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Recent Visit By Roman Polanski


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There has been nothing posted that indicates conclusively that he is a pedophile....he did break the law by having sex with an underage person which he admitted to the legal authorities. I don't think that anyone here knows him well enough or has observed him enough to know if he is a pedophile or not.

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Utilizing the internationally-prepared and internationally-accepted DSM-IV criteria, he is, in fact, a pedophile:

A pedophile is a person, most frequently a man, who focuses his sexual fantasies and behavior toward children. People who enjoy child pornography are pedophiles. Some pedophiles are sexually attracted only toward children and are not at all attracted toward adults. Pedophilia is usually a chronic condition. Main characteristics are:

Repeatedly for at least 6 months, the patient has intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning sexual activity with a sexually immature child (usually age 13 or under).

This causes clinically important distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The pedophile is 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the child.

DSM-IV is mostly an American invention and presents trendy American theories on mental illness as "facts", however there is a lot of controversy over much of what is written in it.

It is by no means internationally accepted.

Cautionary Statement from the Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The criteria and classification system of the DSM are based on the majority opinion of people who represent American mental health specialists. Therefore, the content of the DSM does not reflect all opinions on the subject of psychopathology, nor are there any objective standards to which it can adhere. The criteria, and the way they are applied by individual clinicians are at least to some extent influenced by cultural variables. What is and what is not considered a mental disorder changes over time. For example, several decades ago homosexuality was commonly considered a mental disorder, and it was listed in the DSM as such. Today, homosexuality is seen by most psychologists and psychiatrists as a normal sexual orientation.

Brief history

Users should be reminded that the manual is, to an extent, a historical document. The science used to create categories, taxonomies, and diagnoses is based on statistical models. These systems are thus subject to the limitations of the methods used to create them. Deconstructive critics assert that DSM invents illnesses and behaviors.

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We could debate whether or not he is a Pedo all week. I think, in this case, it doesn't matter much. He is a convicted (although unsentanced) sexual criminal. He should, therefore, have not been allowed access to Thailand; he certainly should not be given a fanfare of a welcome.

We all haveour own levels of what we consider acceptable, immoral and "criminal" (either criminal or we think it should be). I guess most would consider an adult having his/her way sexually with a prepubersant child would be in the latter group. However, I guess that we would all give a range of ages and age gaps that should also be in the latter two groups also. These ranges would probably differ when we add in man-on-boy and woman-on-girl scenarios too.

We 'work out' these ranges based on our understanding of the law that we have be brought up under, our upbringing (from our parent etc), our religions, indoctrination by the media, actions of people we admire (maybe to excuse an object of admoration rather than to change your view of them) and our own personal feelings - in some instances possibly to excuse ourselves for fantasies, feelings, urges and, god forbid, actions that we have had or have.

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I have been heavily involved in the sex scene with and for adults in Thailand and South East Asia for many, many years and have NEVER seen a pre-pubesant child being offered for sex ANYWHERE.

Also, I have never met someone who admitted being interested in one, even way back when, when one could get away with almost anything around here.

I'm not saying that there are no pedophiles around, or those catering to them,  but they are both about as sparse as caviar in Rwanda.

The definition of a Paedophile is as follows: Pedophilia (American English) or pædophilia/paedophilia (British English), from the Greek παιδοφιλια (paidophilia) < παις (pais) "boy, child" and φιλια (philia) "friendship", (ICD-10 F65.4) is the condition of people (either adult or adolescent) whose primary sexual attraction is toward prepubescent children. Pedosexuality is used as a synonym. ...

The important factor to consider is that the attraction is for prepubescent children.

I fear that your "heavy involvement in the sex scene " has not been as heavy as you like to think. There are far more people engaged in paedophilia, suppliers and consumers, than you would believe. They do not hang out in areas, bars and brothels catering to the "adult sex scene" but are found underground, in shacks and private houses and are generally publicised only by word od mouth, the paedophile network if you will. They do not advertise themselves or their tastes for the very reason that they recognise that they form a generally unacceptable under-belly of society.

