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I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about. There are thousands of wrongful imprisonments around the world because of this wrongful assessment and we should keep a level head and not brand ever single male who has feelings and is attracted to kids. When the posters of these over reactionary comments know the facts for sure and there has been a heinous crime committed then let the comments roll in by all means.

In this day and age parents are wary of touching their own in case someone suspects. I'm afraid it is coming to that. If ever I am =example on the beach and am approached by a youngster, instead of speaking, or even smiling, I am inclined to turn away.

The natural thing normally would be to say hello, etc. but in this new world it's a no no. If you are with a wife/gf it is not looked upon as (odd) even a single lady no one would suspect a thing. On the other hand a single man is regarded as a suspect.

It is a pity that a smile or a nice word is sometimes classed as wrong. There are single people who never had a family do look sometimes at a youngster and wish he/she was theirs.

ON TOPIC. if you find a child attractive look but do NOT touch. For all the pedos out there who intend to interfere or even interfere the sooner you are stopped the better. To my mind it's an incurable state of mind-some form of containment to me is the only remedy.

Nail on the head- spot on comment - Exactly... :jap:.

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CHARGES.serious charges!!

not 1 reply on this matter......charges, not convicted in a court of law yet.

vigilante culture is brewing here.

after being convicted of two counts of sexual assault of a minor and sentenced “in absentia” to 36 years in Prison

American Teacher wanted in USA on child sexual abuse charges, arrested by Pattaya Immigration

Chonburi Immigration based in Jomtien has announced the arrest of an American Teacher wanted in USA for sexual offences involving children under the age of 12. Police Colonel Choosak, announced the arrest of Mr. Dennis Gale Catron aged 60 on Wednesday Afternoon and stated he is wanted by a Court in Illinois after being convicted of two counts of sexual assault of a minor and sentenced “in absentia” to 36 years in Prison. It is believed that during the court proceedings, the school teacher had paid 500,000 US Dollars Bail and then fled to Thailand where he has worked in a number of Universities and other education facilities over the years. Police confirmed there were no reported incidents relating to Mr. Catron here in Thailand.

Full story and pictures HERE


-- Pattaya One 2011-06-29



CHARGES.serious charges!!

not 1 reply on this matter......charges, not convicted in a court of law yet.

vigilante culture is brewing here.

after being convicted of two counts of sexual assault of a minor and sentenced "in absentia" to 36 years in Prison

American Teacher wanted in USA on child sexual abuse charges, arrested by Pattaya Immigration

Chonburi Immigration based in Jomtien has announced the arrest of an American Teacher wanted in USA for sexual offences involving children under the age of 12. Police Colonel Choosak, announced the arrest of Mr. Dennis Gale Catron aged 60 on Wednesday Afternoon and stated he is wanted by a Court in Illinois after being convicted of two counts of sexual assault of a minor and sentenced "in absentia" to 36 years in Prison. It is believed that during the court proceedings, the school teacher had paid 500,000 US Dollars Bail and then fled to Thailand where he has worked in a number of Universities and other education facilities over the years. Police confirmed there were no reported incidents relating to Mr. Catron here in Thailand.

Full story and pictures HERE


-- Pattaya One 2011-06-29



Where the offense is not capital and the accused is not in custody, . . . if, after the trial has begun in his presence, he voluntarily absents himself, this does not nullify what has been done or prevent the completion of the trial, but, on the contrary, operates as a waiver of his right to be present and leaves the court free to proceed with the trial in like manner and with like effect as if he were present. Diaz v. United States, 223 U.S. at 455 [1912] (emphasis added). Some state laws provide for automatic retrial of fugitives who are arrested after being convicted in absentia.[4]

(From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_absentia)


Do these Thai schools not do background checks... who knows what sick twisted Paedo's are teaching our children in the various schools in Thailand You can be sure he is not the only one..... DISGRACEFUL.

I agree but not till some of the parents have a little fun with him first :annoyed:

So now we have the "lynch mob" mentality?


