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I Was Getting Angry With German Embassy!


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I wrote this right immediately after my arriving home from the embassy in Sathorn Road, but have post this in days after…

Must be after I got my passport back with “Schengen visa”.

So this writing cannot impact to my visa applying with them in all the ways.


Friday, June 17th 2011

This is not quite the complaint, but I feel so overwhelming (negatively) inside my mind,

and I need to release this away before my own bursting out..

with my tears, I mean,

because I have too much anger and really sick for this kind of situation.

I also want to share this story to other people, who may be someday,

you or your Thai relatives (wives, step-kids, parents-in-law, any...-in-law) will have the same situation as me.

I don't need anyone to be more victim. You must not have.

I also hope if there will be some German Embassy Officers are being members here in ThaiVisa,

you guys must know some truth of your own staffs' services, by reading this and realize what is right or wrong.

I don't ask for favor, but the standard practice. All will be up to you, guys.


I just finished my Visa Applying this morning,

This is after my reservation making for the appointment since last month.

The appointment is really full this time, and take so long time to make, too many people need to go Germany.

My appointment time is "Date 17/06/11 Time 08:19 Code W13-02-17-0611-4112"

(I state my appointment code here, so the Embassy Officers can check for truth if need, please freely do..)

Since it is my 4th time for my Visa applying with German Embassy in Bangkok, (but been to Germany 4 times already)

and I had been perfectly through all the Visa’s procedures before this time applying.

This made me had confidence in all I have to do for this, I made my best and completed documents' I could.

This morning, I arrived at the embassy about 8am, I had full confidence with me,

All required documents were perfectly prepared, I came before time also, everything for me should be very well as usual.

And then the man at the front office, he is a Thai officer; he wasn't there when I reached his office,

Seeing no one, so I made entry into the lobby (place for waiting) to another Thai officer.

I was told to be back to the front again, to register my presence.

The man at the front office not yet come back.

He might go taking his coffee, or any little of his business...... Sure, can be..! I thought as he is not a robot/machine.

But when he was back, I presented my docs to him,

seriously, without any reasonable reason,

he had made indecent manner as he should be for doing his duty.

He said to me "unpleasantly", that I presented the wrong application.

The Embassy has "just" changed for the new form of Application. (Since when?)

Sure, I will admit this is my own mistake; I didn't take time for checking Embassy's website before coming here.

I did as I had done before (similar to my Schengen visa applying in October 2010, so I didn't expect for its change)

the front man said (threaten) to me more, I must re-fill in my information to the new form and got back to him "in time", otherwise I couldn't go on the Visa applying.

I had 15 minutes left for doing this. Luckily, I am capable and be back in time.

But then again the front man wasn't there in his office..

So I stood right in front, waiting for him more minutes for his showing up..

Also, there was one Thai applicant already been there waiting for him.

After his coming back, he made service to that Thai applicant for couple minutes.

And when into my queue, he said I got rejection due to I made overtime.

He claimed that his clock shown 8:21am, but mine at that time said 8:19am.

How do you think this is fair? If I would be late coming for one to two minutes as claimed, then he should consider my presence,

I was there in time, and he saw me standing in queue when he made service to man before me.

IMO, I didn’t break any of the rules, I think I made "fair-play",

I had done all the things strictly right as per Embassy's regulations.

How come the frontman doing as this? I cannot understand.

I cannot accept his rough practice.

I am not a Hi-so Thai Chinese who will need 5-stars-service always.

I also make the service kind of biz, so I can realize what kind of manner I should do in my making services to customers.

What I need from him as it is his duty; I would need just a simple and correct standard of services.

But what the frontman had done, he made his under-standard of basic practices he should have, also used his duty into wrong way, he made me being in overtime himself, apparently.

My comment about him is not my personal judgement, I am sure..

or else one of the Embassy Security Guards at the entry-checking nearby who witnessed all through this matter would not give me a value advice.

I can never accept this result, seriously.

I have flight schedule in next Saturday, all are completely prepared.

It is impossible for making new appointment to come applying again in time.

What best I could do, must think carefully what to do,

Must be wise and mature, just to achieve my success.

I realized the front man was doing like he was the judge himself.

Sure, I would need the jury. (As if this was a court)

I cannot let my best efforts turned to be failure, with this idiot reason.

So I walked into the waiting area.

Had discussed with two more Embassy staffs, they are Thai and all refused for giving me useful advices,

Said I must beg to only that front man for what I should do.

Oh, come..on...so now the frontman became the Mafia, then?

He was the only one in this embassy who has authorization to give or not to give chance to applicants to get in, then?

