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We'll Fight To The Death To Keep Victory, Pheu Thai Backers Say

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We'll fight to the death to keep victory, Pheu Thai backers say

By Pravit Rojanaphruk,

Peeradej Panruangporn

The Nation

Jubilant Pheu Thai supporters said they were not counting out the possibility of an attempt by the Army or so-called "invisible hands" to intervene, but added that they were ready to fight to hang on to the election victory they won yesterday.

"I shall fight to death if they try to rob us of our victory again," Bangkok businessman Kunchai Itthisak said at the party's headquarters. "I am ready if they interfere, even if it means 10 deaths against one. What else would they want to do now that we have achieved a landslide victory?

"It seems they don't respect the people and democracy. I pay taxes, so come what may," Kunchai said.

Samruay Khodchadok, a native of Nakhon Ratchasima who moved to Bangkok many years ago, said yesterday's landslide win meant the forces outside the electoral system were no longer an effective factor.

"I'm not worried. People must be united," he said.

The Pheu Thai headquarters started to bustle as supporters and the media waited for the party's candidates to arrive. Interviewing supporters around the perimeter revealed both hope and fear.

"I am very concerned about electoral fraud and obstacles that may hinder the voting processes," said an electoral commissioner. Beyond the irregularities that have been already been reported, she also lamented the inability of people to travel back home in time to vote.

Many supporters were sure that even if Pheu Thai won by a landslide, yellow-shirt protesters would protest against the result. One supporter hoped to see more constructiveness in protest politics than mere critiques. Many were also doubtful that the military would refrain from staking a claim in politics.

If the party does not form a large majority in the House of Representatives on its own, supporters expect it to form a coalition with the Chart Pattana Puea Pandin and Chart Thai Pattana parties.

With Pheu Thai forming the government, supporters expect national reconciliation and fixing the economy to be the top priorities.


-- The Nation 2011-07-04


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

If the new Government do what they said before the election and put the people first before her older brother, maybe Thailand can find peace

But if her election promises where just lies like the Australian Prime Minister, Thailand has sad days ahead


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

Basically, Women lie less than men but maybe Australian men are angels and Australian female are devil.



Funny how, a wins-a-win to these lot, but the moment investigations suddenly starts uncovering vote fraud, cheating, undemocratic ideas like 'clone' 'proxy' etc, and the courts disqualify, it all becomes the nasty work of the elite and the army.


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

If the new Government do what they said before the election and put the people first before her older brother, maybe Thailand can find peace

But if her election promises where just lies like the Australian Prime Minister, Thailand has sad days ahead

Australia's election process is very different from Thailand. By and large voters respect the democratic process, and corruption is not rampant. There is little comparison and for sure in Oz a 'six week old politician' would be extremely unlikely to become a prime minister, whoever they may be related to and whatever their gender.


This - "for the death" talk got them nothing, except a bunch of dead people. Many a different tact is in order.

I'm thinking they mean someone else's death - not their own. :o


Agreed Tim. A prospective PM would also have little chance if she could not adequately explain how her populist policies were to be funded, and included a mob of thug criminals in her line-up.


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

Basically, Women lie less than men but maybe Australian men are angels and Australian female are devil.


Julia was born in Wales.......


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

Basically, Women lie less than men but maybe Australian men are angels and Australian female are devil.


Julia was born in Wales.......

.............where they pray on their knees, and their neighbours! Can't remember who said that.


The g/f (a red to the core) very happy with the result. I suggested that the EC has 5 clear cases of vote buying, more than one of which might be PTP, leading to a disqualification. Her response was "They can't do that because everybody does it!"

True red-shirt thinking.


The question now is

As Thaskin was a disqualified Politician

and was involved directly with the election of the PT Party

will the EC look at disqualifing their win

are we about to go to stage 1 again

I hope not


The g/f (a red to the core) very happy with the result. I suggested that the EC has 5 clear cases of vote buying, more than one of which might be PTP, leading to a disqualification. Her response was "They can't do that because everybody does it!"

True red-shirt thinking.

If everyone buys votes, how come only Puea Thai (or better said TRT, PP) gets disbanded? You should listen more often to your girlfriend, she's a smart cookie.


The question now is

As Thaskin was a disqualified Politician

and was involved directly with the election of the PT Party

will the EC look at disqualifing their win

are we about to go to stage 1 again

I hope not

If that's the case, shouldn't Newin have been disqualified from the coalition government too? Since he was directly involved with Bhumjaithai. The same as Thaksin with Puea Thai.


Here we go again

Yes, here we go again.. with typical The Nation reporting. Almost the whole of PTP is talking reconcilliation, but these Fox News wannabes find a wing-nut somewhere to say something that will make a nice headline. :bah:

And the haters here on the forum (and elsewhere, no doubt) gobble it all up.

Just lovely.


