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Yingluck Says She Cannot Stop Red Shirts Bullying Abhisit


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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

I dont know which posts and threads youve read but Anti Thaksin supporters attack K Abhisit at every opportunity have a look at the thread on this site where Abhisit complains about bullying, or where Suthep says Thaksin will go to jail so the first point of your post is totally biased and innacurate.

But to answer the question you posed. Personally yes - I will move out of Thailand if Thaksin returns I couldnt stomach the wrongness of a population willing to accept corruption on such a scale.

However, let me ask you these questions - weve had a Democrat government for how long? Youre here still and obviously NOT happy about the job the current Government is doing why havent YOU left?? - or do you recommend double standards for Pro and anti red shirts leaving the country as well as everything else?

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I repeat, your statement is meaningless without specifying which tax you are referring to. The VAT is regressive, but the only way to claim some tax from those who would otherwise pay none. But it is not applied to marketplace staples which a poor villager would buy, so that a poor person may pay relatively higher percentage of income but could hardly ".....pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do."

I think we all know that TS meant in relative terms, not absolute terms, in which case, paying twice as much is not as ridiculous as it sounds. Poor people own vehicles too - needed for their jobs/businesses etc - which means that they have to put petrol/diesel into their vehicles. I presume there is a tax element there? Similarly for some other commodities like cigarettes, alcohol etc. Unless you are suggesting that poor people shouldn't smoke or drink or drive?

Not being a mind reader, I took his words literally. He didn't specify which tax, and the overall picture is that although the poorer citizens may pay relatively more VAT, they also pay no income tax. The VAT on a Gucci handbag or a Hermes scarf would probably (I can't be certain!) exceed a poor man's total VAT for a year.

Your probably right that it would exceed the poor mans total VAT for a year but he would still be paying a higher percentage of tax. In fact he's paying twice the tax that the rich guy pays.

You didn't have to be a mind reader, just a reader. You've been disputing my facts with unsubstantiated assumptions for days and now you "took my words literally" LMAO!


prove me wrong, please.

When you put up a substantiated fact I will happily agree with it. While you continue to offer erroneous personal opinion, I will continue to point out the error of your ways, especially when you disguise your opinion as a HRW statement.

Your disputed statement did not specify the type of tax being discussed, or include any reference to "relative" - it was ridiculous!

You also continue to claim that all violence could have been prevented if the red protesters had been stopped and searched; a simplistic statement if there ever was one. I again ask you, what would you do if 100,000 protesters refused to be stopped or searched? Would you shoot them?

Edited by OzMick
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I dread to think what is going to happen when the Democrats hold the meeting at Rachaprasong. I'm sure that the Fugitive has planned something to try to disrupt it because the Democrats will show a lot of videos, which he would rather the rural folks didn't see, and which they probably haven't seen because they don't have access to the internet. This time they'll see the videos on government TV.

You don't know much about rural folks and the area in which they live, do you?

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There is a fundamental difference between the headline and the OP's first line. She may not be able to stop them, but she certainly can TELL them to stop. Why can't she express disapproval? Perhaps her brother refuses to allow it, as it would soften the bully-boy image of the party.

"Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that she could not tell her red-shirt supporters to stop protesting against Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva during campaign rallies."

She is actively allowing it by refusing to speak against it.

If she were a TRUE leader, she could and would put a stop to it.

But she is not, and it does not fit her brothers aims.

Yes, some truth in all this. I met her yesterday at a rally. She is pleasant, and even more attractive than the photos, but clearly a sacrificial lamb before the slaughter. Definitely not a clue about politics. Her nomination makes me wonder even more about Thaksin's motives. Could she be PM? she just isn't going to make it that far. But maybe that's part of the plan?

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

I dont know which posts and threads youve read but Anti Thaksin supporters attack K Abhisit at every opportunity have a look at the thread on this site where Abhisit complains about bullying, or where Suthep says Thaksin will go to jail so the first point of your post is totally biased and innacurate.

