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Why is it that many enquiries on this forum are met with sarcastic and demeaning answers.

Is it because those who have lived her for so many years are fed up with questions that have been answered before on various forums within Thai Visa?

Or is it because those who have lived here for so many years have forgotten what it was like for them in their earlier years of arriving here in total bewilderment, of a way forward in this great country of frustration, cultural change and a new way of life that needs understanding.

Can we not help those in need of information who posts questions of help, rather than posting sarcastic and unhelpful replies, which may appear, time to time to those of us more experienced in Thailand as the many questions we also faced upon arrival here?

Is this how we would face a person Face to face in our own countries .............I think NOT.!! ................That takes personal courage!!

Why are people so aggressive behind the screen of a computer in their responses to another Human who is trying to find his/her way around this city and culture?

I really do not believe that people are so unkind, but there seems to be a group of aggressive respondents on this website, from a certain part of the world who let vent and demean others by hiding behind a PC...Sad Sad people who have no courage to face one on one!

All thoughts welcome!

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Is it because those who have lived her for so many years are fed up with questions that have been answered before on various forums within Thai Visa?

Or is it because those who have lived here for so many years have forgotten what it was like for them in their earlier years of arriving here in total bewilderment

I think it's a combination of the above questions. :(

All thoughts welcome!

My thoughts are that your last 2 posts are exactly what you complain about, people criticizing others ... your previous rant at a poster that did not understand the OP was (imho) OTT :) Your closing remark seems as if you intend it to be threatening. It isn't.


Is it because those who have lived her for so many years are fed up with questions that have been answered before on various forums within Thai Visa?

Or is it because those who have lived here for so many years have forgotten what it was like for them in their earlier years of arriving here in total bewilderment

I think it's a combination of the above. :(

Yes I incline to agree...But forgive me if I repeat what I have already said....Give a little latitude and try to be kind to those who are beginning their lives here! C'mon people .....give a little and try to be more understanding of those in need.

There but for the grace of god , go I...into a world I do not comprehend nor have the grace to respond with human kindness! due to my innermost fears of understanding of this new life..


Some of the cry's for help may seem a little ridiculous to those who came to Thailand 20 to 30 years ago or more, and had to dig things out themselves. A review of past topics would many times give the individual the answers he is seeking. Some topic starters even mention they do not have time to search, thus they leave themselves wide open. Then you have those who will pick a controversial topic expecting to get an argument started.

Most of the topics seem to be answered/commented on, in a respectable man, until they drag on and get off topic, then the snipers seem to come out in force. Read some of the news topics on the upcoming elections and then review the CM forum again.


Consider the whole of Thai Visa dot com suitably bollocked !!!

I for one agree with you. Interesting threads are often hijacked by uneducated barstool / PC warriors who appear to achieve some personal gratification causing distress to others.

That said, there are some really idiotic questions posted on TV.com - the 'sharks' help limit this....

And then if course there is forum Darwinism at it's best when posters get snotty after totally missing the point...

Ultimately it's up to us what we choose to read and who we choose to ignore.


I agree with you about giving new posters a break, but they also deserve to be told the truth, not some laimbrains idea of what the truth should be. Liars here help to destroy any credibilty of what this is supposed to be about- providing truthful information to new people. :)

All thoughts welcome!

My thoughts are that your last 2 posts are exactly what you complain about, people criticizing others ... your previous rant at a poster that did not understand the OP was (imho) OTT :) Your closing remark seems as if you intend it to be threatening. It isn't.

IF you read my post thoroughly, It is not a criticism, but merely a question of behavior and good manners to others on this forum. A criticism is a derogatory remark,,whereas an observation or question is a way seeking an answer to questions that puzzles a person. I do not see in my post a criticism, but more a way of trying to understand other peoples remarks.

The perception of an answered post remains in the mind of the respondent, be it negative or positive.



Some of the cry's for help may seem a little ridiculous to those who came to Thailand 20 to 30 years ago or more, and had to dig things out themselves. A review of past topics would many times give the individual the answers he is seeking. Some topic starters even mention they do not have time to search, thus they leave themselves wide open. Then you have those who will pick a controversial topic expecting to get an argument started.