What would your reaction be of the guy on the barstool next to you asked where he could get a six year old, or offered you the use of one? They do not advertise themselves in this way.

This all sounds quite real if you listen to exploitative groups that make quite a bit of money off of this whole charade, but I am pretty darned sure that it is mostly nothing but hogwash.

How do all these pedophiles get to know each other when you admit that they are quite secretive and afraid of being discovered?

Then these secretive child-molesters go around recommending places to molest children to each other - and keep these places doing enough business to stay open- while being hounded everywhere they go by Ecpat and similar groups, as well as the police?

It just doesn't add up.

We know each other personally p1p, and I know that you are quite a good guy.

I also tend to think that you have very little knowledge of any of this other than something that you have read somewhere and accepted as truth.

We are not going to come to any agreements here, but I think that you - like many other people - have been brainwashed by propaganda churned out by dishonest feminists and fundamentalist religious groups who use this heart-rendering issue in order to justify attacks on the nightlife industry that people would laugh off otherwise, and I would like to respectfully disagree with your opinion.

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M. Polanski was convicted in absentia by a US court for forcing a 13 y old to having sexual intercourse with him.

Whether this falls under accepted pedophile definitions or not or wether he has many colleagues sharing his ways is irrelevant; he's a convicted criminal.

As a French citizen he won't be extradited by France.

He is well aware of his risking being extradited from another country,

proof is his recent refusal of giving testimony in a libel case he started against Vanity Fair in the UK.

He preferred testifying by conference video.

Him being welcomed by a delegation of girl orphans is cynical bordering on the criminal, this being thailand or not,

it doesn't reflect well ont the organizers and the sponsors of the film festival.

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I've seen people kicked off TV for far less than the kind of posts being put forward by those who are here justifying sex with minors.

These people are dragging TV and TV members into disrepute, high time something was done about it and I'm not talking about deleting threads.

Edited by GuestHouse
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roman polanski may or not be a pedophile. his victim was 13. however, the nature of him crime makes him a definite predator, and most predators never rehabilitate.

I am trying to find something that you say that I agree with, and this is as close as I can get, however, what is your definition of a "predator"?

Someone who tries to convince as many woman/girls as possible to have sex with him? If so, a 'predator" is pretty much just an average guy.

How about, Roman Polanski is a dirty old man who will try to shag anything that moves?

We could agree on that. :o

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Bottom line is that He is a rapist. Many rapists in the USA are in prison for 25+ years. Alex Kelly is an example (do a search on him). What Alex did is same same what Polanski did. Why is it that a chosen person like Polanski can get away with this especially when everyone knows where he is? Alex Kelly was hunted down like the fugitive he was. It pays to be chosen

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I've seen people kicked off TV for far less than the kind of posts being put forward by those who are here justifying sex with minors.

These people are dragging TV and TV members into disrepute, high time something was done about it and I'm not talking about deleting threads.

I can't speak for anyone else, but, although I do believe much of what I am putting forward here as far as Polanski not fitting the profile of a child-molester and of certain groups exploiting this issue, I am also playing Devil's Advocate to a large extent.

I enjoy a good debate about controversial issues, and this certainly fits the bill.

I hardly think that I should be strung up for savoring a good argument. :o

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Polanski Happy Kids Enjoy New 'Twist'

Oct 15, 7:23 PM (ET)

(AP) Roman Polanski, Paris-born Polish director of films such as "Chinatown," listens to a reporter...

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BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - One of the reasons Roman Polanski chose to interpret Charles Dickens'"Oliver Twist" for the screen was simple: he wanted to make a movie for children.

"I'm happy that my children and their friends to whom I showed this film gave me good reviews this time," he said in Bangkok on Saturday to some laughter from reporters.

Polanski's "Oliver Twist" - an adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic - was the opening film at the Third World Film Festival, which kicked off Friday night in Bangkok.

About 40 Thai orphans saw the film.

"It's a real pleasure to see a room full of children watching this film because it is so different from what children are offered on the cinema screen nowadays," he said.

