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Dog Attack


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i like to cycle every evening.

Naturally one occasionally gets varying degrees of attack, usually mock, once in a while real, but always a pain in the ass.

I'm amazed that people will stand and watch their dogs run barking at people outside their property without lifting a finger. Grengjai? No, the height of bad manners and inconsideration. I have twice run into people's gardens in front of them to make a point. I threw a bottle at one in someone's house after it attacked both myself and my girlfriend recently and got a bullseye. Next day it was a lot more careful. Usually takes a maximum two goes of....errr....re-orientation.


What I would like to find is something like a horse switch, even a nice cane, about 3 ft long and lightweight but packing a nasty punch, to carry in a home made clip on the bike.

Any ideas where I can find these?

ps: I'm a dog lover.....but this is ubiquitous and beyond the pale.

pps: was once told about a NZ postman who would do a similar re-attack whilst blowing a whistle. After a while all he had to do was blow the whistle...

Edited by cheeryble
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I carry a 4 foot bamboo stick thick enough to hurt and thin enough to swing fast . So far havent had to use it ,,, just tap it on the ground a few times and so far all dogs have backed away . Not sure how it would work on a bike though ....

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Best things for motor bikes and cycles is to go to the Night Market and pick up a cheap extendable baton. They are less than 10cm long and will extend more than enough quickly. You can clip them to a bike, or velcrove, whatever. Easy to use and deploy. Try to get one that has a smallish ball on the end and a good grip. These are not really good models but as,hopefully, you will not be beating dogs or anything/anyone else on a regular basis they will nore than do the job.

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There is a long thread on the same topic on the general forum. About all you can do is stop and face the dogs. Very few will attack a person walking. It is a problem everywhere and the most dangerous are the ones that run out in front of you, get hit and cause an accident. Unfortunately, no Thai authority is ever going to do anything about the problem. Most dogs just run out barking but seldom bite. However, there is the occasional nasty dog that will bite. They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

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They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

Wow, and I thought you were just here to have sex with bar girls!

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There is a long thread on the same topic on the general forum. About all you can do is stop and face the dogs. Very few will attack a person walking. It is a problem everywhere and the most dangerous are the ones that run out in front of you, get hit and cause an accident. Unfortunately, no Thai authority is ever going to do anything about the problem. Most dogs just run out barking but seldom bite. However, there is the occasional nasty dog that will bite. They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

:blink: So.. you learned that clobbering baby seals up there in the arctic right? ;)

How about trying one of those ultra high pitched sound devices first? Virtually inaudible to humans, but dogs hate it enough to pause and go '<deleted>?!'.

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There is a long thread on the same topic on the general forum. About all you can do is stop and face the dogs. Very few will attack a person walking. It is a problem everywhere and the most dangerous are the ones that run out in front of you, get hit and cause an accident. Unfortunately, no Thai authority is ever going to do anything about the problem. Most dogs just run out barking but seldom bite. However, there is the occasional nasty dog that will bite. They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

Wouldn't a high powered rifle be more effective and somewhat more humane?

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I've seen Thais (males) offer kickboxing style gestures. Dogs sometimes think it playful, though.

I am surprised that I don't carry a squirt gun. Anyone know what 'ammo' is safe for the plastics? Ammonia or diluted ammonia?

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There is a long thread on the same topic on the general forum. About all you can do is stop and face the dogs. Very few will attack a person walking. It is a problem everywhere and the most dangerous are the ones that run out in front of you, get hit and cause an accident. Unfortunately, no Thai authority is ever going to do anything about the problem. Most dogs just run out barking but seldom bite. However, there is the occasional nasty dog that will bite. They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

Wouldn't a high powered rifle be more effective and somewhat more humane?

Yes, but farangs are not allowed to own guns in Thailand. And, even if they were it would not be legal to shoot one in the city. I love dogs despite having been bitten many times, but some of the bites were not really the dog's fault. I was just breaking up fights between two dogs. However, I'm also not afraid of dogs no matter how vicious they might be. I just believe that dogs that bite people with no provocation, should be destroyed... pure and simple. But, the Thai authorities are never going to do that. That leaves it up to individuals like me who will kill a vicious animal, and I'll use any means at my disposal. I"ve been a hunter all my life and I do not get squeamish about killing things that need to be killed. On the other side of the coin I believe in protecting animals that need to be protected. That includes venomous snakes, crocodiles and endangered animals. Domestic dogs are far from endangered and all the soi dogs in Thailand should be neutered.

