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Friends Of Farang Connection


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Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

Yes....that's what Surin needs. A little cliquey-like club members only atmosphere.

can i have that chip on your shoulder ,lighten up i was having a Steffi Graf
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Who I wonder are these so called "Friends", and for those who might be interested to tag on, how does one join up? :whistling:

What sounds so strange to me is why this particular bar needs to be revived while there are several more farang bars in the near neighbourhood.Martin has passed away and it was his bar,but life goes on.

You think any Thai would come help you as a farang if your business was suffering?Sounds more like the OP has a personal interest in that bar but just don't want to admit it.

Yep. Suspicious from the get go.

I have a different take on this whole drama.

I'm of the opinion that there really isn't any such good intent to revive, support, or "save" FC [per se]. But instead to maintain the old Farang circle in Surin.....sort of a retain the old Farang school in Surin crowd. FC is just a convenient and logical conduit to a means. Has nothing to do with "assisting" Sunni and the establishment at hand.

Frankly, I don't believe there is much great interest amongst those loyal Surin Farang, as if you know anything about this circle - they're not that loyal except to themselves. The motives of a collective is self-serving.

What a load of crap, to say the people who frequent the place are as you imply is total sh*te. I have been travelling to Surin for 8 years now and despite being considerably younger than the people you insult, I have never met a more friendly bunch of people who are more than willing to help anybody out. I do not know what your underlying hatred of just about everybody or everything in Surin is, but if you don't like it why don't you pack up and leave and look for your Burger King somewhere else. After all, it would appear you have very little friends amongst those who have been established in the area for a long time, I wonder why that might be?

Edited by johnsurin
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Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

Not to sure about the putrid blue colour you suggest Tone, after all we don't want the essence of failure souring our beer when we're in there. Perhaps a more rustic black & white colour scheme may be the better approach. :lol:

Edited by johnsurin
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Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

Not to sure about the putrid blue colour you suggest Tone, after all we don't want the essence of failure souring our beer when we're in there. Perhaps a more rustic black & white colour scheme may be the better approach. :lol:

Yes I believe they are talking about more modern earth-tones and the locals are a great bunch of people and they attend several of the Farang hangs not just the FC.

There's always a few that like to cause trouble, funny thing though... even through all their venting, there's still some very useful information!

You will find most of the trouble makers are misguided and ill-informed followers of one very angry person.

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What a load of crap, to say the people who frequent the place are as you imply is total sh*te. I have been travelling to Surin for 8 years now and despite being considerably younger than the people you insult, I have never met a more friendly bunch of people who are more than willing to help anybody out. I do not know what your underlying hatred of just about everybody or everything in Surin is, but if you don't like it why don't you pack up and leave and look for your Burger King somewhere else. After all, it would appear you have very little friends amongst those who have been established in the area for a long time, I wonder why that might be?

Everybody and everything in Surin.

Naturally, your reference towards everybody and everything is presumed to be a Farang-centred mind set and it circle. Everybody and everything.

On the contrary, John. I'm very connected and social - and have been for a time - with the real "established" folks in the area....the locals. The real locals. Family, friends, and connections of every sort. It seems to come instinctively, to this highly threatened and protective community [Farang] , that all existence is centre around them and theirs. Of course, their armour is displayed when finding themselves back into a corner or imbibing any sort of reality that peeks it's head from time to time. It's so universal. One doesn't challenge or critique the all-beloved Farang community [and their benevolent institutions] without being considered completely bonkers, yes? These ideals aren't just relevant to Surin, but much embedded throughout all brethren communities throughout Thailand. As this ilk is pretty much homogenous, less predictable, I find it quite baffling. Loyalty is only extended to their own kind, hence the expected knee-jerk defence that rushes in at every suggested instance.

I've witnessed these inner-cultural displays all my life throughout the pan Asian-Pacific regions. And have yet to find [or justify to make one up] this "expat" community deservedly of any such compensation of Kudos. I'll stick with the savages and extend community to the true established community here, thanks.