But to answer the question you posed. Personally yes - I will move out of Thailand if Thaksin returns I couldnt stomach the wrongness of a population willing to accept corruption on such a scale.

However, let me ask you these questions - weve had a Democrat government for how long? Youre here still and obviously NOT happy about the job the current Government is doing why havent YOU left?? - or do you recommend double standards for Pro and anti red shirts leaving the country as well as everything else?

I dont know which posts and threads youve read but Anti Thaksin supporters attack K Abhisit at every opportunity - I presume you mean Thaksin supporters.

I am reading most of the posts relating to the upcoming elections and no doubt Thaksin supporters do attack K Abhisit as well, but not to the personal level of the attacks on Thaksin, Yingluck, his daughter and future son-in-law. If you insist, I can copy and paste the comments.

i am not sure how you conclude that I am not happy about the job the current Govt is doing - to the best of my knowledge, I have not made any negative comments about the Dem party. I haven't left (in fact, I intend and hope to stay here after my retirement, regardless of the governing party) because I love it here, the diversity, the culture and the relatively high standard of living.

If pushed, I would say that I am pro-Thaksin, but only because of the progress the rural NE has seen under his government. I said in another post that corruption and bribery and disregard for the law is common place here in Asia (as an Asian, I speak from personal experience) and is much more accepted than it is in the West.

A lot of posts are by people, and dare I say it, Americans, Brits, Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, injecting their personal views and values and morals. However, this is Asia, where the values are different. The farmer, educated or not, does not really care who is in government or how corrupted they are, as long as the government does right by them - developing the area, providing schooling etc etc. Why else would Thaksin be so popular? Ideals of fair play, democratic elections, equality etc are luxuries that the West can enjoy. When you are slaving under the sun with water up to your knees day in day out, the main concern is a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on your table.

Edited by Bkkorupcountry
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Hyperbole wrapped in a Straw man argument.

The rich pay more % of taxes per capita,

regardless of certain deductions they are in much higher tax brackets.

The poor pay nothing, and the up and coming also get deductions.

Find some data and prove me wrong.

FInd some data and prove your original assertions.

I already posted data and you ignored it.

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There is a fundamental difference between the headline and the OP's first line. She may not be able to stop them, but she certainly can TELL them to stop. Why can't she express disapproval? Perhaps her brother refuses to allow it, as it would soften the bully-boy image of the party.

"Yingluck Shinawatra said yesterday that she could not tell her red-shirt supporters to stop protesting against Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva during campaign rallies."

She is actively allowing it by refusing to speak against it.

If she were a TRUE leader, she could and would put a stop to it.

But she is not, and it does not fit her brothers aims.

Yes, some truth in all this. I met her yesterday at a rally. She is pleasant, and even more attractive than the photos, but clearly a sacrificial lamb before the slaughter. Definitely not a clue about politics. Her nomination makes me wonder even more about Thaksin's motives. Could she be PM? she just isn't going to make it that far. But maybe that's part of the plan?

I would be surprised and disappointed if Yingluck never made a general statement in public about not condoning violence or intimidation by either side.

The fact that she hasn't come out and specifically told PTP supporters not to be violent doesn't necessarily mean that internal communications within her organization haven't been made to that effect. Whether or not they are heeded depends upon the integrity of the organizational structure ie the effectiveness of the chain of command, but this applies to any big political organization and as we have seen the PTP ranks contain a diverse mix of factions.

During the riots last year I don't remember Abhisit making public announcements telling the army to show restraint. He would have done so in private for understandable reasons. There was publicity highlighting the use of rubber bullets, but rubber bullets don't usually kill people. Despite restraint being urged (I don't for one second think Abhisit would have told anyone 'we need to kill x amount of people'), some lower ranking cadres obviously took matters into their own hands, and this is what often sparks off violence in particularly tense situations.

