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Amazing Thailand


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Yep, amazing Thailand when my GF's brother (30 Years old the brother) married a 15 year young girl.

Amazingly, he made her pregnant.

More amazingly he was her second man.

Even more amazing, she left him yesterday for the ice delivery man leaving a 4 months old baby for his care, well the baby is at the man's parent house and he is crying and drinking right now.

Also amazing, a sister got pregnant from a drug addict, they married and he promised to be good.

Amazingly, the marriage lasted one month.

Even more amazing, within one month she was married to an other man who was in love with her for a long time.

They now have 3 kids, amazing :rolleyes:

5hit. Sometimes I have bad days but that takes the micky. Amazing none the less.

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Some time ago, started building a small house on the beach with agreement to sign ten year lease after 50% satisfactory completion (my mama didn't raise no fool). Owner assured me the builder was very experienced. I had my doubts and although I was already in an existing house, I gave it a shot as the land afforded a magnificent view.

Day One: owner's "builder" first wants to raise 8 very thick (10" x 10") posts from beautiful very old wood from demolished house. Of course, ground was not level, nor were the concrete pads at the same levels upon which the posts will sit. So, builder decides to "measure" posts first and then "cut to length" so they will all be same height when raised! He can not explain how he plans to accomplish this amazing feat, but laughingly assures me that it can indeed be done.

I diplomatically said, no, won't work. Just raise the posts, as is, identify the lowest post, then use a water level ( no transit in his 5 tool toolbag) to mark the posts and I'd be happy to use my chain saw to cut nice flat tops that will all be the same finished height. He looked at me like I was an lab orangutan and he and all his PhD laborers laughed, saying how ridiculous my idea was – never work.

Can not be done.

I knew then a lease was a foregone conclusion so my girlfriend and I left and spent a pleasant day at the beach (her in her orange bikini and my thinking of post erections, er, erecting posts) and came back in the evening to see all the posts erected and all the men standing around (drinking some kind of clear liquid) trying to figure out why they were all different heights (the posts, not the men) when they had measured sooo carefully (we're talking hours of measuring, folks). Not only that, they had used a Skill saw with a 2-1/2" cutting depth that meant it would not cut entirely through the posts, so they had finished the job with, I guess, an axe or hatchet. The tops looked like half sharpened pencils.

Amazingly enough, they still do. Three months later the posts are still standing like lonely sentries-- a Thai Stonehenge. The owner does not say more to me than a polite hello, and I am still in my comfortable bungalow.

I guess saving face means more than asking me to correct (easily) the error, which I offered to do, and saving face also means more than a ten year profitable lease.

But what really amazes me is that, however arguably small it is--or isn't, there exists a category of Thai who think they are infinitely smarter than any foreigner. I would love to ask them why they have not invented the automobile, the MRI, the space shuttle or the bullet train, or even the potato peeler, but I have no doubt they would simply look at me like a lab orangutan, then fall down laughing hysterically.

Can not be done!

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Reminds me of the time I had my home rewired. I went with a highly recommended

electrician. Watched over him day by day making sure everything was spot on.

When it came time to install the new load panel (Circuit breaker box) I told

him down 5cm and over 3cm. Over and over again I told him, this went on for 15

minutes, but no, he insisted he was right. So he installed it his way over the

next 3 hours as I sat and watched him while enjoying a cold drink. When he was

done and so proud to show off his work, he them went on to install the cover

that would not fit. The box needed to be moved over 3 cm and down 5 cm. He

spent the next hour undoing his work and then 3 hours more doing it how I told

him in the first place.

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Reminds me of the time I had my home rewired. I went with a highly recommended

electrician. Watched over him day by day making sure everything was spot on.

When it came time to install the new load panel (Circuit breaker box) I told

him down 5cm and over 3cm. Over and over again I told him, this went on for 15

minutes, but no, he insisted he was right. So he installed it his way over the

next 3 hours as I sat and watched him while enjoying a cold drink. When he was

done and so proud to show off his work, he them went on to install the cover

that would not fit. The box needed to be moved over 3 cm and down 5 cm. He

spent the next hour undoing his work and then 3 hours more doing it how I told

him in the first place.

Were you paying him by the hour? :D

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