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A 65 or 70 year old Aussie was having a coke with a 50 year old lady and reading her palm. They were chatting about how a healthy life was good luck as he looked at the life line in her palm. The gentleman was in the pub waiting for the football game to start. State of origin or something like that. A friend of the lady joined them; he bought her a beer and read her palm too. I was eavesdropping, with nothing better to do waiting for my lunch to arrive. At four in the afternoon there was also a group of offshore workers waiting for the footy to start, they were pounding down draft beers, and shots.

It was a typical English pub in décor and ambiance with a notable exception. The exception was the staff. All females. Female bartenders, cooks, wait staff and a few bar girls working freelance.

The night shift comes on at 4 PM. I eat a late lunch or early dinner because I enjoy watching the shifts change. They don't use a changing room to switch to their work outfits.

The old guy with the coke was getting a bit randy and his 50 year old bar lady was in the mood but her friend looked sad to see them go as she was enjoying the camaraderie. He said, “Are you shy?” She said, “Shy, what for?” So the three of them toddled off upstairs all smiles asking the bartender to hold their seats as they would be back in 30 minutes for the game.

Having had the pleasure of the ladies company before I knew they would not be back in 30 minutes as both were insistent on getting theirs as well as giving.

In contrasting pubs between England and Thailand I have to think the Thai pubs win hands down for the sober single person.

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I guess It really does depend on the individual , but I was someone who could always do this ( completely Sober in a Bar ) even when I was a pretty heavy Binge drinker / Alcholic / Problem drinker ( dependent on definition ) ... Despite enjoying the Bar Scene ( Not to find women ) , I really always found it quite simple .

Matter , I always do say to Aussie Guys who I think are going to go for Bar girls ..to go out early , keep a clear head and Leave early , therefore getting their Money's worth ... The Few guys who have followed my suggestion , have Thanked me many times over ... Now from there , If they wish to stay with the same girl or " Play the field " ..using the same judgement , they have a much much better time .

However , like all the posters , I can see the Danger and the issues , especially if you are drinking Whiskey , as I used to . 15 beers , doesn't even touch the Sides !!! .

And I guess , this system aint so good for the Bar owner ..but much better for the individuals Health and well being .

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  • 6 months later...

I was always a responsible drinker, pilot, export manager travelling the world on expenses, many opportunities to over indulge but the job came first, and then there were the regular medicals to keep my license. Now I'm unable to have an alcholic drink, not even one, without feeling unwell, albeit for a few minutes at a time. So, the nearest I get to having a regular drink is red wine sauce with a steak.

I feel like the odd beer and glass of wine (especially when I visit LOS on holiday!), but dismiss the thought. I am very healthy for my age,63, or so I've been told by my medic. Has anyone experienced these symptoms? How do I get back to enjoying a drink without feeling ill?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've tried sitting in a bar with a club soda and its a miserable experience. A number of people (including real girlfriends) have said you are much more fun when you 've had a couple of drinks. I despise other drunks when i'm sober as they remind me of me drunk which can be a total asshol_e. Generally my sober pragmatism and logic isnt a great girl puller whereas apparently my semi drunk BS is. But listening to people repeat themselves while they think they are fascinating is a pretty depressing reminder of how I am. I normally have food or watch soccer and then leave.

Secondly bars (and the people in them) get a bit of a glow after a couple of drinks - they both generally look horrible without booze. Try going into a 2nd floor patpong toilet sober at 2am for a really special experience. Thirdly the girls make money from selling drinks so i might order 10 for me and 20 for them if i'm drinking for the evening (and more if they get me on a roll) but on the club soda its 2 or 3 max. They are unlikely to be friendly for 3 club sodas.

There is also something pretty addictive about going into an after hours place and ordering a bottle with several girls who want to party because they are halfway there as well. I miss that.

I've been off the ale for a while and meeting nobody. My solution had been a weekly home 2 hour massage but she decided that as I was calling her regularly I must want to be her boyfriend and started requesting additional funding for school, medical bills for her kid, family, clothes, etc so she had to go.

If anyone has suggestions for single people to have fun without drinking i'd love to see them. You certainly save a lot of money not drinking though and I have a clear head and energy with nothing to do..

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You need to turn the argument on its head, why do you need booze in order to have fun, the simple answer is that you don't. I reckon I have more fun these days by not drinking than when I did drink, I have no problem walking into a bar and ordering an iced tea or similar and I've yet to meet a Thai female who doesn't find that a positive thing. I find that with a clear head I tend to make better judgements both of people and situations, I sleep better, I feel healthier and I'm mentally more alert, try it for three months, it could become fashionable! Most folks however are afraid to give up booze because that would take them out of their safety zone and they'd then be doing things without the support of alcohol and many find that scary.

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If anyone has suggestions for single people to have fun without drinking i'd love to see them. You certainly save a lot of money not drinking though and I have a clear head and energy with nothing to do..

I haven't done any drugs including alcohol for 20+ years now, used to be a total waster.

The idea of being bored is completely foreign to me, don't see how you could be here.

Learn the language, get out there and contribute to the world, you have tons to offer those less fortunate than you and you'll meet some great people too, maybe not even have to pay for companionship. Just focus on giving without expecting anything back, don't worry it'll all come back in spades, just not necessarily from directions or in ways you'd expect.

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I was always a responsible drinker, pilot, export manager travelling the world on expenses, many opportunities to over indulge but the job came first, and then there were the regular medicals to keep my license. Now I'm unable to have an alcholic drink, not even one, without feeling unwell, albeit for a few minutes at a time. So, the nearest I get to having a regular drink is red wine sauce with a steak.

I feel like the odd beer and glass of wine (especially when I visit LOS on holiday!), but dismiss the thought. I am very healthy for my age,63, or so I've been told by my medic. Has anyone experienced these symptoms? How do I get back to enjoying a drink without feeling ill?

I'm afraid the only answer is to listen to your body, and follow what it is telling yiou, which is that it can no longer tolerate alcohol.

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