Edited by hanuman1
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She can't control peoples passions because people are fed up with empty promises that have not produced any improvement in the disparity between the rich and the poor. The income gap in Thailand is a disgrace. If you compare the incomes of the top 5th of the population to the bottom 5th the numbers are some of the worse in the world and only slightly better than African countries with civil wars.

The gap in Sweeden and Japan is 3 to 5 times

Europe and North America is 5 to 8 times

Asian neighbors of THailand 7 to 12 times

Thailand 13 to 15 times.

The difference in wealth is 69 times.

Because of the Thai tax structure poor people pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do.

These figures come from a 2009 study and little if anything has changed.

People are angry. Most revolutions got their start from the inequities in taxes. Abhisit has done nothing to address this issue because he represents the wealthy. If he was interested he would have done something.

What you say is not unusual.

In the USA, now, the 400 richest Americans have as much wealth as the poorest 150 million.

Warren Buffet pays 15% tax on his last dollar earned - Warren Buffet's secretary pays >40% tax on her last dollar earned.

Some other posters don't want to address your point that there is massive income disparity in Thailand, so they attack your numbers. But a rock with eyes could see that income disparity is enormous in Thailand.

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Whilst science says a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the law of entropy, it is clear this is not true for political debates. All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

The Thai people, the nation, are in a self mutilating mood, people self mutilate from a combination of depression and frustration. The past and present violence of Reds and Yellows is evidence of a national malaise that goes beyond politics, politics is simply a trigger for its expression. Thailand is a sick society, the sickness may be genetic or cultural but until it is cured Thailand will continue to mutilate itself.

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Whilst science says a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the law of entropy, it is clear this is not true for political debates. All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

The Thai people, the nation, are in a self mutilating mood, people self mutilate from a combination of depression and frustration. The past and present violence of Reds and Yellows is evidence of a national malaise that goes beyond politics, politics is simply a trigger for its expression. Thailand is a sick society, the sickness may be genetic or cultural but until it is cured Thailand will continue to mutilate itself.

All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

It makes you wonder why they do it. I think we can rule out entertainment and learning...

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Whilst science says a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the law of entropy, it is clear this is not true for political debates. All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

The Thai people, the nation, are in a self mutilating mood, people self mutilate from a combination of depression and frustration. The past and present violence of Reds and Yellows is evidence of a national malaise that goes beyond politics, politics is simply a trigger for its expression. Thailand is a sick society, the sickness may be genetic or cultural but until it is cured Thailand will continue to mutilate itself.

All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

It makes you wonder why they do it. I think we can rule out entertainment and learning...

Any psychologist will tell you that if you repeat the same lie often enough you end up believing it. In simple English we say they have become self deluded.

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

I like It. I Like it. I like it!!!!

Never read so much biased rubbish in all my life

Yes, Taksin back! are you all leaving now?

Ho and I am not a Taksin supporter, or anyone’s supporter

But talking biased will always be talking ignorance

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

I dont know which posts and threads youve read but Anti Thaksin supporters attack K Abhisit at every opportunity have a look at the thread on this site where Abhisit complains about bullying, or where Suthep says Thaksin will go to jail so the first point of your post is totally biased and innacurate.

But to answer the question you posed. Personally yes - I will move out of Thailand if Thaksin returns I couldnt stomach the wrongness of a population willing to accept corruption on such a scale.

However, let me ask you these questions - weve had a Democrat government for how long? Youre here still and obviously NOT happy about the job the current Government is doing why havent YOU left?? - or do you recommend double standards for Pro and anti red shirts leaving the country as well as everything else?

I dont know which posts and threads youve read but Anti Thaksin supporters attack K Abhisit at every opportunity - I presume you mean Thaksin supporters.

I am reading most of the posts relating to the upcoming elections and no doubt Thaksin supporters do attack K Abhisit as well, but not to the personal level of the attacks on Thaksin, Yingluck, his daughter and future son-in-law. If you insist, I can copy and paste the comments.

i am not sure how you conclude that I am not happy about the job the current Govt is doing - to the best of my knowledge, I have not made any negative comments about the Dem party. I haven't left (in fact, I intend and hope to stay here after my retirement, regardless of the governing party) because I love it here, the diversity, the culture and the relatively high standard of living.