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She's out one leg, and may lose the other one, and an arm--if she lives. This was last weekend in Very expensive, and very trendy San Diego. 1 br Apt. is 60K thb per month.

75 grams of ground chicken--make ball and stick thumb in middle...fill with anti-freeze.....HERE BOY!

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I carry a 4 foot bamboo stick thick enough to hurt and thin enough to swing fast . So far havent had to use it ,,, just tap it on the ground a few times and so far all dogs have backed away . Not sure how it would work on a bike though ....

Yes, this is the way to go . A bamboo stick the length of a baseball bat and about 1 inch in diameter.

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I like to jog and found running with a 1 meter long piece of 3/4" PVC pipe works great. You don't even have to hit the dogs. Only act like you will and they will stay away. At night I found that a presentation laser that you might see during a PowerPoint presentation scares the dogs away as well. They seem more terrified of the laser than the pipe.

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I like to jog and found running with a 1 meter long piece of 3/4" PVC pipe works great. You don't even have to hit the dogs. Only act like you will and they will stay away. At night I found that a presentation laser that you might see during a PowerPoint presentation scares the dogs away as well. They seem more terrified of the laser than the pipe.

But they will remember the pipe for a long time. :)

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"I have twice run into people's gardens in front of them to make a point." and if you get bitten you deserve it. I suppose then it will be the dogs fault.

"I threw a bottle at one in someone's house after it attacked both myself and my girlfriend recently and got a bullseye" Again you deserve everything you get if you go on someones property

Edited by thaimiller
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My friend just killed a dog. at first he was on his bicycle and he was scared and he jumped of the bike and he kicked it. and he just finished training muay thai he kicked it 2 times and it was dead !! i was shocked . ohmy.gif

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Are you guys serious ? The dog in Chiang Mai are small and weak. Just walk toward them or fake a kick. They bark loud but no dog is stupid enough to actually attack something 4 time their size. The only way they could bite you is if you try to run away, then their instinct kick in.

The only reason some dog are vicious toward human is because some asshol_e beaten them badly in the past

Edited by sam22
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Buy a Dog Dazer from Amazon. Inaudible to the human ear and it stops dogs dead in their tracks within 15 feet. Clip it to your belt or bike and enjoy your cycling. This problem can be intimidating to people who are not used to dogs, and in some areas of Chiang Mai you'll end up facing down packs.

I've had to face down a few and I haven't met a dog yet that I couldn't take in a fight, but I haven't met a street dog in CM yet that wasn't capable of giving a nasty bite in the process.

Alternatively If your out walking carry a bottle of water with you, dogs cannot stand being splashed with water.

However, if you are going to come across this problem on a daily basis buy a Dog Dazer, problem solved.

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Are you guys serious ? The dog in Chiang Mai are small and weak. Just walk toward them or fake a kick. They bark loud but no dog is stupid enough to actually attack something 4 time their size. The only way they could bite you is if you try to run away, then their instinct kick in.

The only reason some dog are vicious toward human is because some asshol_e beaten them badly in the past

Oh dear. I can take you for a tour and you will change your mind. B)

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"I have twice run into people's gardens in front of them to make a point." and if you get bitten you deserve it. I suppose then it will be the dogs fault.

No, it's the owner's fault for having no manners or consideration for others who simply want to use public ways.

"I threw a bottle at one in someone's house after it attacked both myself and my girlfriend recently and got a bullseye" Again you deserve everything you get if you go on someones property

Oh yeah?

It's happened twice that Ive thrown things inside a person's property last time entering it slightly and picking up the bottle inside the gate in a flowing motion. I have a theory something primitive kicks in one gets great coordination in these moments of heat because it's amazing how my and others' heel so often connects bang on with the dog's mouth trying to bite it....and that bottle throw was out of this world hit the running dog in the neck at least ten yards away.

Both times the owner had been standing there, one a man, one a woman, without lifting a finger to stop the attack. Oblivious and brain dead, and one a quite affluent person in an expensive area. Well I'm here to wake them up and change this moronic meme.

BTW what's the big deal with you and other peoples' property?


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To the OP

I bought this extend able walking stick (Light weight Aluminum) from Mai Sai (Less than 200 Bht) and attached it to the bike by using a simple plastic clip screwed on to the rear frame lug, I was lucky on my bike to have two pre drilled and tapped holes one of which I used, as in the picture.