Do these Thai schools not do background checks... who knows what sick twisted Paedo's are teaching our children in the various schools in Thailand You can be sure he is not the only one..... DISGRACEFUL.

To teach in a Thai school you need a crime report from your own country - this has to be submitted before the dept. of Labour will issue a permit.


I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about. There are thousands of wrongful imprisonments around the world because of this wrongful assessment and we should keep a level head and not brand ever single male who has feelings and is attracted to kids. When the posters of these over reactionary comments know the facts for sure and there has been a heinous crime committed then let the comments roll in by all means.

There is no thin line between inappropriate contact with a child or not.

Hugging or normal physical contact with a kid has nothing to do with inappropriate contact with a child, and of course shouldn't be considered inappropriate. If a person can't see where appropriate and inappropriate begins and ends, then I would suggest that they shouldn't be working with kids.

There is a massive difference between wanting to work with kids, and being attracted (in a sexual, cellacious, or lascivious way)to them. Teaching and raising children is a wonderful thing, and I can very much understand why people want to get into that type of job. However, if there is any confusion in a person's mind about where the line stands, I would suggest that they are definitely not appropriate to be working with children.

There is no thin line between inappropriate contact with a child or not.

I disagree - One example - what about a kid sitting on your knee - is this appropriate? At what age does it become inappropriate if ever?


Do these Thai schools not do background checks... who knows what sick twisted Paedo's are teaching our children in the various schools in Thailand You can be sure he is not the only one..... DISGRACEFUL.

To teach in a Thai school you need a crime report from your own country - this has to be submitted before the dept. of Labour will issue a permit.

No you don't. My mate has taught in Thai schoold for over 10 years and has conviction for armed robbery.


There is a cultural aspect to this too. I was pretty amazed at what I observed in a busy urban public park in Argentina. Children were all over the place, openly having fun and playing with all kinds of stranger adults (often solo older men) and as far as I could tell, the parents were not only not upset, they seemed to love it. The children seemed to be a joy for the entire community to share, not just a small select group of the trusted. This was more like how it was when I grew up in the USA (though not nearly so open even then). I can't help but think a lot of societies have actually overreacted to the threat of stranger danger. Societies (and children most of all in being forced to view the world in a paranoid way) give up a lot when they succumb to irrational hysteria. I seriously doubt there is a higher rate of sex crimes against children in a country like Argentina, and also keep in mind MOST sex crime perps are trusted family friends and relatives.

That said, of course teacher applicants should be screened for criminal background! That isn't hysterical, that's common sense.

There is no thin line between inappropriate contact with a child or not.

I disagree - One example - what about a kid sitting on your knee - is this appropriate? At what age does it become inappropriate if ever?

Age and your relationship to the kid make the context. There is a correct level of physical contact between a teacher, a parent, a family member, a family friend, and a kid. All have their separate conventions. People with a balanced idea of appropriate behaviour, instinctively work this out. We have got ourselves into a right tiz in the UK about these issues in schools to the point that teachers are scared to lay one finger on a kid. This is too far the wrong way. Although, thinking about it, I can't remember a single time that a teacher laid a physical finger on me, other than to give me 6 of the best. Teachers as a whole, shouldn't be in significant physical contact with kids.

I think kids should be encouraged to speak up if anything makes them feel uneasy, but that shouldn't mean that the teacher has done anything wrong, but also a teacher for example should be experienced enough to know how kids develop at what ages. My son at 9 now, has basically stopped letting my hold his hand to walk around shopping centres and cross roads etc. That is all part of growing up. Would I like to see a teacher walking hand in hand with him at 9? Nope. Once I listened to a 45 year foreigner who I knew a little, talking about how stunning the girls were in his school. It was really quite sickening to listen to.

I took my kids out of one school, because the teachers were so familiar with the kids, that in primary school, they would actually allow the kids to playfully slap the teachers during playtime for example. I thought it was too familiar and simply bred rowdiness in the kids.

