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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Disgustingly, I turned off the TV shortly after the first results came through. Just the thought of the highly likelihood that in the near future, Thaksin will get an amnesty and freely lead the country again is sickening.


Accidents happen!!

**IT happens.

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"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.

Great post.



Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

So you wouldnt be calling one of the richest men in the world one of the elite then?

definitely not. Ever hear of upper classes. Its not about money its who you are.

ps Class stinks in my view


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

If they really have won by the landslide being stated, they can form a one party government, and they won't need any coalition partners.

True, but k. Thaksin (who doesn't figure in this election) has said that 2005 showed him a one-party government doesn't work well in Thailand and should be avoided

(from twitter a moment ago: Thaksin told TPBS Pheu Thai still needs coalition partners to form the government)

<br />
<br />
<br />Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO. <br /><br />Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.<br />
<br />Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.<br />
<br /><br /><br />I live here before during Taksins last reign while the airport, skytrain and underground were finally getting built, never noticed anything sinister, only problem for me was the bars closing earlier, but get used to that again now, I don't think a women PM and naughty nightlife going to mix to well<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I think you might be mistaken in your understanding of the situation. The BTS was essentially stopped during Thaksin's time in power. THaksin was aligned with those with interests in buses, not trains, and so the BTS projects were stopped and the MRT projects were started.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

This is not a post aimed at you, Jingthing, just a question in general.

From my limited understanding, they're all a rotten bunch - corrupt to the core, self rigteous, sanitmoniuos tossers..... the lot of them (politicians that is). However, again from my limited understanding the current (seemingly outgoing) government was not elected..... following a military outing of Thaksin, and all the BS that followed, the powers that be simply refused to let the "red" gang stay in power, and so appointed the current government - without consultation or voting of the public / populous...... and they have clung to the office appointed to them (as distinct from being appointed to the office) for as long as possible......

So, whilst I do not believe there is anything superior about the reds - if democracy is to be the war cry, then how can the current crowd be considered "democratic"?

Re-reading that, it sounds like a rhetorical question..... its not meant to be.

There was a national election a year after the coup.


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

If they really have won by the landslide being stated, they can form a one party government, and they won't need any coalition partners.

They won't need it, but it's what they promised. Will it be the first of their broken promises?


The people have apparently spoken...even though we haven't got the OFFICIAL RESULTS!!

They seem happy with a corrupt government so now they will have one. Their choice not ours.


A great day for Thailand.biggrin.gif

When not,move to Myanmar.mad.gif

They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

As far as Yingluck, I give her at a maximum of 6 month and then she will disappear from the political arena...but PLEASE, let us all enjoy at least one interview of her on BBC Hard Talk or similar before she is gone, will you! ;-)


definitely not. Ever hear of upper classes. Its not about money its who you are.

ps Class stinks in my view

Of course I knw what and whom you are referring to and acknowledge some truth in what you imply but, I'm sorry, if you don't think that in this country (as in most if not all) wealth and power can earn you a place among the ruling elite -- well, you need to think again.


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

Have no Fear... all the smaller Parties will soon be Acknowledging the True Power and lining up to feed at the Trough.. Even if it will only be Leftovers!

Ain't that the truth! I wonder which country Nevin is thinking of moving to right now?


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

Accepting the result doesn't mean jumping on the band wagon.


We have had Thaksin before and it was not a bad thing by 3rd world standards.

He was strict on crime and drugs. progressive for business and in many ways a more western style leader. His methods , on the other hand, were over zealous but is that, dare I say it, the only way to genuinely shake up the embedded attitudes . The Chinese autocracy/democrats dont want progress they want the ants to stay ants and the foreigners kept out of any situation that allows them to compete. Are those days over will they move over and let some new faces be given opportunities, will the radical wing become left centre as in developed countries?

If I went against Thaksin I would be afraid. Amnesty may need redefinition just as Clinton and Bush redefined certain words.

All in all a new power with a new broom but I cant really see any difference filtering down to the masses apart from a police force with a clearer mandate. The masses have been here before and strangely thought Thaksin the first time round made a difference to their lives. He didnt. Global growth did the work for him. This time its a far more difficult climate and it is going to be hard work achieving anything for them unless borrowings are increased on a massive scale. Of course large amounts of money mean corruption..........

for the expat I think things can only get better

The only reason Thaksin was tough on drugs and crime is that he wasn't getting his cut. He redefined the word democracy. Amnesty will need a complete rework.

Thailand will be better for expats. I am hoping his redefinitions will send some of the riff raff packing.

Ain't Asia amazing?


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

You are confused.

There is a big difference between Respect and Accept.

And NOT talking out against a bad choice is NOT in the best interest of a Democracy.


We have had Thaksin before and it was not a bad thing by 3rd world standards.

He was strict on crime and drugs. progressive for business and in many ways a more western style leader. His methods , on the other hand, were over zealous but is that, dare I say it, the only way to genuinely shake up the embedded attitudes . The Chinese autocracy/democrats dont want progress they want the ants to stay ants and the foreigners kept out of any situation that allows them to compete. Are those days over will they move over and let some new faces be given opportunities, will the radical wing become left centre as in developed countries?

