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Can anyone use UDP ports for Openvpn on Truemove's 3g service? I have tried high and low ports but they often never connect or only connect for a few seconds. TCP ports work but have frequent disconnects and random crashes.


UDP is stateless ( no handshake, reception of the receiver is assumed by the sender).

Not safe for sending files of any type. Ok for videos as some dropouts are acceptable.

What are you trying to do?


I have a Openvpn server configured in TAP (actually 2) running on my router that I use to access my NAS and other computers located on my local network. TCP connections are slower than UDP for VPN's, and extremely slow when tethered to my phone using True's 3g. I was wondering if anyone was successful in using UDP tunnels working on True's 3g as it seems they filter/block UDP connections. I would also like to know how using UDP with symetric encryption (i.e. static key) is not safe (as you mentioned), if the physical keys are not compromised?

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