Here we go again

Yes, here we go again.. with typical The Nation reporting. Almost the whole of PTP is talking reconcilliation, but these Fox News wannabes find a wing-nut somewhere to say something that will make a nice headline. :bah:

And the haters here on the forum (and elsewhere, no doubt) gobble it all up.

Just lovely.

They worked so hard on building the anti-Thaksin mood. Reconciliation is a worst-case scenario for TheNation

The whole article is built on someone called Samruay Khodchadok who's supposedly a Puea Thai supporter. The headline calls him a "Puea Thai backer".

I'm sure I can find a Democrat backer with the name of Somchai Something that will claim something ridiculous about the Democrat party. Will TheNation then report it in the same way?

This is why I read the Bangkok Post, folks..


The g/f (a red to the core) very happy with the result. I suggested that the EC has 5 clear cases of vote buying, more than one of which might be PTP, leading to a disqualification. Her response was "They can't do that because everybody does it!"

True red-shirt thinking.

If everyone buys votes, how come only Puea Thai (or better said TRT, PP) gets disbanded? You should listen more often to your girlfriend, she's a smart cookie.

Parties get banned when the executives are caught red handed. MPs get banned when it's only the individual that gets caught.


The g/f (a red to the core) very happy with the result. I suggested that the EC has 5 clear cases of vote buying, more than one of which might be PTP, leading to a disqualification. Her response was "They can't do that because everybody does it!"

True red-shirt thinking.

If everyone buys votes, how come only Puea Thai (or better said TRT, PP) gets disbanded? You should listen more often to your girlfriend, she's a smart cookie.

No, she is as thick as you Rat. Vote buying is ILLEGAL. Everybody does it doesn't make it right. And when you are doing more of it, and using people stupid enough to get caught on video, then you and your party are history.

It s obvious that anyone who pays multiples of their salary in bribes expects to get it back, and more, in other ways. This is called corruption, and it is a BAD THING. Do you understand now, or should I try single syllable words.


Money makes the world go round.....nothing wrong with sharing it out a little bit to the underprivileged.

So true. If I'm a poor rural farmer, I'd rather vote for Thaksin who gave me 500 Baht once every 4 years than for Abhisit who gave me nothing in 4 years. In the end, every person who goes to the polls will vote for who he wants. If they're pro-Democrat, they will take the 500 Baht and vote Democrat anyways. I've never said that Thaksin didn't take money for himself during his time as PM, but every President or PM around the world does. Do you think Embassies around the world only issue travel warnings or visas? I have 2 retired Ambassadors (who have nothing to do with Thailand, btw.) in my family. Politics is business. It's all about making money. Don't think for a second that politicians in your home country won't use their political connections to secure million dollar deals for themselves.

At least Thaksin gives back to the poor.


The question now is

As Thaskin was a disqualified Politician

and was involved directly with the election of the PT Party

will the EC look at disqualifing their win

are we about to go to stage 1 again

I hope not

If that's the case, shouldn't Newin have been disqualified from the coalition government too? Since he was directly involved with Bhumjaithai. The same as Thaksin with Puea Thai.

May I suggest that to be fair and to avoid discussing the difference between various shades of grey, we could just simply find both politicians guilty and dissolve their parties. sufficient ground to do that from what I read ;)


Money makes the world go round.....nothing wrong with sharing it out a little bit to the underprivileged.

So true. If I'm a poor rural farmer, I'd rather vote for Thaksin who gave me 500 Baht once every 4 years than for Abhisit who gave me nothing in 4 years. In the end, every person who goes to the polls will vote for who he wants. If they're pro-Democrat, they will take the 500 Baht and vote Democrat anyways. I've never said that Thaksin didn't take money for himself during his time as PM, but every President or PM around the world does. Do you think Embassies around the world only issue travel warnings or visas? I have 2 retired Ambassadors (who have nothing to do with Thailand, btw.) in my family. Politics is business. It's all about making money. Don't think for a second that politicians in your home country won't use their political connections to secure million dollar deals for themselves.

At least Thaksin gives back to the poor.

This needs explanation, at least for me: 'Thaksin gives back to the poor' ?

BTW you seems to be unable to make a distinction between the value of 'he gave me' and 'he enabled us', the last seems to have more lasting value than the first, IMHO of course. Mind you I only have blue collar workers and other down-to-earth, down-trodden people in my family <_<


This - "for the death" talk got them nothing, except a bunch of dead people. Many a different tact is in order.

I'm thinking they mean someone else's death - not their own. :o

Yes, my thought also.


Here we go again

Its this type of talk that caused the 91 deaths last year

My wife and I would like to say congradulations to the new Thai Government, but also warn Thais you may have opened Pandora's Box

In Australia we have a Female Prime Minister who won the election with Lie after lie and is sending our country down a roller coaster of destruction

Basically, Women lie less than men but maybe Australian men are angels and Australian female are devil.


Where on earth did you come up with this?

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