Would I let my own daughter at 8 sit on my knee, no problem. Would I at 10? Probably not, although by then, I doubt she will want to sit on my knee. Would I do so at 13? Nope. Would my neighbour put my daughter on his knee? Nope. Would my brother? Yes. To this day, my old man puts his arm on my shoulder instinctively, and I have to remind him that I am a little old for it. Would I want our neighbours 10 year old to sit on my knee during a dinner party??? Absolutely not, because it is inappropriate. Would I carry around a neighbours 2 to 5 year old? Of course. Would I carry them around at 7? Nope. How I know, I don't know, but that is how it is. Everybody has their line in the sand, and it is a little different from some than others, and teachers are in a difficult position.

The mere fact that you mention there is an age at which it becomes inappropriate shows that you understand the issue, and that to most people it is very obvious what is appropriate and what isn't.


I dont think i needed to mention thailand? Everyone knows that its widely available here. As much as in argentina and all these places where nobody cares if someone plays with unknown children.


The problem with most of these child sex offenders is that they are able to give bribes and payments to corrupt officials to avoid prosecution.

An excellent example of this is the notorous American child sex offender Perry McNeely who lives in Pattaya.

Deported from the Philippines after spending two years in prison for 11 criminal charges of child rape and sex abuse.

Arrives in Thailand after being deported from Philippines as sex offender and takes up residence in Pattaya.

Returns to Philippines and is once again arrested for child abuse after abusing a 14 year old girl in his hotel room.

U.S. Embassy vows to extradite McNeely back to U.S. to face prosecution.

Charges dropped and McNeely returns to Pattaya.

To show his distain for a corrupt system in Thailand and the Philippines and to confirm his untouchable status, Mc Neely returns to the Philippines to play softball.

One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the reason that McNeely and other child sex offenders are able to operate freely and avoid prosecution. What is alarming is that the U.S. Government doesn't appear to be too concerned about extraditing these sick perverts to face prosecution in the US. They will pay lip service about how concerned they are about prosecuting American child sex offenders in foreign countries, but in reality, these bureaucrats do nothing.

Smilin' Jack Ret_ Capt P_ McNeely deported from P_I.htm


I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about. There are thousands of wrongful imprisonments around the world because of this wrongful assessment and we should keep a level head and not brand ever single male who has feelings and is attracted to kids. When the posters of these over reactionary comments know the facts for sure and there has been a heinous crime committed then let the comments roll in by all means.

Kids that age cannot legally consent to anything. If you have sex with a kid that age, it is rape--period. Prisons are quite full with people who "let their natural emotions take over". Liking kids and touching them are two different things. Any professional educator will at most give a kid a "high five."


As someone commented on the site: "Interesting to note his passport was issued/renewed on March 31, 2011."

Perhaps that's how they figured where he was?

But aren't they supposed to pounce on someone before issuing a new passport?

I mean by now he could have skipped to Mexico or Costa Rica or somewhere.

It's just lucky for them that he chose to stay where they all seem to stay ...........here in LOS :rolleyes:

He was here for many years with the old style passport,

maybe he foolishly thought he was safe to renew it.

But clearly on getting the new passport he got flagged tracked down and popped.


Kids that age cannot legally consent to anything. If you have sex with a kid that age, it is rape--period. Prisons are quite full with people who "let their natural emotions take over". Liking kids and touching them are two different things. Any professional educator will at most give a kid a "high five."

Not exactly. My understanding is that in the US teachers now avoid pats on the back, hugs to relieve emotional distress, etc. They are smart to avoid this but the fact that they feel they must shows evidence of mass hysteria, and yes, this lack of supportive physical contact is a loss for children.

The other issue you bring up is what is a kid. To suggest a sexually mature 16 year old (legal age in perhaps most of the world) who consents to sex with an adult was actually (rather than legally) "raped" in jurisdictions with higher consent age such as 18 seems to me to be intellectually dishonest, and yes, rather hysterical. The actual details do matter to reflect the reality. Legal reality is different and less ambiguous.