I hope never to have to use it to Mame or even perish the thought of actually killing a dog but it gives me a little more comfort when going out on the bike.

The handle of the walking stick it quite solid, I certainly would not like to be banged over the head or body with it and for the worst case scenario it has a solid metal tip at the other end when the rubber cover is removed.

I now have a Shield (The Bike) a Sword (The walking stick) I have even got the Sandels :lol:

Hope this helps






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They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

Wow, and I thought you were just here to have sex with bar girls!

oh, are we not taking about bar girls??

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"I have twice run into people's gardens in front of them to make a point." and if you get bitten you deserve it. I suppose then it will be the dogs fault.

"I threw a bottle at one in someone's house after it attacked both myself and my girlfriend recently and got a bullseye" Again you deserve everything you get if you go on someones property

Oh yeah?

It's happened twice that Ive thrown things inside a person's property last time entering it slightly and picking up the bottle inside the gate in a flowing motion. I have a theory something primitive kicks in one gets great coordination in these moments of heat because it's amazing how my and others' heel so often connects bang on with the dog's mouth trying to bite it....and that bottle throw was out of this world hit the running dog in the neck at least ten yards away.

Both times the owner had been standing there, one a man, one a woman, without lifting a finger to stop the attack. Oblivious and brain dead, and one a quite affluent person in an expensive area. Well I'm here to wake them up and change this moronic meme.


No, it's the owner's fault for having no manners or consideration for others who simply want to use public ways.

Public walkways are not what you said in your original post.

BTW what's the big deal with you and other peoples' property? Again it was you what brought this up in your post. We have some dickheads on our moobhaan that try to cycle round at night like they are in the tour de france, when Im out with the dog, the swerve at the last minute just missing us and thinking its funny. I might get a stick and slam them with it or I could just let go of my 40kg Pitbull and see what happens then. But then we would get the anti-Pitbull, Rotti brigade wanting all dogs that aren't the size of a rat killed.

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"I have twice run into people's gardens in front of them to make a point." and if you get bitten you deserve it. I suppose then it will be the dogs fault.

No, it's the owner's fault for having no manners or consideration for others who simply want to use public ways.

"I threw a bottle at one in someone's house after it attacked both myself and my girlfriend recently and got a bullseye" Again you deserve everything you get if you go on someones property

Oh yeah?

It's happened twice that Ive thrown things inside a person's property last time entering it slightly and picking up the bottle inside the gate in a flowing motion. I have a theory something primitive kicks in one gets great coordination in these moments of heat because it's amazing how my and others' heel so often connects bang on with the dog's mouth trying to bite it....and that bottle throw was out of this world hit the running dog in the neck at least ten yards away.

Both times the owner had been standing there, one a man, one a woman, without lifting a finger to stop the attack. Oblivious and brain dead, and one a quite affluent person in an expensive area. Well I'm here to wake them up and change this moronic meme.

BTW what's the big deal with you and other peoples' property?


Completely agree with Thaimiller. You enter my property and start throwing things, I guarantee that it won't be the dog doing dying that day....

Maybe its you who needs to wake up and change your moronic meme. Getting bent out of shape over a dog. Its an stupid *animal* for god sake. You are 4 times its size and hopeful equipped with a higher IQ (although at this point I have my doubts).

This issue is not with the dog, but rather about how you carry/ handle yourself. If you project a fearful/ flighty air of course the dog will want to assert his dominance over you. If you project a confident, dominate air, 9 times out of 10, they will leave you alone. For that 1 time out of 10, as other posters have said, you can assert your dominance with a simple gesture or sound. No need for the violence or resorting to doggie murder. Learn to handle yourself properly around animals and you'll find your problems disappear.

I would suggest you ease up and reexamine your issues, ASAP. You keep getting aggressive with property owners and affluent Thais, its going to be *YOU* that finds yourself in a world of hurt.. Remember, its just a dog. You are much higher up on the food chain/ evolutionary path. Time to act like it.

Edited by Mestizo
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They should be destroyed and I've done it a few times myself. But first they have to get close enough to get clobbered with green bamboo pole with a few spikes sticking out of it. I use 2 long screws put in from either side. It's a great weapon.

Wow, and I thought you were just here to have sex with bar girls!

oh, are we not taking about bar girls??

I thought he had a bit of the ripper look about him!

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