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I Paid My Thailand Taxes. It Was Easy

Head Snake

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I had a work permit and worked here for about 4 years.

I was given a severance (thanks) and my work permit was pulled.

I had thought that since I kept getting renewed work permits that my taxes were being filed for me. No, I was wrong. My company paid taxes but I was supposed to file the taxes.

So, I took 4 years worth of data to the revenue office by BTS Ari and it took about 1 hour for them to process the taxes. My wife was there and got them to lighten the initial calculated load.

In the end, they handed my copies back to me and told me to present this data if I ever submit for a retirement visa.

And that is the main reason, I wanted to get up to date on those taxes.

It was easy and not too painful.

Let me know if you need more instructions.

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I took the data from my employers.

Yes, if my employers overpaid taxes, I would expect a refund. One thing I didn't want to discuss was total income as I already paid my us taxes for those years and I didn't want to bring US income into the picture. Something in the tax law writeups on the internet got me concerned about this; but, it was not an issue once I submitted my data. They just dealt with money paid in Thailand to me.

I have no idea if penalties or fines are due for late payment. I didn't ask.

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