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Yes Bri, I know all of the places very well, my wife is from Prasat but we have lived / stayed in Thepthani, Surin for 8 years, unfortunately she now lives in England and I spend most of time overseas working. I have been a regular of the FC for 8 years now and was a very good friend of Martin's and Sunnee, who I get on with absolutely fine. I will be returning to Surin in August for a short break where I am sure I will be spending some much anticapted fun in the FC, as well as other establishments, before heading to Phuket for further R&R.

If you are there I look forward to meeting you, if I don't already know you, for a few cold beers. Up to now I am scheduled to be there late afternoon, Friday 19th but I am trying to re-adjust my flights to get there a couple of days earlier.


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Yes Bri, I know all of the places very well, my wife is from Prasat but we have lived / stayed in Thepthani, Surin for 8 years, unfortunately she now lives in England and I spend most of time overseas working. I have been a regular of the FC for 8 years now and was a very good friend of Martin's and Sunnee, who I get on with absolutely fine. I will be returning to Surin in August for a short break where I am sure I will be spending some much anticapted fun in the FC, as well as other establishments, before heading to Phuket for further R&R.

If you are there I look forward to meeting you, if I don't already know you, for a few cold beers. Up to now I am scheduled to be there late afternoon, Friday 19th but I am trying to re-adjust my flights to get there a couple of days earlier.


Sure John that sounds like a plan. Would love to have a beer with you in August, I'll be here.

The request for salad has been noted and one of my requests as well. I've been told there will be some salad choices included in the new menu... and not just Som Tom Lao! jap.gif

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What a load of crap, to say the people who frequent the place are as you imply is total sh*te. I have been travelling to Surin for 8 years now and despite being considerably younger than the people you insult, I have never met a more friendly bunch of people who are more than willing to help anybody out. I do not know what your underlying hatred of just about everybody or everything in Surin is, but if you don't like it why don't you pack up and leave and look for your Burger King somewhere else. After all, it would appear you have very little friends amongst those who have been established in the area for a long time, I wonder why that might be?

Everybody and everything in Surin.

Naturally, your reference towards everybody and everything is presumed to be a Farang-centred mind set and it circle. Everybody and everything.

On the contrary, John. I'm very connected and social - and have been for a time - with the real "established" folks in the area....the locals. The real locals. Family, friends, and connections of every sort. It seems to come instinctively, to this highly threatened and protective community [Farang] , that all existence is centre around them and theirs. Of course, their armour is displayed when finding themselves back into a corner or imbibing any sort of reality that peeks it's head from time to time. It's so universal. One doesn't challenge or critique the all-beloved Farang community [and their benevolent institutions] without being considered completely bonkers, yes? These ideals aren't just relevant to Surin, but much embedded throughout all brethren communities throughout Thailand. As this ilk is pretty much homogenous, less predictable, I find it quite baffling. Loyalty is only extended to their own kind, hence the expected knee-jerk defence that rushes in at every suggested instance.

I've witnessed these inner-cultural displays all my life throughout the pan Asian-Pacific regions. And have yet to find [or justify to make one up] this "expat" community deservedly of any such compensation of Kudos. I'll stick with the savages and extend community to the true established community here, thanks.

Good for you, I'm absoluelty ecstatic that you are content, but I think my point is still valid and also find it quite demeaning of you to call your friends, savages. I can only assume you do not call you "friends" savages to their faces, perhaps you could say to them all, thuk khon yuu tee nee khon paa, mai hai gee-at khun, see how far that gets you.

It leaves one to wonder why you find the company of said "savages" so enjoyable and you feel unable, maybe inadequate, to socialize or integrate with people from "Western" society. I also do not need to over extend the use of the term "expat community", I call these people friends because this is what they are and yes, I am quite happy to jump to the defense of my friends when someone insults them, I suppose that would go for my wife also, who you so fondly call a savage.