<br />I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Two issue here - separate the moral from the legal. Where you draw the line morally is outlined above, and I think most people would disagree with you that consensual sex with a 13 year old is OK.

This is why we have laws, leaving the judgment call up to the older individual just isn't going to work.

The problem is that where the law isn't consistently enforced. But the fact remains it is a crime to have any sexual contact with someone under 18, and for foreigners, where money is likely (99.99% likely) to be involved, the cut-off is 20.

If you don't obey this restriction here, you are leaving yourself wide open to either being made an example for the media and foreign PC powers that be, or (99% more likely) becoming the victim of blackmail.

And in my opinion this is a good thing, all those cops running scams with their 15-year-old hooker cousins around Pattaya are actually doing something better than nothing from an ethical point of view.

But the fact that's the extent of most such enforcement here is truly sad. . .


Kids that age cannot legally consent to anything. If you have sex with a kid that age, it is rape--period. Prisons are quite full with people who "let their natural emotions take over". Liking kids and touching them are two different things. Any professional educator will at most give a kid a "high five."

Not exactly. My understanding is that in the US teachers now avoid pats on the back, hugs to relieve emotional distress, etc. They are smart to avoid this but the fact that they feel they must shows evidence of mass hysteria, and yes, this lack of supportive physical contact is a loss for children.

The other issue you bring up is what is a kid. To suggest a sexually mature 16 year old (legal age in perhaps most of the world) who consents to sex with an adult was actually (rather than legally) "raped" in jurisdictions with higher consent age such as 18 seems to me to be intellectually dishonest, and yes, rather hysterical. The actual details do matter to reflect the reality. Legal reality is different and less ambiguous.

Generally, the crime is different if the girl is 16--but it is still a crime. Once they are under 14 it is a special circumstance, and far more serious. It is not up to the 13 yo or 12 yo to decide if they were victims or not--they cannot consent, nor can their parents. Some of the States have exceptions for girls 16 and 17 and girls that age give birth everyday, without any arrest warrants being issued. As far as teacher paranoia, there was a recent acquittal of a very popular teacher in Virginia, who was falsely accused of touching. Unfortunately for him--he was known as "the human jungle gym" and was very playful with 12 yo girls--talk about playing with fire. He also made the mistake of being alone with one of them. His legal bill was 125,000 USD. The school district offered to pay half--he is still litigating. Personally, he doesn't get my sympathy because everyone has been warned. He spent 5 days in the sex-offender cell-block while he was awaiting bail. Just remember: It is a school, not an orphanage--and I've heard all that about kids needing to be touched, etc....can you show me that in any contract. BTW, I'm holding my third 6 year teaching certificate, and to this day I have no regrets about turning in a teacher, who I witnessed give a 13 yo a kiss on the cheek before class--even though there was retribution against me.

<br />I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Two issue here - separate the moral from the legal. Where you draw the line morally is outlined above, and I think most people would disagree with you that consensual sex with a 13 year old is OK.

This is why we have laws, leaving the judgment call up to the older individual just isn't going to work.

The problem is that where the law isn't consistently enforced. But the fact remains it is a crime to have any sexual contact with someone under 18, and for foreigners, where money is likely (99.99% likely) to be involved, the cut-off is 20.

If you don't obey this restriction here, you are leaving yourself wide open to either being made an example for the media and foreign PC powers that be, or (99% more likely) becoming the victim of blackmail.

And in my opinion this is a good thing, all those cops running scams with their 15-year-old hooker cousins around Pattaya are actually doing something better than nothing from an ethical point of view.

But the fact that's the extent of most such enforcement here is truly sad. . .

Firstly I did not say its ok to have sex with a 13yo (please read my text again)

Secondly you are wrong with the age of consent for Thailand its 15 and 18 for Thais, foreigners, Female or Male.

Please get your facts right and please don't miss quote me.

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