Fine!!! Why must I respect for the rules, right?

This is much more foolish, IMO

Anyway, I turned back to the frontman and asked if I would have my alternatives,

"NO WAY YOU COULD DO" He rigidly said and made ignoring to me right immediately after.

Fine, as my thought before returning to him

So I decided walking into the waiting area again.

While waiting there without hope, the security guard I referred,

told me I could also ask for better advices from a German Officer who usually be around to help making suggestion, might be he could help, at least this could be better way. (This Security guard is so kind, appreciate really)

If you will notice, you will see some of Thai people who many times make "krengjai" to Westerners,

they always look down to Thai, especially to Thai who are Westerners' companions.

But this is just my two cents, as my personal experience, should not be any of the reference.

This kind of Thai people, they will always make better participation to Westerners than to Thai.

I used this idea as my tool, I started talking to a German man nearby,

although he is not the officer, nor incapable in English spoken.

Fortunately, he gave me his help, he tried listening to my needs,

And he talked to one another German man who can understand English.

So now they knew that I needed mature advices they might have, same like I needed discussion.

I am really appreciate and need to say "Thank you" for their both kindnesses.

(If any of you been here, please know I am so appreciate for your helps)

Might be little help, but it is so huge result that I've got.

They went talking to the Thai Officer in 2nd step for me,

so I had chance for meeting a German officer there.

After that German Officer acknowledged my problem,

he spoke a few words in German language to that Thai officer, and also to the frontman

and that made me could have my appointment time back.

He said I would get visa or wouldn't get, all up to my own qualifications as the standard rules.

I made smile and said Thank you,… he gave me back what I was taken away already.

Finally, I could get through all the Visa Application's procedures.

I am appointed to come picking my passport back in date June 23rd, 2011.

All done..not perfectly, but are done.

now I am waiting for the result of my presentation,

get or not get, the rest are up to the Embassy's decision.

Before my leaving Embassy, I met that German Officer again, and what he said to me...

He said the thing which is so right, he pointed me to see how tough of duty the frontman must have in everyday,

all every kind of excuses, tricks and tactics that many applicants have made in each day.

If the frontman has not been discipline enough as this always, he must not be able to work efficiency.

Yes, I agree, definitely.

Might be the frontman's own way, the more he being riffraff, the more tough his duty has been.

I can now understand.

This can calm me down finally, and my anger to the frontman has changed to desperate.

What's in my mind right now, I am still be lucky that I have my own confidence and wise enough to manage with this.

I can also speak English, and I am tough being through this difficult situation.

(Difficult because it is really idiot matter :( )

But what to say to my BF about this?

He will msn how it has been going with me.

He must complain for my childish behavior :(

I can imagine I may get visa this time but after, I have no more confidence left..

May be not anymore.

I am sure, this is so ordinary matter,

I fought for my own right today, but might cause having enemy in the future, the frontman in this case.

He can keep anger with me as I ignored his authorization.

He can do in the future (at least in next 6 months) as he done this time to let me fail by making unreasonable reasons,

as seen from this , his being away from the office twice times when my time,

or what he said for his time-counting and mine were different.

His watch/clock said 8:21am, whilst mine said 8:19am.

Anything can be excuses, just to get me down.

I am thinking ahead now, what I want to say to my BF

I wish I would not go Germany anymore after this time, seriously. I am sick of this procedure.

NO MORE GERMAN EMBASSY FOR ME, I hate it here already...

I am going to be bias more and more to the German with unfairness.

Can’t help, some staffs here, although they are Thai are not nice, until being riffraff.

(Before and after the German Officer came, most of Thai staffs, except that Security guard were so much different… black to white!! – threaten to helpful…ohlala)

What to do..when next time going to the EU countries, then?

Marriage issue must be more complicate. ..better let me alone (away).

Can he come living here?....Nahhh..that's big deal.. His duties, work contracts, personal bonding.

Breaking-up then?.... Too big consequence and it's silly

I want no more being the victim of this.

Pfff....sick! S.u.c.k situation.

How come my Friday is this blue?

Anyway, I must tell my BF about this,

Because…in next time, I think to ask for Schengen visa from French or Belgian Embassy instead,

but this mean I must arrive at Paris or Brussel instead and take the train to enter Germany. (Silly and extravagant)

My BF’s mother will not mind to help making invitation’s letter for me, if she knows about my today.

(BF is French and his mother now is living in Cabough)

Oiiiiiiiii……life...!!! I am so tired at my heart really.

Can anybody educate the frontman to be more decent?