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Yes Bri, I know all of the places very well, my wife is from Prasat but we have lived / stayed in Thepthani, Surin for 8 years, unfortunately she now lives in England and I spend most of time overseas working. I have been a regular of the FC for 8 years now and was a very good friend of Martin's and Sunnee, who I get on with absolutely fine. I will be returning to Surin in August for a short break where I am sure I will be spending some much anticapted fun in the FC, as well as other establishments, before heading to Phuket for further R&R.

If you are there I look forward to meeting you, if I don't already know you, for a few cold beers. Up to now I am scheduled to be there late afternoon, Friday 19th but I am trying to re-adjust my flights to get there a couple of days earlier.


Sure John that sounds like a plan. Would love to have a beer with you in August, I'll be here.

The request for salad has been noted and one of my requests as well. I've been told there will be some salad choices included in the new menu... and not just Som Tom Lao! jap.gif

Great Bri, I'll see you there then, just ask any of the boys, Yorkie, Kevin, Dougie, Alan, Joe, David, Dean, pretty much any of the guys, who have frequented the FC over the years, or Sunnee. When it comes to food I am a simple man, I believe keep it simple, it is a pub, do pub grub, nothing flash or fancy. If people want flash and fancy they go to a restaurant not a pub, if people want good Thai food they go to a good Thai restaurant, keep it clean, keep it simple, keep the beer cold and keep it coming regularly, that along with good service and service with a smile is the key to a good pub.

Almost forgot, don't go mad on the salad, that's not food, that's what food eats...... Only joking, quick simple sandwiches are usually a good seller for people who like a light lunch in the hot climate.


Edited by johnsurin
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As the starter of the original post(Farang Connection whats gone wrong) I am amazed at the responses of some people. Especially the vitriolic attack on "brimacthai" from "zzaa09" Is it inconcievable that someone may want to help a friend without there being a hidden agenda."zzaa09" has stated that no one should get involved with this man, but he has not given any reason why. If it cannot be posted here then i ask him to please feel free to pm me and let me know why.I have had contact with "brimacthai" via e-mails and he seems to me to be a genuine guy. I have offered my help, having over 20 years experience in running bars, and he has been very appreciative , and i hope to meet him in the next few days.So "brimacthai" don't drag yourself down to the level of this moron,ignore his stupid comments and do what you feel is right for you.By the way I have not seen anyone come on here to tell me what a good guy "zzaa09" is.

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I have been following this subject with great interest. It is refreshing to see a group of guys wanting to support their local pub and see it prosper. You obviously all enjoy it and each others company, lucky you. Perhaps you should include a thought for the less socially adjusted and reserve a "Little Jack Horner" Corner, just in case anyone want to have a gripe in person? Just a thought. Oh yeah, it might pay to have a good dictionary to hand as I struggle with some of the language used by those much better educated and informed than "Simple Simon" me!

Hold on to your senses of community and humour guys, especially you John. I wish Surin, the FC and you all were located a bit closer to me. I could use a few more laughs.

Isaan Aussie

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As the starter of the original post(Farang Connection whats gone wrong) I am amazed at the responses of some people. Especially the vitriolic attack on "brimacthai" from "zzaa09" Is it inconcievable that someone may want to help a friend without there being a hidden agenda."zzaa09" has stated that no one should get involved with this man, but he has not given any reason why. If it cannot be posted here then i ask him to please feel free to pm me and let me know why.I have had contact with "brimacthai" via e-mails and he seems to me to be a genuine guy. I have offered my help, having over 20 years experience in running bars, and he has been very appreciative , and i hope to meet him in the next few days.So "brimacthai" don't drag yourself down to the level of this moron,ignore his stupid comments and do what you feel is right for you.By the way I have not seen anyone come on here to tell me what a good guy "zzaa09" is.

You will find most of the trouble makers are misguided and ill-informed followers of one very angry person, like was stated in another TV thread... birds of a feather... and all that!

I feel that some people have forgotten what having a real friend is all about.