Polanski, whose screen credits include "Rosemary's Baby" and "Chinatown," won an Oscar in 2002 for his Holocaust drama, "The Pianist." He left the United States in 1978 rather than face sentencing on child-sex charges, and lives in Paris with his wife, actress Emmanuelle Seigner, and their two children.

-AP News

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I am trying to find something that you say that I agree with, and this is as close as I can get, however, what is your definition of a "predator"?

Someone who tries to convince as many woman/girls as possible to have sex with him? If so, a 'predator" is pretty much just an average guy.

a predator is someone who forces someone else to have sex with him, what's so hard to understand about that? why are you defending a convicted sex offender who might possibly be a pedophile? do you have kids? if so, would you let the guy who got your kid drunk, tried to take naked pictures of her, and had anal sex with her at age 13 off the hook? you are making it sound like it is no big deal and it's nothing common, that feminists and capitalists make up all this propaganda to spoil your fun! why don't you think a little bit before you "speak"! if you don't believe it, disprove it, don't spout ignorance on what for most people is a very sensitive topic.

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BUT he is not a paedophile, from the definitions given

Utilizing the internationally-prepared and internationally-accepted DSM-IV criteria, he is, in fact, a pedophile:

A pedophile is a person, most frequently a man, who focuses his sexual fantasies and behavior toward children. People who enjoy child pornography are pedophiles. Some pedophiles are sexually attracted only toward children and are not at all attracted toward adults. Pedophilia is usually a chronic condition. Main characteristics are:

Repeatedly for at least 6 months, the patient has intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning sexual activity with a sexually immature child (usually age 13 or under).

This causes clinically important distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The pedophile is 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the child.

He had sex with a girl who was past puberty. She was hardly a child, certainly not sexually immature. He was/is also attracted to adults, was not obsessed by sex and functioned normally etc etc

he broke the law, but is not a Paedophile

She was 13 as per the diagnostic criteria, I don't see how you can he isn't a pedophile. He also meets ALL the other criteria as stated by the DSM-IV. :D

It also sounds from Old Asia Hand's Post, his behavior hasn't changed:

I was having dinner there with a group of friends eight or ten years ago when Polanski joined out table with a (very, very young) friend. Three of my fellow diners got up and left without a word.
Perhaps a review of the court documents regarding the ordeal are in order:

Two weeks after Polanski plied her with Champagne and a Quaalude, Samantha Gailey appeared before an L.A. grand jury and recalled Polanski's predatory behavior.

The girl's testimony of her abuse at Polanski's hands begins with her posing twice for topless photos that the director said were for French Vogue. The girl then told prosecutors how Polanski directed her to, "Take off your underwear" and enter the Jacuzzi, where he photographed her naked. Soon, the director, who was then 43, joined her in the hot tub. He also wasn't wearing any clothes and, according to Gailey's testimony, wrapped his hands around the child's waist.

The girl testified that she left the Jacuzzi and entered a bedroom in the home, where Polanski sat down beside her and kissed the teen, despite her demands that he "keep away." According to Gailey, Polanski then performed a sex act on her and later "started to have intercourse with me." At one point, according to Gailey's testimony, Polanski asked the 13-year-old if she was "on the pill," and "When did you last have your period?" Polanski then asked her, Gailey recalled, "Would you want me to go in through your back?" before he "put his penis in my butt." Asked why she did not more forcefully resist Polanski, the teenager told Deputy D.A. Roger Gunson, "Because I was afraid of him."

Following his indictment on various sex charges, Polanski agreed to a plea deal that spared him prison time (he had spent about 45 days in jail during a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation). But when it seemed that a Superior Court judge might not honor the deal--and sentence Polanski to prison--the director fled the country.

A logical person might deduce that the psychiatric evaluation was highly unfavorable and classified him as a pedophile, hence the judge deciding on prison time for him.

Btw, from the court documents, it sounds like he's a really great guy though, doesn't it?


Where did you get the court documents....I want to read more.

