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Gekko Garden Cm


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For more than five years I frequently visit the Gekko Garden CM.

I remember how the owner struggled with his staff members from the very first day on.

He very quick found out that reliable staff is hard to find and he had to go through an awfully lot of problems. Thieving related mostly.

He never hanged down his head and after all the troubles he went through he finally got the kind of reliable staff he deserves.

A few weeks ago one of his best staff members together with her husband left the Gekko Garden for an adventure in the Middle East and the Gekko Garden owner appointed new staff member.

A week ago I visited the Gekko Garden as I usually do a few times a week.

I had an amusing conversation with an American man sitting next to me at the bar.

He offered me a large beer and ordered a small beer for himself.

Before he finished his small beer he left the bar. I had the impression that he did not feel good.

I finished bottle he bought me.

I already bought myself two bottles and ordered another bottle to complete my 3 bottles promotion.

When I asked for the bill the new staff member showed to my utter surprise up with a bill calling for 4 bottles.

I remembered her on the fact that one bottle was not ordered by me but by the man next to me.

This bottle was even ordered with her. What ever I tried she refused to accept my explanation and insisted with an unseen brutal behavior. So every one around got the impression that I tried to get away without paying a bottle of beer. I tried once again to explain her. She went to talk the other staff members and approached me in an even more brutal way keeping on pointing her finger to the amount on my bill.

I loosed my patience so much st……ty and I was hardly able to keep myself quite and in balance. Finally I paid the full amount as printed on the bill.

As she behaved herself like a lady to me, so when I left I behaved myself like a gentleman thanking her for the rip off and said goodbye wishing her a great day..:bah:

One sitting on the bar stool in front of the bar does mean to be to be a decent customer friendly staff member behind the bar.

Be prepared.

For the two Burmese staff members' thumbs up.

<br style="mso-special-character:line-break"> <br style="mso-special-character:line-break">

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It seems more appropriate to direct any bad feelings toward the guy who ordered beers and disappeared.

Indeed, are you sure you didn't pay for his beer too?

Sounds like a misunderstanding and shouldn't cancel out 5 years of satisfaction.

Gecko remains a great place to eat and drink downtown, at excellent prices and Rudi will always listen to any genuine complaints.

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You drink 4 beer, you pay 4 beer, what problem?

The problem is with the guy that ordered the beer for him not the staff.

He may have offered the OP a beer, but did he make it clear to the staff who was paying for it?

When beers arrive at your table or on the bar "check the bin" and whose tab it is put on.

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I think the op is implicating te new staff member in a bit of double charge to pocket the difference. A posibilty and a heads up to future customers.

Nothing wrong with a heads up - but a quiet word to Rudi would have been better.smile.gif

Especially for someone who has been a regular for 5 years - he must know the owner well.

Edited by uptheos
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One problem in five years I would say that is acceptable.

I only go there for the food he has great daily specials and a super chief's salad. I have talked with Rudi and I think if you had approached him the problem would have sorted itself out in no time at all.

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I once lived in a country which had an informal aprenticship system. Year 1 owner did all work help cleaned floors. Year two help did some work, owner did the hard bits, year three owner had holiday help did all work year 4 help left owner did all work with new help cleaning floor.

Looks like we are at year 4 and more supervision is needed again.

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I don't understand how someone who is a regular 'a few times a week for 5 years' and therefore must certainly know the owner very well, didn't feel able to talk to him, or other staff that he must know well and get it resolved. I think this is just a flame against Gecko Garden, a lot of places are struggling right now, so this sort of post doesn't surprise me.

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Should we make a fundraising to the OP? :rolleyes:

Not sure if that is needed. I think he is just disapointed that what had been his safe reliable place where he did not have to count his change is no more. Staff leaving do upset customers.

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Does anyone know what the special is there on Wed. nights?

Could be spaghetti but I'm not certain, usually I go for the Friday Fish & Chips.....all specials are great value.

The guy who is a regular there a few times a week for 5 years should know. wink.gif

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Should we make a fundraising to the OP? :rolleyes:

Not sure if that is needed. I think he is just disapointed that what had been his safe reliable place where he did not have to count his change is no more. Staff leaving do upset customers.

Obviously it did upset the American freeloader. ;)

Edited by Semper
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Should we make a fundraising to the OP? :rolleyes:

Not sure if that is needed. I think he is just disapointed that what had been his safe reliable place where he did not have to count his change is no more. Staff leaving do upset customers.

Obviously the American freeloader. ;)

Now I am insulted....American....they are fighting words :rolleyes:

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I feel you pain. It's not easy when a guy buys you a drink at a bar and then skips out of the place without paying for it. But don't let it stress you out too much, there are a lot of fish in the sea.

You mean, lots of other people that will buy him drinks? huh.gif

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I feel you pain. It's not easy when a guy buys you a drink at a bar and then skips out of the place without paying for it. But don't let it stress you out too much, there are a lot of fish in the sea.

You mean, lots of other people that will buy him drinks? huh.gif

No, I mean lots of other cute guys will promise him things. He'll have other chances.

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I feel you pain. It's not easy when a guy buys you a drink at a bar and then skips out of the place without paying for it. But don't let it stress you out too much, there are a lot of fish in the sea.

You mean, lots of other people that will buy him drinks? huh.gif

No, I mean lots of other cute guys who will promise him things. He'll have other chances.


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You can barely be in Gekko Garden for five minutes let alone a regular for as many years without meeting the owner who, it seems to me, works amazingly hard to keep his customers happy. To post here without first getting a response from him is inconsiderate in the extreme.

Wednesday Special: Boss's Salad if I recall.

Edited by Greenside
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Excellent, this are the kind of reactions I expected.

Think before you post. :whistling:

I think that it's apparent to all that you are operating on a higher plane than the rest of us. No one would dispute that. But next time that I go to Gecko I'm definitely not going to buy you another beer.

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You can barely be in Gekko Garden for five minutes let alone a regular for as many years without meeting the owner who, it seems to me, works amazingly hard to keep his customers happy. To post here without first getting a response from him is inconsiderate in the extreme.

Wednesday Special: Boss's Salad if I recall.

What does the owner of this establishment have anything to do with that the OP was scammed by his new acquaintance? :unsure:

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You can barely be in Gekko Garden for five minutes let alone a regular for as many years without meeting the owner who, it seems to me, works amazingly hard to keep his customers happy. To post here without first getting a response from him is inconsiderate in the extreme.

Wednesday Special: Boss's Salad if I recall.

What does the owner of this establishment have anything to do with that the OP was scammed by his new acquaintance? :unsure:

They were aparently individual drinkers at the bar not a table. I would expect them to be treated with seperate bills.

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You can barely be in Gekko Garden for five minutes let alone a regular for as many years without meeting the owner who, it seems to me, works amazingly hard to keep his customers happy. To post here without first getting a response from him is inconsiderate in the extreme.

Wednesday Special: Boss's Salad if I recall.

What does the owner of this establishment have anything to do with that the OP was scammed by his new acquaintance? :unsure:

They were aparently individual drinkers at the bar not a table. I would expect them to be treated with seperate bills.

Everyone gets a bill as soon as they order. It's placed in a cup in front of them. sounds like the OP didn't notice that his new friend didn't get a bill.

In the OP's defense, Rudy obviously wasn't in that day. If this had happened to me, I would have questioned the bill and if I didn't get the response I had hoped for, I would have paid the bill and mentioned it to Rudy the next time I was in. I'm sure he would have resolved the problem then.

No .... actually had I been in this situation, after 4 beers I wouldn't remember what happened and I wouldn't have noticed an extra 40 baht on my bill.

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