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I have been following this subject with great interest. It is refreshing to see a group of guys wanting to support their local pub and see it prosper. You obviously all enjoy it and each others company, lucky you. Perhaps you should include a thought for the less socially adjusted and reserve a "Little Jack Horner" Corner, just in case anyone want to have a gripe in person? Just a thought. Oh yeah, it might pay to have a good dictionary to hand as I struggle with some of the language used by those much better educated and informed than "Simple Simon" me!

Hold on to your senses of community and humour guys, especially you John. I wish Surin, the FC and you all were located a bit closer to me. I could use a few more laughs.

Isaan Aussie

Thanking God that I'm not alone here... in some of the posts I had no idea what was being said... if it was supportive or insult it didn't work... one has to know what's being said.

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Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

Not to sure about the putrid blue colour you suggest Tone, after all we don't want the essence of failure souring our beer when we're in there. Perhaps a more rustic black & white colour scheme may be the better approach. :lol:

Do not know John dreary colour's would make you fall asleep quickly well it does me when i watch them on the TV

if we stick to the blue and white will all be drinking champagne next year, on the other hand are pastel colours still in

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I have been following this subject with great interest. It is refreshing to see a group of guys wanting to support their local pub and see it prosper. You obviously all enjoy it and each others company, lucky you. Perhaps you should include a thought for the less socially adjusted and reserve a "Little Jack Horner" Corner, just in case anyone want to have a gripe in person? Just a thought. Oh yeah, it might pay to have a good dictionary to hand as I struggle with some of the language used by those much better educated and informed than "Simple Simon" me!

Hold on to your senses of community and humour guys, especially you John. I wish Surin, the FC and you all were located a bit closer to me. I could use a few more laughs.

Isaan Aussie

Thanking God that I'm not alone here... in some of the posts I had no idea what was being said... if it was supportive or insult it didn't work... one has to know what's being said.

I've just read this whole thread from the start (again) and there has been some good advice offered, plus some irrelevant sputem that wasn't in any way helpful and didn't even fall in to constructive criticism.

Despite all the helpful advice, the 4th post is worth the most consideration........

Despite what CH says, his wife is probably the exception that proves the rule, to run a bar/resto that caters to westerners in the main, it really needs a westerner at the helm full-time, and someone who has experience in the field or at the very least a customer facing service industry and not an ex postman from Gwent (apologies if there are any here) you may be able to perk the staff up temporarily by making some changes, but it will only be temporary if they are left to their own devices most of the time.

CH says that his place runs well without any major input from him, but I would say that he does have a major input by just being there.

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I have been following this subject with great interest. It is refreshing to see a group of guys wanting to support their local pub and see it prosper. You obviously all enjoy it and each others company, lucky you. Perhaps you should include a thought for the less socially adjusted and reserve a "Little Jack Horner" Corner, just in case anyone want to have a gripe in person? Just a thought. Oh yeah, it might pay to have a good dictionary to hand as I struggle with some of the language used by those much better educated and informed than "Simple Simon" me!

Hold on to your senses of community and humour guys, especially you John. I wish Surin, the FC and you all were located a bit closer to me. I could use a few more laughs.

Isaan Aussie

Thank you very much Issan Aussie, I think. We do have a very good bunch of friends in Surin, I shall not use the words expat community, with a bunch of Aussies thrown in, great mates. I'll try and keep up the good humour as I am sure my mates will, after all, if it wasn't for the English and the Aussies taking the p*ss out of each other it wouldn't be as much fun would it? Then again, I suppose I could always head off into the jungle with the savages and take the p*ss out of them, however, somehow I don't think it would be quite as much fun........

Take it easy mate.


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I am quite happy to jump to the defense of my friends when someone insults them, I suppose that would go for my wife also, who you so fondly call a savage.