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BUT he is not a paedophile, from the definitions given

Utilizing the internationally-prepared and internationally-accepted DSM-IV criteria, he is, in fact, a pedophile:

A pedophile is a person, most frequently a man, who focuses his sexual fantasies and behavior toward children. People who enjoy child pornography are pedophiles. Some pedophiles are sexually attracted only toward children and are not at all attracted toward adults. Pedophilia is usually a chronic condition. Main characteristics are:

Repeatedly for at least 6 months, the patient has intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning sexual activity with a sexually immature child (usually age 13 or under).

This causes clinically important distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The pedophile is 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the child.

He had sex with a girl who was past puberty. She was hardly a child, certainly not sexually immature. He was/is also attracted to adults, was not obsessed by sex and functioned normally etc etc

he broke the law, but is not a Paedophile

She was 13 as per the diagnostic criteria, I don't see how you can he isn't a pedophile. He also meets ALL the other criteria as stated by the DSM-IV. :D

It also sounds from Old Asia Hand's Post, his behavior hasn't changed:

I was having dinner there with a group of friends eight or ten years ago when Polanski joined out table with a (very, very young) friend. Three of my fellow diners got up and left without a word.
Perhaps a review of the court documents regarding the ordeal are in order:

Two weeks after Polanski plied her with Champagne and a Quaalude, Samantha Gailey appeared before an L.A. grand jury and recalled Polanski's predatory behavior.

The girl's testimony of her abuse at Polanski's hands begins with her posing twice for topless photos that the director said were for French Vogue. The girl then told prosecutors how Polanski directed her to, "Take off your underwear" and enter the Jacuzzi, where he photographed her naked. Soon, the director, who was then 43, joined her in the hot tub. He also wasn't wearing any clothes and, according to Gailey's testimony, wrapped his hands around the child's waist.

The girl testified that she left the Jacuzzi and entered a bedroom in the home, where Polanski sat down beside her and kissed the teen, despite her demands that he "keep away." According to Gailey, Polanski then performed a sex act on her and later "started to have intercourse with me." At one point, according to Gailey's testimony, Polanski asked the 13-year-old if she was "on the pill," and "When did you last have your period?" Polanski then asked her, Gailey recalled, "Would you want me to go in through your back?" before he "put his penis in my butt." Asked why she did not more forcefully resist Polanski, the teenager told Deputy D.A. Roger Gunson, "Because I was afraid of him."

Following his indictment on various sex charges, Polanski agreed to a plea deal that spared him prison time (he had spent about 45 days in jail during a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation). But when it seemed that a Superior Court judge might not honor the deal--and sentence Polanski to prison--the director fled the country.

A logical person might deduce that the psychiatric evaluation was highly unfavorable and classified him as a pedophile, hence the judge deciding on prison time for him.

Btw, from the court documents, it sounds like he's a really great guy though, doesn't it?


Where did you get the court documents....I want to read more.


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The Smoking Gun...

I will say, however, that he was a conscientious child rapist. When the victim told him she was not on the Pill, he stopped raping her and moved to sodomize her , so she wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant. (Found on Pg. 32 of the grand jury testimony.)

**edited a little for taste..the jist of it's still there**

Edited by cdnvic
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BUT he is not a paedophile, from the definitions given

Utilizing the internationally-prepared and internationally-accepted DSM-IV criteria, he is, in fact, a pedophile:

A pedophile is a person, most frequently a man, who focuses his sexual fantasies and behavior toward children. People who enjoy child pornography are pedophiles. Some pedophiles are sexually attracted only toward children and are not at all attracted toward adults. Pedophilia is usually a chronic condition. Main characteristics are:

Repeatedly for at least 6 months, the patient has intense sexual desires, fantasies or behaviors concerning sexual activity with a sexually immature child (usually age 13 or under).

This causes clinically important distress or impairs work, social or personal functioning.

The pedophile is 16 or older and at least 5 years older than the child.

He had sex with a girl who was past puberty. She was hardly a child, certainly not sexually immature. He was/is also attracted to adults, was not obsessed by sex and functioned normally etc etc

he broke the law, but is not a Paedophile

She was 13 as per the diagnostic criteria, I don't see how you can he isn't a pedophile. He also meets ALL the other criteria as stated by the DSM-IV. :D

It also sounds from Old Asia Hand's Post, his behavior hasn't changed:

I was having dinner there with a group of friends eight or ten years ago when Polanski joined out table with a (very, very young) friend. Three of my fellow diners got up and left without a word.
Perhaps a review of the court documents regarding the ordeal are in order:

Two weeks after Polanski plied her with Champagne and a Quaalude, Samantha Gailey appeared before an L.A. grand jury and recalled Polanski's predatory behavior.