If pushed, I would say that I am pro-Thaksin, but only because of the progress the rural NE has seen under his government. I said in another post that corruption and bribery and disregard for the law is common place here in Asia (as an Asian, I speak from personal experience) and is much more accepted than it is in the West.

A lot of posts are by people, and dare I say it, Americans, Brits, Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, injecting their personal views and values and morals. However, this is Asia, where the values are different. The farmer, educated or not, does not really care who is in government or how corrupted they are, as long as the government does right by them - developing the area, providing schooling etc etc. Why else would Thaksin be so popular? Ideals of fair play, democratic elections, equality etc are luxuries that the West can enjoy. When you are slaving under the sun with water up to your knees day in day out, the main concern is a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on your table.

First of all sorry i did mean Thaksin supporters not anti Thaksin supporters - sorry for that - I think however that you have to rememebr that to my knowledge there are no convictions for k Abhisit. He is not on the run for corrupt practices or terrorism and therefore one would not expect him to illicit the same replies and comments as a convicted man who has abused a position of trust. Who has numerous mureders (2700) on his hands from drug wars.and who in the eyes of many is soloely responsible for the disturbances in Bangkok last year - thats the first point. despite that - red supporters on this forum regularly state untrue facts and opinions about the coup and the Governments supposed involvement with the coup. I feel it would be totally untrue to dismiss these comments and state that Anti Thaksin supporters are the worst of the bunch.

Next - if you ARE happy with the job that the current Government is doing - why would you want to replace that with the unknown which, if elected will give Government positions to those who burnt, murdered and lied about it last year from the stage at Rachaprasong? I also love Thailand which is why I would like it to continue in the current style of Government rather than go backwards to what so apalled people in 2006 that there was a coup. there are many things I would like to print on TV.com but refrain from mentioning. I cannot however praise the events in the NE knowing that Robin Hood steals from the rich, gives 1% to the poor and sticks the rest in his maid and his drivers bank account,

You say people are wrong to give a western perspective and this is Asia - i think as a senior citizen i would respectfully remind you that there is right and there is wrong whatever culture you belong to. To deny that is to allow pwople to perpetrate crime on the basis of race. I think youve lived through or close to a very serious situation which arose becaus of that very thing. There are after all otehr ways to help poor farmers than to take advantage of them by getting them into debt and bringing them to bangkok to take part in potentially lethal rallies. K Abhisit sat down with a farmers union from isan last week and planned the raise in rice price with them to give them the maximum profit from their investments. K Thaksin would have given them a credit card which they have to pay back WITH interest unless Im werong and a PC tablet of the cheapest order in place of an education for their children. Thaksin is NOT the answer to Thailands problems. The day they turn against him and ditch him for their own freedom and democracy is the day i will join them in a red shirt on the stage.

Having said that even with a family, getting onto an airplane and leaving thailand is fairly easy.

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Whilst science says a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the law of entropy, it is clear this is not true for political debates. All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

The Thai people, the nation, are in a self mutilating mood, people self mutilate from a combination of depression and frustration. The past and present violence of Reds and Yellows is evidence of a national malaise that goes beyond politics, politics is simply a trigger for its expression. Thailand is a sick society, the sickness may be genetic or cultural but until it is cured Thailand will continue to mutilate itself.

All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

It makes you wonder why they do it. I think we can rule out entertainment and learning...

The Art of discussion:

1. Thesis - The inner core of the Earth is melted iron and nickel and other materials.

2. Thesis - silicone with steamed soda water.

3. Thesis - red jam


The apologists of thesis 1 and 2 can have a discussion (most time not easy but possible.)

For the apologists of thesis 3 only a discussion with a psychotherapist is possible to investigate how this thesis has been implanted in the brain.