Or give him more the vacation?

I think he might work too hard and have had too much stressful…

So his manners become too much aggressive as this!!

Anyway, when I will pick up my passport with/without Schengen Visa (Until now, I am fine with both)

I intend to make apology to the frontman for my bad manner to him.

Sure, I was in anger and had aggressive re-action.

I should realize everyone can be too tense with any of vary reasons.

That's all I need to do, before my farewell to this German Embassy, Bangkok.

I think I am done.....


June 23th, 2011 9:05am... Got Schengen Visa already!!!! Hoorayyyyyy...

Had no chance making apology, couldn't help, I didn't meet that Thai frontman.

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My husband and I had a similar experience with the Thai woman in the US Embassy years ago, we had put in a tourist visa application and had been given an appointment 7 days later, since we don't live in Bangkok I emailed and got the appointment changed to the next day. We went in the next day and they couldn't find his paperwork. Thai woman in charge came out and said in a rather rude manner that our appointment wasn't until next week, I said, rather more firmly than nicely, that we had rescheduled for today online and to please go get the paperwork so that we could have our appointment. US Consular officer came, no problem got the paperwork and issued hubby with a b1/b2 visa valid for 10 years.

So, I guess it just goes to show that you can get what you need if you won't be bullied and are polite but firm.

And yes, welcome to the world of most foreigners living in Thailand to whom this kind of thing happens on a regular basis.

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June 23th, 2011 9:05am... Got Schengen Visa already!!!! Hoorayyyyyy...

And that's why you had to write that heart-breaking novel?

I hope you never have any real hardship in life. You may not endure.

(yes, embassy staff are j*rks, you didn't know that? It is employment requirement)

Have a happy journey!

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And yes, welcome to the world of most foreigners living in Thailand to whom this kind of thing happens on a regular basis.

Well, welcome to THAIland, where Thais working at foreign embassies look down on their fellow Thais; where Thais working with western companies (Boots, KFC, etc.) look down, and with amusement at foreign customers, where Thais look down at and talk in a negative way/insult foreigners and fellow Thais alike, cause they (take a pick) : have a darker complexion/a different dialect/come from a foreign country/drink coffee/ eat beef/like to sunbathe/are from a different village/have a foreign spouse/work in Thailand/shop in Thailand/are too smart to get scammed/don't like bad hawker's food, etc., etc.

The problem is not the embassy, but you uneducated, angry, and greedy people in your country. You have no friends in the World; you throw candies at kids in Cambodia, you behave badly towards people in Malaysia, you behave like ''conqueror' in Laos, you illegally gamble and riot in Taiwan, fighting with Filipinos, AND you behave like thugs towards your own people!! Be polite, learn manners, stop being greedy, get good education and a good job, and a good government, stop corruption, etc., etc.!

Have you ever been scammed/insulted in Germany?? I get both almost every day. Good luck.

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And yes, welcome to the world of most foreigners living in Thailand to whom this kind of thing happens on a regular basis.

Well, welcome to THAIland, where Thais working at foreign embassies look down on their fellow Thais; where Thais working with western companies (Boots, KFC, etc.) look down, and with amusement at foreign customers, where Thais look down at and talk in a negative way/insult foreigners and fellow Thais alike, cause they (take a pick) : have a darker complexion/a different dialect/come from a foreign country/drink coffee/ eat beef/like to sunbathe/are from a different village/have a foreign spouse/work in Thailand/shop in Thailand/are too smart to get scammed/don't like bad hawker's food, etc., etc.

The problem is not the embassy, but you uneducated, angry, and greedy people in your country. You have no friends in the World; you throw candies at kids in Cambodia, you behave badly towards people in Malaysia, you behave like ''conqueror' in Laos, you illegally gamble and riot in Taiwan, fighting with Filipinos, AND you behave like thugs towards your own people!! Be polite, learn manners, stop being greedy, get good education and a good job, and a good government, stop corruption, etc., etc.!

Have you ever been scammed/insulted in Germany?? I get both almost every day. Good luck.

Get out of bed the wrong side this morning did you.

It seems to me that most of your diatribe is an angry tirade against ALL Thais.

The only time I had a bad experience at my embassy (UK) was many years ago while trying to get a visa to the UK for my then fiancee (now wife)and the person who was the problem was the English ECO and not the Thai translator.

Fortunately in those days I was allowed to accompany my wife and I stopped the arrogant ECO by answering her back when she started to pick on me and pointed out that I was a company director of 2 international companies and not some oik from off the street and that if she carried on as she was doing I wanted her superior in the office now.

