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Hi guys....i m not a thai citizen....Can someone tell me that if i marry a thai girl then can i buy a home or land on my name??

if no then tell me how to do that....

if yes then tell me what is the process??


With all due respect, khak, but - providing that you are serious - I question whether property investments in Thailand is a recommended hobby for someone who is unable to gather enough information in this matter other than repeating the same question over and over again amongst an endless bunch of squabbling expats on a public internet forum. If you are serious about this, call a law firm or something. Can't afford it? Then pursuit your dream elsewhere, here you'll be miserable and filled with regret.

You have a couple of choices:

1. Marriage

Foreigner with a Thai spouse can own land under the spouse's name, which in reality doesn't mean you're acquiring anything at all.

2. Investment

A foreigner who invests at least 40 million Baht for minimum 5 years can acquire the land for use as residence but the land shall not be more than one rai (1,600 square meters). An exception to the foreign ownership rules applies to Board of Investment (BOI) and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) projects. Under those projects, special privileges are given to some companies to buy land. Permission from the Minister of Interior must be obtained.

3. Lease

The property may be leased to a foreigner for up to 30 years, with possible renewal for another 30 years. Leases of more than three years need to be registered with the Land Office. Otherwise, they will be valid for only three years. Be careful with this one, the "possible 30 year extension" might become nothing but "impossible"…

4. In a Name of Company

Company incorporated in Thailand which is more than 50% Thai-owned may legally own land.

5. Structure Ownership

It's perfectly legal for foreigners to own buildings on land that is leased, because there are no restrictions on structure ownership. For this reason, foreigners can lease land and construct a building, office tower, apartment, or house on the leased land and own the structure. When the land lease is due whatever building sits on the land becomes the property of the land owner…

6. Condominium Ownership

The Land Laws allows certain groups of foreigners ( both individuals and juristic persons) to acquire condominium units in Thailand, provided that the foreign ownership in condominium project does not exceed, in aggregate, 49% of the total area of all units in the condominium.

As you can see, none of the options gives you outright ownership. As I said, if you are serious about acquiring property in Thailand, call a law firm who specializes in this.


Marrying a Thia girl ? You'll only get tears when her familys buffalo is sick....:whistling:


Just read post #5 and ignore evrything else.

From what I read so far on TV on this subject, you can lose everything, including your dignity,

if you buy property through a Thai woman and later she decides to keep all for herself.

Good luck to you.


Thats the good thing about Thailand...There is always some one new just around the corner .

If you want you can build a home and put it all in my name rolleyes.gif

At least when you lose the lot further down the line you can turn around and say i lost it all to a falang whistling.gif


All of what "Forethat" wrote + Usufruct which can be for lifetime.

But search this forum for the info, it's all there many times over!!


6. Condominium Ownership

The Land Laws allows certain groups of foreigners ( both individuals and juristic persons) to acquire condominium units in Thailand, provided that the foreign ownership in condominium project does not exceed, in aggregate, 49% of the total area of all units in the condominium.

As you can see, none of the options gives you outright ownership. As I said, if you are serious about acquiring property in Thailand, call a law firm who specializes in this.

Wrong - I promised not to intrude into house landownership, but this is Condominium ownership. You as a Farang can own outright. For us 0.26%



You can't. And marrying someone to buy land doesn't sound like a good idea. Also there is a real estate forum.

well i just asked that to get knowledge.....i asked that bcoz i m planning to marry her ...

1. Marriage

Foreigner with a Thai spouse can own land under the spouse's name, which in reality doesn't mean you're acquiring anything at all.

Foreigner can not own land and must sign paperwork that the money used to purchase is wife alone and not joint marriage property.

And most important is that any methods used that may be determined in violation of spirit of preventing foreign land ownership can be revoked at any time. Be very cautious about work around ideas; and that includes lawyers often suspect advise.

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