My personal opinion on that: if i see a friend in the middle of a discussion and perhaps struggling into a rather "vivacious" argument, my first attempt would be to stop that and interrupt the confrontation between the parts, without damaging any of the parts involved, not in a million years i would assume my friend is automatically in the "rights" just because he's my friend so he can't be wrong (however i have the impression that many don't think exactly in those terms).

Once the situation is clear to me, if my friend was at fault, then as a gesture of true friendship you could excuse yourself on his behalf, repair if possible to the damages being done and let him understand why he was in the wrong, this is what friendship should be and not just acting as a bunch of wild wolfes....

I have no problem in adding that if "my friend" is clearly in the wrong and there is no better way to stop him creating havoc, i might even join a complete stranger in giving him what he's asking for...honestly, you can see that as a deterrent against bad behavior if you like, i am totally aware that's not going to make me very popular, however, i am not going to lose anything that i want to have close to me.

My wife, it's been a "savage" in more than an occasion, for which i repaired the way i could, mostly small petty habits that ranges from throwing rubbish indiscriminately everywhere to just bad etiquette, i think it's healthy to have open discussion, she failed to integrate my western point of view on those things and i refuse to accept "this is Thailand, we do like this" as a reason...:D

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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

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i think it's healthy to have open discussion, she failed to integrate my western point of view on those things and i refuse to accept "this is Thailand, we do like this" as a reason...:D

I don't think that you will ever hit it off with zzaa09 ! :D

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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

Hi Kunash,

I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

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An old Suffolk pub, [East Anglia, UK]

Oi, where you going? well George me,, its 12 15am, got work tomora buh,george, I aint called time yet, whats the rush boy, gotta make my sarnies and need some grub afore bed, George, you can hev a cheese sarni with pickeled oinions and a hard egg, and another beer!, Me, ok you old bugger, but make it quick, ta, Me, i gotta have leak buh, back in a mo, George, you better tie a bit of string on the front door knob, do else you ownt find your way back, bloody foggy out there tonight !!

Joyce, [georges wife] you know its darts here tomora night boy dont ya? Me, yes Joycey, Joyce, well, what do you want in your sarnis, Me, cheese and ham, cheese and onion, Joyce, heres 3quid, pick up cheese and ham and do you make sure its here no later than 6pm,

On delivery, Joycey would bring me 3/4 small glasses of draught beer, usually Adnams Broadside,Greene King Abbott, and James White cider,i would have 3 pints of the beer and she told me, you can have the cider as your last pint, then you gotta get hume afore it takes effect, that was about 15 mins from finishing it,,,

The pub closed about 1996, George died and it was too much for Joycey, i suppose some of my most enjoyable years playing 3 card/7 card brag, crib, knap, dominoes,darts all died with them, but i will never forget the good times i had there, its a memory now, and a pleasant one, it would be difficult to bring back,

You fellas who want to re-kindle FC, perhaps introduce some pub leauge games, such as Crib, or Knap, Dominoes, Darts, have a plate of sarnis at the end of game, small donation from each of you would cover costs, or get a prize card going, sell 5 raflle tickets for 20bht, winner gets a small bottle of Regency or something, nobody will moan at 20bht,, loose or win!! Perhaps put a cereal sized dish of roast taters on a table of falangs, get them peckish, make them feel at home,

Just a few ideas, trying to get an old flame burning again is hard work, but can be done, dont give up yet,,,,

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An old Suffolk pub, [East Anglia, UK]

Oi, where you going? well George me,, its 12 15am, got work tomora buh,george, I aint called time yet, whats the rush boy, gotta make my sarnies and need some grub afore bed, George, you can hev a cheese sarni with pickeled oinions and a hard egg, and another beer!, Me, ok you old bugger, but make it quick, ta, Me, i gotta have leak buh, back in a mo, George, you better tie a bit of string on the front door knob, do else you ownt find your way back, bloody foggy out there tonight !!