The girl's testimony of her abuse at Polanski's hands begins with her posing twice for topless photos that the director said were for French Vogue. The girl then told prosecutors how Polanski directed her to, "Take off your underwear" and enter the Jacuzzi, where he photographed her naked. Soon, the director, who was then 43, joined her in the hot tub. He also wasn't wearing any clothes and, according to Gailey's testimony, wrapped his hands around the child's waist.

The girl testified that she left the Jacuzzi and entered a bedroom in the home, where Polanski sat down beside her and kissed the teen, despite her demands that he "keep away." According to Gailey, Polanski then performed a sex act on her and later "started to have intercourse with me." At one point, according to Gailey's testimony, Polanski asked the 13-year-old if she was "on the pill," and "When did you last have your period?" Polanski then asked her, Gailey recalled, "Would you want me to go in through your back?" before he "put his penis in my butt." Asked why she did not more forcefully resist Polanski, the teenager told Deputy D.A. Roger Gunson, "Because I was afraid of him."

Following his indictment on various sex charges, Polanski agreed to a plea deal that spared him prison time (he had spent about 45 days in jail during a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation). But when it seemed that a Superior Court judge might not honor the deal--and sentence Polanski to prison--the director fled the country.

A logical person might deduce that the psychiatric evaluation was highly unfavorable and classified him as a pedophile, hence the judge deciding on prison time for him.

Btw, from the court documents, it sounds like he's a really great guy though, doesn't it?


Where did you get the court documents....I want to read more.


Great, thanks. The Grand Jury transcripts of testimony are there too so everyone can get up to date with what her testamony was. One thing to remember is that the Grand Jury testimony is where the prosecuting attorney tries to show that there is enough evidence to have a trial.....Polanski was not represented by anyone and there was no effort made by anyone to refute her testimony....so....it is a bit of a one sided account.....but interesting never the less.

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Great, thanks.  The Grand Jury transcripts of testimony are there too so everyone can get up to date with what her testamony was.  One thing to remember is that the Grand Jury testimony is where the prosecuting attorney tries to show that there is enough evidence to have a trial.....Polanski was not represented by anyone and there was no effort made by anyone to refute her testimony....so....it is a bit of a one sided account.....but interesting never the less.

I wonder why that was? He skipped the country didn't he? He's a molesting ###### if the transcripts are correct and his pissing off to Europe are anything to go by.He should go to a proper trial if he has any amount of moral decency in his body. :o

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thier has been a few high profile stars that have been involved with teenagers and mostly they seem to escape prosecution for some reason.

i remember a rock star and a girl that became a bit of a model.and they met when she was 13 in spain.

there was no rape but still they are young and impresionable.

the perportrators in my eyes are just sad bas+rd+ that can not grow up and they need some serious guidance

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I started out by wanting to quote various posts on this thread so far, but there was too much to respond too. So I´ll just start fresh.

When I was thirteen years old, an older man, a bit of an uncle hit on me when drunk one night.

I did not appreciate it, and having beena rather tall rugby playing thirteen year old, I let him know this immediatley.

He´s never tried it on with me again, and I love him dearly as an uncle.

He´s a music producer and has done some incredible work on older genesis albums, a Dave Gilmour effort, and countless other bands (as an engineer and/or producer) The work he produces is outstanding, and has no bearing on the quality of the life he leads. Any person can do wrong, and move on with life. If a bunch of small minded &lt;deleted&gt; who know nothing about hte man insist on slamming him down 40+ years after the fact, it says more of the critics than of the man.

Point 1.

Roman Polanski is certainly not a "Has-Been". He has, in fact, been making remarkable, outstandingly poignant movies for over forty years now.

Point 2.