Most of the topics seem to be answered/commented on, in a respectable man, until they drag on and get off topic, then the snipers seem to come out in force. Read some of the news topics on the upcoming elections and then review the CM forum again.

Good point...There is a search engine...and as you say .....some are too lazy to seek it out. But how easy would it be for those of us who have been through the same question , to politely point out a direction for them, rather than some of the smart assed answers and unhelpful remarks that some have given.


As an absolute newbie to this site I am often shocked at some of the responses that people get and how off topic the replies can get.

I am here after advice I am not here to witness bad manners. I hope that the majority of users are friendly and helpful.


I think the point about how people would react if the question was asked face to face is an interesting one. Some people may still answer with sarcasm and poke fun. Said with a laugh and a smile this possibly wouldn't offend most people. The same response written here in the forum would possibly offend most, even though it is intended in the same way.

It is very easy to mis-interpret the intent of what is written on a forum. Combine that with the fact that for many, English is not their first language and I'm sure you can see where things start to get mixed up and mistaken.

As for the people who do not try to find information for themselves, I think it is bad manners to expect others to do everything for you.

Most of the people who can post on TV are fully able to use Google. Using that will sometimes direct them to answers right back here on the forums.

All thoughts welcome!

My thoughts are that your last 2 posts are exactly what you complain about, people criticizing others ... your previous rant at a poster that did not understand the OP was (imho) OTT :) Your closing remark seems as if you intend it to be threatening. It isn't.

IF you read my post thoroughly, It is not a criticism, but merely a question of behavior and good manners to others on this forum. A criticism is a derogatory remark,,whereas an observation or question is a way seeking an answer to questions that puzzles a person. I do not see in my post a criticism, but more a way of trying to understand other peoples remarks.

The perception of an answered post remains in the mind of the respondent, be it negative or positive.


I was referring to this post

and the OP in this thread, which appear to me to be simply critical of others. It is worth noting that in the 'new cold fridge' thread, all you did was flame someone and didn't answer the OP's question at all :)

You said "All thoughts welcome" and those are my thoughts/observations :)


It's easy to sit at a computer under an assumed moniker and be rude sarcastic and downright obnoxious as many on the forum are.

Put it down to their upbringing, lack of class and character and inability to communicate face to face,add to that a number of other character defects that prompts their juvenile outbursts and general cretinous behavioural attitudes and a sad lack of alternative venues to vent their tirades.

Most of the members here are fine though. :jap:


There seem to be a group ( mob?) of people who get courage from behind their avatars and feel free to berate and condemn others, often to show how superior they are. Given a real exchange , face to face, I suspect they would all cringe a curl up and creep away. Now think of a noun to describe them ?? begins with C--w--ds w--nk--rs /p--ss ar--ists? You choose


Opinions are like aholes everyone has one !

Quite often when a question is answered its offensive or deemed to be, due to lack of understanding of humor or the typed word cannot convey the intended context.

Of course there are those that revel in the I have been hear for ever attitude, simply shows one thing they havent been or they would not be bothered to spout on about it.

Newbies to Thailand like anyone else vary in attitude, some expect more than a friendly bit of advice and get arsey when the response isnt what they expected but thats life.

Anyhow thats my opinion and yes the wife often thinks Im a Ashole :blink:

All thoughts welcome!

My thoughts are that your last 2 posts are exactly what you complain about, people criticizing others ... your previous rant at a poster that did not understand the OP was (imho) OTT :) Your closing remark seems as if you intend it to be threatening. It isn't.

IF you read my post thoroughly, It is not a criticism, but merely a question of behavior and good manners to others on this forum. A criticism is a derogatory remark,,whereas an observation or question is a way seeking an answer to questions that puzzles a person. I do not see in my post a criticism, but more a way of trying to understand other peoples remarks.

The perception of an answered post remains in the mind of the respondent, be it negative or positive.


I was referring to this post http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__4508347

and the OP in this thread, which appear to me to be simply critical of others. It is worth noting that in the 'new cold fridge' thread, all you did was flame someone and didn't answer the OP's question at all :)

You said "All thoughts welcome" and those are my thoughts/observations :)

Obviously my post has been wasted by people who have hijacked this thread and refer to other non related issues. I close my question/post and thank those who have been honest and offered valuable insight.



