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New James Bond


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I reckon he'll be a good James Bond, as chon said he was good in layer cake. :D

A real brit 007 for once  :D

Roger Moore :o

Always left with feeling Roger was gay. I hate that bloody mole on him - bar none best was Sean Connery.

Couldn't agree with you more ( Timothy Dalton, BTW, actually is gay).

IMHO a bloke who would make for a very interesting James Bond would be Christopher Eccleston - the recent Dr. Who.


On the subject of Sean Connery: aren't the producers missing a golden opportunity to make a geriatric James Bond, placing Sean in real time playing James?

All the grannies would be fainting in the audatorium.

You never know, maybe even BambiNa, would learn to fall in love with a senior citizen.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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Reads like someone is jealous of Sir Sean. Great actor, wonderful person.

This new Bond is English and he's a thespian. Chances are he's gay :o

The Bond genre has been past it's sell by date for years. It was damaged by Roger Moore's bloody awful pictures. "Never Say never Again" with Mr Bean in a bit part and a very mature Sean Connery, was the final curtain.

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I reckon they made a good call, layer cake was a great movie and my missus went bananas at the telly when he had his shirt off, just before he was carted away in the laundry basket.

Bambi, View Tulay B 18th floor is a hot candidate for suicide...if ya still that way inclined :o

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Here are the reader's comments on the new Bond, from the Daily Telegraph. It seems Clive Owen is the people's choice...

WAKE UP - 'Clive Owen' is the only person who could portray James Bond in the new millenium. Nobody else. Caroline Van Haeften, Toronto, Canada

It's a shame that the one iconic English character which we can feel genuinely proud of, and which makes the rest of the world slightly upset they weren't born an Englishman looks like a charmless big-issue vendor. Surely there are English actors who combine strength and sex appeal? No doubt he was 'fantastic' in Our Friends in the North and 'smoldering' in some BBC Mr Darcy role, but any self respecting Bond Girl would die laughing if our Shrek-a-like hero tried his luck in an obviously out-of-character monkey suit. The toughest job filming Casino Royale goes to Miss Moneypenny - having to pretend she wants a piece of that face! Nick P, Washington DC, USA

Simply put, it should have been Hugh Jackman. Daniel Craig will be another George Lazenby. Oliver, Shanghai, China

I always thought Dalton's Bond was the closest to Fleming's. I saw Clive Owen as the next Bond and I am a little disappointed he didn't get it. I don't know who this new chap Craig is. Graham, Curacao

I would like to have seen Clive Owen get the role but Daniel Craig will be good and a worthy replacement for Connery (not as a blond though!).We can forget Messrs Moore, Lazenby, Dalton and Brosnan as their Bond films had strayed so far from the books that Fleming wrote. Perhaps we can look forward to a few years of re-makes and tidying up. It is good that Casino Royale will be the first one as that was so roughly treated before (David Niven wasn't it?). Simon

Sean Connery was the best Bond. David, New York, USA

I'm sure a blond could play James Bond, but not somebody who's so ugly and uncharismatic as Daniel Craig. I remember him playing Ted Hughes in Sylvia, and that was a really awful performance. My suspicion is that he is just not a very good actor. So, if you're not very good looking not a good actor, you shouldn't be the new James Bond. Margie Appleton, Frankfurt, Germany

Bond has always been tall dark and handsome with a cruel streak. Can you see that in Daniel Craig? But I think the main issue behind the new Bond is something completely different. There have always been points in the James Bond franchise when producers had gone over the top to the extent that the idea of James Bond could only be sustained by going back to more realistic spy stories (e.g. On Her Majesty's Secret Service; For your Eyes only). The first was also done with a different Bond (George Lazenby) and it's interesting that Roger Moore managed to pull off the latter. So basically I think the idea of casting a different type of man as James Bond is a fairly desperate attempt to modernize. Of course there would have been another way: John Gardner managed to create a believable Bond character in the 80s by sticking to the timeless aspects of Ian Fleming an the films and just adapt to the times. By the way: it's interesting to see that the James Bond we know from films owes more to McClusky's comic strip version than to the actual books by Ian Fleming. Dr Thorsten Krings

