sign of the times, (Chris Cornell was lead singer of Soundgarden). David Arnold, whom is widely seen to be the permanent successor for composing Bond Music having done four or five movies already, worked his orchestrations into the track too.

(:o The Title Sequence is Crap

Yes it is. But on the other hand, maybe it's smart? Bond is not yet an international playboy with scores of bedtime shenanigans and beautiful women. He is still starting out, and his whole mission is to go and play a game of cards.

4. The First few chases are Over The Top

As Eddie Murphy is so fond of saying, "Get the F.ck outta heeeere!"

Every action movie has attempted to top Bond over the years. All have failed. XXX anyone?

Each outlandish stunt, each ridiculous Hero. Abysmal. In fairness, I'd even say Bond got carried away by the competition in recent years with great resources (money, actors crews) but nonetheless meager attempts at the Legend.

Bond is class and tact and agility and fairly nearly real all the same. The running scene before they get to the cranes. How good is that? Ever see a chase like that before on foot? The blackdude had some serious spring in his step. Bond took a beating but he got his man.

The truck on the runway? Jesus, not since Connery took on the big russian dude in the train compartment of Russia with Love have we seen an enclosed close combat scene like that. Positively claustrophobia inducing.

5. The girls! The girls?! Where are the girls?!

Again, as I said in the title sequence bit, he hasn't got there yet. He's still young and hopeful.

The girls he falls in love with are the plain dumpy ones. They hurt him or he gets hurt through them. See Casino Royale and OHMSS. In this one, Vespa has a plainess about her. But... Think about British women of the fifties, and sixties.

She has that overbite. She has that hair. She has that classic British look.

(On a side note, in the train when they meet, and she says, "I've got the money," and then he replies, "Every Penny of it, by the looks of it" I was hoping that would be our "prequel" introduction to MoneyPenny. Alas, t'was not to be. )

6. He is not always in ship shape condition. He doesn't emerge form the water in a tuxedo and groomed to perfection,

I know. Great innit? :D And you may have spotted that he wears what seems to be his first ever tuxedo in MonteNegro.

And he gets hurt and cut up and is a real human being. not the superhero we've made him out to be. Bear this in mind for my very last point.


Yeah. I nearly missed these. The second time I saw it made more sense though.

The themes start. David Arnold puts some light touches ealry on, in the main theme.

Then throughout, there are light elements from the bond themes including the legendary OHMSS theme. They are light touches. Faint, mixed in through out but I found them gradually building.

Bear this in mind and read the next point.

8. Bond, James Bond.

Right. He doesn't say it once. I thought, maybe they'll let Connery keep this mantle.

Then the end hits us. When he finds the men behind the baddies. ( i suspect (from the book) we will find them to be Spectre). When he is standing over his man at the end. Weapon in his hand, the name is Bond, James Bond.

It's an audience ovation moment. The new Bond the newly minted MI6 special agent has finally settled into his role. all discussion of "will i quit, will I stay..." goes out the window and he is about to embark on a legendary career. So where is his them throughout the movie... What theme. He didn't exist yet as a legend replete with theme tune. Now, at this moment on the banks of the Lake Como, He has defined his role for himself in life. and the moment is beautifully enhanced by the "Prequel-FIRST" EVER TIME WE HEAR THE LEGENDARY BOND THEME"

9. And his drink?

C'mon!!! He spells out the perfect drink at the poker table (changed from Baccarat due to nervous producers). And everyone else at the table orders it after him. Shaken.

Later, hilariously, when he's just made two vicious stairwell kills, another bartender asks him if he'd like his martini (with gin this time, interestingly) shaken or stirred. he replies very appropriately i find. Remember where I said he gets cut up and bruised and looks like crap sometimes.

"Would you like that shaken or stirred, sir?"

Do I Look Like I give a DAM.n

These are my observations for now.


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Kayo - The theme to Octopussy was the insipid "All Time High". "Nobody Does it Better" was the theme to, "You Only Live Twice".

Doh! Okay... Iwas writing my longest post in yonks.. didn't have time to fact check.

Fair enough though.

Nonetheless, if i may, wih respect,

The idea was the same though isnt it. Octopussy's theme wasn't about the movie plot either, as the passage mentioned.

Forgive my factual error :o

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Kayo - The theme to Octopussy was the insipid "All Time High". "Nobody Does it Better" was the theme to, "You Only Live Twice".

Doh! Okay... Iwas writing my longest post in yonks.. didn't have time to fact check.

Fair enough though.

Nonetheless, if i may, wih respect,

The idea was the same though isnt it. Octopussy's theme wasn't about the movie plot either, as the passage mentioned.