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First of all sorry i did mean Thaksin supporters not anti Thaksin supporters - sorry for that - I think however that you have to rememebr that to my knowledge there are no convictions for k Abhisit. He is not on the run for corrupt practices or terrorism and therefore one would not expect him to illicit the same replies and comments as a convicted man who has abused a position of trust. Who has numerous mureders (2700) on his hands from drug wars.and who in the eyes of many is soloely responsible for the disturbances in Bangkok last year - thats the first point. despite that - red supporters on this forum regularly state untrue facts and opinions about the coup and the Governments supposed involvement with the coup. I feel it would be totally untrue to dismiss these comments and state that Anti Thaksin supporters are the worst of the bunch.

Next - if you ARE happy with the job that the current Government is doing - why would you want to replace that with the unknown which, if elected will give Government positions to those who burnt, murdered and lied about it last year from the stage at Rachaprasong? I also love Thailand which is why I would like it to continue in the current style of Government rather than go backwards to what so apalled people in 2006 that there was a coup. there are many things I would like to print on TV.com but refrain from mentioning. I cannot however praise the events in the NE knowing that Robin Hood steals from the rich, gives 1% to the poor and sticks the rest in his maid and his drivers bank account,

You say people are wrong to give a western perspective and this is Asia - i think as a senior citizen i would respectfully remind you that there is right and there is wrong whatever culture you belong to. To deny that is to allow pwople to perpetrate crime on the basis of race. I think youve lived through or close to a very serious situation which arose becaus of that very thing. There are after all otehr ways to help poor farmers than to take advantage of them by getting them into debt and bringing them to bangkok to take part in potentially lethal rallies. K Abhisit sat down with a farmers union from isan last week and planned the raise in rice price with them to give them the maximum profit from their investments. K Thaksin would have given them a credit card which they have to pay back WITH interest unless Im werong and a PC tablet of the cheapest order in place of an education for their children. Thaksin is NOT the answer to Thailands problems. The day they turn against him and ditch him for their own freedom and democracy is the day i will join them in a red shirt on the stage.

Having said that even with a family, getting onto an airplane and leaving thailand is fairly easy.

Thanks for a good post. You make very valid and convincing points. jap.gif

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Whilst science says a perpetual motion machine is impossible due to the law of entropy, it is clear this is not true for political debates. All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

The Thai people, the nation, are in a self mutilating mood, people self mutilate from a combination of depression and frustration. The past and present violence of Reds and Yellows is evidence of a national malaise that goes beyond politics, politics is simply a trigger for its expression. Thailand is a sick society, the sickness may be genetic or cultural but until it is cured Thailand will continue to mutilate itself.

All the political threads in this forum have become circular debates with the same people on both sides repeating the same old arguments.

It makes you wonder why they do it. I think we can rule out entertainment and learning...

The Art of discussion:

1. Thesis - The inner core of the Earth is melted iron and nickel and other materials.

2. Thesis - silicone with steamed soda water.

3. Thesis - red jam


The apologists of thesis 1 and 2 can have a discussion (most time not easy but possible.)

For the apologists of thesis 3 only a discussion with a psychotherapist is possible to investigate how this thesis has been implanted in the brain.

Of course if someone is

• Paid for many years to convince all people in a given area that the Earths core is filled with Red Jam

• Thesis 1 and 2 are banned from being heard

• And taught that Thesis 1 & 2 be arguments of bad people.

of course people can be 'made to believe',

'the earth is flat' and 'filled with red jam'.

And if those people are sent to discuss with those who:

• Have seen many other hypothesis and arguments for and against them,

• Seen relevant, substantiated info about them

• Were trained to make judgments between many different sources and their probable validities,

You naturally get those who have seen, and know,

unsuccessfully trying to convince those who

'only know what they have been repeatedly told,

is wrong and coming from untrustworthy sources'.

No wonder it is circular in direction.