I do not see in my post a criticism, but more a way of trying to understand other peoples remarks.

...Sad Sad people who have no courage to face one on one!

Some of the cry's for help may seem a little ridiculous to those who came to Thailand 20 to 30 years ago or more, and had to dig things out themselves. A review of past topics would many times give the individual the answers he is seeking. Some topic starters even mention they do not have time to search, thus they leave themselves wide open. Then you have those who will pick a controversial topic expecting to get an argument started.

Yes, it's the controversial stuff that is often explosive. Such as bringing up the L word.

:ph34r: (Library) :ph34r:


Your protestation to the contrary, Raindancer ("It [original post] is not a criticism, but merely a question of behavior and good manners to others on this forum..." what you have written is a criticism, but it regrettably is on the mark too much of the time.

Some thoughts:

Would be nicer if some new people in town would be more self-reliant. If not, there is no need to flame them or send them down blind sois. Just ignore. There are enough kind hearts and cool heads to respond, especially to simple requests. For example, I rolled my eyes when I read the query as to where to buy a new fridge and asked for price range information! The English wasn't indecipherable. The extraneous sarcasm and slur weren't necessary. But quite a few people were more than helpful. On the other hand, some requests ask too much, in my view, and it is arduous to answer completely. So, take a pass, don't pass around the flame-thrower.

Would be nicer if posters starting new topics would not be "cute" or cryptic when it comes to practical matters so that new posters would find it easier to get previously-posted information.

Would be nicer if some old hands would be less prone to post information about what they dimly remember that they did or where they went a few years' back. Sometimes, too, information is just plain wrong!

All in all, over the few years I've been around, this forum seems much more civilized than before. Compared with other forums around the net, people are downright polite! But some forums are much politer when it comes to practical questions. I was looking at one today very similar to this forum when it comes to needs from time to time for practical information and was astonished at the proper decorum observed.

Every once in a while, it is simply a matter of off-to-the-races and off topic. An example is the recent observation about poor sound on WE-TV with a news channel. Some comments were simply irrelevant and plainly provocative.

Open forums will never be "family sites" where everyone is dressed in their Sunday best, but more common courtesy would indeed be welcome. Save the sarcasm and cheap shots for the favorite bar.


One possible reason for this:

On this or any forum there are plenty of low educated - low income chappies who can exercise an otherwise ignored opinion. This may rub the smarter cookies up the wrong way and vice versa.....

Of course the only real reason is that a web forum is generally anonymous, the 'silly tossers' have nothing to hold them back !


I do not see in my post a criticism, but more a way of trying to understand other peoples remarks.

...Sad Sad people who have no courage to face one on one!

Mirrors can be such pesky things, sometimes!


Hi Raindancer

There is actually a simple solution to the issues you raise. Read on to find out more.

Before coming to Thailand I was what you might call a budding Netentrepreneur, meaning I worked with online projects, including some forums. The problems you mention are not unique to TV even though this particular forum might be a bit extreme when compared to many others. It doesn't help though when posters (and their posts), are being constantly controlled, and sometimes bullied, by those who 'manage' the world's forum rooms. This habitual, and often unnecessary, interference probably hurts, rather than helps, with any harmony that certain members might have otherwise had. The web's virtual 'control-freaks' belong to a separate tribe and deserve their own story, so I'll not write anything more pertaining to them in my response here.

So you will find lots of other forums relating to all kinds of topics around the world with more than their fair share of rude and aggressive types. This class of people seem to get some kind of warped pleasure out of dishing out unhelpful opinions on anything from the price of oranges to the latest NASA technology.

The best way to deal with them is to totally ignore what they write as if their posts are invisible.

You see, these virtual warriors, for want of a better phrase, feed off of hostile and antagonistic interaction, so by responding to their scribblings you are actually playing right into their cyber-hands so to speak.

Posted below is a short explanation of forums participants worldwide. I found this information during my early days of exploring what made the World Wide Web tick. Hope it gives a little perspective ;-)

Back in the day, I did a little research on forums in an attempt to find out why there was so much disrespect and lack of netiquette in the rooms. It was interesting to discover a common demographic amongst the more hostile participants.