What a coincidence that the new Bond is announced just as I'd finished reading 'Casino Royale'. Are we really going to have a return to the Bond of the books, who lives well as the prissy, fussy bachelor? Certainly Daniel Craig has that 'ironical detachment' so crucial to Bond's character. And he wants to add the emotional depth that is so evident in the books. Let's hope for a return to scrambled eggs and bacon, with half a pint of orange juice, double espresso with cream, 60 Morland Specials a day, an iron grey Bentley, and clinical detachment that kills, where necessary, in cold blood. Too many people don't realise that Bond was on the verge of proposing marriage to the girl in the first book - until she turned out to be a double agent, and killed herself. The only other actor who has proven himself to be close to the description is Samuel West, with his masterly performance as Blunt, in Cambridge Spies. Jane Berry, London

Sir Sean is the best, hands down, followed closely by Brosnan. I agree with "Michael", it's time to get back to SAS basics. David, Fredericksburg, USA

I'm absolutely delighted that Daniel Craig has got the part of Bond. I've been rooting for him since his debut in "Our Friends in the North" when his performance blew me away and I just hoped that he would be recognised for the talent that he is. He's certainly earned his stripes on the way. Well done to him and I can't wait to see the movie. At last I'm interested in seeing a Bond film again. Helen Herron, West Sussex

Piers Brosnan without a doubt. Mary, Hong Kong

Craig would be an excellent choice, but can't help thinking Clive Owen would have been better. But more importantly than any of that, let's hope that the next Bond goes back to basics and produces a Bond movie worthy of the name. No more invisible cars and implausible gadgets, we need the new Bond to take some spy lessons from Jason Bourne, because that's how it's really done. Michael

I think it's criminal that Clive Owen was not selected for the role. Richard Tinworth

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Why they are remaking Casino Royale I'm at a loss to explain, but Craig will be a million times better than Brosnan who was more wooden than an oak tree!

My bad, his name is Daniel, not Clive (looked a the wrong post when I was replying previously).

I thought Brosnan did a pretty good job as Bond, especially after experiencing the Timothy Dalton period.

I'd put Brosnan as my 2nd favourite Bond, right behind Connery of course.

But who cares about Bond any ways. Who are the new Bond girls going to be !!!!!!

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Daniel Craig to be new James Bond


When A new Actor is chosen to play James Bond, I immediate get a positive or a negative feeling about the person.

Playing James Bond doesn't need to be played by a great actor. A good one will suffice, as we all know from pervious actors.

Certainly a very big part of being James Bond is style and good looks.

My initial feelings right now leans more towards the negative...... DJM

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Next Bond's Girl


17 October 2005

Jolie tipped to become Bond girl

Actress Angelina Jolie is being tipped to become a Bond girl in the upcoming movie in the franchise, 'Casino Royale'.

According to Ananova.com, Jolie is reportedly in talks to play the part of Vesper Lynd, a Russian double-agent.

Other actresses who were reported to be interested in starring in 'Casino Royale' include Jessica Alba, Uma Thurman and Rachel Stevens.

Daniel Craig was announced as the next actor to play James Bond at a press conference in London last Friday.

Craig and Jolie previously starred opposite each other in 'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider'.

From rte.ie

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Next Bond's Girl


17 October 2005

Jolie tipped to become Bond girl

Actress Angelina Jolie is being tipped to become a Bond girl in the upcoming movie in the franchise, 'Casino Royale'.

According to Ananova.com, Jolie is reportedly in talks to play the part of Vesper Lynd, a Russian double-agent.

Other actresses who were reported to be interested in starring in 'Casino Royale' include Jessica Alba, Uma Thurman and Rachel Stevens.

Daniel Craig was announced as the next actor to play James Bond at a press conference in London last Friday.

Craig and Jolie previously starred opposite each other in 'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider'.

From rte.ie

I don't like her. Just my humble opinion though.

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Will be interesting to see such a different Bond... I am a Sean and Pierce fan myself - but let's see what the new guy can do, Cheers!\

(blonde myself and he is only a bit older than me, so I wonder why they did not call ME... bloody AIS.... :o )

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