Edited by animatic
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She is most probably right. It would be an insult to say that Pheua Thai equals the red shirts. Ignorance is bliss however but it would be telling that the two morons filing charges against Yingluck for perjury are asked to do so by the democrat party. The yellows and the reds are autonomous groups who might give a voting advice to their members, or not.

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Of course if someone is

• Paid for many years to convince all people in a given area that the Earths core is filled with Red Jam

• Thesis 1 and 2 are banned from being heard

• And taught that Thesis 1 & 2 be arguments of bad people.

of course people can be 'made to believe',

'the earth is flat' and 'filled with red jam'.

And if those people are sent to discuss with those who:

• Have seen many other hypothesis and arguments for and against them,

• Seen relevant, substantiated info about them

• Were trained to make judgments between many different sources and their probable validities,

You naturally get those who have seen, and know,

unsuccessfully trying to convince those who

'only know what they have been repeatedly told,

is wrong and coming from untrustworthy sources'.

No wonder it is circular in direction.

So if I understand it correctly What you are saying is:

If you are not poor, never been poor, not lived amoung the poor, not lived a poor life

Then you can not comment on the poor or poverty, is that right?

Otherwise it would only be academmic (Theory without practical experience) is that right?

I must say I totally agree with you

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Thailand's Battle for Peace. An outstanding documentary from Al Jazeera on the forthcoming elections in Thailand. Follow this link and enjoy:


"If Thaksin is (corrupt), and we have enough to eat and live, then let him be. We only have two choices here - those who cheat less and those who cheat more" - Singpetch Jitthaisong

To my foreign friends here in Thailand, welcome to Asia!

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She can't control peoples passions because people are fed up with empty promises that have not produced any improvement in the disparity between the rich and the poor. The income gap in Thailand is a disgrace. If you compare the incomes of the top 5th of the population to the bottom 5th the numbers are some of the worse in the world and only slightly better than African countries with civil wars.

The gap in Sweeden and Japan is 3 to 5 times

Europe and North America is 5 to 8 times

Asian neighbors of THailand 7 to 12 times

Thailand 13 to 15 times.

The difference in wealth is 69 times.

Because of the Thai tax structure poor people pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do.

These figures come from a 2009 study and little if anything has changed.

People are angry. Most revolutions got their start from the inequities in taxes. Abhisit has done nothing to address this issue because he represents the wealthy. If he was interested he would have done something.

You must be new to Thailand Abhisit Has only had three years to undo what the Thaksin led parties had years to do. Instead of allowing him to do the job they choose to divert his attention away from it with illegal seizures of property ,killings, trying to burn Bangkok down, armed invasions of hospitals and bombs left in public places.

That is absolutely true. If Abhisit retains his party's control the same thing will happen once again. Thaskin enjoyed a relatively peaceful environment to make his fatal political mistakes Give abhisit and the Dems a peaceful environment and I bet they leave the oppostion in the dust. The result of the blind poll recently done demonstrates this point. Distractions is what was offered to thwart the progress of the whole Kingdom for just one man. The real friends Thaskin loves the most are the DEAD PRESIDENTS ON GREEN PAPER

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"Asked about the Democrat Party's relentless criticism of her, Yingluck said the attacks did not discourage her and that she still wanted to serve the country and lead it out of this period of conflict"

Now if she can not control her people how does she figure on accomplishing a political peaceful country where all the elected officials are interested in Thailand first and foremost.

May be she should check with her clone before she speaks.

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I have never been to the centre of the Earth, though I have seen it in movies but that is Hollywood You know Bull****

Has anyone actually been to the centre of the Earh? the Earths core NO!!!

So maybe it is just filled with jam, not sure if I would believe anyone who told me they had been there and it was so (filled with Jam)

But how could I argue? never actually ever being there myself?