My research showed that those who live in Forums (daily participants) generally tend to attract the same universal set of common denominators, which are the stuck-in-the-mud 'angry' male in his 40s and 50s. These 'not-young, though not-old' tribes where found to participate in forum threads simply because they're easy to use and a great place to vent their own frustrations (whatever they happen to be!). Now, if anyone reading this gets uptight then, well, all that can be said on that is...........if the cap fits, then wear it!


Remember, it's nice to be nice. It's not nice to be nasty!

<br /><font size="3">Hi Raindancer<br /><br /><b><font size="4">There is actually a simple solution to the issues you raise. Read on to find out more.</font></b><br /><br />Before coming to Thailand I was what you might call a budding Netentrepreneur, meaning I worked with online projects, including some forums. The problems you mention are not unique to TV even though this particular forum might be a bit extreme when compared to many others. It doesn't help though when posters (and their posts), are being constantly controlled, and sometimes bullied, by those who 'manage' the world's forum rooms. This habitual, and often unnecessary, interference probably hurts, rather than helps, with any harmony that certain members might have otherwise had. The web's virtual 'control-freaks' belong to a separate tribe and deserve their own story, so I'll not write anything more pertaining to them in my response here.<br /><br />So you will find lots of other forums relating to all kinds of topics around the world with more than their fair share of rude and aggressive types. This class of people seem to get some kind of warped pleasure out of dishing out unhelpful opinions on anything from the price of oranges to the latest NASA technology. <br /><br /><i><b>The best way to deal with them is to totally ignore what they write as if their posts are invisible</b></i>. <br /><br />You see, these virtual warriors, for want of a better phrase, feed off of hostile and antagonistic interaction, so by responding to their scribblings you are actually playing right into their cyber-hands so to speak.<br /><br />Posted below is a short explanation of forums participants worldwide. I found this information during my early days of exploring what made the World Wide Web tick. Hope it gives a little perspective ;-)<br /><br />Back in the day, I did a little research on forums in an attempt to find out why there was so much disrespect and lack of netiquette in the rooms. It was interesting to discover a common demographic amongst the more hostile participants. <br /><br />My research showed that those who live in Forums (daily participants) generally tend to attract the same universal set of common denominators, which are the stuck-in-the-mud 'angry' male in his 40s and 50s. These 'not-young, though not-old' tribes where found to participate in forum threads simply because they're easy to use and a great place to vent their own frustrations (whatever they happen to be!). Now, if anyone reading this gets uptight then, well, all that can be said on that is...........<b><i>if the cap fits, then wear it!</i></b><br /><br />Aitch</font><br /><br /><i><font size="1">Remember, it's nice to be nice. It's not nice to be nasty!</font></i><br />
<br /><br /><br />

loving this post very well thought out i'm 31 by the way lol keep the good posts coming.


For one thing, it keeps a topic at the head of the page. Once it gets past page 2 it becomes forgotten. I often make silly remarks for no other reason than to bring a topic back to the top of the page.

It is easy enough to ignore negative comments. The only thing that SLIGHTLY annoys me is when 2 people go OFF topic and start a bickering match.


Sorry for double post. The time delay fooled me again.

It is easy enough to analyse which are the hot topics. Simple requests usually get answered quickly and easily. Mods take care of most idiots.


Let's face it, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages on a forum.

I think you will find that if you go out into the street and start asking total strangers for information most won't give you the time of day and you will have to stand there and stop a lot of people before you get a helpful answer.

Not to mention the time you waste.

Otherwise you could join a club that has the sort of people with answers or cultivate your own social network. All these things take large investments of time, effort and even money - it'll probably cost you a lunch or a few drinks.

Fast forward to the internet age and you have virtual places which bring together a likely useful audience. It takes you 2 minutes to post a question and you can go away and do your own thing and likely find a useful answer when you return. This costs you nothing in time or money and these are total strangers being nice enough to help you out.

In this age of instant friends, I think its important to differentiate. Anyone can come and join in your conversation on a forum, (actually if you don't like them, then block them - we often do it in reality). The fact that you can pose questions to such a wide anonymous audience is amazing and how can it be everyone's duty to provide the answers we want to hear. It's a bit like complaining about the taste of free coffee.


i'm 31 by the way lol keep the good posts coming.


Don't apologise - you will be in the target age group quickly enough ! :rolleyes:

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