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Converting Retirement Visa To Working Visa

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Question for those in the know - before I back myself into a corner.

I will soon be applying for a retirement visa - which I would wish to use for at least 6+ years (I am 52). I will be in and out of Thailand - usually only here about 4-5 months a year. However, at some point my residence will be full-time. At that point I am quite sure I will want to teach at university or some other option that will require a work permit (teaching most likely - I currently teach at a university in another country). Sorry, just don't want to sit around picking my nose . . . growing old and fat (nothing against any of that of course!)

Important issue: Will having had a retirement visa for years in Thailand - then preclude me from obtaining a Non-Imm B and work permit later? Anyone heard of any problems with this?

Thanks for any high-quality conjecture!

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I could imagine problems trying to CONVERT

On the other hand if you leave the Kingdom WITHOUT a Re-Entry permit

thereby CANELLING your Retirememnt Visa,

You could then try applying for a Non Imm B Visa - outside of the Kingdom

and the result could well depend on which Embassy /Consulte you use.



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Guest IT Manager

Pretty thought provoking conjecture Roger, especially the simplicity of cancellation of the retirement visa with no penalties and no massive form filings.

Maybe the doc could run this past his mate... as a thought only naturally.

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We have investigated this issue. If you have a retirement visa, and matching entry permit, all you need do is depart Thailand and apply for a Class "B" visa. Once granted, that Class"B" visa invalidates the OA (retirement) visa. Upon entering Thailand, you will receive a 90 day non-immigrant entry permit, based on the Class"B" visa. You are then eligible to apply for a work permit.

This is all considered to be a routine, unremarkable sequence by Immigration department.

Good luck!



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