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Unesco urges Thailand to reconsider

By The Nation


Unesco has urged Thai government to reconsider its decision to leave its World Heritage Committee, saying the committee has not yet discussed Cambodia's proposed management plan of the Preah Vihear Temple as earlier reported.

Director General Irina Bokova said in a letter dated June 27 addressing to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva that there was no any push from her side for the discussion of the management plan.

"I hope sincerely that the Kingdom of Thailand will carefully consider its future course of action in respect of this important convention and will continue to be an active participant in the international cooperation for the protection of the world's outstanding heritage," she said.

The letter was sent after Thai negotiation chief; Suwit Khunkitti, walked out from a World Heritage meeting in Paris and announced Thailand's withdrawal from the World Heritage Convention during a Unesco meeting in Paris last Saturday in protest on the committee's plan to discuss Cambodia's management plan.

Bokova said it was most unfortunate this has happened in relation to the examination of the issue concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear World Heritage site by the World Heritage Committee. "I cannot but express disappointment at as such an announcement of the possible withdrawal of the Kingdom of Thailand from the World Heritage Convention, in light of your country's longstanding commitment to and active support of the latter."

Bokova denied some news reports that after the walkout, the committee discussed the management plan.

What the committee decided after the walkout was only reaffirmation of the need to ensure the protection and conservation of Preah Vihear temple from any damage, read the letter.

It further encouraged the two countries to use the 1972 World Heritage Convention as a tool to support conservation, sustainable development and dialogue.

She added that Thailand's bid to postpone the debate on the management plan was not supported by another member of the committee.


-- The Nation 2011-06-28


This Suwit guy over reacted and lost face one more time.

He (and Army and Dem's and PAD) loses face on a daily basis.

Phnom Penh Post:

At a graduation ceremony at Phnom Penh’s Chaktumok Hall yesterday, the premier said he feared clashes could erupt after Thailand reportedly walked out of the Paris talks over the weekend.

“They were angry walking out from the summit and they whispered to one ambassador that they will go back to fight. Therefore, I ordered the military to immediately [start] monitoring the situation from midnight [on Sunday],” he claimed, adding that all troops along the border were on high alert.



Let them walk out ! Who cares?

They even can't understand what ''United" means ...!


Agree, let them walk out. Spoiled brats!


Let them walk out ! Who cares?

They even can't understand what ''United" means ...!


Agree, let them walk out. Spoiled brats!

There is more than meets the eye.

The Yellow Shirts are against any kind of fair settlement and/or bilateral management of the temple. They demand and passionately think that the temple is Thai. Never mind that for decades Thailand agreed and signed on the French survey used by the United Nations to settle the case back then. Granted that it is an immature reaction and behavior:

The Yellows want the temple and territory to be Thai. Abhisit by ordering the walk out from the UNESCO meeting is telling the Yellows, see, we hear you, we are with you! Thereby attempting to get their votes in the election and garnering the favor of the top brass of army.

The government using different channels also stated that Thailand can go back to joining UNESCO.

So, after the election is over and depending on the outcome, Thailand may return and join UNESCO once again and continue with the haggling over territory and/or temple.

It is all a political ploy. It has nothing to do with saving face or national pride. It is a cold, political premeditated plan.


There is more than meets the eye.

The Yellow Shirts are against any kind of fair settlement and/or bilateral management of the temple. They demand and passionately think that the temple is Thai. Never mind that for decades Thailand agreed and signed on the French survey used by the United Nations to settle the case back then. Granted that it is an immature reaction and behavior:

The Yellows want the temple and territory to be Thai. Abhisit by ordering the walk out from the UNESCO meeting is telling the Yellows, see, we hear you, we are with you! Thereby attempting to get their votes in the election and garnering the favor of the top brass of army.

The government using different channels also stated that Thailand can go back to joining UNESCO.

So, after the election is over and depending on the outcome, Thailand may return and join UNESCO once again and continue with the haggling over territory and/or temple.

It is all a political ploy. It has nothing to do with saving face or national pride. It is a cold, political premeditated plan.

This isn't about the ownership of the temple.

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