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Even you will have to admit its a distinct possibility now, look, i am not saying I want it, i can't stand Taksin

In a previous post (and topic) I tried to quantify the current parties/MPs as

2007 election result adjusted from 475 to 500 seats
PTP     201
Dem's   182
BJT      33
CPPP     33
CTP      26
others   25

So what would a landslide be ?

(data posted in )


Even you will have to admit its a distinct possibility now, look, i am not saying I want it, i can't stand Taksin

Anything is possible and there is no doubt that Puea Thai have the momentum, but i still think that if they do win they'll simply win the most number of seats rather than a landslide victory.


Yingluck said that if Pheu Thai won the election:

1) Thailand would overcome poverty by 2020. - this means raising taxes

2) University graduates would earn Bt30,000 per month for an entry-level job - this means uni grads have just been put out of the job market average salary for uni grads is 8k-15k baht , top universities already exceed this, close to 65% of uni students use government loans. Who defines entry level job?

3) The minimum wage would rise to Bt1,000 per day, she said. - this means minimum wage would have to rise by close to 400 %, a factory worker making 6k baht per month will now make 20k per month, Thailands competive edge in manufacturing labor wages has just disappeared, good bye export market.


Clearly these are promises that cannot come true. But then again this party's claims have always been aimed at folks who aren't familiar with 'how things work', since that is where all the votes are.

It's really sad that she would make these blatant lies.

Somewhat sad, cause the same poeple, will pay the bill AND be the ones who have to ride out their disenfranchised grief all alone and keep serving the HS as their drivers, gardeners, maids and the workforce for the nations many sweatshops... well,well, well hope they learned their lesson by know.. they got free 15 year education already in the books.. why to fall for such unralistic promises!?


Haven't noticed any planes having a problem,

Why would you? The cracks that Thaksin refused to believe existed, and that he tried suing over, costing a Bangkok Post journalist their job (until the truth was proven), have since been repaired.

ready for the landslide tomorrow?

How is one supposed to prepare for this prediction of yours?

by doing what I and others have already done just in case Taksin wins outright. by moving what assets we can out of Thailand and if Taksin wins and comes back for those of us with family and assets here by having a well thought out exit plan which we hope will not be needed or used. In 15 years I and my Thai family have lived here ive brought around 100 million baht into Thailand and in last few weeks taken about 40 million out leaving about 120 million still here. The difference being largely increase in land values over 15 years. Our assets which are not easily liquified being land and property we are in process of selling as we can and then dependent on how things turn out will if it gets as bad as it could only have out 15 million baht house and land that cant be sold at a decent price. That can be left here after all its only money and when Thailand gets back to sanity which maybe 5-20 years or more then our children will inherit what we have left here. If by some means it is confiscated we still have enough to survive but will miss raising our children in Thailand and instead will probably move to Singapore or Australia being close enough to watch events unfold. rolleyes.gif on other hand maybe just maybe people of thailand will avert total disaster and somehow stop Taksin and his thugs getting their way. Can you imagine those who supported burning of Bangkok and arming of reds being the government. If it happens it certainly is sadly not a country I want my children to stay in. jap.gifjap.gifjap.gif


Haven't noticed any planes having a problem,

Why would you? The cracks that Thaksin refused to believe existed, and that he tried suing over, costing a Bangkok Post journalist their job (until the truth was proven), have since been repaired.

ready for the landslide tomorrow?

How is one supposed to prepare for this prediction of yours?

by doing what I and others have already done just in case Taksin wins outright. by moving what assets we can out of Thailand and if Taksin wins and comes back for those of us with family and assets here by having a well thought out exit plan which we hope will not be needed or used. In 15 years I and my Thai family have lived here ive brought around 100 million baht into Thailand and in last few weeks taken about 40 million out leaving about 120 million still here. The difference being largely increase in land values over 15 years. Our assets which are not easily liquified being land and property we are in process of selling as we can and then dependent on how things turn out will if it gets as bad as it could only have out 15 million baht house and land that cant be sold at a decent price. That can be left here after all its only money and when Thailand gets back to sanity which maybe 5-20 years or more then our children will inherit what we have left here. If by some means it is confiscated we still have enough to survive but will miss raising our children in Thailand and instead will probably move to Singapore or Australia being close enough to watch events unfold. rolleyes.gif on other hand maybe just maybe people of thailand will avert total disaster and somehow stop Taksin and his thugs getting their way. Can you imagine those who supported burning of Bangkok and arming of reds being the government. If it happens it certainly is sadly not a country I want my children to stay in. jap.gifjap.gifjap.gif

Why now? Why not all those years ago when Thaksin was in power? Oh, you are going to say that you did not realise how [insert words of your choice here] he is.

On another point, you brought in 100 million baht over the last 15 years which has since turned into 160 million baht. That's a what, hold on, I need my calculator here, 60% ROI????? And in those 15 years, assuming that the what was it, 5 years that Thaksin was in power, assume the you had a negative ROI of 5 %, that means in the other 10 years, you must have made a return of ....... sheesh, the figures evade me.


Even you will have to admit its a distinct possibility now, look, i am not saying I want it, i can't stand Taksin

No no, you got it wrong. TV pro-dems will never admit to anything.

Hi Bkkorupcountry,

If it's not too personal,can you tell me how many years you lived here under Thaksin's administration?

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