Joyce, [georges wife] you know its darts here tomora night boy dont ya? Me, yes Joycey, Joyce, well, what do you want in your sarnis, Me, cheese and ham, cheese and onion, Joyce, heres 3quid, pick up cheese and ham and do you make sure its here no later than 6pm,

On delivery, Joycey would bring me 3/4 small glasses of draught beer, usually Adnams Broadside,Greene King Abbott, and James White cider,i would have 3 pints of the beer and she told me, you can have the cider as your last pint, then you gotta get hume afore it takes effect, that was about 15 mins from finishing it,,,

The pub closed about 1996, George died and it was too much for Joycey, i suppose some of my most enjoyable years playing 3 card/7 card brag, crib, knap, dominoes,darts all died with them, but i will never forget the good times i had there, its a memory now, and a pleasant one, it would be difficult to bring back,

You fellas who want to re-kindle FC, perhaps introduce some pub leauge games, such as Crib, or Knap, Dominoes, Darts, have a plate of sarnis at the end of game, small donation from each of you would cover costs, or get a prize card going, sell 5 raflle tickets for 20bht, winner gets a small bottle of Regency or something, nobody will moan at 20bht,, loose or win!! Perhaps put a cereal sized dish of roast taters on a table of falangs, get them peckish, make them feel at home,

Just a few ideas, trying to get an old flame burning again is hard work, but can be done, dont give up yet,,,,

Hi Lickey,

Great story...

Thanks for the suggestions, I believe S. is working on some of these ideas with another FOFC. Though I don't think anyone thought raffle, what a great idea... ta.

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An old Suffolk pub, [East Anglia, UK]

Oi, where you going? well George me,, its 12 15am, got work tomora buh,george, I aint called time yet, whats the rush boy, gotta make my sarnies and need some grub afore bed, George, you can hev a cheese sarni with pickeled oinions and a hard egg, and another beer!, Me, ok you old bugger, but make it quick, ta, Me, i gotta have leak buh, back in a mo, George, you better tie a bit of string on the front door knob, do else you ownt find your way back, bloody foggy out there tonight !!

Joyce, [georges wife] you know its darts here tomora night boy dont ya? Me, yes Joycey, Joyce, well, what do you want in your sarnis, Me, cheese and ham, cheese and onion, Joyce, heres 3quid, pick up cheese and ham and do you make sure its here no later than 6pm,

On delivery, Joycey would bring me 3/4 small glasses of draught beer, usually Adnams Broadside,Greene King Abbott, and James White cider,i would have 3 pints of the beer and she told me, you can have the cider as your last pint, then you gotta get hume afore it takes effect, that was about 15 mins from finishing it,,,

The pub closed about 1996, George died and it was too much for Joycey, i suppose some of my most enjoyable years playing 3 card/7 card brag, crib, knap, dominoes,darts all died with them, but i will never forget the good times i had there, its a memory now, and a pleasant one, it would be difficult to bring back,

You fellas who want to re-kindle FC, perhaps introduce some pub leauge games, such as Crib, or Knap, Dominoes, Darts, have a plate of sarnis at the end of game, small donation from each of you would cover costs, or get a prize card going, sell 5 raflle tickets for 20bht, winner gets a small bottle of Regency or something, nobody will moan at 20bht,, loose or win!! Perhaps put a cereal sized dish of roast taters on a table of falangs, get them peckish, make them feel at home,

Just a few ideas, trying to get an old flame burning again is hard work, but can be done, dont give up yet,,,,

Hi Lickey,

Great story...

Thanks for the suggestions, I believe S. is working on some of these ideas with another FOFC. Though I don't think anyone thought raffle, what a great idea... ta.

Careful, gambling.

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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

Hi Kunash,

I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D
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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

Hi Kunash,

I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D

Thanks for the update...

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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

Hi Kunash,

I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D

Thanks for the update...

forgot to say it is not Canadian bacon its proper bacon
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i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

Hi Kunash,

I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D

Thanks for the update...

forgot to say it is not Canadian bacon its proper bacon

again cheers and thanks for the update... i don't eat bacon so I wouldn't know first hand, just going by what the girls tell me.

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