Forgive my factual error :o

What's your favourite Bond theme?

Which one do you hate?

My favourite is, "Tomorrow Never Dies" - probably not an obvious one, but I really like it

Hate, "The Living Daylights" Why Aha?

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thanks kayo

that was great , perfect , you got the film in a nut shell .

i am a bond convert , for many years bond was not cool , but now hes back , to cool again , what a film ,

great idear to start at the begining , with the first book , re batman begins,

maybe no one will believe me , when i say i have the bmw 750i one of only two that was left after the film tomorrow never dies , 15 smashed to pieces , but i do have the photos of log book and letters from bmw GB who gave bond 15 left handed and two right handed cars to play with,

anyway bond is cool again , re J ross ,film 06 on the bbc , bond is back to hes best . i for one cannot wait for the next film , when i am sure he will really get going.

as for best sound track , ohmss , was great , in a interview with the bond people , they said , because he was a new bond , they needed the the bond theme all the way though it . just gos to show the the bond theme , one of the best theme scores ever.

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thanks kayo

that was great , perfect , you got the film in a nut shell .

i am a bond convert , for many years bond was not cool , but now hes back , to cool again , what a film ,

great idear to start at the begining , with the first book , re batman begins,

maybe no one will believe me , when i say i have the bmw 750i one of only two that was left after the film tomorrow never dies , 15 smashed to pieces , but i do have the photos of log book and letters from bmw GB who gave bond 15 left handed and two right handed cars to play with,

anyway bond is cool again , re J ross ,film 06 on the bbc , bond is back to hes best . i for one cannot wait for the next film , when i am sure he will really get going.

as for best sound track , ohmss , was great , in a interview with the bond people , they said , because he was a new bond , they needed the the bond theme all the way though it . just gos to show the the bond theme , one of the best theme scores ever.

Can you post a pic of the Beemer? :o

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can any one help looking for a good 7 series in thailand any idears , looked on rodthai but there is only 2 and the cheaper one is in white , not nice , would anyone know of a bmw used car center in bangkok?

If you post in the Motor Forum you will get lots of repsonse. Expat motors might be a good place to start.

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Scott, Thanks mate.

Dan Sai, favourite???

I dunno.

I've now listened to the new one Chris Cornell, You know my name... a lot. At First, to get to know the song and the nuances. Bond is all there in this tune, man. Plus it's kind of anthem-like. I never really listened to any chris cornell stuff much except for early RAGTM. This tune is great, though. David Arnold (the "bond composer" of date) is apparent on the backing insturments, which might make the difference.

So, I'm ranking this new one as a top tune.

Gladys Knights track for Licence to Kill has a classy traditional Bond feel to it, with heavy dose of soul

Shirley Bassey remains legend of course. Not so much her talent, but her legacy.

I reall really like David Arnold&kd Lang's Surrender, secondary track for Tomorrow never Dies, but I could never get my head around Sheryl's title track. Good Sheryl tune, but not Bond enough for me.

From Russia is a brilliant tune, a la Ol' Blue Eyes style, which is of course a factor, as each tune has been a reflection of the times in which the movie was made.

Paul's Live and Let Die, Very Rocking tune. Great stuff..

Eh.. Favorites...?

I could go on. Each one is nearly perfect for it's time/era in which the movie was made.

Least favorites are Duran Duran and Aha. At least Duran was more representative of the era though. Aha were already beyond their own prime when they did their track, but it is very Aha.

Gladys Knight, I think will get my vote.

But then there's also.....

Oh I'll stop..

Right then... Been working on compiling this all day today. Finally got it down i think, in terms of maximum accuracy etc...

Take a Look.

Key: Track number

Sequence number:

  • Film sequence (1, 2, 3...)
  • Secondary Movie Tracks: Movie number suffixed by letter "A" (ie: 06A for Louie's Tune OHMSS) and/or listed as track 90/95
  • Rejected Themes and/or Covers of existing tracks, and/or listed as track 95
  • Non Movie, Bond Related Suffixed by "B" and/or listed as track 95
  • Non Movie, Non "Real Bond" related (other) listed as track 99

No guesses what the two letters in brackets after each movie title represent :D

Oh, and The last three columns are Performer/MusicComposer/LyricWriter(s) respectively.

All the Main Movie themes are there. Some secondary tracks are missing, as are some non-movie, bond inspired tracks, but hey.. that could go on for ages, so I stop here.

click on the image to see it full size. I had to make it big for most details to be visible.


enjoy the chart. It's a snapshot of my WMP album view.



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