She has long gone to annoy some other poor person and the system has changed completely and not for the better I suspect.

In my 18 years working and living in and out of Thailand I have met very few Thais with a bad attitude though I have also met a lot of farangs with an ignorant and bigoted attitude towards Thais.

Midoriapple please accept my apologies for some posters.

I am glad that you seem to have managed to get a visa and that the German staff were helpful to you.

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WOW 007 !!! your post is a bit over the top, don't ya think?

I think its time for you to explore the idea of moving to another country, as you seem really burned out on this one...

To the OP, I would not apologize to the security guard, he was in the wrong and abusing his position...

I would say that if ever in the same position, just ask to speak to the a German Consular officer (not Thai). I do believe that if you just politely explain the situation, they would be able to assist you.

Some times, some people get an over-inflated sense of self importance and get on a power trip... best to just go over their heads to solve the problem.

Just remember to be polite, but firm.... after all, you did nothing wrong.

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I hope you feel a bit better now that you have told your story.

When you have calmed down you will realise that you should have been better prepared for your visa application.

You did not check the website, and so you completed the wrong application form. If your application form had been correct you would have made your appointment on time (regardless of the 2 minutes discrepancy between your watch and his).

Of course, there is no excuse for rude and arrogant behavior but, sadly, it is to be expected when dealing with minor officials who have been given a little power.

I'm happy things worked out well for you and I'm sorry if this sounds a bit harsh.:)

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Thanks for all the comments, all for sympathetic and sarcastic :)(might be another ones similar to the frontman, life is too much bitter?)

I am being better, as chickenslegs said, this writing made me had calming down. I usually write for getting relax from all kinds of stressful.

But because I saw the benefit from my bad day, not to me but others...

I think many of you guys have Thai relatives and I am sure they may also have this situations like mine.

It's all about how to manage with this, mostly must be too panic

I was also, my first time was longtime ago... but since I got often for the "discriminations", sorry to say, all mine were happening in Western Countries.:)

So, I can understand how you feel when you have got the same as me for your Thailand living, definitely

But you should realize this is happening all over this world.

So we must not be stereotype that all Thai or Western people are all bad, because some of us done bad.

This cannot be fair.

I didn't write to complain, it is no more about me, I quit German Embassy already.:)

But I will just share when one day your Thai, same status as me), especially they are young and naive.

Yes, I admit my mistake for not having best-prepared docs. Right! What if I didn't done the first mistake,

I regret and promise that I willl be more careful.

007, you asked that I got scammed/insulted in my Germany staying?

Yes, since the very first and still be, but I am ok... I feel it is quite funny actually...

most of the scams have come from hillie-billie, they have never been out of their own villages.

This is more pathetic to me, they scammed because they lived in so small world.:)

I don't like Germany, personally, because I haven't felt home there, people rarely have smile on their face.

But with any reason, they can also think I couldnt communicate with them, I was refugee? a bargirl from Bangkok?

Thai girls are very famous!:) Can't help.

Well, I got also the discrimination from Thai women in Germany who have dark skins.

So now you know that Thai light-skinned is also sufferring for the color-difference :lol:

What 007 said is so true actually, we Thai are so bizarre. I must admit this.

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Gotta admit, midori, its what makes living here always an adventure.

CWMcmurry and chickenlegs have it exactly right and the best response is, as you did, polite but firm and unwilling to back down.

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What 007 said is so true actually, we Thai are so bizarre. I must admit this.

Too bad some Thais just realise that only after they've been away from Thailand for a while. :rolleyes:

I've spoken to quite a lot of Thais who have lived for an extended time abroad, and they've all told me how 'silly and strange' some Thais have become in recent years. And no, I didn't want to generalise or rave about 'the Thais'; that's why I pointed out how some Thais as happily rip off their own as they do foreigners. And they always seem to be the ones who've lost out in a corrupt society, where real education and equal chances are non-existent, and some Thais never seem to blame themselves for their shortcomings but others.

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What 007 said is so true actually, we Thai are so bizarre. I must admit this.

Too bad some Thais just realise that only after they've been away from Thailand for a while. :rolleyes:

I've spoken to quite a lot of Thais who have lived for an extended time abroad, and they've all told me how 'silly and strange' some Thais have become in recent years. And no, I didn't want to generalise or rave about 'the Thais'; that's why I pointed out how some Thais as happily rip off their own as they do foreigners. And they always seem to be the ones who've lost out in a corrupt society, where real education and equal chances are non-existent, and some Thais never seem to blame themselves for their shortcomings but others.