If I went against Thaksin I would be afraid. Amnesty may need redefinition just as Clinton and Bush redefined certain words.

All in all a new power with a new broom but I cant really see any difference filtering down to the masses apart from a police force with a clearer mandate. The masses have been here before and strangely thought Thaksin the first time round made a difference to their lives. He didnt. Global growth did the work for him. This time its a far more difficult climate and it is going to be hard work achieving anything for them unless borrowings are increased on a massive scale. Of course large amounts of money mean corruption..........

for the expat I think things can only get better

Lets hope so .. Give them a chance , nothing is going to change over night .

Politicians are politicians -- look at the farce in Europe and the US

Perhaps Thailand is ahead of the curve .. People Power .. Most in the UK don't bother as it doesn't make much difference who is in power ...


I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

You mean the circus of a military coup? The circus of the airport occupations? The circus of destroying tourism? The circus of having a PM installed that you never voted for? The circus of going to the brink of war with your neighbor Cambodia? The circus of over 90 dead Thais and nobody held accountable?

Yes, I'm glad that circus is over.


Sometimes I wish I could reach into my Monitor and KICK somebody....

I Repeat again... A MAJORITY Vote Does NOT make a True Democratic Election.

There may not be the same Ballot Box Stuffing and blatant electoral theft like happened in Iran and Burma...

But that still doesn't make the Thai electoral process any less Corrupt and Undemocratic...

Any election held with rampant Vote-Buying and Repression of Free Speech is by Definition Illegitimate and Undemocratic.

No amount if ignorance to the makings of a True Democracy can change that Fact.

The unwillingness to accept this, is akin to the USA Republicans saying that "Trickle-Down" Economics did NOT cause the near collapse of the global economy!



If the election have been performed in an ordely fashion, YOU ARE WRONG!

The result is what most of Thai want, that's OK for all of them.

Sorry that this is a sad day for you...


Mmmm, this situation remember me that in my home country (Italy), where the Italian follow for many years to give their preference to a corrupted paedo-pervert short leader bringing the country to ruin.

So, everybody have the government they deserve.

I agree, a sad day for the THailand

Haha....well said, man. I would say exactly the same thing for my country, Turkey. There, recently, unfortunately, 50 percent have voted for the rude, authoritarian, pro-censorship, Islamist, anti-West R.T.Erdogan and his AKP party.

Sad times that people like Thaksin, Berlusconi and Erdogan are voted to power !



Disgustingly, I turned off the TV shortly after the first results came through. Just the thought of the highly likelihood that in the near future, Thaksin will get an amnesty and freely lead the country again is sickening.


Accidents happen!!

Don't worry. There will be no amnesty. The PAD will rally all people of good moral character and shut down the airports, the seaports, whatever it takes until the amnesty idea is deleted. After all, if amnesty is offered, then all these political actions will also be considered allowable under amnesty. So the only risk the PAD takes is if they are successful. They can't lose. They win either way.

The PAD leaders care about the country and are not afraid of going to jail for protecting the country from evil.

PAD leaders DO NOT CARE about the country, they care about their money, they not want elections, they offered a system where people have one vote for each 1 million THB they have on their bank account...what a joke

Believe me...the PAD are about the only ones thinking of the country rather than themselves. You want to see someone who only cares about his wallet, look at the fugitive in exile whom you support.

I have faith in the people who truly care about the country that they will not let the demagogue return. Whatever else the ramifications, nothing would be as bad as that. If it means civil war then so be it. I want my children to grow up in a country with a future.

The PT can rule. Nobody will try and stop that. But the return of Thaksin? Nobody of good conscience can allow that. The PAD will not.


Those who say "democracy is now dead" in Thailand do so because a coup-installed party and prime minister lost (another) election?

Actually true "democracy" has never really been alive in Thailand.

As well, given the restrictive laws in the nation and understandable related prohibitions by Thaivisa make all this discussion somewhat irrelevant anyway, missing as it is an entire important dimension.


BTW; being one of the biggest news days in recent history one of the English language newspapers (can't mention them here) were too skint to upgrade their bandwidth, so site is inaccessible at such a critical time, meanwhile the one allied to TV seems to be loading in a jiffy, time for a change I reckon.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

I'd probably get suspended if I called you an idiot or an ignoramus, so I'll just ask you this question; After yearsof declining power, how do you think the military got their leg up?


Oh no, I can already see all the Thaksin haters packing their bags. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Myanmar is wide open for all the Thaksin haters.laugh.gif


Disgustingly, I turned off the TV shortly after the first results came through. Just the thought of the highly likelihood that in the near future, Thaksin will get an amnesty and freely lead the country again is sickening.


Accidents happen!!

Well to all the negative comments on here against Yingluck over the last couple of months,:whistling: cant say I didn't tell you so. :D She Sh** it in. :partytime2:

I also said that like Arnie said, Thaksin will do, "I'll BE BACK." :clap2:

Boy are there some noses out of joint here, looking at the comments. :crazy:

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