That a man with such a shady history should be welcomed into bangkok, and photogrpahed with orphans is repulsive... Thankfully, Roman´s history is not in the least SHADY, and is, on the contrary, VERY PUBLIC knowledge. It is reported that he has never been found in any such situation again, and one interview by a polish tv crew in 1994, he himself, without referring to hte incident directly did infer that certain actions in his younger life were irresponsably life affecting.. (remorse?)

Point 3.

Jack Nicholson... The incident of statutory rape for which he was charged occured in the home of Jack NIcholson, though he was not at home himself.


The Clown of Forgiveness

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Great, thanks.  The Grand Jury transcripts of testimony are there too so everyone can get up to date with what her testamony was.  One thing to remember is that the Grand Jury testimony is where the prosecuting attorney tries to show that there is enough evidence to have a trial.....Polanski was not represented by anyone and there was no effort made by anyone to refute her testimony....so....it is a bit of a one sided account.....

Those aspects of grand jury workings are true. I would just add that it IS sworn testimony with serious repercussions for any perjury committed and as noted, Polanski DID subsequently plead guilty. It was the sentencing portion that he took off on.

Also as mentioned, this was most likely due to him facing a lengthy prison sentence as the presiding judge had appeared to indicate he would not accept the plea bargain down from the even more serious charges he had been facing.

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....I enjoy a good debate about controversial issues, and this certainly fits the bill.

I hardly think that I should be strung up for savoring a good argument.  :D

No problems here.

RDN is the mod here, I think, so far be it for me to contradict, however, if you continue with this gringo-fied spelling of savoUr... you´ll find yourself hung, drawn and quartered.... :o

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....i remember a rock star and a girl that became a bit of a model.and they met when she was 13 in spain....

Bill Wyman (47) and Mandy Smith (13):

....Bill Wyman, the seemingly most unrolling of the Stones, reminded us never to underestimate still water when at age forty-seven he took up with, then eventually married and later divorced, the thirteen-year-old Bardot-in-a-kilt Catholic school girl named Mandy Smith (for good measure, at some point, her mother hooked up with his son)....
The same site has this quote from Polanski
"I've never hidden the fact that I love young girls," Roman Polanski yelled at the nagging press corps that pursued him all around the 1977 Cannes Film Festival as he ambled about the Croisette with a fifteen year-old Nastassia Kinski on his arm. "Once and for all, I love very young girls."


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I often wonder, whenever the "p" word turns on Thaivisa, obviously unfairly, how many of those members who vociferously condemn Roman Polanski (whose offence appears to be relatively mild in the vast catalogue of paedophilic horrors) or any other alleged offenders - how many of these members are suppressing the fact they themselves have i.e. abandoned their own children in Thailand or their homeland.

How many of these members give voice when they hear of:

• The abuse of growing up in poverty

• The economic abuse of children (either in the workplace or by the advertising industry)

• The psychological abuse of children

• The physical abuse of children

• The educational abuse of children

• The abuse of abandonment

• The abuse of being unwanted

• The abuse of being unloved

• The abuse of the unborn child

Compared with the above, Roman Polanski, although perhaps breaking laws and traditions, has more than compensated for this fact by his excellent rendition of Charles Dickens masterpiece on the evils suffered by children in Britain in the 19th century.

Evils that are far from eradicated, especially in this part of the world.

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erm.. okay, so should we ban all the works of

Picasso (sex with teenage girls)

Hemingway (sex with teenage girls)

Joyce (sex with teenage boys)

Shakespeare (sex with men)

The entire Catholic Church. The Entire Buddhist Church. The Entire Muslim Church.

... need I go on....?

The point is not the repulsiveness of the man´s actions.. there is no argument from me there. The point is, does his talent deserve to be rejected because of his actions (which are unrelated to his work) ?

I for one, say no. And if a legendary movie director is invited to a fil festival, well, what problem. It´s not liek he was invited to speak on a discussion of child abuse.

EDIT: PS: I´m sure there are a few stories about the man in your avatar too GH.

Don´t misunderstand, I´m not trying to stir you up, I´m just pointing out that many a great talent has had a darker side to their character too.

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