Well, 007, using your line of reasoning, you must certainly agree that "some" farangs are morally corrupt, that "some" farangs would happily rip off their own as they do others, that "some" farangs" never seem to blame themselves for their own shortcomings, that "some" farangs are hopeless perverts that come to Thailand to exploit young girls and boys, that "some" farangs are bloody racist and shouldn't be in Thailand in the first place, that "some" farangs are just plain idiots and would be miserable most any place. And so on.

Just "some," not all.

Is that what you mean?

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For all you people who complain, often in racist terms, about problems in getting visas and extensions of stay in Thailand, you can now see thing from a different perspective. Unless that is you do not want to see. Could it be that Germans do not want Thais in their country? This is the sort of comment (in reverse) you would get if this was a Thai embassy overseas.

It is no good saying that this was Thai staff. An organization's corporate ethics are set at the lowest standards practiced by it's worst employee unless it is corrected. Where was supervisory accountability? This conduct was, it seems, justified to some extent by a German employee. In any event, it is up to the senior management of the embassy to ensure that staff are helpful, efficient and provide quality service.

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Of all the foreign embassies I have had to deal with over the years -- getting visas for staff, family members, etc. -- the German one was the single worst experience of them all. And it was the Thai staff they employed there that caused this feeling. They are truly the worst.

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On the verge of suicide for 1 encouter with a mean maipenrai thai..

Hey we deal with them every single day... get used to it.

Dress appropriately too. The Thai officer at my embassy is supposed to be one of the meanest of the country from what i have read online and my gf hasn't had a problem with her. Yet when she shows me pictures of the girls on forums who've had troubles.. well im not surprised in most cases. Happens to me too when i dress like a dirty backpacker on laundry day when i have to see an officer or anyone with a pen and a desk.

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On the verge of suicide for 1 encouter with a mean maipenrai thai..

Hey we deal with them every single day... get used to it.

Dress appropriately too. The Thai officer at my embassy is supposed to be one of the meanest of the country from what i have read online and my gf hasn't had a problem with her. Yet when she shows me pictures of the girls on forums who've had troubles.. well im not surprised in most cases. Happens to me too when i dress like a dirty backpacker on laundry day when i have to see an officer or anyone with a pen and a desk.

...a few months ago we started to get a visa for wifes sisters daughter to join her and German hubby in Germany..first off I asked the wife to call the embassy in Bangkok...the person answering the phone would NOT speak Thai or English and hung up! Not to be deterred I emailed the Consulate in Phuket..got an instant reply with a suggestion we go there which we did (no appointment)...the consul was a bit officious ( Germanic style I guess) but we were asked to deal with a Thai girl...she was absolutely fantastic very genial and helpful... very impressed ..seemed to know all the probs with BKK and her bosses demeanor but just smiled about it...recommend Phuket Consulate wholeheartedly....... niece now has her visa and mum and step dad arrived here yesterday to fetch her ...

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What 007 said is so true actually, we Thai are so bizarre. I must admit this.

Too bad some Thais just realise that only after they've been away from Thailand for a while. :rolleyes:

I've spoken to quite a lot of Thais who have lived for an extended time abroad, and they've all told me how 'silly and strange' some Thais have become in recent years. And no, I didn't want to generalise or rave about 'the Thais'; that's why I pointed out how some Thais as happily rip off their own as they do foreigners. And they always seem to be the ones who've lost out in a corrupt society, where real education and equal chances are non-existent, and some Thais never seem to blame themselves for their shortcomings but others.

There are douchebags living in every country in the world. Is this a surprise? I judge men one at a time, not as a race or group.

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Hello from Lippstadt, Germany

I have been here pleasantly, not yet having any kind of irrtation to me, 3 days so far

Weather here is really HOT, 30c in today,

Good tho, that I can escape away from my own Metro Jungle (BKK) to the countryside.

No phone callings, no crazy traffic (I don't need to drive B) )

Nothing much to do here, only house-cleaning, reading, going out to town and catching up the Wimbledon

Tomorrow I will go to Cologne myself, BF must be at his work.

Had discussion again for my next time coming, no any complaint, but I cannot say NO to German Embassy.

BF said I must have better prep myself.:ermm: He said it is not too difficult, anyway :bah: :bah: :bah:

P.S. I found Coke Vanilla here! Ohlala...:D


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Sorry about your ordeal. On the other hand's side there are so many people being processed by the embassies daily - many of which with obviously dubious intentions that embassy staff simply apply a tougher approach across board and no longer see the individual. I dont blame them and have had negative experiences with German and (even much worse) Australian embassy staff in Bangkok myself.

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