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She is most probably right. It would be an insult to say that Pheua Thai equals the red shirts. Ignorance is bliss however but it would be telling that the two morons filing charges against Yingluck for perjury are asked to do so by the democrat party. The yellows and the reds are autonomous groups who might give a voting advice to their members, or not.

" It would be an insult to say that Pheua Thai equals the red shirts." My first thought is which one would be insulted. My second is, with 7 red leaders, and the wife of one absent, on the party list, how exactly do you tell the difference. They both dance to the same piper, don't they?

I used to think of them as similar to the IRA and Sinn Fein, for quite a few reasons. But would Sinn Fein run a few bomber-heroes (in their own eyes) as candidates? Not likely. So I guess the relationship is closer than that, almost incestuous in fact

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Reading the posts in many of the forums, it seems to me that pro-Thaksin supporters would merely like Thaksin to be back in power but do not vehemently attack Abhisit and co. However, the anti-Thaksin camp continuously attack him, his family and his siblings, bringing everything down to a very personal level.

So a question to the anti-Thaksin camp - what will you do IF Thaksin comes back to power? As a matter of principle, will you then be leaving the country in disgust (and returning to your respective countries of cleaner than white politicians with fair and democratic elections) rather than contribute further to Thailand's economy, which after all, will merely find it's way to Thaksin's pockets again?

Unlike the Thaksin supporters we will except the results of this election. Now what will you do if Abhist is elected. Take to the streets again.

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I repeat, your statement is meaningless without specifying which tax you are referring to. The VAT is regressive, but the only way to claim some tax from those who would otherwise pay none. But it is not applied to marketplace staples which a poor villager would buy, so that a poor person may pay relatively higher percentage of income but could hardly ".....pay almost twice the taxes as rich people do."

I think we all know that TS meant in relative terms, not absolute terms, in which case, paying twice as much is not as ridiculous as it sounds. Poor people own vehicles too - needed for their jobs/businesses etc - which means that they have to put petrol/diesel into their vehicles. I presume there is a tax element there? Similarly for some other commodities like cigarettes, alcohol etc. Unless you are suggesting that poor people shouldn't smoke or drink or drive?

Not being a mind reader, I took his words literally. He didn't specify which tax, and the overall picture is that although the poorer citizens may pay relatively more VAT, they also pay no income tax. The VAT on a Gucci handbag or a Hermes scarf would probably (I can't be certain!) exceed a poor man's total VAT for a year.

Your probably right that it would exceed the poor mans total VAT for a year but he would still be paying a higher percentage of tax. In fact he's paying twice the tax that the rich guy pays.

You didn't have to be a mind reader, just a reader. You've been disputing my facts with unsubstantiated assumptions for days and now you "took my words literally" LMAO!


prove me wrong, please.

Personally I would like to know what the poor are buying that requires a VAT tax. Now if you are talking about the middle income earners you might have a leg to stand on.

But it is a stupid one. The rich people do not spend the same percent of there income on Vat items. They may spend ten times as much as a 15,000 Baht a month earner does but it is only one one hundredth of there income. Where as the middle income it is five percent of his income. Of course he is going to pay a higher percent.

Welcome to Thailand. Give it a chance you will come to like it.

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She is most probably right. It would be an insult to say that Pheua Thai equals the red shirts. Ignorance is bliss however but it would be telling that the two morons filing charges against Yingluck for perjury are asked to do so by the democrat party. The yellows and the reds are autonomous groups who might give a voting advice to their members, or not.

" It would be an insult to say that Pheua Thai equals the red shirts." My first thought is which one would be insulted. My second is, with 7 red leaders, and the wife of one absent, on the party list, how exactly do you tell the difference. They both dance to the same piper, don't they?

I used to think of them as similar to the IRA and Sinn Fein, for quite a few reasons. But would Sinn Fein run a few bomber-heroes (in their own eyes) as candidates? Not likely. So I guess the relationship is closer than that, almost incestuous in fact

I suggest you take a look at the previous life of Martin McGuiness - wikipedia is quite comprehensive on it.

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